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11 VAII'I I.N.WV Afilílc'l.'l.TI'HAl, AND HORTtCl LTDRAL SOCIETY, AWAKDED AT THE TWENÏY-SECOND ANNUAL FAIB, HELI) AT ANN ;u;ü;;. OCTOBKB 5, 6, AND 7, A. D. LS7Í. visión M- CntÜi'. Clutt -Dwlams tío. Qf JCntrlet, rridgus ;' i Bichi ni, David Co ij i. ' Wrlght, ]nu Giddii o A Buber. I I...wr -. onder 1 er, i-i m i s Nnwtand, s ii j 1 eort7 old, B 'X' ])o Bo 1 helbr 1 vai1 "1 ', ï HO I)o do i bctfcr i year old, ü (i II" (Ui 1 ctllfï inónlhs old., 1 W StODhen Smitb. 1 buil 1 year old í ' 0 GWi I helft-r Syr old, 00 i", Blodgett, V. '■■-!■ . I i v. 8ye.irsold tl oi) Do o I lnjllilf undér rar, 3 W) U (1 Arnn. dn ihcii.. 1 00 Coartes Wblttakor. Una. 1 buil ! vr iitd. i' and K LHcbficld. W.-pt. i huil ■ vn elft, s om .1 s Mowluod. Solo, awecntakaa herd oí .brcc, H oo i V X Gregi ƒ, Doxti ,, I low : ■. rs old, 8 00 Do " do 1 kuil 15 Dionih old, B 00 Class $ - Devons. Vp. of EnLries-, 2 . iV'o 4jarcï. CQlM ' -frjss of FullMlisjtls. Xo. Kidries, . il Snldeco& superior, i oAlfimdar l yaw. 8 no li e Arnu, Wei., er. I r.nvi jrw o'd. K (' I B Anus, do 1 cow-1 'vis old. R Ofl ü U Old-, YpêHantl, 1 lu-lfcr i yr old 4 00 Class U - ITereunl% J'o. o L'ntries O. ' Clu ', -Grades. .Vo. qf Eitlriee, li. K II Scot'. Ann Arbor, 1 heiTer 4 yi3 old S 00 s inhri-, PMvSeld, 1 rnirnidnr 1 yr 1 IK) DCody, do 1 I yrs old S 00 ])o ffd 1 cow Syn c.l.l 6 0 Do do i cairudar i vr 2 (tn .F IIntzH, do 1 helferS y old %W JVN Oictrorv. ])"xtcr. 1 oow yrs old .x iki ■ I! t.idU-y, Ann Arlu.r. 1 COW .'J yn old 3 00 JodffM in tlire.' lapt ClaBta - (t S Wood, Chairmnn. Clan O-Wunkin O-t" w' Sicers. Xe. of En. trim, 0. Tudges In N'o. (V-Tobris Ilo mof, R Twnsend. Jastin ELolhgfr '..lm W Thompson. D Cody. Pill-li"lil, 1 ii:lirorstc:crajr old. 2 00 G W nnd II V Phelp. Webster. (!o..'-J yr oM, 4 00 II Larnvriy. ."i(hfl'kl. 1 p:iir ütee'm :] yrs oM, 4 00 DUBIl, A A cily, 1 pair worklofi ö.au 4 yr old. i; oo ■ r W lï.'iuvick. Saloio, do yrs old. e m B Cransoa, Webgier, do. BjnoRL 8 oi l'' Satbeitaod, l'ietsfiuld-, 1 pair stccríjl yrs old, b OU ras 1 -Fat Cattlc. .Vo. of Entiles, 6. Judcea-H Uo-iur, W II Arnold, I. Dunu. [psac Iunn. A A city, 1 fat cow, 3 00 ; e A:m-. webster, 1 rat cow, 4 00 v Bniherlaitd, rittsd"ld, l fat txeei, 4 OO B V Chainbciïaiu, Webster 1 fal steer, 6 00 División "B"- Horses. Ctiist, í-Thorsxujhbredx. JYo. of Xntries, & Vo A ward. ('lasa 2-üorses for all work. A'o. of Enirics, 3V. Jndjes-rWm Ayre, P Tnomf, J B Vanatta, aud G. BrüWii. lïicl ('oifv. PttUÉetd, 1 broot mare with colt, R 00 H A Fiii.r. Dexter, 