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What Protection Is

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Gen. BiuNKEiuioFF, of Ohio, discisscd Protection and Free Trade, at Jack8 n a few evenings (tinca. The following is an abstract of his speech, copied from the Jackfon J'alriot. Every tax-payer, tspeo'ally evory farmer, artisan or laborer sbotild read it : lfREB TRAPB - WÏÏAT IT MEANS. Tlio General I free trado not to be the aboütion of táxation - neither did it mean direct taxaiion upon proporty according to valué. No peonía Were more anxioua lliui f-ei' tradérs, that tho credit of the Government sLouKl be m!in!aiioi, nJ all neeessary reveuue cnllccted. iSo Ion Lf as goverumenta exist, tijtctioo muat exist, and no long as our Cpnstitution remaini as at present, tho onlv pructic:ib!ü wayofcollecting our oalional ta.xes, must be by tariff and exeise lawa. Freo trade, Iherefore, racans notliintr more tlian uch a revison of the tariff and internad revene iavra ns to give to the government ihe rnvenue it rvqaires, arui at tha same time be tho 1: ast burIkensome to the people. Tho ttrfff n nny nhapa was a burthen ind not a hlessing, and thereforo it saould be made as lisht as pos-ibl. ín order to do this it must be cotifincd to it Kold object - taxation To test a tariff, all we have to do whenever we pay a tax under it, igto inqnire, does the government eet t ? Does it get it all ? Jf it does not, if it sticks to semebody's fingers, or goes into tho cofFer ofsonie great moDopo'y, you m:iy rest as j-ured ilmt there is something wrong. The General then proeeeded to show in detail that by levyjng duties upon articles wbicb we not ouly import from abroad bnt which o also make at homo, that wo enhanee the home product to the extent of the duty, and thereby put into tho pockets of monopolista vast sumg of money without addin; auythiug like an cinni atruuut to the revenuo of the government. Tho duties upon iron, eoal, salt, Inrnber, and the vast number of articles clussified uader the head. of chemicals, weie of this eharaeter, and gave not more than one dollar to the govornment whjro they gave tweuty dollars to the monopolista. This syt9tn was known ns "Prntection to Amcricau Iodustry," but in truth aud in fact it was a .ystem of legalizfd roSbary and is a dead weight upon aïl tho legitiinate industries of tbe nation. TUK RKJIEPf. The remcdy is a tariff for revenue only, insteud of abounty tariff as at present. Such a taritï eau be fouud in couimiïsionur Wells' report for last year. - Wells' tfiriff yields the Governmeol 8150,000,000, all it needs, and yet it would lelease our people of at least 300,000,000 in tho way of bounties to monopolista, A REVEXUE TARIVF. We Fres Traders believe that a tariff levied ior any pnrpose other than reve nue, aud especially one levied to foster and cnrieh one section of the country at the oxpense of olher, orto fosteraod enrich one class of citizens at the expense of others, is unauihorized by the Constitntion, unjut to the great body of the Atberipan people, aud in its, iiijurious erentually to nearly every industrial interest of thu conntry. - In fixing tl e duty tberefore, let it bi for revonue exclusively, and let it be no greater on m artielo than will givo the maxinuKii of revenue on that article. Guided by these principies a tariff can so be formed to day whieli will yi;ld 'he government all tho money it needs for current expenses, and in addition give a Miirlus ol $25,000,000 per annum to pay on the national debt Whcn we examine tho tariff rcci'ipts of lást ycar wo find that over one-half comes from ten classilied artioies, viz : Tea, coííe?, sttgor and molnsso, wines and spirits, tobáceo, gpices, fruits and nuts, glass, aud silks. Iu fact, threefourths of our entire customs reven ue como i'rom thirteen olaasi&ecl artieles. - You pee at once a Free Trade Tariff is possible and here it is : THE TARH'f AS IT OUGIIT TO BK. Commoditics. Rato of Duty. Est. Rev. Ten 25ctB]ierlb. tW.OOOfiW Codee Sctsperlb. lí 000,000 Sílices 45 Lts per Ib. ü. 000 neo " {?oV;?eenríed'} MÍM" Nuts 1 gent per Ib. 4ío,ono Sardines 8U per cent, Chocolate Tctsperlb. 1(0,000 Opluin H per Ib. 25U.00O Llcaorico 1() cis piír lh. 370.00') Flttx aiut niHiiufaí: of Av. duty of 2b per ct.5,000, u Mlnvcs Of kln í-2,:"i0 por doz. 1.000,000 Furs -■ p'-r ceDt silk, msnufac. of . . 5 per ecut 10,0uu,0u0 Tin, blockAplg f Tin iilaa-s' 25 percent 2,000,000 Tiu . manufac'fl of. . . ( C'igRrs $2 pir Ib. in,000,ono ro 2í cu per Ib. 2,3 ti w o Sptrltí $2pergalloo, í',coo,ooo wídm DO cbi per gallos 6,40i,ioo Siarklinu' WilteS... iC per lioi. l,620,l'O Stiiíar, aniform duEy 3 cts per Ib. B5,00Qf0O0 Molass8 .'