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EU-ction and IU;;iM: ;Uioii Aolire. Notlce ís Ixerebj vcu ro tbe Electora or the townBhïp of Ann Arbor, Umi the polls r-,r the Dcfet eenoral olectton, to bc beid November 8th, next wiii be at Nolson Edniuud' Juinur Shop, hall" a niile west of the Port Omee-. AlBO the I.'uiuil of ReglstratíOD wUl meet at the sanie place on Satnrday, November 6th. 1W3w2 1. N. S. P06TER. TnwMMp Clérfc. Estáte of Charlea Staok. STATE OKMirHTOAX.Coiinry oí Washtenaw. ss. AL a seaslon ui' i lii Probate Court for the Coiinty of Vnslit-n;iv, hiilcten ai the Piobate Oftice, In tac City of Aan Arbor, n Monday, the twenly-fftorlh day tl October, In tlie year oue thouuaud eiglil hundred and sevuiity. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charlee Stuck, dt'censud. On readlng anfl (Hing tbe prMtion, düly verlfled, of Ilfii.nali Sni'jk . prayin; that Charlo .Shier or lome OÜier fiuitixble perron, may be iippoiuted AilminLstratof oJ tb estáte ofsalq cU-ceased, Tbureupmi it U orderct}, 'hut ttonday. the twentyflrBt d:ty of November next,at ten o'dock in the fmenoo, be sostened for the hearing of said pi :-;.-t iiuir. the ii rs mi luw ofsafd deceaved, andall other proun iuterestcd in said etat reqnlied to appear at a teielon of múd Ooart, then tobe huWItyi, at, üic Pruhale Office, in the Cïty of Aun árbor, .'nul show cansej If anv there be, wnytho pr.-iycr of petftionér shonld not be Rrantd : And il Ie furthrr ohI'Ti'i!, thfli H.-tid petltfoner gi bo the p'irfcoiiR titferested in píiiJ estáte, of the penJcncy oL ittld petition, and th; hearing qaitsiag copy Qf tbjs order to bepubïisned In the Michigan Argw, a newapaper priuted and drculaÜng in lald Connty, threc Buccetivc weeks pre "nou 8 to na'u div oí hearing fAtrnecopy.) IHKAM -T. BBAffBS, 12Ü3 Jode of ProbaU. Ectate of Lodorscs A. Swïft - minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cminiy of Washtanaw, es At n seaston of the.Pmbatt; Oonrt fot tbe Coiin ty of WaahlaiiaWi hoMaa at the Probate ofllce, iu the city of Ann Arbor, o Wedne&da. . slxtU day of October in thu yyar oue thoouad eii;i)t hnodred and aeventy; Presentí Hirato J. Beakes, Judo of probate. In themattor of the6tajte of LodorscaA. Swïft, minor On rcading mul íllin the D, iluly yerffled, of T.. F-ü.ab:tli Swirt. (iuardian, praying that she may be Heensed to sell certaln real cstñtt: beloagiog t aafd idÍdop, and also a!l her right tltle and interest in aodto the povsuuiil estáte f ProBklin Tbereapon H is ortiered, fhat Wcdnesday, the twenty-Lliird day of November nexl, at tea o'dock in the Jon-tmon . be asalgtied Ir the hearifli; of eawi ptstttkut, and that the aext oí kin iif said minor, and all other persouB Inte res ted ia sald estáte, are requircd to appew at a Bfleston of iiid Ooorti tlieii to bë holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aon Arbor, and show i:1 íttiy th'Tf be, why the prayet of tht1 peillioner shoiild not be granted : And iL ta fnTtbei ordered, that Bald petHiotier glve notlca to the oext of knol said uiiuor and all 0 said estáte, of tlie pendeftCy f sald petitlon, iind the bearinir tliTeof, by r,uiii]r n copy oí tlii.