1 Coll 3 yrs old. 8 (Hl B'-fl! r' I'lvip-, Webster, 1 p:iir colts 3 yrs 5 00 1' Tnomy. Sclo, 1 atallloii 4 yrs old, 4 00 AAWood l'ittsrt'ld, 1 span horses, 3 00 John ( Dell. Salino, 1 ptallloii wlih 3ofget, 10 fio K W Hemphlll, Tpatlantl, do do 2(1 00 I V X Gregoiy. Dexter, 1 single horse, 4 00 P 8nttaerlaod, Pittsflcld, 1 horae, 8 00 .1 v N iir ieory, Dexter, 1 pair horses -lyre ojd, K 00 Sajnael Psrks, Duter, 1 Btatiion 3 yrs o)(T, 5 00 Samuel Vaght. Ypilnnti. 1 coltifn olí, 5 OU M.iriin Ryan, rforthfléldL 1 L'c'iliiig 3 yrs old ft 00 .1 II HtCtw. l.o!., 1 coll 1 yrs oM, 4 00 F Mntrzci. PifUBeM. : gddtnu 'yr? old, 2 00 B.F McNimcy. Shoroh, 1 colt 15 montha old, 8 00 W B Dell, Saline, 1 colt lti raoi,ths old, 'J 00 11 Voorhciií, Lodi, 1 span of hurles, 5 00 Ctuss S-Oarrtagt Horttt, No. of Entries, 10L. Judges- 1) M ïinley.J B Ge, Justiu Kellogg, Geo V Baih, J W Renwlck. A M Noble, Tpidlaurl, 1 mare 5 yrs old, 4 Ofl .J s Nowlsod, i ;'. 1 horsc 6 yrs old. 7 00 .1 V X (ii c_iT. . LV.-ilcr. '. gaaic ■'; yrs old. 5 00 .1 1' ( aveÑ, l.iiMi. i ■ olt (Dis. 1'rem ) 2 00 or, 1 sp.ui colts 3 yrs old, 5 01 11 M l'belps, Dcxtcr, 1 pair horee, " 10 00 Clans U-Roadsters. -' yo. of Enfries, S9. Jndgcs- J A PoMierans, A M Noble J Cojle. Allrt Toad, Ypsilairi. trottinir stnrlion, 7 00 -T C Deyo, Jacbson, l single (rotting horse, 10 00 S Benham, An" Arbor, do 7 on Do d; 1 pair trotlliii h'irses, 8 01) Geo W Rodeers, Scio, I troitini stallion. 10 00 Geo Kidell, Jackeon, sweepatakes premium, 50 00 Class ö-Draurhl Iftrses. No. of EiUries, U. Judgee- J V CSregory. J C Deyo, ü M Uhl, J i Kochi J H Tlicks, iodi, 1 span ]■ 0 00 W H Dell. Saline. 1 single horse, 6 00 Wllllam Burkhardi, Lyudon, 1 horse, 8 OU tlass C-SaiUllc Horses. No. of Entries, 9. Judgea - J S Ilendersnn, J A Polhcaiue, David Ubi, JVN Oregory. E T Walker. Pnloirx. 1 saddln hoise, 5 00 .1 ii Moxey, Anji Arbor, öo 8 00 li Bennlng, do do P'ploma. James Bach, do io Bipluma. Class 7- Jacks and ifulcs. y. of Etitries, 1. Judges - Pililo Fowler, John Allea. J H niefcs, l,odi, 1 spsn mulu. 5 00 División "C"- Sheep, Swine and roulti y. Class i - Amcricaz Merinos. ïfo. of Entries, SI. Judges- J J Patsh.ill, W S Crafts, J L Mitcioll, J S Wood, L'idi, 1 bock 8 yrs old, 5 of get, D 00 1)4 do ;i buck lanilw. i'i-t oí une Sire, 6 00 Du Oo TrrrrJtTBOia, % 00 Do do tewealjFToU, 00 Do d.o Sriv.s. rctoinnpwc, 300 Do o ï back S yrs ola, 8 of set s 00 D do l bnek 1 yrold. (See nam. Lid i Do do 3 ewas 8 yrs old, wtth lambs, 5 00 Do do do 2 yrs old, do 4 00 Do do do 1 yrold, (See Prcm. List.) lo do 1 buck 3 yrs oM. do l'o (o do 2. yrs old. do Do do do I r old. do Do do 3 buck lainlis, 3 00 Do do 3 ewü lambd, 2 uu Class!