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DETROIT ADYERTISEMEKTS. The c.atd in th'n column arr, alt of Itfíitimate tnltrpri$tt. yo'te of a quutionsbU churacter acctpled. nüK L7,UH ACJIEBof Vuluabie PINE AND FARMING LANDS, O.V 'ilMK.At l'iiceft Ranging fiozn $2 00 TO $10 00 PER ACRE. WliíCKE LOOATtl): 6,SS;Í arrri Pino 1.a nl un tbe Yi icoiutn It ítt. B -ín ].■ Ob 'boJgAD B ir -r , M ich .. ll .: c.iü orüuMinn. 3,CQ0 acreí on Tbunder Hay water ( luadmg to - Maaistc' a tho Tlilbawaaaee líiver, 'j.yno marea ín Glad win eonntj, Mich . fot t r uik ut i i i tibor . choicfí mineral a ad linl i ii near Onlonagon. l,Wü acreí pfralrle Iftod ni N-it;nka, the Union 1'acÍAc K.K. 400 . Lbe Ad Saabta For fui! deserintlon. ]ricYk a mi te un i. .o ii 'i for circular. hAVlp i K?gTOH S (O., Banken. Dtttolt, M. .ARímilT MHmi()TI K W OH US, U MACHINE SK0P AND FOUüDEY. U1NUFACT0KËR6 ÜK Hieh & Low Pressure Engines Kor !-üii, rioijelUrB, Saw Milu ua Uining Purposes. ISOILKRS,of All kinds and iizc.t for Locomotivos, Bteameri and Saw Milla Üeatere, MudptBe0,Breobíuga, 4e.. ha Irán and Bi ioj Hreryde■criptiun. tíearins fjr 8a w Mills, tírint MiM, Le. t oion i'laoer and WoodWorking Uachlnerji QrmA Nortb American Oao . ■ itiMlj of Iron, ajad tito usual 1y lf oi: Sat HUÍ Oangi {"X?"" Kepai.-i ut'all kinds duue ou stiort uotice, ni;ht or l uv. W ii ca u I-arnod aiid Coogrcíg, fun Third to fourthBta., O.Bcd cwr.Larneü and Third ötreeta. (3 il IïL'iUo pn-A't. l. R. PKIKCB.Sec, kndTreaa. j W, BAKii.Ki i. Uatthanlcalöttp'i. lKTROST STfTaM FANCl 1)YL1O U B5TABUSHIIKMT, 42 Congress Streetr East. Funcy Djclng done on Si Ík , Woolvn and Hlxed UoodB of U kiai. lirít china. Kv;i y d8criptlon ol üliavl clemi. .1. ujed and Genti Ciarment olaanfid or Uyvxi in th wanner. üoo Luvtfl bj Eipieis pronibUv til iidad to ■ AUCHU. GRAHT' K8T.KX.Í.?HKL 1864. TA31ES JENKS J i.-jiier iu aU klnda cf MAOHINERY AND EUPPLÍE3, dkthoiï, - - - Míen. 29 Atwater St., bütwcen Hites and RandolphSU; MACIUMS MIO1' "'I lira 1'ouiKlry. Du ion wnnl li .:liia BRASS WORK OB. BRASS CASTINGS [ron Pip Hnd Hittngs for &■, Sleani and Water. High and - BiDgtnoa aud Bollera. i usé and iHstillér; Uacblntfryt&c i?cnd lor Circular and Prlee Lint. IX0WKR & BROS. 80 Brusb St.,retrot N . ü. - fiii kinds l Mwi Üeatlng done. ÍMCU1T TUlíKS-Applcs, Pea re, Pluma, 1 Oberríea, Poaciits, ürapevint. Currauis, QooaeberriiiA, KaapbMrWa, JáiuckberriíR, Straw-. !íq. AU ! thü ab-jvo alto rittvs h.v i!ie tltouanM. Ö Trefca and bbrubs, all the Tiiet puitablfl fo? om olimate, trlll r found i ,, Erynda ti cu . il-.'liand Bulbs, just importe . .i :v. GiLtnhoue Plfiili. Vfjjeubl ■ and tíeeüa, ac. Ad irees, 1 VM. At'AIH, Detroit, Micb. CtU'AG MANÜ'-'AiIi i: ...s JJHNrATTOJí&SON, At otfering iie 1 t rgeaf and tt-Ht tteaortincu of 'bARRlAÖES AND BUGG1ES, III THJ6 WESY, ,t OrtatlJ Itfduced Pricea, All work niitHc tfnde ourowii iup irrisiOD, and Flllv Waiu-.inti. :v ;.n- Wirciooiiih, uuiLor Wuudürn'.jü &n Brufa ftret Detroit. X 351 uSk O? 3BC ISn SIÏOE FINDINGS. Tanner's Oils c, Cíeo. E. Curtís & Co., Ni. lij Jefleraotn Avenue, DttTMt, HioMran Ij WKTfilOKK ü CO., a U'iiüU'Bftle Dealen in Crockery, lilagware, China, GAS