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Vío fi.-id he following parágfápb in thc Jackson Citúcn of the 14:h inst. : Prof. E. Jj. Rlplcy, who for tnauy yoars ñas Principal ofthe Union School, ut tliis place, was recelitly térribly stnbbod, at Coluinbus, The (tetilla of the nt lf !ii I - L on liis lili' :'.iv as folio .vs : Pfof. Rip ley Is i Professor In the Stuie Utifverslty, i! Colombia, and n few (laya slnce rtfuseo adinisülon to tlie College to a boy namccl i-, wliose conduct. heretofijre ba i been vei'j" questlonable, A ft w iJaysafter, whlle ilii' Professor was walklop lióme, he iv:is met by the fsther ofthe boy-, James Ouitar, lly inquired why liis boj wns denWd atlinliwion. Air. Iiipley replied that he vrould explain at sumo ottier time, when he was not so exclted. Ouitar the riisiird at liii:. st rikiny iiini wlth s large rlirk, Infllctins Bevernl m vvouada - two 011 tlie left sUle, one entering tho cavity of the luiiL's, aud oue the abdomen, ettbcr o wlilcli were iboiiglit Fatal. Tlie other wonnds are qaite ilanírcrons, one lalng b:ire the carotld rtery tn the neck auout two Ihcties, tlie otliere bélnff on tlio ñecle, chest and left arm. Prof. fiiplt-y, alter beDg Atabbcdf selzed hls won Id-be oíurderer y rlio tliroiit, wliou i lie by-standi rsseparatt:il ther,aud the wounde I man was earicI to n surffeon'H. Tbe physlciao süited Mr. K could noi Hve ten hoars, neiirly ull the vronnds brin consldered anngerous, but lie s yet alive. and there are bopts of ! i!s complete recoveiy, Mr. Riplky 'as gome yars a professor in the Normal School at Ypsllantl, and has many frlends in Llmt rity, and in educatioual circles throughowt tLe State. The Board of Supervisors bavo made fair progresa dartng the week. In our next we shall give sonie sjjace to thetr dolngs.


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