- Long Wools. ivo. of Entries, Jí. Judges- Jajaes W Win.'. Edard, TobLls llolmi-s, Win 1' ('royee. II Rosicr, Scio, 3 aves 2 yrs old, 2 00 Do do Se ea d,a 4 i Do do S buck lamhs, a 00 Ijo do ,) ewe lambs, 2 00 L Wallington, Lodl, 3 ewes 3 yrs, with lambe, 5 01) Do do do 1 yr old, 3 00 Do do do do 2 00 Do do 3 ewe lambe. ; Do Io I buckSyraoId, Zotevt, 500 K I. Koyden, Webs tor, 1 buck 3 yrs old, 5 ofget, 5 00 Do da do 2 yrs old, s 00 Po do 3 huck larabs 0.1 wie sirc, 5 00 Do do S, uwee 3 yn, wtth ]ftmb, 2 00 ClassS-Grarte Ewe. Kumber cf Entrus 1. Ko Awai-il. Class I,-Fat Shef.p. Xumbsr of Fhitrïtt .',. Jqdgfr-rW H Ariiokl, IjBuwf. ÏI Roeier, Boto, 'i fat iheep L oo L Wallmgtoii, ubtít, i fat sheep, 8 00 Class f-Swine, Number of Enfries 1S. J II Iliclw, J. .TetWe, J. Paub, Wm April A Hirlh. R RoodeU, Ann Afbar. snw aml 3 ofprogony, 10 00 C B AndraWi Linci, tu:ir and 8 ni' g;t, jo 00 4 pisa iindet ; mo old, (i 00 " M 4 pfea ouder mos old, 4 00 Fred Hntzel, Plttsfleld, aow and 5 iia, ;, i K Qoodwük, Lfma, 1 Chcstcr buur, 5 oo Class G-l'ou!trj. Xumbcr of L'nlries ló. Jniget-H Edvardi, Wm A Bnrubam, D Hiscock. A Jl Covert, A Arbor, %d, best coll oííowls, 3 oo JoHi)U Uendersou, A Árbor. 8 0- G(;o Thompson, A Aruiir, cH of fowls (recom) 1 (K) John J Walker, A Arbor, coll of fowls, jj 00 " tininea pigs, Dip John Walker, " " offowis, any br'd 3 00 A R Wheoler, " " Öalnea fowls, Dip Max 'J'en Hiook, lt coop of dncU--, Dip División "!)"- Farm Implenients ani Muclriuerj-. Clans 1. JVumber of Enlries SS. Judeas - D M Finly, I N S Fouter, N Booth. Rogprs & Trcadwfll. A A, bel ex of aj;"l imp, 10 00 l-'iiiiii-j;.in & Howard, A A, Sd best " 5 00 Cbaa Boylan, A A, mowu juid rciper combined 4 Of) J A Polhemus. " ■' " Uodfc'e's e 00 W Wcsir.ili. Lima, roller for gnenl use. Dip 11 Snidcor. Superior, cnltlvafeor ftnd Med B0W6T Dip I) I) LewUi Mareqgo, fium g&te und bariua, Dip uniera a iTwaweii, gnm arm, uip ' " fculky hiy rake, 2 00 " M .ïanninir mili, 3 00 " " corn ilieUer, y 00 " " ;pluw lor general ue, Dip " v ■ corn cultivator, Dip 11 " corn cultivator, Dip A Dickinnon, Miuii' s..r. roller for gen nae," EJIJip Acn Arbor Ag'i cO, plow for eenenlnw, Dip " " whdul fleld cultivator, ])ip " ' rain rtrill, Dip " ' norse Imy rnke, 2 Oí) 11 " bay, atraw, A lalk cutti.r, 2 (1 ♦k r' h:ty, straw, & Btajk cnttcr, 1 00 " ' whcel field tullivatur, Dip División E"- Farm and Garden Producís. Oleui 1- Grain t7id Scetts. A'o. 0 }Jn!ries !?. JtulCB - John T.' Swathel, Laurn Sanford. S. P. l'ilHtiT. Johu Allman, A A, Viest baah corn in ear,' 75 ' '■ milist Vi'.riay corn, 0 ears 1 00 n Goodcll. A A. 2;1 best bush corn in ur, 50 Thos Snijtli, Pittfield, besi baeh wmU'r white rheu, 1 00 ThosSmlSi, FltWUTd, freatest varicty wheat, oiic-half hilsln 1 8Oh kil 'i. '2 00 I N S Koster, A A, 2d b8t bitsh winter white whcMt. B0 I. M. S. Foster, Ann Arbor, bevt buah barley, ■;." " bat bneh o:llH, 75 S 1) Whlttnker. Limn, 21 bel lü-li barloy, m ■ tllea Milt, Vpoilanli. begt bUíb rye. 75 e M llub'icll, " 3d groatest variety corn, G ears each. 50 Dsiy & FontOJD, Ann Arbor, 2d bept bctsh oata, 50 Class 1- Vegetables. A'iimber of Unirles 77. .I,,,);,,-?- II O Wanior. (ion Button, .T W WbJUark, -Ï M Chaae, A A. .'i BQIlBflbee, ;n.y vnrñ'ty, 21. DO Juhu AUliiui), A A, greiiti'wt vr'ty poiat. 2d, 60 " " " i bn.-h early potatoe#,2d, f u " lk 1 boah sweVt potatoeá, latí 7B 11 " Lruteijl varit'tv uiruip. 2:1, 50 " " " bu tnrnípi, uble & fick. id 50 kt " Bovton miuTüw pquasli, üd, 50 ' " ert't var garden vog'u, Sd 3 (X) " " H Deadd ceíery, ád, J." ' isbeeiB, uu 50 " " ' M carrots, lt, 50 " m .. 19 Mlalry, Sd, 2: " ■ IS p rsni)s, lít, 60 " " " ïi peppen, ïst, mt " " ' tt rar sweet enrn, M, 26 11 " " peck louKiíiM, -jii, go w ' " íieck rad oqíods, lst. 60 " " M nalf'peck Unía i'iinp, Int. SO 11 ' " hf-])k :uiy kiud aríUn ili'.lít SO Frcd StililiT. Anti Arbor. bn-li white beans, lst, 5" ,i W wiiitlark. " buh lable polatoñ. Sil, 60 K Guodt'll, Aun Arlwir, ircic red pDlpDa. Bd, Sfi " peck jpHw onloBB. id. ': " puro {Eobbard s'un.'-h, Sd, 50 C' 1 Ilnbbi'll, TpsI'qU, greatest var potalóeK. Ut 1 (K) bu-h enriy potalOttK Utf 75 " tpeatcst variety ininïps, toóle 'ir xtiek. Ist, 1 00 lv " bufado, t bk' or f rork. i.-í i pure Uiibbard iiuarh, tal "' " '■ J!c;i-ii niarj-ow üu, ist, T.r " Sqmahaa any var, 8 eaeh, 1, 7ñ " " '; pumpkin. 3d, ;;o " gicnt-st var't ■ ir'inlen vc: rale 'i '■ ■■■ exhlb lor, i " U I ftO 'T. Irit, 60 " u (i heada cabba. lat, 5ii ' " M ' ü') ... J. 13 s illy. lt. 60 " " 1 parsirpp. 'M. :. M " !3 peppi i.-. ití. " " 13 eara ewtiet com lntf Mi peck tomatooB. i-r, bt " ■ pock vri! iw onïoi i, lst, M pcck white odíodb. i-t. 60 ' " watennrlona, i ea-h, i-., t: " mafkmelonx, 1 each. lot, 60 s i Wbtttaker, Lima, buh white beans, Sd, o H Townnend, Superloi , iratorinelon. Srt, 50 ' '; boU-peck Ltiua beaDa, Sd, ". ■ V 11 linbbell, YpMlantt, ii he 'l caolín iwer, Sd, ■ '" ' tí head cabbniíe, -.M. " 13 carrol, --'i, " " 1 p. ■ ■ :, - "■ 'k bu.