. Scts i'er gsllon, (,000,000 Total $1 : ;,s5 ,oo To this grand total xrc may now add 3 per cent lor the elasticity, or natural vearly increase Jnf the revenue, reMilting from increase of populatiou. - This will give $8,746,850 more. Thero is also derived from fines and penalties at lenst Sl,000,OOOpor annum. These two amounts baving been ndded, we will sep that the Government could raiso 120,041,850 of gold revenuo from a turit that will "protect" no special class. TA71IFF REDÜTICOX. The ProtectionistB jnst now, in response to tho evident depire of the pcople íor íi reduction of duticp, claim great credit, lor concessious njaflc in that direction duriug the last winter Let ns look at them and nee fnr ourstlve. The leductions are as followp, viï : 1. On tea, coflec and SUff&TA 20.500,000 2. On splce 1,500,000 B. On iruiis and mits 7.'0.000 4. On plg iron and fcrap iron.. 540,000 5. On about 100 anieles made fiw ui" duty 2,750,000 $26,040,000 By taking it off of tho first thrce item. mentioned the Protectionihts renderod it necessary to eollect that amount of revonue from articlss which they want protected. A reduetion of 22,750,000 f-n tea, coffee, sugar and spicos means just thai much ana no more ; but on tlie olher i bnnd, tbo dame amount of reduetion on iron, coal, galt, lamber and a thousand and one other urticle-i of primo neoessity, v?ould havo relicved tho people of n burdea of $200,000,000 of bounty taxes. Now, auy one familiar wiui this subject can sae at a t'lauce, that ia stcad of a concession. this vvholo sehed ule is a device of the cueiny to decuivc and defiHud the peole. . Thi'y go to the ptople witb. tbc apecious cry of,reliet lioiu taxatiou of$üti,040,000 all of wh!ch is very tiue, but it is alsaequally true that 822,750,000 of t was relief just hen: it ouht not to bato been made, Yiï : frona tea, coffee, Rugar and gj cos - this 9 the cheapeft tax we pay, but tho Protectionists are willjpg and auxious to take off all the duties on tea, enffes and sugar, for they know that takes 50,000,000 out of the Treasuiy and midera it necessary to continuo the dutits on the anieles they want protected. Tlfli F REK LI8T. In the same way, wben wo come to examine the v;unted free ligt of last winter, we Gnd it a delusion and a SDare. Let us exumine a few nrtieles. Take for cximple cork wood. Hero'.oforo it had a duty of 30 per cent., whilst mmulaetunnl corks were taxed .r)i) percen., tliusgiving to our home manufacturera "f C'.rk? h protoeünn of 20 por cent. Thií with the ingeuious innchinery used and patentcd. was sutDieient to give a fair eommand of the market, ond a fair profit. ötill tho duty was not prohibitory, and heneo not s:iti.factory. Tho maniifactiirers envied the Government tho 850,000 of revenue received frotn coiks, and lenee it went to tho Ways and Moin Ccmm'ttec and got cork wood pntupon the tree list, whicu givea them a prohibitory duty of 50 per cent upon corks, nnd cnables tlie IVotectionists to prateof tho "enlnrged free list." This is tmly a reduction of revenue, but iti an increase of taxation as our ptop'.e will lind out to their sorrow hen thej come to buy corks after ibe first of Jan uary next. So with the itfm of brimstono. As we might expect Irom the name, we fiud Satan in it. We find him iu the guise a manufacturar of sulphurio acid. liecently an imtnenso deposit of mineral phosphate of lime has been discovcred on the coasts of North and Bouth Carolina and Georgia. To tnake this available for use, and commeree requires large quantities of sulphurie acid, and henee lurgo works lor its manufacture are being ereoted. Judgiug from the amount of revenue received from sulphurie acid last year being ouly $5 1(5 100, tho duty is already prohitntory ; but that don't seem to have beo satisfactory to our home manufacturero, for we Cnd thetn in Wa-ihington last winter lobbying for sulphurand brim-tone free Tfate they effected in the House, but when thev got to the Senate, Mr. Morrül, of Vermout, whoe constituents made sulpbur from pyritO3, caused that item to he Hiruck oul, and left it as it Btands, viz : with a duty of 49% per ce:it., but helet crnde brimatone gu upon the free lint, whioh enhances the profits of the maker of gulphuric acid jast 24j per cent. So in a tliousund wnyg this dmon of protection wiiidles tbe penple of the hard carniags of their toil, bnilds up monopolies, not ouly in tho highwoys, but also in the hudijei. If we eould track down to their denw all ihe monopolies, big Bfid li tt Ie, bid undcr the yari ons duties on clrómïcals, o w u'd find their onmber equal to the " legun " of old. Wc know a fow of tlietn and can gucss at the others. B crómale oí potash is a monopoly in Baltimore. Bagar oflead is in tho control of three men in the ci:y of Philadelphia, aud is a (rade worth 5,000,000 a year. So all over our land we fiud iuiquities of this kind. BLESSEb