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The Census--washtenaw Complete

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,-, ,,v ableto u'A'1 our readers this weck s is ii;;iiivs for this couuty complete, the mimber of dwelllogs, faml's, an 1 p pulation, ais.) th: popu' '" as sliown by the census of 1860, toteares lack tlie nnraber of families in orthre tüivns in the llrst district, and H,jnmber of farms In Uls city, nhlch Ljeiency we "'iü sapply and repi lioüicr respecta the tables may be regardBlclal : FIR8T DISTRICT. Dweil FamlPopnlatloir ".inn. ]-jJ. 1860. Vt.cltyl w-,213 234 3 1040 - 158 198 WS 675 , .. y 833 208 2 1323 885 ,. 4 " 168 183 8 88Ö 712 .. 5 ■ 354 2S3 2 1312 1080 1084 1190 ID 5471 8Ö66 TiwTown, 30;i 179 1568 1851! ..'...Id 2U8 213 1C3 1121 1331 181 L216 1868 .■or, m _ 189 _12O8 1346 Totals, 241) 719 10ü:ju 9849 N! DISTBICT. I i l.citvlw., 837 859 1798 fl ■ .. ■ ■ ■ 108 81 1 f .. 8 224 287 1151 i. 4" 27-1 398 1Ö01 5 " 157 163 . (j " 183 18(i Iü8 1872 1452 73G3 44-17 i 4 Towii, 257 258 1C9 1888 8055 Karcbfleld, 232 232 157 1800 1378 tfeteter, 179 179 139 974 11(,6 Totals, 2040 2121 403 11020 SOiJl TCIUD DISTXICT. itasU, 310 808 226 1-17! 1110 rewiler, 230 230 187 1379 1290 Ixxli, 235 235 ïai 1335 1819 Kucbester, 491 491 201 25l( 1712 Slllut, 342 342 210 1959 1027 York, 333 333 230 1575 1573 Totals, 1Ü41 1939 1251 10235 8901 Irouirrn district. Peiler, 176 164 129 889 215 228 193 1281 1886 Una, 200 196 158 1001 998 v Lfodou, 155 145 125 818 821 i Se, 491 498 167 2 155 1817 ftiroo, 206 206 168 ios? IOOO 407 420 186 It lotals, 1880 1857 1120 'J510 8308 RECAPITÜLATIOK. Fnmi-' Popnlation, . lies Farms. 1810. M District, 71!) 10689 D349 M " 21140 2I.?1 468 ÏIOÜÜ 8981 ld 1941 19391251 II ii " 1880 1857 U20 9510 8368 ïotós, "'.HO 3553 41404 35059 IncreiM over 1800 5,1 Í5, or a fraction over 15 percent. Tliis increase, however, tswiU Ik observed, is conQncd almost ytotliecitles and tovvns havlng tlie lirjer villages, the ere] aal vel y farmlng toinnshoATlngllttle or 1:0 increaSe. Census' figures ar3 uo doubt valuuble if e, bot it is hard 10 discover by our ewhanges their reliabillty. A case In in(. From a small )ile of exchanges noffon our taijle we select tliree, almost at nadom, with census labios, and tet their tucss by our own city. The Bagiuaw Carter glves Ann Arbor loten aml eitff, ; the Kalamazoo ïeligrajih gives the dij 8,700.'; and tlie Cold water Bspubïb, the city, " about 6,000." the Cnritr alone is rlghl.bul lts Bgurea Bhould ledWdcd: city, 7,:íC,:í ; town, 1, -Wenotice tlie saine disagreementas to othercities, no two journald bavlng tablea Üke. Cau't the Lanslng Hspulilican-hnvgaecess lo the returns in the office of ihe Secretiry of State- glve a correct table, indüBng all the chartered cltlcs In the State, ud another of the larger aml asplrlng viliges. The Chronicle says that Prof. Ceosbv 1H deliver the opening lecturc In the coorse before the Students' Jiecture Assowtion on or about the 13th of October : lso, that the list for the coming season abraces Wendcll Phillips, CLarles Sumer.Jolin B. Gou-h, Rev. W. ilorley Punon, Kev. . il. MUbnrn- the "blind Utacher, Miss Anna E. Dlcklnson, Miss Üliau S. Edgarton and others. These are Hknown to our lectora going public exPtMiss Edqarton. This lady is spoken iasyoong aud pretty, and lier lectures in the hrgc castern cities, agalnst the ultra onnii's rlghtg movements whlcb have uu ■Ullomanyof het sisters, liavc been BÖUJ coniiiieuded. The Barnabec concert 'raupe.a Boston "notion" of coiirse, with tei Mfg. M1T1I) formerly of the Men!ssohns, is conuected, is engaged for one ■ening. On the whole thecourse promlscs tolattractive. iko State Fair correspondent of the wand Rapids EajU gives the followlns in oce of his letters: Jhc Ann Arbor Agricultural Companv cnn!