-h tublo potatooa, ls-i, Tj División fj'- Dalry nil Homo. Vlass 1-Jlntirr, ('trrxr, anet Hread. Xninhcr of EalrUi .■'. Nt'iwtm rooth. L J tick'nor, Sn-an ü Joahna (i I.ehnd, A A, ftcheew. anv pp. ist, 3 00 Mrs 1 N Poster, A A, 10 Iba buik-r in rolla, üj, 1 00 ' ' SI avií bread, lst. i io 1 N F.ister. Aun Arbnr. 10 lbo bonej In b.x. lst 2 00 A Il.iil, Aun Arbur. : loaves bnker'e bread, lat. 1 00 " 3 loares brown hrflad, it, 1 00 Chai n Wnnicn. A a. s loava hop - .■ ,-t i, ir i oo Mr I! 'rivnti;m!,Siiperr, 3,clomilk ri"sio,ad 75 c i; Wbeeler, York, 10 Iba booej la b x. -d, 1 00 ■I ' WhIOark, A A. :i loavea hop yeegl bread, 4d T8 Mis '1 Uos Arkioy, NortliPd, IS buttcr.itirs.2il 2 00 " " 10 Iba roll bntisr, ltti fio JcsseScott, Lima, 1 lu:r-st. I year nld. lat, :: ih) k 1 cbeeae fl moa oíd, lat, SiKí Gpo Thompson, Anu Arbor, 15 Iba buller, made Ín June, Lo jftr, let, 2 00 C7,fí I - iJairy and Jlavxrhald Implemcnls. No. o En' ' ' Same m aboc. Jacob Si-abnlt, li broom, v. n,: tiiti, B:i Rugen &-Trt'adwc!l, 1 (t Dioñ) churu, Dlp k " 1 líhs'-cliurd chura, Dip División (G"- Díimestic Manufacturas. Vlusx 1 - Fartory and Home Mude. Vo. ffnt Jadeos - N Poaisr, KaryHlck8(Uamrle Hlcka, Mra II Warren, 3rtlcm. biíftpifcc raur carpet, lst, 2 (X) " ' u 1 pr kiiit wuoi BtorkiiHrfS M " " i pi kuit woo] Bocka,id, "u 14 " 'l 1 ib wnolfin atockg yam, lf 75 Mrs Jas Levan, NortlifMd, 1 Ib do. 2d, 50 " " ' 1 pr kiih -.! ti .n ftk'L's.'J. SO Mrs I N S Fostcr, A A, best pr woolen BOCka, lst 7") " " " palr wuolen íuittna, 3d, öO Conwcll & Bro, A A. : pie 2 110 ' 5 pieeea woplen i-in:h. it, 2 00 41 M ó plecui whili' ílum i- lt, 2 00 " " 5 plecea red QasnaX lt, 8 oo 11 " 1 palr wíjoli'ti bhioketa, lt, 2 íio rrp. Ja? Sumner, A Af pi-wooltjti mittoiK. Ikí, 75 Mr K Townaend, Smurior, pair kuit cotton i-r i M'kin _-.-. ltít. TTi Mis L J Leo, Wohster, 10 yáa rag caipet, 2d, 1 00 División "H"- Frnit and Flowers. CVoaj - l'Yuit. Jfumbcr o Entries 57. Judgea- N B Covert, Chairman. D Mowcrfion. A A, 1 doz fjiiincfs, lj-t, 1 ifO ' M I doz (mi - ■ 5) C II Woodruff. A A. itreuleal coH uí rapes, lêt 3 00 " " o nuietiec nativo do, lst, l oo ll '' b'íst taï)!e trapes, lst, 75 .T .T Parshail, vl 46 vdrletie'9 of applea, lat, 8 00 'O M Uibbell Ypsilanti, KÍni;le do liill pean, l?t 1 IH I ' K 'dnma, A A, bcet li bel toM Rrapes, 2d. 50 S Mills, Piftticld, 5 varicMkü ivinrcr applí s, -2d, V " " 6 vflpfetlefl fa;i applea. 2d, 50 Mrs C H Stillen, -i bilis beatvar for'n irepes.llt, % im ' ' í Tftrlfles foreign rapes, lst, 100 J Taylor, A Arbor. 