rHEE MST. Thif, then, is the feast of fat things to whioh we aro invited by this blessed free list. Ono huudred new items are 011 tho bill of fare. Ilow consoling to the poor families Btruggling day by day for tbe bare neccssai íes of üfe, to bo tokl that asbesto-s, und belladonua, canary seed and buchu leaves, are put on the free lift, hikt clothing is left nith a duty of 75 to 150 per cent. and salt 125 per cnt. Iiow cheering to the poor widow shivoring in the cold, to know that crotón bark, litimu, and Joddo gum are put upon the froe list, wbile the duty on coal is 81.25 per ton. To the mechnnic, wliat joy it mnst bring, to know that turlKn, tea plants and jalap are at last upon the free list, whilst evcry !ool lio usís, írom a chis (1 to a trip hainuiur, is taxed from 45 to 150 per cent. How encouragjng to the faraier to know tlint ccona imis are only 10 pT cunt. iu tbc new tanif aud Z:mte aarrants are '2}, and in additioo, lone dut squills aud ipicac are free, and yet every iinplemcut he Ufes, from a rake to h reaper , is doubled in price by the tarifF. and throiigh its intiuenco freights are so incroased that it costs as much to get a bushei oí wheat to market as it uocti to raise it. NULMFicxrros of oon'g oiftc. Tbus in every direotion in whioh wo lonk. this nye em of protection is a chtat Htid a fraud. It ha even rondoreJ void soine of the best bonnticB which God in his L"iodne3S providnd for this nation. He L'nvfi us ifae richest mines of iron and load, and copper, upon tbe globs, and ypt through thU tariff proiection wo nave ilie do;iriHt iron md lend and copper opon the trlobe. If all these mi.u's wero dostroyed to-day, and with them our tariff system, o would get all these rainerals at least fifty per cent cheaper than we do uow. If 1 hole could bo borcd into the bot torn of the salt lake at Syracuse, and all tho brine ia it sent to China iu company with our Chinese taritï, wo would at onco fpA all the sh wo noed nt halfits present price. Take a few minor items. For instance ! orar, a prime necssity tor tinnets nnd blacksmith?, and aiso used by the mcdioal faoulty. Ten years ago it Aas brought from the island f Sicily, and from Veuice, and was sold in tb in market for twenty cents apouud. Uofortu nutnly a few years ago a bora.t lako vva found upon the Pacific Rlope, which proved to bo tho richest depnsit of bo rax upon the globo. At this disoovery all the consumera of borax who beard of it werc roady to shout for joy. But lo, and behold ! it went into the hands of a oompany, und the company went to Washington, and a duty went upon borax, and to-day wo have tho feficity of paying for it fifty cents a pound. So with the metal niekel - a few years ago, a mine ot it vfas discovered ia the Congressional district of Tuatldeus Stevens in Pennsjlvania- -as usual in eueh cases, it went into the hands of a compnny, and the company went to TVash" ingion, but old Thad. Stevens, was reasonable and only lat a duty of fifteen per oent. go upon it. But the company found that fifteen por cent. was not prohibitory, and at 1-st Thaddeus Stevem died, and in his place üppenred a man by the name ot Diukey, and Dickey got upon the Waya and Means Committee, and now w? fitid a bilí reported to tho House uhich puts the duty on nickle up to foi ty per cent. But the thing was too bire faced and heneo it wag cut down to twenty-five per cent, boing an increase of ouly ten per cent. upon tho fbrmer la'c. So with emory which is largely used in the arts and formerly come from the Moditena-itan Sea As bad luck vvould have it au emory mino was discovered a few ycars ago in Massachusetts, and tbo result is, cmery lias almnst donbled ia pric8 and bo wc go, nnd so long as this sys'ctn of legi-lation continúes, we will continuo thus to go. This whulu ftystem of special lesislation, whether in the Sia'e or in the Nation, is n ft-arful evil, ond ia sapping the very life blond of public men and public moralu - like the Devil Fish of Victor Hug:, it has a humlred slimy arma, and every arm luis a liuudred grecdy suekers, and it is fast gatheiing into ita hidious ;rasp all tho powers of legisla tioo, and unlcss wa c in freo oursslvcs quiokly tho überties of this nation will ba a thina of th.; pis% and our llcp'il)licun institiitions "will go gïimmering into the dream of thing ihat were." - We havo recently shown thai as a nation we liad energy enotigh and virtue snotigb to spcud niillions ol money, and also to givo the lives of 500,000 of our bravest aud our best, that ouogreat monopoly of the brains and bodies tod souls of men, inight bo broken up, and I trust .hereupon, th:it we bave vi'.ality enongh kft us to destroy the sw llon uionopclies wbioh yet remaio.


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Michigan Argus