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Representative Convention--3d. District

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A Democratie Conventlon fur the 'J'Irnl Reprwenttttive Di-triet was held :it the Village of Saline, on Wediiesday, lbo 19. h iist., at óne o'cIóok P. M., 'u oomioate u caudidate for Representativo. The convention was orginiz ;J bv eleet! L? Hon. J. 1. Coricy, of Manchester, Cbairman, and Jamks Sam, of Lodi, Secretary. On motioD, Mcs-rs. Jami.s M Kki, 6KV, (jK) W. FltKAM, aui] ('lIAULKS ihLií, (rere appoiuted a committee on crede.itia's, mul reported every towu repre sented. Matï. D. Blossku and Lbyi Kouers were appoiutcd teller, una the conventkm proceeded to ballot for a candidate, wlien Áaron ChilIí, of Augusta, was un:iniinouly uotuinatej. The proceedings were directed published in the suveral Dciuocmfio papers iu the county, after Inch the convention adjourned. J. D. CÜKEY, Ch'u. Jas. Sage, Secretary. We urge every fanr.e-, into wliote hnnds this numbur of the Argus may f i!l, to rend the arlicle on the first page headed "The Tariff Ilolhery Exposcd." Mr. Ivnia is hinisi-lf a 'farmer and b: 8, feit the heavy burden wblob he protests sgaiust bearing longar. lic speaks from his own Btandpoint, aod clearly poinls aut to his brotiier farmers bow they are taxed to enrich the manufacturar ; how thy pay kwo prieta for th.eir bnte, their shoes, tbeir clo!,hing, tLu ir toola, auil for evcry ether proiected artitle. TLo points he ra&kosc3nnot be refutod. And now for the application. AusT!n ]jlaiu is avowedly nud peráiateDiIj the advocate of protectivo dutii's. Hia votes have uniformly been givea ia tbo inttrest of the iroij, teel, woolen, wood screw, íalt, coji] a.!vl othor proteo'ud monopolisto, aiid1 he doclnrea that lis vote vyill be po givcn in Oa future. Will Washtenaw farmers sullify themsclves by voting for hioiT - After rcading the arti L referred to, hand it to your Repubücan ueigbpr and ask hiin to read it. If a pro'ectivB tariff is a. good tbiog, a Messing iu dlsgu.isc, why don't thu fow iMiuhigaik Woolan Manufiutuiers demand proteotion aainst t'ie oapital and sklll and pauper labor of New Eiiglund? Toe maDufacturcrs of Ma 8!icl;uset:saiid Conneo ieut can easier coicpuie witj thoe of Englaud than can guiño? Michigan w! tli their down-east competitor?. ProUftt Michigan labor should he the W-itch-cry. - We íBay be ko!d khat that antiquaíi d dojuinent, the Coustilution of the Uuitod States, prohibits taxes or tariffs on iuter-State traíBc. What of that ? (Jongress don't besitate to ehut its eyes .ind go it blind wlien o constitutional prohibitioii getg io i$j way or even to forje un amenduient of tb at defective document. Let the Miobigao mano't:turers deinend their rights, cünstitution or n; OongtitQtioDi 1 ■■ - Indiana having elactsd a Democratie Legislatura it is understood that Sooator Morto.n woirt suoccei or euperisede Morton at the (Jouri of St. Jsmes. He must piay the "dog in the maDger," and I k.eep an office he wants ■ t o get out of, just to keep a Deruocrat from iilling the place be vacatea. Radicai Senatoys are ■Al liko Gisant, ncd believo iu "hanging on to a güod thing.:' - As Grant is now at work removing all the Fe.ntos rneu, we suggest that he remove FbntoR hiniself : that is,seud him to Gruat Britain. The census of Nevucia, jusi completedj shows a population of 41,836, or abuiit 400 in excess of Wasbtenaw County ; ye-t Novada bas two United States Senators and one niember of the House. Nevada i one of the Radical rotten boroug-hf, and it is proposed, at the nest sessiou of Congres?, to aJmit two more sueh bnroughs - Colorado and Xcw Mexico- to aici iuperpetuatingtbe lease of the party ia power-. A vote . for Blair is a vote in favor of doing that very thing. Secretiiry Cox, of the Interior Department, h:is resigned. Grant intefered witli the internal management of his department, and directed him to send big clerks home to vote, and pay them while absent. ïhis was niore than Cqe could trtaod. Tur l'resident has pardoned Gen. Stars, Ooi. Tho'mpson, and Capt. Mannix, the Fenian officers convicted of breaking the neutrality laws iu the last raid on Canada, and they wero released froui the prison at Auburc, N". Y., on Saturday evening last. The Rov. J. D. Fulto.n, of Boston, obarged Tiiton with drinking wine, and retorted that Fulton drsink boveral glusses of lager after a gunday evening sermón, in a Broadway 6aloon. Whereupon FmroN briuga a libel suit agaiust Ïiltox. Now let tbc truth out. Tub consun of thw State is now auuouuced as complete, tho total population feeing ,191,462. The population in ÏSGO was, 749,113, and the gaio is, iherefore, 442,348. Tbo aggregate ia not quite up to expectatioLS, and is probably below that of lowa. St. Louis is to turn out a uegi'o lccturer t !iis winter. - Ex. 'J'ikn out! Won't tbat be a viola'ioD of tho civil rights bill ? Hasn't lht negio lecturer a right to stiy in St Louis 8 long a be o'joosjs ? Gka.m will be he.rd from. If ay Democratie uiciabar of Conress at tha receut eleetions m Peousjrlvunia, Ohio, and Indiana bad lens lian ijOOO uiaj. bis seat is tJ bn cootested. If bc people won't eleet KepubÜcan caodilate Congres 8 will siiuw tbem a tbiiijf or wo. 1 Oen Repubhcan friends ctmekled corsiderably becau?e the Democratie Ccunty Convention, liold last week, indulged in fix bailota for a Sheriff ï What'e that! didu't the lludical Congresaional Convention for the 2'2d New York district ballot 10'26 time bef re victory perched on the -hüulder of eithcr coinbataut ! New York Etening Post (Rep.) saya that the mononoHs s can't spare SCHBRCK fiom Congres, and his district liaving refjiscd to reliru him hu is to be clected by res lutii'u. Tuk World oí Tuesday claims a uct Democralic {;ain of tiva members of Congrega íq PenDsylvauia. Not a bad showiug, certainly. In the two Detroit Senatorial district?, the Demoeiats hare nominated, J. W. Romeym, a "mpmbeï of the pnssnt i Houee, and L. M. Masos fur re-clection Washington, Oct. 19. - Baron Gerolt has ruceived a (Kapaleh frora Bismirck, ditd ytsterday, at Versaillos, dpciarng lo the friendly powera that the object of tiie Gerinan tmliUry operations in France i.s ubt for conqurüt, hut only t secure sucli a nev boutdarv ss i; co eidered dHpe"Pab!o to tho better protfctiou of Germviy airainf future invasions frotu Franoe. It is added that Germany feel.s nu hostiüty to"ird Pranee and entertaina a sincere wúh f(r its future welfare. A, copy of the dispatch has bcon sent to tbe Department of State.


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Michigan Argus