10 vnr'etles nples, M, 1 00 LSaofbrd, Bnperlor, 10 do lall and wint r rio, 1, 8 fio C M Hnbbell, Vi), ireateal vorietydo la, 2 0i. Alcí Recd. Lodi, 1 iloz qalncee, I recommendi Mrs C II Millen. A A, specimens of ; ín nunihur. Int, X OC Clans 2- Flowers. Wwnbtr of ïMrlea 40. Judaes-Mrs D M fbl, Mr. 1) H Flnley, Mrs E Lalbl ■, K Utbla. Mlaa Hnrlqne, A A. i pnrlor bonqnet, Sd. BC John Allmair A A, greateal culi gladiolaa, 1-t, i 0C Mrs I'hilip Wlnegai.A A, grt'st. var dahllaa. 2d, 1 00 ' ' " hand bouqm't. 2d. 5í) ; Mrs C X Aiams, do, baatSTt'et var llover. 2, 3 00 " " ph'.o? bonqaet. 2d. 5i li " panalea boaqn ."■■ 11 " patnlftn Tiniqnat. Hrt. 66 " plnka boaqot. 3d 50 ' '■ tivtr 'nHrqiict, Igf, 1 011 " . " b:illd b' U()l!i't, lst, 1 (10 ' " " p . 1 't booqoet, it, i 011 ■ W A Hatch, Aril Arhor. flOX bliaqa l. id. 60 Mrs Stirkwealbcr, ipafiaall, S vars doulle roa50 k u best verbenas. Sd, M " " coll cut Sowen, Sd, 60 MrsT Brook, A A, varof coiQomb, (dlsprem), 60 Jas Tornp, A Arbor, best var Qowera, lat, 5 00 " " 31 variaties dahlias, lst, 2 00 " " panalea, lst, 1 X " " lüpeiunia". lst. 1 (in ■' " 5t pinks, 1 t, 1 00 " " 51 vtrlie-yna, lstv 1 00 ' " variety oj' cui flowers, lst, 1 00 " " 10 different vni-8 ín poH, lst 1 00 " ' 12 new floweca nut bi-fore named, lst, 1 00 Tli" cnmmlttoc rPfonifn-nds that professionr,! a,ul amateur cxliibitors be dlvided Pivision "I"- Mechan ie Arts. Clate X - Bootst Shors, LealJicr, and Ifarrwss. 2Vu. c ISi'Jrits, 3. Jrögea- A lvïn Meak, I. Lvon, J. Kellojjf;. Yopi & Lo mi-, Ypa elogia caritage iamets,' lst 2 00 El) BJiss, A A. pi ■ ■■lies-, latí -■ '-i' " " bik trimmed single baruetis, 2d, 1 00 Clans i- Anieles of Dres.i. of ttntriet 17. Jud-es- Cftrri ■ : Wllll una, Mrs S Webster, W Ji Everest, Un D M Kiulcy. E J Jdhnson, A A. 1 rlade'n öay woll robe dis p 1 00 " " I'ft'll Colfei :. pi, i'iti " ' crr.line collrtr, dis prein, 1 (Hl "■ riii'erian 3quíre! do, d pre, 1 (Xi " bear skis, ua premtom, 1C0 41 " mink skin, dia premlam, 1 00 ■ 4 M Jap robe, dis premium. 1 00 ' " Bilk har, lst, ] oo " " caabmere int, lst, i 00 " '" beavcr liat. Int, i oo ' " palr be ver glovea, lst, " " beaver oodlar, it. i 0ü Mrs Uoehm, " 1 knitcloak, lat, 1 oo '' 1 crotchetsuck, lst, 10(1 '' " 1 opvia houd, Dip ClassS - Cabinet Ware and Juiner irorjt. liumber of Enlrii. ;, . Jtadgcb H Edmonds, I) Bperry, N B Covert J Keek & Co, A Arbur, bureau, lst, '2 00 " " bede ea . 1-t, " " st ol chtdra, 1-t, 2 00 Center tabie, lat, !i (0 b;)ikc:isr, rlis prt'in, 2 00 w '' ftrp dv.:, x, 1 00 ro kii'i,' tiiiiir, Sd, M) " " aofll, UÁ, " (KI " Hit ehainlier fuiii. lsf, 4 in) V Muhlig Sou, A A, parlor act, (dia prem), Ou " re ilra, ' r.O " " center iable, 2d, 1 00 Classh- iurrianes. Wagons, and S'n'glu. Xumber of Httnes IS. Tndgeg- Nol siincrl. WHW & Walker, A &,S-h ini carrisfre, 1-t. f, 00 " " single iop bhiri j . 