-0.1? exhibiton their "Keystone" good, nsisting of Ther Whcat Drill, combining all rim ni)rovements antl superior adntagesofdrills in the market-equal in celltncc and value to any. iwLoRUlky Rake sP'raI c11'. co wnvf' msllC(1 Iu oi tlraft "(1 "wenlent In wort Ing. thp i, ?r Srades of straw entten, from clilmÜ? CUtlcI' to tlie I:U'K Pwer cuttcr- aaiduraiOi-e nn8arPassed iu excellence SLufu0'1"88 of s"'kv Coltivators 5th i a'Kl autstautlal make. o.' Afull assortment of ])lows of their 'u fflanufaeture. Tie subscribers to tho stock of the foad" Ann Arbor nnd Northern liail" neit ( Ul1 remembci' that 0I1 Tueaday M ' 'obcr 4tli, a meeting Is to be held era a UUne' '" tllscil-v' to oonlcl con" iVtC Dpon lhc artic!es "r agreement t lg with the "BalUmore and Panv" ,Joautl AIicllif-'a" Railroad ComCo y' 'cdwm it Important tht the thattl bC made' a"(1 nre coufldent mcd ,'e ,coustruct'on of the road will lm"■lutely folio w. lnnKTTIC" has his llew storo ou Wa8h" CavrCet nCarly C0I!ll'l. and wlU Psed The front is of itisa Tbc Sixteentli Annual Fair of tbe Georgia State Agrlcultural Society is to 1 liel't i'i Oglethorpe Park, two miles from A ' laüta, on the doublé track of the Western and Atlantic Rsllroad, commenclog Octobcr l!)tli, and 'contiuulng from ten to Uiteen days. The groniïüs aie elegantly flttcd for the purpose add well watered. The premium .list foots-up' $23,000, wlth a I citizen's premium of .'J'-i.OOO to the . trottlng uorse, and $500 to the see.uii! best, ''open to tbe worïd." The hotels and private board Ing bouses havean es tl in - ,:, .! capaclty forthe aeeoraodatlou of 100,Hests, the H. 1. Klmball House, nloue, just completed, Iiavlng8l7 rooms, exclusive of offices, etc., and besldes special tralne will tun on four different Unes of callroads, glvlng those who prefer au opportanlty to tuke qaarters la adjoinlng towns. Kailroada ure to carry passengen ut redneed ral i s, making it a favorable opportnolty for Northern peoi!e to vlstt the " Empire State of the South. We commencl to our readers t!ie following resol at Ion, UDSDiraoaslv adopted at a recent meeting of the Society, over one liumired couuties belng represented : WhBRKAS, The Fair to be heUi In Atlanta (liiiiiiLT the nioiith of October, liSTd, is Intended to be a grand exhibiüon of American imliisiry ; and Whi.kka:', Öftid ezhlbitlon wtU be heUl ander the immediate control and supervis nu of the Georgia State Agricultural Society ; therefore be it leed, That vre, the delegates aml representatlves to the Georgia Sin'i' Agrlcaltural Boeiety assembled, do héreby extend to our fellow cltizena of tbe North, Eost ftnd Wi'-i a cordial Invltatlön to meet thelr brethren of the South at sald Fair, to ex cliaugc frlendly rreetlngs, to exhibit stock, agricultura) Implements and otlier artioles of home ludostry, and ttlUS promote the material Intercsts of all secllons. The RepuLIicsn canvaes for Representatlve for this district