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Democratic Sentiment

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The follnwing is the gist of the adniirnble platform adopted by the Democratie State Convention of Mussacbusetts ]krt week Resolved, Thatthe country demaeds frnm euch politieal party at this time a bold and outspokeu usertiou of its polioj upon ihe living, questions of to-day ; and fhat the altettpt on the part of the Radical party to perpetúate its power, by nei'ely biasting of its past achievenients must prove futile. No record however ïiiir, can atoue for its willtul negleot of lie iuduEtrial interests of the country, fórihe loss of our commercial mpoi tauce for oveT ifoe years of peacu wasted in stteinpting th govcru the country upou a tbcory aod polioy tfittt c'-ild nnly bc eicueed by the necetsitics ofwar. Rttotved, Tliat in declariüg its policy now, the Democratie partj needs ouly to revert to Vb ciirdinal principio of oppo■ition to uil coi. suücJation or couceulraitou of power in any hauds, and to evory nnecteeary esurciee of power, even whcre the right to exercue it is cleorly (jivi'ü not the most but the least pogibl goveruuieiit bciug lieat conducive to thd ha[)pines8 of mankiiul. ]u contormily with thia maxiui, the party now, b liirotofore, will retist every Htretch of power by either Federal or Slate guveriiii.ent, or by any one of the co-ordiuatc branches of cilher, aud every plau oí ]ejrieia!ou which involvcs au uuduo itiio -terewee wth iht reservid righls of '.iw leuzen, tiiher ia itï direel purpose, r bj' riijuiring for i b attainmeut a rejrt to ai bitrary uud inquisitorial practioes. Jlesohed, That procecding upon tbee estuhlifLcd principlee, we idopt as our own the reeolutions of our party in the great Democratie State of New Yurk, that our ovvn tariff of du;ies, like all tases, should havo tho OD8 only Ikwful purpose of obtaining necessary . revenue, ani tliat the preaent systeni of favoritim, miecallod protectiou, levyiug taxes for the (peoial benefit of a few eapttalit, is simplv rubbery of the rest of thn ptople, and tha cxccj.t so far u tb - - - = - - - legitímate f XjieiiS! 8)f ll' góvernmeLt ruay rcquire, free trade s tho truc p'oüry oílhe rofRtry ; tliat WC dcinaud the -iuipliflcatum of uur tsyst'i of interna! ruvenue, tbe sboütion of uselces and inqoisi torial taxcs, ind the reduclion of thc w lióle volume nf taxation, now in cxcess of t lie wants of tlio coveixment asi] tlic ezigsDoiea of public credit. Ifmohcd, Til it graiits OÍ lnnd, or inoney, or credit, eithev ly tbe Fetk-i :■! or Stfiíe goVenmients to indr ideal.-, t lo onrporationa lorined for intro purposes of private pain ae all iu soino sort a diversiou of public UB."O frntn tlie r legitímate use, i-nvoWe the State in utinscessaiy complioations with special iutrest1 iüco'nsistei.t wiih u rflna1)le r : fc d for the eafúty of popular iastiiulions. Resolved, Tbat Te reaffiru: as abso'u e hosuiiU u every aiiempt iu urdueuoti tlie decisiun of puiitical quetions, ty t e firiiutioa of secrdt piossriptive orgamzati&n. liesoved, Tbat whilo we iU8t regard it. a &u ssistiog fact tbat sullrago ís a right and uot i privilege, ind tiiat any rcs'iiclion upon íts exerciso t-liould le fúunded iu un tuint :ika!le public poric-y, wo cousidtr thc proposiiion to extend the suffiage lo the wmiien "f thi Commouweulili &b iuvolving to' nVanj Hocial eoiisidi'iD'. ii)ns to bo puiiM:iir;!y tet-ated as a mere poütical qneotroc ; but Olere is a prcssiQg J;jly upuu tbu people of tbs Stato to remove at onoe aud l'orever all proper.'y or oíher qualifioatious, constitulional or slatutory, upou the txercÍ8e bv every mau who a a citizen of the Uuited Sute,


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