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DETROIT ADVBRTISEIIEXTS. Ttnat'dtiilhiii column are all s Itfili-mmr r.vIrryrita . JtaM of n' rhmarttr ero' ti, itlK SAl.lí-I,"l'lA(']l]'.Siif Vullinble PINE AND FARMÍNG LANDS, OX TIME, Al Pllaw IUiie-ii.)í from $2.00 TO $10 00 PER ACRE. WIIEKK LOCA TU': 6 38S ere Ptoe Ijind oa tlie Wlícmxln Him-r. 7S'aoreson th ClwUoyK"' KiTr', MlCli., Ifaiüu;: tó Chebi.ican "r Kiihcun -I,'1') ncrw ota TIhi.hI.-i Bar , Uaílni i" Alpe, I 200 aerea ou ttae lm ülver. 50 ton OB thc Titibuwanwc Elver, 1,900 arrea In Oladwln CM'itv, Mico., for ' rmanil limbrr. I ."T choicn minaral aad hard timbar Uudi Mar Onlooagon. 1,800 acrw prairie knd in Nabmate. naar tht Bolón PaeUoR.K. W lera on th Aa Sanblt Por lull daaoriptlon. prioes nd rni. m. foroIreBlar. DAVID PKMTON ()., Bnnker, Detroit. M. 1KTROIT IiUCOBIOTITV WOHKS, U MACHINE SHOP AND F0UNDRY. MASUFAOTilJlElíti ÜK Hiech & Low Pressure Engines For UoatE, Propellers, Sw Mills and Jüoiug l'urDOM BOILKRS.of all tlml and ii:ic for I.nconnilivo, Sleamars and Saw Milla llwtrm, Mu'lii:,l)r.TclliriK. fce,, fcc . Ii-on and Brasa Cnlinps ut ivory deZrlption. Qnrbu fot H.w Mllli, Urlt Mili, fce. Cninn l'laner and Wood Working MapliIti'T.v, Graal North Anit'i'i'iiii Gang, made of Iren, and tlinmunl trie of San MUIOanft.i [f"l!fil.i ofall kinda done on aliort noico, nipül r taj. Wnrkh a I.arnod nnd Congrem, from Third 10 F..u rl li SU. , Office cor. Lamed and Tljird Strcets. C, 11. 1UHL, PrM't. 1. K. l'KIRCK.ácc. nd Traas. J w. BAlULErT. echanteal Sup't. KTROIT 8TKA9I FANO DYBIltG ESTABLISHMENT, 42 Congress Street, East. Funcy Ityeing done on filk, Woolen aml Mixed Goods of all MniU, Hrit clatí. Kvpr' description of ■hawll c-U-niuil, ilycd and Oonls tj:trinriits elaaneil or lijad in the Terr li nuni-r. joods sent by KxifienH prumptly attcnrted %rt. AKCHII. GRANT. 1 STAKLISHKD 1864. JAMKS JE.MvS, Daalvrin all kinds c,f M ACHINEBY AND SUPFLiES, DETROIT, - - - RKHi 29 AtwaterSt., bctween nato. and Kaudolpb SU. MAlllI.VK SH(U' "lid Bimi V ouinli yIXryou want i:l.ia BRASS WORK 0R BRASS CASTINGS I ron Pipe and FlfctlOfil for (jh, B(6MB anl Waler. High w Löw PrflBwrw Stwua BojilMi nud Boilers. Brewhoime üixt Ifctttferj Muchint-r f, c. Ptrfd íor Circular atir] PrtonUflk. FI.OVVEU & BKOS'.t1. Bmh bi., Dutrolt N. H. - All kin.i -i Mt'.nn Icaiinf; done. l7aüIT THKKS- Apple, Pcnj#, l(uin, J? Cherries. Pearhes, GrApevit.e, Cürran'u Gooseberrice, RpbrrU Bwcbbtrrleat Ötrw berrit'ft t &c. All o! th ] t 1 ratwê b tlte thouanii. Ornamental TFt-e-i nu.i Bbrb, II tito Tiuietitfl siiitable (t ow ci-írnití, wtll rt lnunH in great HbutuUncf. Holland Hulbs, ju-st liapoHati, üf bent quality. c ti.n!' Planta, Vvgtablc and Flower 6et-d, &,c. Addrcí, WM. AitAlR. Detroit, Mlob. pABRlAGK HA M'KACTVUKKS O JOHN PATTON & SON, A"1 oiTíriug the U igc#i ftJK' lst iisortmeut of CARHIAGES AND BUGGIES, ix t;ir vut, At Greatíy Rídoced Priora. A ï ï work ma'lp nder Our own siiperTi-oion. "d F J.J-T WjmitABCTRD. Paetorj anl