8d, :; 00 " 2-horse open do, Lst, 4 IK) Wurstcr L Eüis, A A, l-liorse io do, lst, 4 W) " " 2-h Inmber wagon, lst, 4 00 " " einjile cotler, 1-t, 8 00 '' ' doublé liirui glefgh, let. 3 00 tío ;et &■ Ti.'Mhvcü.A A. 2-h limilxT wa'on. i, :: 00 Brow$ Ui-o, a A, doabl slide seat baggy, Sd, :i i RoblasuD i Keariis, Ueiter, skelefn sli Jlc, ■;('.. -i ki Cï.'.fK f-OHutr -tlnhanical Wovk. Xo. qf Enfries :,. JinlrH - Luniftu ltobitison, M ü VtflontSoe, V ' M P HohncH, Tpgtlantl. 10 drsln :ilc, 2d, Si) Jas Jones, A A, 1 cink, lr, ] oo SeTh Th.'ii;r-i ■., A Arbor, 10 tile, let, 1 IK) Nibier öj?e, Macón, lu tile, ad, üivisiou 'K"- Fine Arts nm! RodleVork. Clast 1-Sdtctand fanc-y Work. Xo. Entrles 40. Judgcs- L M Bichante, !rrle K Wilüams, C II iiichmaud. I. C Chafe, A A, 1 picture, oil prflQtlDg, .!, j (in MisJ 1-lunriquea, A A, peucil draning, 'd, 00 'K , '■ '■ pftncli drawing, lBt, 1 00 s s x HodIod, k ca-e wax flowere. ist. 1 (X) .Mi-, li M I'inlcy, A A, coll of uil patatlnn, lst, 5 11!) " 1 picture, oil do. lst, 2 00 J W Ciu!d?mi!h, Detroit, spec'n peum'snlp, lst i oo '■ " epec'n Dunueu do, 3a, -". Minnio Cramcr. A A, pensil drawjng, ■; ,, 50 11 Teats. Aun Arbur, vix rruss. Mf " 50 KHSCDOS, " collof oiï mi. .(mij., Sd, 3 00 Mr Ii il inliT, A A, piriu in water col, lst, } 00 " " " uiclurti ín water ruk 'tl. ro Miss E Ilochm, " speo'n of u 1,-uit, lt, 10(1 Clase i- SS'eedle. Crochel Wtrtc, anii Káncj Work. Rumoer of Kidi U II Cohcn, . Arbor. show cape milünciy, 2lf 2 00 A II Nlcbola, Ypk wora'ed brktat ibawl, lA 1 W Caroline Williams, A A, Buey ncrdle wk, ij, l " " i' uoedle w't, lsi, I 00 It A Pjilmer, Auu Arbor, hm ri-:ith, Sd, 50 " " lüiir wreatb, ad, s " ' cone wreath, lgt, 1 00 Miss .) Ilenriques, do, nlfeban, child'a carr'ge, 1, 1 00 H WoodruK Aun Arbor, fcú wreAth, lr, j ü( ICra N J)(a!cs, " orotdhet tidy, 2d, 50 Luella Laraway, KorUifild, specimen sewlng, rirl 1.1 vean, lt, 1 00 " patch w'k hcdquilt,!, 1 00 Lnella Laraway, NorthSi'ld, plaiu aproo, üd. 0 6U .Mrs Ji lownrcnd, Supsrlor, 1 etirf, Abhu glitqb, lít, i 00 Mrs L W Boylan, A A. worsted ch:iir coypr, Ut, 1 00 kn 1'. 'Ircüilivi'll, A A, ilo Ihreail tidy, l.-t, ICO Mrö D M iüiücy, do do cuiü', lat 1 (■( l'o ! croctbet tldy, isr. i 00' Jolly, do woisl. (i-wui'kj)iciiire. 2d, 0 .'