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yll. O.B. POBTEE, DE3STTIST. Offlce in the NEW BANK BLOCK, ANN ARIOE All Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED W1TH CA UK. UNSURPASSBD FACÏLÏTIES AND EXPBRIENCE SETTING ARTÍFÍCÍAL TEETH, TO GfVK EACII INfUVIDtrAL, Den tures of the prr.per $iï.e, sknp :,r.alnr, jirvinrt and natural xpremion. 12-14 TÖ T l O E ! O?ncr. of tuk, Ami Akbor aki1 NOKTBSKN ÜA1I.SIUH CONFANTi V Avn Ahbo, Miok, 8ept. I, IOTO. J Hoüoe Isheroby eivon tht "The Baltlmore and Ohio. Toledo fiDil Mlchlgun Railroad Compnny," and "Tlio Toledo, Aun Albor ml Northern Rallroad Company." inu-nd to conaoltdftte wlth each othcr luto Binóle corponitlon, to be called "Tho Baltl more and Oblo, Toledo and Mtcblgftn Rftllv ]i:mv," to conamict om' conUnuom or co line of railroad fiim Loxincrlou, in the Sute of ohio, to üwoisso, in the State of Mlchlcan, and thl the Director of HftUl two oompanicp bave entered Into an ai reement fortocb consoliflation, ns reqnlred by tho laws of said States: and tbat a Bpeeial metlnc of the ftockholder of the Toledo, Ann Arbor auil Northern Iiilrond Company will be held nt thu ('om't House in the City of Ann Arbor. at tt'n o'ciock A. M., on Tueaday, the" fotirth day of October nest, to con Étlder nnd eanctlon or opprove fuch agreement if (leemeri cxiedient. Bv ordor of the Director, K. W. MORGAN, Prealdral. 1285td WIDEN MANN.SeeretAry, tfOR SALE CHEAP FOK READY PAY. The weit hnlf of the sonthwest qtisrter of rertlon two (i, lown of Saline, twenty acres uní Ier ira provement, the balaneo sonri tlmber. Innnlre at L.C, EUadon'e Hardware Siore,81 South Main Street, Aun Arbor, lOch. h. C. BISDON. Anr. Arbor, May IS, 1ST0. UTOmStt GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for atrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,PaintE)OiIs,&o. ■ alt PQfl 7iV I TTl ■ w H fl 'wPB HM J B ■ I ' ï 3 'l'ui". is toost tboroogh blol pari fier v-t dli civrr!, :iii'l all tumors In ui the worfct Scrof■ ■■ DtmOD Kntption, Pimj cl) e on thefaoA, nii'l -i-;ilv or roagh iriiÍR,vhleti w ftuaoylng blenubta fo manv youi ■ of i fe b ittl Trom ene i-. ight bol m nlpe tfts.dcald il;.-l% Kiug Worms. BolU. Scalj Eruptíoi of itaeSkln. ífcrúfulii Sotes, Ulcera and ' CankOT" in tin1 Koatta an-l Stopteb II is ■ pure tnadictital of Q&tir4 roota (ind plant, cuinbiiiing in hai nn-itv Nalure'a ; . n ou rstiv proper tie, whl ih Ood haa intilied nto the variable kig iloni fof hmliog the Mok. )t Is the tftrtttgth and vigot of lh Byim. Th are lánguidas] . ■ rurvout apprehnions or fearfl, or nï of the i tnptomfttic "f waiimu, vlli Ond boavloolng i toratlre power apon trial, i: -n -v duit, ctrowy, dtbtltUttett and dfpondénty hfte Frequent herdactae. moutïi ■'.'! iy mi the i:iin''i '. ■ . i i i longue (■■ ■! , you nr" fulToriux f rom i "'-pi 'i Livor or bilnuiíncírf. In :niny omplalnt only K part of 1 hes ■ ■ remedy for all ueh caer. Dr. : cal Diacover ha ni pqaal, as ït-; ffèctd i tavtng tho liver tTPHetheopd and h'-'l'li- Fol tli e cure í.f ílaMuatCooptipation i RTfll i; 11]n II for i . ■- in ns i-roie. In Bron oblal, Throat and Luog Pingase, i tiini remarkabK cures, whore o her mnlicineti had '.'OH !o. I'icIrcd at iho Chen v oï K. v. P1GR0Ë.M, D., Boffalo, X. V. HPHE ÓATHÁRTIC PROPERT1EP of Pr. KFILOOQ'S ï'IUParo px tracted f rom an nrtic'e r. food, whlrh malies th#ra ju 'fïrn Mc i n anjr othr. They cure 'onstipn' in. i'ism , ana sbould be employed ín uil i büiouenesfl. ! TilVSICIAüS' PRESCRÍPTÜÍ1 AOCURAÏELY AND ' CAREPÜLLY PREPAFED BY X. W. TULLÍS & CO., DRÚ0GI8TB,


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