-í order to bc pnblJAhed lp .ha Mickifjan Argwt, -.i newspaper pi iiid and cïrcalauDg in sald County, three guccessivc wi cl;s to yivt day of bearing. CA 1 1 i.c copy.) XiJUAM J. BBAEE8, 1287 J.tide o i Prohatc. Estáte of Margare t TaufKÏrch. rT.VJ'KOF MICHIGAN, Cuuiity of Washtenaw, m. e : ■ borebyglvon, tb at by au order of the Pjrobate Coart for the Ooonty of wwhtenuw, made ji1 the thlrteentb day of Beptember( A. J. 1870, slx montha from the twenty eecoud cay of Octobe", A. I). !8Tïi W" re allowed lur creditora to present thcir claims aalnsi the ertate of Margar ei Tanfktrch late of ■■■l CoantVt deceaead, and that all creditore of sald deeeased are required to prevent thelr claimi to said Probate Court, at the I Ottiee in i h city :f Ann Arbor, fr examlnatlon and fllt'"'1 ince, on or beforv l(ho tventy-sccopü day of Apri ! that bucïi cTalma wtti be beara beforei ■■ Court,on Satftrday, th tir-td je otDecember. asdon Kfttnrdar, the tveuty: April in'xt, alten o'clock ia the forenooOrOfeacb of Lhuu: d-iys DiL:d, Ai.u Arbo-, October 22, A. 1).. !8T0. H1HAM .1 BBAKÉ8, 1293 Judp;eof Probate. ComniissiotteFB1 Noticc. QTATR ÖP MICHIGAN. Cowftty of Wabtenflw,8. O The ooderignedf bavüig been appolnted by tbe Probate Cocvrt fojf saSd Co nty, Corol celve, eiamJae aw3 a4u aM dalaw and tfemadao all persons acafnet the eatate of John Ufaron, lat of Büld Conntj liereby glve noti'-e thnt sfx moot lis f rum date are allowed, b] order of sald Pto britn Court, for rreditnrs to present their claim ■ the estáte of ald deccased, and that the; wil 1 meet al the revfdenoe of Aaron Chllda, in Au gasta, i ii s,-iid Connty, on Satnrday, the thïny ftrst day of December, and P itnr nty sec osd ay of April, next, at 10 o'cIock a. .m. ol sai d days. to reeefve, examina, au(1adjutsaM claims Dated, Octobcr 22d. A. D. 1SW. 1298 , iSffINB, !- Commissioners' Notico, QTATS OF MïCUèOAX, Connry oí Washtenaw, 3 The nndertdgned ba ving been apyolnted by th Probate Coot tor r-nM Connty, CoBmisstouers to re ceive. exnmiu', and rdju-i all claims and Teman dn o nll persons g!ii&."t the c-tato of Kredericli Srablcr late of s:i ui County, deeeased, beröVy glve no ttce thafl six inonthH from dxii' are aBbwod by order of asid Probate Conri fuf creditors to pres put thcir claim" againstihe estáte of satd deeeased, and tba they wiil meet at the late reatdeace of atd deeeased in fiïd Connty, on Batunlay, the Ihirty-flrst day o December, and Monday the twenty lonrtb day o Aprll next, ai ten o'clock A M% ( naca oí aid days to receive. examine, and adjustsaid claims. Dated, October :'4th. 8T0, K'03 KNST QNHAJftRBR, ]commitioncra Couimifsionera' Notioc. STATE OF MlCHIUAK, Conntj ofWaihtena.v, -f The nnderaigned, baring been appoicted by the Probate Court for sa'ul 'ouniy, Commffstoners to ro ceive, examine, and fuljnf all diitma and rlemands o all pereojM agalflet the estáte of Öllaa Wh I late "f lid Cwmtv deceaaed n . - t i - : _v ;;:■.■ n . aii montha from date alhw6d by oroer of sati Probate Oowrt, Fororedifeon to preeent their datms HíTüinst the estáte of aaid deeeased, and thnt tliev win moot at the aaHce of Hinde t'.v Crane, In the rit] of sald Connty, ti Satnrday the saTen tefiith day of December and Friiluy. the iweniy.flrs day of April. next. at ten ovlock A. M oX eeh i wai.i days, to roceive, ezaaitne, and adjust sal( claims Dftted,Octobnr 21st,A. D, 123 '$ipHKiuX., Morfgago Sale. DBPAULT haviuíí bet ii made in the COndlUon o a córtala mortgage made and executed by Dor hska N. Gregory and Edgar M. Gregory, of tüe cltj of Ann Arbor, In the County fr Washtenaw, ant State of Mlohlgan , to Lymau D. James on the twenty ihlrd day oi logast I8öi, aod recorded tin1 same day at 3 o'clock P. M -. in libor 29 of mortgagea i:iur 576, and that there U now dne and anpaid uu aau mortffagc and