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A Proclamation To Enforce The Neutrality Laws

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V ASUINOTON, Oct' 8. Kv the President of the United Status of America, n prociaiiiütion ; Whireas, On the 22J day of August, 1870, ii)y proclamation waa issuid eujoioióg neutrality in tbe present war betweeu 1 ranee and the Nortli Germán Cuncfdfiratiou and its allie, nnd doclarKlg, 80 far as tb én eeemed to bo necessary, respective of ibe rigbts atul gbligatioiis of tiit; bell gerent powcruand of the sitizem of tlio United otates;" and, Wh'.rea, Subejuunt infonnation give reaaoo to appreherid that arm d cniiseis of tbe teJlii;eieuta msy lo teaipted to abiue tbe hopitality aocord ed to tbctu in tiio port, barbera, iróadsteadi nnd any other waters of tbe United States, ]y making mch wators Kubservu-nt to the purpöaed of' war. Nnc iherefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, Pröfident of tbe Uuiled .Statcg of America, do bereby pruclaitn and declard that uuy friqueutiug and nse of tbe waters witliin llio jurisdiction ut the FJuittid S;atca by armed ves-.-ls of Oitbgr helligereotf, vrhetber public sbips or privateers, for the purpoe of preparint; tor bottile operatiou or s ports of ubservation upoq sliips of war, or priVateeïs or merehsDt veij.3ti.-i ,{ uther beiligeiriitg jiojj wiihin, or beiug about lo enter, tbe jiiriadlctioD )t tho United .Siaies, must be regarded m uofri&ndly and offjiisive, aud iu violution of i hut nentrality wbich it i tlio daterminatioa of t bis eovernini'Dt to observe, nd to end that iiaznd, anJ that ibe ineonvenictici s of auch iippreliended pructices may bc avoidbd, I proo!oiop and deelaro that from and afur Ibe twulfth day of Ootober int , and diuing tli eootiuuance of tho present hosiilities, bWireeD Frauoe and tbe iSTjrtli Germán Oonfodoration and t uilios. No ship of war or privateer ot either belligereuts sball be permitted lo mako uaa of üiiy port, haroor, or roadatead, or otler waters iihin the juri.-dioiion ofthe Uuited StHtei, as a station or plaofl of retort f r any war-like purpose, or for Uie purpose ot'olituiMua auy fuci nies for Warliku equipmaota, No hip of war or privateer of dier belügereiH shall btj peroiitti'd to s;iil out of or leave any port. bavbcr, roadftead, or tratera subject to the jurii-diution of the United States, from wbich a roïaolof the other bell gfrent, whether the stixtU sha I bu a bhip of war, a privatter, or a inerebant Bhiji, shi.ll havo previous'y depaited, uutil afier the expiration of at kast tweDtyfoar li(,urs from the departure of such lat mentibned vcssl'1 beyond tdu jurkdiotion of ibfi United 8tatea If any ship of var privHtcer of either builii;crent sbull, after tbs time tliis rwrtifioatiou tüki's eiïect, euter any pirt, barbpr, or roadstend, or watera of tho United Statt-s, such vessei thall fc-j reqnired to í)iniiií ui..! nrun puii, r, roadatead or wuteri1, exoat in oase of ttres.s cf weatlier ir ot Ler equirinjf provifions or tbings uec tur the Mbsiptcnce of her citnv, ai d for repairs, in ei her of ubica ces ihe nu ttioritic of thu porf, er of lbo nearest poi t as the case ruiy te, dh:ill icjuiie hér to put lotea as noou as possible ufier tho espiratioa of tuch poriod of twontyfour lioiys, will.out porraitting h r to take iu tupplies btyond what muy be iicuoíanry lor bar imiueuiate use. Aad no eucii vesxel, which muy have been permitled lo remaia wilbiu tlio water of llie Tluiud Btatcs for thé j.urpose of repu is, ëbull ooDtinué within suoh port, harbor, ïoadttuad or wateis for a longer period thun tweoty-four hours afier bar uecetsary repain ahull have been compltíted, uuless witLin such twen foor hours (v vesse!, wbether a ship of war, puvateer oi' merchautguip of the other belligerent, sball havo departed therefmiii, iu which casa the time limited for thü doparture of' sueh fihip of war or privatcor sball be extended so far au cuay be neoessary to seouro suoii au iuterval of uot lesa tlian twenty-lour hours bo tweeo such depanure aud that of auy ship of war, privateer or merchaut ship of the uther bclligerent, wbica muy h:ivu previouely quit tliö Ruine port, Darbbr, oadtead er otber watcra No ship of war or priviteer oí' either bolligereDt shall be delaiued in any port, barbor, roadstead or other witera of lbo United States more than twentj four hours, by reasoo of the sucoeasive dopartures from suuh port, harbor, roadstead or other waters, of idoio ihau uu vooscl of lbo ther belligerent. Bat if there bu ral véasela of each or either of the two Higereota iu the samo port, harbnr, oadatead or waters the ordiT of their tleparturo shouid bo so arr?.uged as ti atioid the oniortunity of the leaviug aHernately oí tiia ressels of iho respec iva belligereníé, and to causa the l'.ast detfutiou consi.-tPiil w it!i thö objeots of this frrodanirttion. No shi of r privateer of either btlligerout chall te permitted, whilw in DJ port, hml or, roadsteaá, or water whbm the iliction of tliö Lnued BtaTes, to tlse ín any upplies, except provi.-ions mul tueh other tilinga as may be requisite for the subs3lcncH of' her crew, aud eioept bo niuch coul only as may bj eutfioieut tu carry sueh vefteel, it without wuid power, to the uearest Európean poi t of her own country, or in cuse the vufsel is i"iiii ! t(i (,'0 uuder nuil, aud may also bo propeileJ by steum power, then vhb halí t li ■ qaautity o f coal whicb sl.c would be ntUled to receivo t' dependent npori steani aloi.o, and no otsl fhall be again suppliod to any sucli sinp of war or p'ivuteer ÍU the samo (ir any otür port, barbor, roadítead or waters of tlo United States, without special perraiísion, until after the eipiratiou of tlnuo uiontlis froaa tiio time uch ccal iD:iy bave been last applied to ber witbio tl.e wittari of tbe United Statm, uulees sucli sbip of wur or privateer shüll, gineu l:ist tlicru supplied, liiive entered an Europeau port of"tho goverumont to wliioh bIio bolo ntc. In testiuiony wliereof I huve bercuuto set iny l.and aud cau-cd tho 8lu1 of Üio jjüite I States to b) aílixed. Douo at the City ot Washingtoa this eilitb day of Ooiober, in the y'r of uur Lord ono tliousand eigiit hundred atid eeventy, and ot the iodependenaa "f tho United iátaltii of Americ-.a thu ninoty fifth. (Slgned) liy tiití Presiden1-, HAMILTOJT FISH. of State.


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