Warernomii curnftr Woodbndg nd Brush rttreeu. l't'troii. HrTíETiL T1 HERSHOE FINDINGS. Tanner's Oils c, Gt?o. E. Cnrlis & Co., No. 118 .h'ffernon Avi-nue, Detroit. Michlflran Ip WETMUKK V t:).. Wholesale Ui-alcr o Crockcry, (Jlas.swarc, China, GAS FIXTURES, i.AMPS, FRUIT J-A.R.S, Sed. IMPORT ASSORTKD CRATE3 FOT. Til E THAI 'F. 100 Woodw -r Avenue, Potroit. Ja.3VTES GLASS 5c BKOImpoilpri anl Dwitori in LEATHLR AND FINDINGS, 11 Graml Hi vtr."lrrt WJest, HETROIT, XilCIIIOAN GEU. F. IHH3MHG , 7 Gmwi strfpt, Kast, Dttrolti manufaciurer ol QIu Stone Slnle Murble MaotUe, imitation of uil the mre culorcd Marbles, fiuch n Btid, Spantith, fï.i lmf v Gretn , iïruc;iVt'l!e, kc, DKTROIT BILLIARÜ TABLG ftlnnnfartory- Gkukiik Smitu . f Ier in Frettcli Ca rom and Four Pockt BlMisrd Tablet, HwU'ii-, Pn:eon Hole. fievil Amongs Ti lom " Tblc. rirct prtsea giren1 by Nu b. sttf Fair '61rfdBt 'tt '70" JDBT KECE1VËD WIYI. WACWER'S, A Largo and Choice Stock ol FALL AND WINTER GOODS, 1NCLUPING OLOTHS, CA8SIMEREB, VE8T1NGS, &C LATEST STYLES iND BEST QÜAL1TIES WHICH HE WO MANUFACTURE o?! lenns io tuit, and in the lint of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FtJRNISHIM Goods BEST STTZjL! Alto LADlEVandGEMTS MOROCCO SATCHELS No.21 South Mala Street- Et ld. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILL1AM WAONER Ann Arbor, Pept. 18Ï0. TF YOU WANT A " TIP TOP " HAT 0R CAP. IP YOU WANT A WINTER IUT. JF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A " Hat as is a Hat," IP YOU WANT Hats Cheap- for Cash. G-O TO A.. A.. TERRY'8; IS Soutïi Vtain. Street. Wbcre jon wttl alo lltid a full liau of Gnt'c PurniKbing Good. Ann Arbor.October 1876. 1249jl GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's ! for 3trictly Pure Drugs and MedicineB,Paints,Oils,&c. Tü PIIÏSHMS ! Kew Yukk, August !5th, 18G5-. Aliow rno to cali ymir aüention t nj PREPARATION OF COMOÜNI) EXTRACT BUCHU. The oroponeot parta are, UUCHTJ, Lno -m, CUBEBS, UBIPliü JlKi:IIE8. MniB or Prkpakation. - Buchu, in Bcno. Juuiper Berriei, by di-tüUtion, o fon a fine gin. Cubcbs extrnclcd y displacement with spirits ob'ainod 'i-om Juniper Bcrrics ; very littlo sugtir h tifcd, and a email proportion of pirit. Il i? More palata'ulo than anv iow iu use. I3uuhu as propiircd 113' Droggists, in of a dark eoior. )t íh a p!ut tlmi emits its fragrance ; the action of a lame dcstrovB this (its activo principie), eaviug n dark and plutinous decoclion. tfine is tlie color of ingrediënt. The 3ucbu in uiy preparalii)ii predomiuntos ; li e smallest quantity of the other 11redients aro addcd, to prevent fermentation ; upon inspection it will be found oot to be a Tíncture, as made in Fbarmacopoea, nor is it n Syrup - and thoreTore can be used in cases where fevei or nflammatinn exist. In this, you have tho knowledge of tlic ingredients, and ,he mode of preparation. Hoping tli3t you will favor it with a trial, and tliat upon inspection it will intiet wilh your approbation, V itb a ft-eling of profonnd confidence