obllgatlon accompanylng the same, the piiiu of tne Imudred nd ujie 0 i 0: dollars, auil tu become due, turo th onsand dollar? and interest at the rate of ten per cent. perunnum, rromj tniyáfljlj From ttiu S8d 3ay oí Angusí la&t ojp tbe tv.'cjiythird day of AngnsttlSTS, aiso reasonabk Attornys fee shotd any procei dlnga be taken, to forecXose thu same, jand üj proceedlogd at liw or in eqnily liavini been had to n-eovor the same, or any part thoreoT; Nov, tïïerelbre, n,otice is hereby privón, ihat by virtue of a power of a üe In sald mortgage eontatoed, i shall seil at public anctioa, to the nlghest bidder, on the twenty-flrat day of Jauaary next, at 2 o'clock P. M. of sildd:iy, at the frontdoor oí tUe Court IloiLye, in th,e city of Arm Arbor, in said County', all .that certaln tracj or parce! of land known and fleeertbed as follows, to-wlt : Lot No on e, biock nnuiiKoaL oorth, in range two eaat. in the fi'V of Ann Arbor, in tlie Connty of Washtenaw, and S.ate of Mrchian. Dated, Octobc? '-'.'M. 18T0. i.YMan n. JAMES, Storteagee. John N. Gorr, Alfy. for Mortgagae: )9t8 Rel Estáte for Salo. CTATKOFVJi ü .c v V. CoantTofWashtépsw,. O Iu the matter of the estáte of 7ohn Goorge Voiz, deeeased. Kotit:1 is hereby gfrenj thnt In pnrapanco of an order gmatiíd to : Uloiiuiatrator of the e tute of sail ceceaséo, by tbe Hou Judgeof I'iobatii for hi: Cnnrv of W i.sliini:iw, OU f ík' twenty-second day oi Beptember. A. i there wJll bc aold at pnbllc vendne, to the hlehest bidder, at the soyth uoor of tlie Conrt Boaie, Ld the City of Ann Arbor, in tba Connty of %'aahtenaw, In said State, Oo Vednesday, the fonrtteeotft utvy of Deoember, A r. ito, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, Canbject ip all encuntbrance by mortgage or othörwise aisXlnjE t thje tirae o( tho tK'ath ofjiaTd deceaeeö aád atoo sabjeot ka the riht ofdowsrof his widuw (heselujt the ÍoUov::bí dcscslbod reaj estáte to wíl : a parecí of land mencing at a point in the c nter Wbite road on i tie n e ectiou thlrty, in the town hhi'p of .Aim .ï:!.ih-. antï thirt en rhauis nnrtl frum the south-west c iwiee oí siúd seotion, rnnning theuc sonth two and a hal.' dcgrees west thlrteen ch.-iius to Ule vbntílWe .. .1 eetAn thirt y. Uience north elghty rvn and a quarter degreea sast twenty cwo chatos and Hieven iii.ic,, thnoe u rtb tuo and a half oei ■ iua and cixry three links to the cnitir of said Bber iVnjtc cas4, thtfnee Boutb se ■ and a half degrees weet along the center o,: sald rc-ád to the place of begjnnjntr, thlrty-four ai I res. Aleo a ptece of land beginntng at the north-wast corner of ecíioo thírtyone in the town oX auu Arbor, ranwna thèace eaal alongthe secüon Hne forty foor chams and furtyakfl to a stake, thenoe sontb saven chaios aLd tbirty min Uiike, thence woM foriy fonr ohains nd forty-three UnkBi thdace north sevoii cii.-iins and Porty-flve links to the place of beglnolng, cantainin tblrty-flve and Ï8 H 0 aerea. -Uso the sast batf oJ the ea-t liulf of the sonto west Qjuarier of seotlon ten, IntowD hiftthreesnth of rauge flve eott, ooctain Ing forty acres mor.1 or less. Also twenty acves of liintl Iving north or the hlghway, and off of tbe west pide of t li" half of the sontheast onarter o tlon twenty livo, n townshtp two Boatn oi range five east ; all betn in said State of Michigan. Datwl, OftolK'ruNnh. A 1). I8T0. .X)MN a. vor., Adnrlnlstratpr. IJEOPLE'S DRUG STOxvc R. W. ELLIS& CG1 ■


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Michigan Argus