■ i J'o do du do lat, l l" do 1 cloth pictnre. Ist, Mrs Hoi'hui, A A, 1 snfn cushion, worked, Ist, 1 ( Do dd 1 'otlaraan cushloD, lat, í (x Uo do 1 pair woreted allppe, ltt, i on Do cio 1 eilk embroid. uo M, o 50 No. 17, by Caro, worsted cbair, % uo iaágtm-O Crainer, Mr M l'limptonJLoiii.". M Rlcbarda, lOnima E Mooie. ('lass Liltlc Girls' Work. No. of MntrUst, ü. Miss Mary Backaa, A A. protchet lidy, lt, 0 75 MiasToBW, Alm Arbo-, fancy mat, iBt, 0 7ó Juilfra- MreS Webstor, Un Dr Lewltt División "L"- Misceïïnneous. Cías l-Femnlr füjuestrianUn. Vb. o Kntries, 2. Dolllfl Noble, YpsiJaiHi. Ut, 7 ÜO Class 3-Ladies' and Gents Department. JTo. of JCtitries, 37. Judgi's- CalviD Wfaeeler, E Trearlwolj, Mr K Treadv.-t'l!, Mrs J C'lciucnta. Bfra 8 Dye, Aun Arbor, parelnvork qóiK, !t, 2 íO Do do (lo do lid, 1 00 Miss C Willi-inis, A A, fauey piecc ol, 0 W MIm .ï lli'iiiiqiu'!ï, A A, baby flxlngs, lt, l PO jrler, " psUaiiri, two paw-bucks, lt. i oí' Mrs Wxa peer. Superior, 1":: cabla (iiü', lr, 1 (JO C Wiüiams, A A, worted einuroidery, lst, 0 75 Do do ructic fruie, lr, lo tío d m, i) 60 Jeatte Eenríqnes, '" paper bulder 2d, B K Swifí, Dexter, Parmers metalifcp trae. Ift, B (M Mra s i ('iiii su-, A .. Bp.ucluen lincu edelQi íDte. Premium.) O 50 C M Bdmands, a, M picture frames, prem 2 uo A II PartHdfc, do lOnackfloar (w. ii ) Diploma. Mrs Ii A Tuinier, A A, lo:; cl)h uniU, Diplotnn. A Dickinsoii, Mancbenler, bair buderf prem., l 00 Do d i üet ' hor J c 'i'.iylor, A A. j piMii1!.;; nsacbioo. Diploma. A K Yt:"i-lrr, York, 1 Jíiickcye ünproved b'jchlve, tí o C (' Wbeeier, Vurk, do Uo do u ó' Win Ex I lieer, A A. pntunt fruit dryur, i hi Khoda L'wi.-', o kinou tre', m e irrie 1 ! wo "tea wr.-üili, fr&med, i o c Mary Jolfy, , A. fencybend work, . 'i-hu case i : n r , Dl ■ I io l:iin; clAr ?"t;ili(l, DtplL (; r. e !::- 1 i A A, :.. ■ Pi i end cuok Btove, " (] r li Ii. . ■ l fpring, . Diplon ;, CÜmj ■, 3wêeprtdk$ê Her L Xo. of JUutries, s Fudgos- Iliram AmoUl. T, I VVrlpht Lemae] Fosta d i li Rlchaoud, u' Warreo. i U rh!. Y;., hcrd, 10 hcafl, (protestad,) 50 Cft Ctasi 5 Trottln I . ff. ■IS II uiidernon John B ■■■-,'. M il Qoodrich II Fliut, Dexter, 'Henry CUy," (protevtcd) LOO 00 The ftbore embraces :i corred Ui of all prcm'umf awardcil m the Pair of sald Bod ty, e ti:iMi rïbed hy uy.-cir faun ;'. of wliidi are ranrkcd Djflcpolioi dry, and will fequire tne ;ithe Kxecntivo Coiiuiiitt;-.'. ;umI i'h rs Hr noï lonnd ín pilotad pramlnm ti!t. bní íw rocommended by tbe tFudjres. The J ' . stoeït of al] kiiid-, and puulti'y, reporta remadmbly ftoe (liphw. 1). CBAMSR, ÖEtKETAHY. Duted Ann Arbor, Cct. Il, 1STO.


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