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Tbe .Tllrliignn Central Uailruui!. RBW TIMH TABI.E. Traint on tlic Itiddsao C'cutral Kuilroad now leave BtaUotu uauioü afe followsi UOINU WIST. .Vall Kast Dritcr Eve'g. P.iciflc Traiu. Ex. Act. Ex. Ex. Detroit, ; 60 J m 7.;u ami 4 IUf a 6.41) h ji 'j.uui.m ■ -;. 8.8S '■ -- - ■' S.86 " T.iu " [0.08 '■ knnArbor, 8.8) - BA3 ' 0 uo ■' I.ïi ■ W.2Í" ii.xi.t, .M" - ■ 8.28 ' ;.fis " . ■ " g.lj " Jacknon, 10 4K "'0.43 " !'.]■ " II. 4' iAioo. 2.05pm11.8Tím 12.16 a x 1.1)8 jk B.i .. ■ : 00 pm 6.30 " Ï.1U " ;H.IN(. KAST. Atlantic Night Dexter Hall P( N". v. Ex. Kx. Ai:c. 'J'rniil. Ks. Chlcnco, S.IÍphO.OOp.h S.00m1L80am KalamuoO! 10.8 " 2.05 a m 10.60" 8.5-' pm Jackvou, 1.0üin4"0" S.OtrM 5.45 ' ea, r.,25 " A. H. B,M ■ - - Daxtflr, .1.4' i " 6.10 8.80" Ami Arlmr, 2.2'! " 8.00 ' 8 43 8.60 " 6.45 " Ypsllsnü, 2.40 " Ü.ÜÜ "' 7.10 4.65 " T.Oi " Detroit, B.49" 7,r,u ' 8.40 6.40" 7.5.'." Datcd, !a.■ Soth.lCTft. "ATwiDÊIMivlANNr REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, A.N ABBÓR, MICn. OPTEIR-S FOU, SALE z uhI, trltbln nne half niile frnni fl.r oltj , tobe !(! i ii frhole, or parcela, hm fulldw : 'IA ftorei rB MCtfOD li'p in tlie tOVB of Ann Arbor l i r ''er i u i en e -8M on the t cm J les. ding in Dornwellt' pi por nii!1, and on the kou h ou eres altuated on tbe norlhwest oomerof the dm ! umi ni;iii ;i ri vï hüi'l Cornweíl Faotorjp r' il! . i i'l. is i í ik of t lo lü bUuation ui . ■■ ■ d t'f Ai.n Arbor.J i:j- k crea improvfd laod joipfag the above 15K acres and fronting Gurham Rond. Orí ,■ :i e ;■('-■ of Firsi Class Farming Laad . wit n good ■ : i :i n, i. in i Ii a !, m Lhti Coui 1 Uvum , ou upper Dixbtu'u road, h ei ■ ■! lanfl rtb a iir two story fíame house on Thompson, ;:; u"i' b Thoiúpbo'ii aóditiou to th Chj u; Aun Xrbot . Iota ut J8 icif eacli, uu Thuwption, Spoor &Tlioni]i scxj'ü AddlliuU. ncr-s ot UiD.l. witl, a ptpleodtd grot joipipg the l'iitüicu l'ark on Ihe et. Kouen ;uiii j lots jf I;lu1( wttti Ram, WhfiIi, aod a number f mod cm iinprpveinviJtf, ou lb ortliwvitf coroei ot Fourtfa anl Patfea i S ■ aod Lot ia tiio 2d Ward, ou öiuli J.i'jt-rty btreet. .iin) 3 I.uts iu the 2d Ward, ccar 2d War] bollOo) UuUbt. Iluueeand 4 Lots, nt-tr the M.C.R.R. Deot. lacres of land i the soathof th Siato of Misa: .-e ii;ujDÍbl 4-L. Jo&eph Kttilruud. Citj 1 jtc BupBif 3d VVu id pobool House A. WIDENMANN, FOREiGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANi AHBOR, MICH. SELLS AKD BÜYS DKAFTS, SSLES LETTERS OF CREDIT on aix principaI Maces AT BKITAIN', CKKMAXY.l I:aN( E.BWITZKI.AN I ',■!