is vlrtoally ended though tlie convcntiou does not take place ontll to-mórrow. GRAHTbagged foor delegates In Aun Arbor town on Baturday last, and 20 in the city ou Wednesda; nlng, carrylng every wan!. Habrikas is another victim of inU-pIaced confldence. We can comfort lilra with tlic assnrance that t!ic Democrats now propose a "c ut bis late oppouent's head, :uid thtxt he iias cscapcd the blows. Pattison, of the Ypsilanti Commercial, was In town a lay or two ago solicitin. advertisements from our leadlng roerohants, and we hear with good sncceès. Pat. says that Ann Arbor is setting a large trade that of rlght belongd to YpsiImti, and. attribntcs lt to advertís;' nrj. We hope that it is got by our CQStomers. We like to sec otir advertisors get thcir money back. And tkey always do. Under the direction of the "City Fntliers" acistern or reservoir for the use of the Ure ilepartment is bcing built in Washington street, near State, to be fllled from the M. E. Churoh. The excavation Is 22 feet in diameter and 14 feet deep,and tlie cistcru Is i xpected to hold 000 barrels. Tlio State Fair, which cloaed oa Yrday last, is voted financially and otlicrwlse a success. As sin ás the premium Hsts are published we shall givelliose awarded to the exhibitors fi-om our connty. T!ió y was weU represjiited in cattle, sheep, etc. The first ingtallment of the delnyed eqninoctial came on Satnrday erenlnglaet, cooliti;: the atmosphere and laying the dast. The second - and a little Iarger one - came Ytediiosd:iy niplit and ycstcnlay moral ng. It will be weU if it 3 well over before the Pair. In the Circuit Court on Saturdaj last the jury was discharged uutil October21tli, and t!ie Court adjoarned to Wednesday ol this week, at 4 P. il., at which time Jndge Hzgbt commenccd npon the Law and Chan. cery calendara. The aonual session of the Board ol Supervisors will commence on Monday, October lOth. AU persons baving claims agalnst the county should present tiie:n at au earlyday In the sesslon. Thcre has bceu a hiloh at the Artesiau we!l in Main Street, but the contractor's motto is "never glve op," no he deserts the old hole and is at it again on a bigger oore. G;o. W. Tubnbull, of Chelsea, was admltted to practlce last week, by the Circuit Court, Jndge Mitciiei.l presiding, on examinatlon, and may now write Attorney ut Law alter his name Afier a Tacation, suspennipQ or rest, Ma Chronicle has made its re-appearance, frcsli, lively, and sparküug, aud just a little saucy - in some thtngs. Oood progreps is beiög made witli Ilill's new block, old Exchange corner, and the Frenen roof is In such a state of advance as to promise a line appcarance. The Medical and Law Departments of the Unlversity open to-inorrow, aud large lelegatioas of stndents are arriving. Remernbor the County Fair, to be lickl next week, commencing on Wedncs day. Eead C. Bi.iss' new bulletin, then give lira a cali and innko a purchase. in The Atlantic Monthly for October willi a rcadable . paper by Pai'ton, Our Israelitisli Brethren ; has twb more chapters of Bayard Taylor's.Joseph and his Frlend, In which a prosecution for homicide is commenced ; Ironv, by Dr. Hedge; atiother installment of Mrs. Stowc's Oldtown Fi reside Stories ; Speckled Trout, by John Burrongns; Borne Bngllgh Worklngmen, by Justin. McCartliy ; Jeremiali S. Black and Edwin M. Stanton, by Henry Wllson ; Ponr Jlonths wlth Charles Dickens, during hls llrst visit to America, by his ; A Virginian In New Bngland thlrty-flve yean ago The New Polar Expedition and its Hopes, by T.B. Maury ; wlth several poems, reviews, etc. $4 a year. Addresa FlKLDS, OSGOOD & Co., Hosloil. - From the same publisher3 we have Our Toung Folks for October, cvery page between the two covers fllled wlth good things. $2 a year. LitteWs Living Agê, Nos. 1C71 and 1872, for the weeks ending respectlvely öept. lOth and 17th', 1870, contain, About WJiat the Old Egyptlaus Knew, lLr. Jiukin's Pliilosophy of Art, Byrant's Translation ol the lliad, Danish Homes and Ennlish Homes, Galton on ITcreditary Genius, The Ammergan Passion l'lay, Collapse ol Cassarlsm, O q telde the Porte des Capados, The Battle oí Fontenaye, A. D. 841, Faraday, Godwin's Political Justice, Salurday Retiae, The Germán Soldier, and Thi ditions of Peace, The Decline in the Powei of Na vies, Progresa of Opinión In Spain, the coutinuations of "Dorothy Fox" aud "Against Time," etc. The subscripüon price of this G4 page n-cekly magazine is ?8 a year, for which it is sent fret of postóse. Littell & Gay, Boston. Tur. Ajikrioan Annual Cyclopíedia and Register of Important Events oi tbe Xear 1880. Einbraclng Polltlcal, Civil, Military, and Social Aflatas; Public Documenta, Blography, statistics, Commerce, Flnance, Literatura, Science, Ag rlculture, and Mechanlcal tadustry. Vol. IX, Hew York; D. ArPLBTOH fc Co. 1870. A"YearBook" frivinj; the progress of the world In llteratare, arts, sciences, discoverles, iuvoutlons, politics, tráde, manufactures, prodnctlons, etc., la a necessity to kolar in whatever department to the statesman, tlic polítlclan, tlie Jonrnallat, tlie Intelligent nrttsan. One can not rc.iil all the books pobllshed in the varióos depaitments of llteratnre, nor properiy digest aiid storó away tor future use what the dally and weekly jonrnals or the moBthly perlodlcala glve him of the world'a movecnents. What the Brltlsh or American .i'yc'cop.i' :i:is liave done forthe years and a'es gone before, a yearly cydopeedia assume to do the alngle year last toid off. And such ís the claim for the volnme befbre us, the nimli of i yearly series, anlform in print, arrangement, and binding wlth the ■'American Cycloptedla." In its 750 clearly prlnted page, the rxadér iii ml, In alphabetU al order, a condensed record oi what was done by Natiuns, umi States, by Coogresses and Parllamenta and Legislatarea, by armlea and navles, by chnrehes and Individuáis, daplng the yer 18('J. To particularizo : 14 pages are given to "Astronomlcal Phenomena and Progréss;" 13 to "Oliemlstry; " tfi to t "Fortleth Congrega' - 3il sesslon - condenslng the imortant doings ; 8 to "Cuba ;" Ö to "Eiec ricity ;" 14 to' "Finauces of the United States;" VI to "Qeographlcal Ezploratlong tuil Dl8coverles in J 801) ;" 9 to "Llteratnre aml LI te ra ry Progress In 1869 :" '■ to "Metals;" ■! to "Oblturarles, United ;" 18 to "Obituraries, Fornlgn," be sldes longer sketches oi'the more eminent teceased ; 17 to "Public Docnmente," etc. The volume is also Illustrated by line steel orlr.ii!s oí' FlSH, NapoLEOH IL, nul 'L'n.'s Comprcsxitin hns been he motto of cach wrilrr, mil lunch on the rarlous sabjects treated has been pressed uto a siiiali compass.


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Michigan Argus