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Democratic Country Committee

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Vo have recelvcd from IX 1?. Dosob, Ebc., PBjIdent of i be late Democratie Countj QMwntlon. tlie ñames oí the Uomity Oommee, fo'lowa : I 1). Norris, Chairman, E. M. Colc, IL ivaztr. ü. Rodney Morey, Daniel Lo ion, Erra Norris, Q. W.Turubull, Cha. Prof. WaTsoN of the Universiiy, h at, au ppoliitment from the Superiuthe Astrouomical departmeut of tSarvcy, actiug uuder a lavp en .,:;,1 at tbe last session of Cotigrpss, to go ibrot'i iiI observe t!:" coiiiiii total eclipse ofthe Sun, set iluwn !:y the almapac mak. ((S ;or p.ccinbcr B8lb, - invisible in the L'nited States. Tlc line of total obscura twn, ilicafoivs.Mi'.l laanac3 béing authorl■v ■■runs ihroQgh soiitlieru Öpalu, Algiers, ece, Turkey, föil luto Bu pr Watson expects to s:til on the Cunatd ittUBer to leave York on or abont the MofÑowmber, and hls station will be at Cttwiton tlie isla lid of Slcily. It l.s tüflctstuoii tbat j?rof. W., on lus returrif (jllgirca in the Univcrsity course, onhistM.vuls :uh1 tUe eclipse. Tlie a'ljourued meeting of the stpeihoMtis f the Toledo, A mi Arbor and; Xorthtm ailroad Compauj', to conslder [liepropof.ïil [fionsolidatln witli the Baltisortaml Oliio, To!;!Íoaii'l Michigan Kuil,iwt Company was held yesterday. The tooinltti'e appoliited iwo weeks ago reporteJ.anJ considerable discussion was hal ioUi of the subject beforc the meetlo Düincroas siilo Issnes, after whlcli tiio mcetá;,not seei nir tlie way clear to cousolida iD,a(ljouriieil sinedie. Whatuext? We k naili: g, iike MlCAWBTj "!or fonu.;.. lo urn np. Dr. A. B. CfiosBt, Professor f Surf7 in the Medicrl Bepartmcnt, de'lvened the opening lectuïe In the Assoclalloa Cowse, o taesday evening, In the M. E. Cimh. Kis subject v.-;;.s " Syminelrical ut." v,'o vore unable to bc present, but Iioht ihe lecture spoken of i tramcmlatory i TtaFaculty and the severa! depart. Beats lid classes in the University, are arrangement for the. spproMicobservancc of" UniverSliJ 1 1 iy," gel wmoiWs yer for Wednesrlajr, Xo. to. 1! vse tove :iuy advluc to gtvc It L-. Don't appoiyt too many speakers, dor nUoiv tie ppeakers appojutcii ttc much ;i:oe. Ve have bad plepty of min BÍne onr last ïvpprt, an-1 tho streef liave a (!ei in j look. It cleared otf lonj; esday nlght to brlng a gharp (rost Wcdiiesihiy ino.vnuig;, but rain carne agaiu tíforc nogu. In fací "it ralnf j'st as tijy" Tbe full cen.-us returr.p t-how tlmt TíslitciiíiT stiii rqantaiDS her posltlon as iti foortli coutity In populatlon In the to. ündertae census of 1S(;ü-'(j.j, i was %ne, f;c;iaw(;o. .Oaklaiul, Washtenaw. Tie new cen-ius inakes it : Wayne, Kent, sivee, and Washtenay. Odkland .wesfiftli, and Sagiua.w sixth. Yoon Domi..s3, who was convictcd itharge ofrobbing tbe posiofficeln h:& eiitenccd to i term of one year In Se House of CorrectloD at Detroit. Jias tal pirdoojed by President QrÁnt. It s now nnnounoed that Prof. Woon 'w declincO % (eniptlng ofier to go to "■linukee, as Saperiuteodeat of xlie Iron rts in that city, „ a salary of $4,000 a ?tar,ti(i luis declded to remata at his post !a the UniyiTsity. Itlr, Mr. BniOHAX wil preach iu L'nitarinp. Chnrch next Snnday mornS nd iu the evening .vill begin a conree f liine lectures on tbe Chnrcli Jlistory oí 'w First Tlnee Clirfstian GeDtprle. Messm. Gilmurk & Fiskr, af tl.iry.luve purchased the entire new edition "■Tiffa.nys Criminal Law, and are now "eptiblisliers of that standard work. Tn Artesiau w.;il wsr down about Wjoterday morning.still n claj. Gravraed to bu running in and Clogpiqg, Haring was suspended yester(.1ay,,to be """ted to day probably.


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