FIXTURES, LAMP3. FRUIT CT-A-JE., SzC. IMPORT ááSORTKD CBATE3 FOB THL T:.IK KjO Vo dw i'i A renue . Pfttioir. JAMES 3-.C_A&tí cBRO. . ■■.l:. i i ii LEATEIiR AND FINDIKGS, 11 Oraad )Um Street Wet, DETROIT, MrciIIGAN M.HUt.K- GEO. f. NBHi.lNU, Ts Cüdgrew ■ t, tilT, HíÜ' It, .'toriH .i,u.. Mrbie .Mai.iii't, iiDitiiiioii 4f üji thp ':;.ri.i .h . suh M Kgyptiaii, Spaolah Gilw_v (Jreí n,Bruot9lle,o. DKTKUIT BU.I.IA1IU TAULS Naiin.ntiM)_.i: i.i.:; Shitii, ic.ii n fraafb Cítii uid t'uur Pockei ii: .ri 'j:.:.8, BsvatelJe, ■ . ■ i'. -1 Auiungí Tibie. 'irst .vil: t, given by M I AT MAYNARD'S ixF-sr oases III GOOÖS, FOR TH.R FAX'í. TRABE JUST OPEXEp. THEY HAVE EEEN SELECTED WITH CARE AMD I HOPE WILL BE FOUKD DESIRABLEJOHN H, MAYÍÍAED. U'!)0w2 . Ks!a!c of Samuel B. Woicott. E OP MICHIGAN, ConntyorWMbtouaw, a O At a aS8lonof(h Probata Oonrt fortheCountj ofW&shtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office, intbe Cii.v of A n ii Arbor, on Mondny. tbr tliir.l Ata of Octubur, in tliii yeaz one tlLousaiid eiirlu bun drod jiK.l eoyenfy. Present, Ilinim 3. Beakeè, JihTl-o of PVpbóte. In tlü' niattoroftbe estáte of Samuel H. Woltott, ■ il. Ourottdlneandiltogthe petltfbn duly vrifloo S;il)r:i A ii ii Wolcott, prayins that hr. or ifnu: othet suitable peraou miy ík apbolnted .;:rlxof tlïe 's!;U' Ol s;ti,l (cc'Mïil. iipdn It !s Ordered, that Monday, the thlrtyBrel linyoi October, instant, at ten o'clock In tlio Forenoon, be atolgned tol the of ïaid petltlan. ni tli:ii theheirsal law ol tatadscated, ■ and aJJ other perou intorfsted in Bnld . lired t appear at sesslon ofcaldCoart ' ie holden at tlie Probate Office, in tEecity .if ] Ann Arbor, and nbow cause, Ifany Aere be.whj i the pr.iyer of tho petitionor should uot tw gmntod: I And tt Is farthcr ordered that snid petUtupr frlve oo tlcetothepereonsiDterattedinaaldnatateol dencj ofsaid politlón, nml the hearlnp tbi reoí ly i causiiiga c..]y ofthlsOrfler to be pnbliahed tnthc uewapaparprlnted andciroitlatio in n:ii! coanty, thrce auccesslye ireeki prcvlonito s:d flay o! lu:rring. (Atrpecopy J UIKAJI J. BBAKPB, t- Jodceof Probate. ( Oommissiouers' Notice. I STATRl X. Ciituityoi Woíhtcnn'i-.íS. '.' Inttd lv cha i Probate Court Mr mM Oonutv, Comralaafonera to recelve. examiae. and adjnat all claims and demanda „ il,.: eatate o r MaboD, late of said Coanty, deceased, herebygLve no Hce that lz montha fram date are alKiwcd ny order . ofaaid Probate Coart forcreditora to present thelr l Illi r the i-Mul' l ■ (. and f hut " t)i"y wlll iihtI at Ihe offloe ofjusllu vV BJodget.intho ,, city uf Vp-iiiuiii. In ,airl Conflty, on Saturday. the tenth flay of December, and Monduy, the tbin) l il.'iy orApnt, ten ovlock A. W mi'u] rt.'iys, ui recetve, examine, aud adluat saij " clalma. Datrd, October IMh. A. Ti ; Í0 12S0w4 " ■ ' R, ) l Commiaalonen. ' JAMKS AKNOLI), j "" di Finosi assertment of Toilet " Goods in the Gity, by u Estáte of Rebeoca Wd. STATEoKMICHICIAX.OorsTYoy Wabbtf . ri Atasetelonof the Probate Court fortheConnty o f Waahtonaw, Rolden al 1 li ProbateOfflcein t be City of Aimi Arbor, un Fridiiy. the thirtieth day ul September, in tlic ycaroue thottsaud clght huiidred and BeTentT, Prcscut, Hirain