I am, rery respeetfuily. H. T. HELMBOLD, Cbemist and Druggist of 1D Ycars' Esperienoe. (Krom the largnut Manufacturing Cliem ists iu tho World). Novkmbkr 4, 1854 " I am acquainted with Mr. H. T Ilelmbold ; he occupied the Drug Store oppiBito my residence, nnd was pucccpsful in conducting the business whwe Qtberd had not been equally so beforc him'. I have been favorubly impresset witli bis charaeter and enterprise." WILLIAM WEIGIITMAN, Firm of Powers and Weightman Manufacturing ('heinists, Niull and Brown Streele, Philadelphia HELIBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BU CHU! For Waknom rïinj; rr'm ínHi-crrf ion . Theex tiAUFtetT povfra of Nature whlch ure accompanie Iy e' rnuy alarmfog Bjmtomi, nqppg wkieh wt '■■ f in-i, iii'-n to exrtionLoss of Meinorj WakHulnets, II-rror of Diiiase, or Forbodtngao Evil ; i ti fa et, Univorsal Lasaitmie l'rostration, aud InaMlity tofiitor iatothe enjoymeuts of focittj. THE C01TITITIÜN oileé affetd wi;U Urpani Wfakness, requlrvn tli i'l of Medicine to itttagtbei) aod inrifrorate t lyrtem.which lIKLMROI.n'S EXTRACT BUCHU in rul bij loE8 . If no t rea t ment is Kiibmitted to, Coi Bumptionor Innaniiy ennues. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT 3BXJC3E3ITJ n afTectionn poculinr to FVmilei), is unpfiiilll b Kny o t lier prepnration , a in Chlorosis. or Ketentioi Painfulness or SuppreHPionof cuutonjrv KTacualion ClcerMed or Pchirru State of the Uterus, aod a complaints incidental to tlie ce, or decline o chance of life. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AND IM PROVEÍ) ROFE WASH Willradically extermínate from the syntero disense arising from liabitü of dissipation, at little expense li tile or no change in diet, no iDconvenience or ex posure ; completely Ktipcmednig 1 unploaenn and danzcrous remedies, Coi ft i va andMercury, in allthes dineaften. TJSE HELMEOLD'S TLUÍD EXTE ACT EUCHU in n II 'liinf"" "f thtne orgns, wneibfir p'xirtiiig in male -r remstA, frro wlmfver canso ori{clnatin and no matter of hovr Ion? standing. It ie plcasant in tatte and odor, " immedintti" u actiirand mor ntropgthening than any of the proparatiuns of lUrk or Iron. ThoHe Rufferintf from broken down or delicate oonstUutions, procure the remedj at once. The reader ronut be aware that, howi-vir iliplit may be the attcfeof the above dineaees, it is eertftintoafTect thebodily hfalth and mental power. All the above diseaiei! requiro tlieadot a Diuritic. MJ5ï.HlKLD"Li KXTRACT BUCHV is great Diuretic. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. Prlce $1.25 per Bottlo, or 6 Bottlea for $6.50. Delivered to any address. Deaciibe Symptoms ín all cemn cnlïatiou.s AÜDRESS, H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehouse, 504 BROADWAÏ, New "Y"ork. JVONE ARt GEWUilVE unless done up in steel enraved wrapper, Witli fac-fcimlle of my Chemical Wareliouse, and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. jl-1267.


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Michigan Argus