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The Land Grabber

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Tbe Wasiiington'correspoudiMit of the Cincinnati Commercial, liejublioau, wr ites : THE IA irHANT I.OBDY. Tliis i-ys ein is iotrenobed ithin the Sei a'e chamber. Thu chairman of te public Linda Committte isa vei v wl ' ihy uiau iu cniseijuuücj of tlii Bys'em I aru int ineinua iutr, not I, lliat thn' Söüator bas ev-r taen the direct controller or recipiënt for Lis own benefit l aay of said grao. But he t:as preperty whose valué m euunnousl v iiiBita-ed hy icasous of tbc systctu. lïe was President of a riiilroad aided by Cotigie sinne bo beoame Senator, bo'S in money and landtf. H.b ouunint ad btaihersii;-!aw have bccouie weahhy aud ieadir.p men out of the syMem They turn up as li.liyiata for a great mauy scheuies, cipecially in tiie Sottth These ore aH f.ivored !y the Senator. - Nor is be alono Iu tbat Sena1 Ciaaniber tlicre aie too innny men whoee votes aro iofluenced more closely by tbe needs of some great corporatton, tlinn by tbe rightful iníerebtH of tbe penple. Il is so uiuoh easier to seo present beneíits, than acknowledge tbu claims tbat tbt futuro bol da. At the present timo thero pending, bfiug on ttie Speakei'w t.ible and passed over till the next eeseion, forly sis niilroad, canal or river ioiprovemeat bilfs, wliicb nsk for a land grani. Aooording ; to a conjectural estiraite insuio bj uu ox pert, the amounfc of htnd asírt-d for by , those forly-six bilis is ote bundved and fortj-elght iiiillions eight baudred anc. ixly-hïe thnusand fonr bundred nereg. Tlii i1 lardeas the Simes of MassachuPeits, Rhoda Island, Conneotiout, New Hampshiie, New York, New Jersey, Pent Bjlvauia, Illinois and Iowa. [I ns dens'-'lv populatod ns Rbode Island, it will Rapport st lcast one liundrvá and tuenty-tive millions of tibabitantf. Probatily there ié not inui'h danger of tbe succpís of all these sclieiucs, or even of a majority, but, it is just ns wcll for tbtí ooun'rj' to lood out. Tiie lttnd Rtrikers h.ive been prowiüg bolder, :nd ct'itainly Btronger. Lonk at vital ihij baïe got ! LAXD QUAKTH AM5ÊADY MADE BKF0KE 1SGL Acres. To States for railroa'ls 89.971,220 To States lor cauals, 8,705,888 Toíní, 8y,G?r,212 KSCE 1861. Railroad grants to Otates, 88,932.553 Canal prants, 700,000 For n-agoti roads, 3,225,418 Total, 82,857,971 mnce 1SC1. Raüroad grants tocorporations, '35,000,000 Of thil v;it tot;il, trbidb would include itliin itH uria all the Staten ulread' nni'd au:i tbe greit one of Mis souii, not less iban eigbiy million filtyfour tbouatid nne huudred aadthirty seveo acres e 'een paiíed i.pon witbii) the perio'l emrnced by the 4th of Mureb, 18C9, and the 20h of July, 1870. That is to say, tbe Forty first Congress is alrendy risponeilile for, in tbe iiiain, squai.'denng over two-fifths of all that lias been granted for interna] impiovementu. Li'Ok out for next winter and ihe Southern Püeific Railroad bilí, which inu'.udes, I tliink, aonio ttiirty miilion sures or over. Tbe extent of land pppcula'ion under favoniblo legiahition niay be realitod if we estimate in round uumberg tbe acret; already disi'Osed of About 600,000,000 acres have been old or granted away. Of these 202,000,000 acres (souie river and hai bor inprovenjerit grants are ni.t piven iu Crst estimates.) have been granted direct for internal iinprnvi-uieuta. Grants for educational pnrpcses incrade an área of 80,000,000 aciea. Swamp land gronts erulirace about 05,000,000 acres. Military bounty warrantg will take about 55,000,000 acres ; Spanish grants ask fot DOt lean iban 5O,Ou0,0O0 more. Bo thnt there has beon or is to be flung into the hands of coiporations and private individuals not less tbmi threo hundred and nfty-three million acres of the BÏz hundred niillious alreudy dispnsed of. - Practieally tba área Hable to be so monopolized i even greoler ihan these figures bhow.


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