J. Iíe:i!u-H, -Tiulc of Probate. In tbs innttcr of uta Bátate "f Rebeca Wade, deceaaed, On rr.ulitu'and fllin thepetition, dnly verífied,oí John R Waller, praving th:it. a certaln instrament uow on Ule in tíiis Coint, purporlins to be the laat will nrid testament of Qald deceased, naay bí.' ndinit ttd ín probóte, aitd Chut he may be appolaCbd fióle Execaur thereof. Thareuponlt is OMItrtd, (Ual Monda, thcthlr'yfut il:iy ol Octobei; HfXl, at tfln o'cloik in the ïmr uoon, be assíff&ed por the hearlug ofsaid petition, and that the lira ar -.w ol'saiddecascd. andall oihrr pera i [Dtereated tu said estáte, are reqnlred t.' appear üt a session of said (.-ouri, t bes r be holden ai il' Probfïe OiHic. Ib the Ciör oí Aun nd show causn, I'iimv [hsrc lie. why the prayit Di' i he petltioner hould nol be granted : Andlt h rurtherQrdered thatsaid petUÍyncrgtreiMtice to the Interestod in aidestate, of the pentcBcy "i said pétitlon, and tlie nearins theroof, ly canaing ■(,.y nf ihi Order to be pabnhedln the JftcMfo ■ oewapaper )r?itud and obeviaUng i" "á 3ounty,three sqcceitêlYe week? prevlops tosaid day 'f At'rm-'eopy.J JilKAMJ. BÏAKEB, 290td Judfjc olFrobatc. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Whtnaw,e. in tbc matter nf the Bátate of John Peati pepend hrlft. No(iiheTebj glVen. thai in piirMianceof ni order ranted lo the undcr.-ij.-ned. fiíiardiau cf llie brlft, by the Hon, Judgo nf l'rouite for tlio i onnty of Waahtenaw, on the flrat day if Oi-tobi-r. A. I). 1870, there will be told at pubilc endue, to the hlKheet bidder, ai the dw-lliiu' bonte ni the uiemlse hereinafter described i" the County ■f Waentouaw, in aald State, on Wednenday, the vrenty-third d.ny of November, A. D. 1ST', at ten clock m the forenoon of tliat d::y. (sobject to ail Doumbraricoa by murtgage ói otherwlíe tlsting it. ïe time of the naje) the fbllowlna described r,l ■táte, to wit : Tw.-nty-flvo eres "0' the aoath-eaat narter of aecdon thlrty-flvé, lu towuehlp onesonth f ranee fonr eaat In aald State, commenctng at !!)■■ inth wel cornir ihcreof and runntog Ihenco nortb ne .-uní a iií.lf dogreea%eat eielrteen chain hikI alxr llnk'. tbence north elghly-nlno and a half dejreea it tblrteeuchalns and fof-fon finita ttMDce sonili oc and a half dearcea eat eiíhteen rhainc and sixty ules , theiicc son Xa eihty ninc and a halfdflgreea :r..'s we( thir(eec chainsand orty-four link-, to ie place ol beglnnlng, fcxceptlDJí one acre :i. I ■.- therenf, beinc mixteen rorís fong ist. and wi'ft and ten roe!? n-ide nrrlh and fonth, .Id by cairl ,Iohn Pcait toBebeoca B.Tuttlo,October h, a', n. Datod, Octobet lat, A. i' 's"o. QfiORQE '■. ARMS. , üUJll'dian. " TF YOU WANT A "TIP TOP" HAT ORCAP. TF YOU WANT A WINTER lit TF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, IF YOU WANT A "Hat as is a Hat," JF YOU WANT #Hats Cheap- for Cash. G-O TO .A. A.. TEEEY'9 1? South Main Street. Wliero vmi M1 Iso flnil full lin"'"'"1' Fit rnislihiiï Goüiï'. nn Arlmr,OcobPr 1STO. lïf YOU SSBii , WEAK OR LANGTTID, Pnllind Ununbltkwi, dm Dr. Callogf' ' ire' "' oratorani) tck11' yont h.eUU. . DEQPLB'S DRUG STOií' R. W. ELLIS & CO'


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Michigan Argus