--. Mj 'l.i ''i-i oonoectioofl witb Kuropo I ,i n v Nt'W YtTK DSber, am oot ;iu afreol of anj heme i tlii.i CDunlrv, but lam ha oommuajea'ii wjib tb eei hornea - CiOLLECTIOlT TW P.TTPOPP Y POWER OF vnnKNKV OR OTHERWISKjWJLL BE PBOMjPTU Ant'NDi.D TO PASSAG. TICKETS per Stesmar to and from Kw York ("all princialpurtsui Eurnjie 1 ffiil einü asjollOJTH ! From Ne York to Southampton, Ilnvrc, UgndD, Uf.iLU, or li;wnliurg, lat Cltss. SdGUu. St.'priigc, $120 . IT2. 2SinGoM. eturn tickets. 223. 1SSS Pr '' " 'r'ÓJB atove placr to Kew York, MC. 2dClp. 3(r?l:i-B. $i:'y v7-4W'' ('ibin, $8flto$J.00Currency. gteeragf, Í30 iu Currc-DC) . From Liverpool tu New York, Valia, Í 100. Stcerage, $37 . FIRE INSURANCE AGENT A.3STIT ABBOK, For the Howftrd Iiwnruice (' . i" New York one I the ol Leal au 1 bist Compaiilea in the country. Th1 Tentoiiin Insurance Cominnj' in Cleveland TIhï ln:iiir:i I iiin mi DiHiin üt Iili'nt of til is iiislitutioii hji.. i iDOst rtliable Fire OiinniiiMf in the West. CHAS. A. LEIÏEÜ&C.Q., CHAS. A. LEITELÏ& CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & Cü., CHAS. A. LEÍTKR & CO., No. 1 Gregory Block, Nc. 1 Grcgory Block No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegciy Block, tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar "-L3 Signof theGilt Mortar ï& Sign of the Gilt Mortar ÍW Eign of the Gilt Mortar "Ü2 HAVE JUS!' Oi"KNED BAVL JUST OPi:N I) HAVE Jl'.-T OI'KNEÜ I1AVK JUST 0PKNM) 'X'he Fineet Stoolc oí The W ineat Stock í The ITiiift Stoolc oí 'JL'He Finest Stock ol DRUGS AND MEDIGIKES DHEGS AKD MEDICINES drlgs m umm DRL6S AND ÏEDICIiXS f! THE CITY. Itf THE CITY. S THE CITY. IX THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIÖUORS Kor Medicinal Purposeí". TIip Popular Patent Medicines of the day , and e verytliing kept in a flrstI'rup Store. An EXCELLENT BRAND OP CIGARS. TRY THBM. Sdic Agent ft n tlio City for Otto is Reyarler' oeiSL'ttGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. . (.y KSPKCIA', ATI'KNTIOV GITKH TO THE OOMPOUNDINd OF PHYSICIANS' l'üliSRU'TIONS and KAMII.Y MKI'lc 1266 AT ADAME CÓïÉ Would reepectifally iiiíorm the public of Ann Arbo and TlcïnUy thát íne is nuw open ! eQeagemftntBi for prlvirte leeionsi for instrnctlon in Prench 1 nnblc. Apply at No. S3t toi'ücr of WillKiin and Poartb Striü'ts . Cüi.-Prot.Tyler, Eev. N. 8. Barton, Rev. II. I,. Habbell, Prof. Baur, Prof. TenBrook, Prof. Adame, l'rof. Olney, Prol Hnrrlngton. m3-I28T. Q M.MÁRTÍÑ" IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full line of Choice Furniture, Parlor and Bedroom Setf, Mirrors, &o. Cali and soe hira. 1268


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Michigan Argus