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The Democratic Ticket

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The Democratie Coiinty Cmireation, held on VVeducsilay, was Inreiy a't(i)d-d, every town aiá w:iid bcing fully reprecented. The rocecdinps, to be found iu ariother column, will disclose the fact that nothing was cut iir.d dried, that no cai:d d.ile had packed the conveution, and that numerous as the can didat8 were, cach had a fair chanoc at the priaes. While the ballotings show a olose coQtest, we aro gratified to ?ay that it was oor witli good feelinsi visca the dufeati-d candidaies ocd iheir friends checrfully acuuiesce in the decis ion of the conventiou. We havo onjy a brief epaco reserveci in which to iutreduee the c&Ddidates to our readers. The caudidate for Senator, Elihu B Pond b certainly known to every ronder of the Akgus, and needs no iatroduotion. We eau only gy for bim that tho nomination was not of hit teeking. that be earnestly protested against its being made, and that he sincerely regretg that the booor had not been oonferred npon another. The position of Senalor frona Washtenaw Gounty - the fifth cotiDty n population in tbe State, and secnod to none in her interets - ia oertainly an honorable and important ODe, and we trust that we appreciate the motives of those friends wbo were instrumental in eonferring th honor upon us. Had another been seleeted we could have worked for hiro with a wil] ; aa t is the Democracy cf tbe county, whom we have served so long and we hope to some parpóse, - we kuow from principie and with good motives always - will have to talce care of their eandidate. If ekcled we shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office faithfuHy and with what üttle ability we may poscess. The candidato íbr Sheriff, Mïron Wbbb, of Saliue, is now Supervisor froni tbat town. He is a full man, honest, capable, faithful - the JcSersouiao qualiücations. A Demourat true as steel, he bas been one of the iristrumeuts n revolutioniziug tiiatoncc Kepubliean stronghold. IIO is active, ready, untúing, aud will make a capital offiecr. He oujrht to receive every vote, and tbo unitcd support of thu oppoeiug candidaies, eitbor of wbom ba would etaud by until 5 o'clock P. M. of November 8th, if iti bis placo Of the eandidate for Clerk, John J Hobiso.n, of Shuron, it is Buffi.-iout to gay that be Í8 tbe present incuuibent, atid oiio of tbe best- if not the best Oiurks tho county ever bad. We leteutly heard an ex-Republican C.crk couccde bid) tbe latier eminent positioo. He ie prompt, correct, accommodating, - a niod;l officer. A a Democrat he is alvvaji tbero, aud ueeda do eudoreerueut. Tbe candidate for Treasurer, Puil.p Hlum, of JLodi, bas beid ibat office two lerma, in lb()ö-6, and ibe present tiTin, uLd de bas proved bimseif a competent uiid bouest uflScer. ilis nominal iou for a tbird teriu - over suub com, etitors as Daniel Le Baron aud S. M. Webster - ig botb a personal compliment and an ewJorsemcut of bis Demoeraoy. Ilis nomiottiei i u reoogr.ition of the Geiinau Douiocrats. Tbe caudidate for Ksgister, Charles H. Manley, ia a new mu as woll as a young one. He is a "soldier boy," bavitig lost au arm in tbe eervioe. At preseut he ia Deputy Couniy Clerk, algo City Jieoorder. He bn a!so been ployed 'y T. Wi Koot, Emj , upn lii Abttiaet Books, w'nicli lias inadw I ini familiar ith t!ie record of the office u be placed in lus ekarg. I ï ■ is a wurtb) yuung ur.ui au-.] wiil mske g 'od ofÜcer. 11 is nomittatioii nvi r s u!i oppouents as entortd the list igaiust bilí) is un endorfeuitmt lo be proud of. Edwin F. Uhl, of Yptilanti, vaa ananitnousljp Moininated for l'ris cuti'ig Attouej. Mr. Uhl is u graduu'e of the Univcrsity, ayoung lawjer of prcia iiience, a ia inbcr of the fiiDi of NtiRWS & UllL. The l);i-.y h tve R;ard liiin on the Klump and kimw his quuülies as a speaksr. Of Domocraliö stock he baa b.eeo brougUt up íh tlie right way. - We can bu fel y proibUu Ihat if el et d he wil I niako a cnpiial otficur, aJiii:iisIeri,u tlie diffioult aad oumous daties devolviug U[un biui iu the iutcrest ol justice alono. The eanilidales for Circuit Court Cuín mieaiüuer are Riciiako Bbaiian, ot thin city, snd J. Willard Habbitt, of Ypsilautt. Both are computent iu every respect, and bolb were candidates two yeiirs ago, at wbich time Mr. Babbitt wus elected, and Mr. Bkahan deieMted witliout good causo. We trust that both will be elocted, and W3 cao guarantee two good ComuiisBioiiurs. For Curouers, Aldcrman Pebk, of this city, aud PiiiLEiiOíl tí. Mükray, of Sa lem, were Bominated. Both are oíd settlers, and citber would deligbt to hold a p ílitiíal iuquest over a puliticully de funot opponeut. Mr. CAiHVEtf,, of Tpsilanti, the candidate for Surveyor, is tho present Surveyor, nd 110 better man for the placo can be found in the oounty. Such, fullow DeuiocratB, is be ticket preentod for jour fupport. It is woll diotributed, no locaKty has gobbled the lion's shars, and thero is no reasoo fi r aoy disaffucüon. Let it reoeivo every Dtjniocratic vote. Union with deeat is better than división and tho Buccess of pan of t'ie ticket


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