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The Board Of Supervisors

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We continue oiir abstract of the procccd ings oí the Board of Supervisors : Monday, Oct. 17th, 1870. Board met both forenoon aiul afternoon, but trausactcd no business. TüK8DAYOet. 18tll, 1870. Commlttee on criminal claims reported 85 bllls, rangtng from 81 cents to $112 88, all of wiiicli were allowpd as reeorameuded Committee on civil claims also reportad 17 billi, ranpjing from 50 cents to $824.(52, ■ which were allöwed, Committcc on Bfenograplier reported, rec! ommendlng approprlatiou of .souyo lor ! salary of siicli reporter ior one year, to be pald in inontlily Installmenta, and tho ; couuty in no event to be Hable for anv siini in cxcií's of such aniount. Whlcli report was mianimonsly ftdoptéd. Wkdxesday, Octobcr l'Jth, 1870. Commlttées on civil .'nul criminal claims each rejiorted, the claims afffrrejíatiní ;!7, I and raiiK'inf; lrom 50 cents - óf whlcli tliere I were a dozen- to !}.',V, a Slieriffs bilí,- alloucd. Wednesday, the 26th, was desiguated as the day to yigit tlie Poor House. Tnunsn.w, Oct. 20th, 1870. Two claims prevloualy allowed wcro reconsiderid, aiul tefervrd back to committee, claim of S. Pettibone for city maps ior Gounty offices was tabled, and claim ol' Geo. H. Wlieeler, Suj)t. of Schools, for statloii'jiy and postagc, allowed after conside rabie oiposition. ïreasurer was ealled upon for a report of fine moneys received, and whom fram. Pridat, Oct. 21st, Í8T0. The committcc on criminal claims reportHl, and twenty foiir claims were allowed. In addition, the lollowhig report was made by a connnittce appoluted to examine tlto büoks and accounts of tjie Snperlatend' ents of the Poor ; Your commltu-c Wotiïd respectfully report tluit they havedi.srharged the duty assigned tlu'Mi, to t lic best of their ability, and won ld say that they have made h mimi te examination of the books, papers, and accounts, for the Jast yearuud limi theni correct lu everj1 particular. Vour coiiimittix' li.ivinji; received a com 1111 ni:it ion, sijjned Wm. Yost, and otliers, ! asking tliat we investígate the foflowiug : First- The ssiiry of Mio keeper of the Couuty House, Air. Kenncy ; Staand- The amount paid farm hands, VVliitlug and Johnson ; Thint - The amount, paid hired glrls; 7'"'í;íí- 'I'he amount paid Mr. Wdlte, (brother of the Superiutendont ot the Poor) ; jh'iflh - The amoiint of fuipplies furnislied by Uu: Superintendent, K. JJuify, for the year ?udtrig October löth, 1870; Your committee, belng desirous of anweHng tlir al)ovc inquiries as well as to funilsli tliis Board witli such otlier infor matton as carne williin their knowledge, would report, - First, That tin: joint salary of the keeper, -Mr. Kenney, and liis wile, is SWO per year. Second, That the farm hand Mr, Whitin, was employed for the year ib'Ü'.), at twenty-four dollars per inouth ; and thé other, Mr. JohnsoD, at present ein ployed, nu twenty dollars pur month, (reckoolng 80. days to the moutli). Ihird The sc-ivant glrla ure pald two dollars eucli per wuek. Fonrlh, Mr. Vaite. brother of tlie Superintendent,) has been employed daring tlie late harvest aiul haylng, and ap to the present time, it $1.75 per day. Fifí!:, Id auswer to tlie inqnlry as to the lunoiuii ol' Bupplles furnislied tlie Oounty Poor House by Mr. DulFy, daring tlie pust year, your committee deem it necessary, for tlie iuforniation of tlie Board, to report the naines of the principal parties fUrnlfthiDg supplleg, and the amoiint furnished by titam (I uring the past yenr, M folio ws : The Farmer's Store, Arm Arbor 8363 38 iQrt;nor, " 1(18 48 Y,. Duffy, '" 417 15 C. II. Millcn. "' 115 IS Wicks & Mclutjro, ' Ï14 34 P. O'IIi-nrn, " 158 07 John Clancy, M 16525 L.C ltisdon, ' B(ni(iO Widenmann & Schuh, " 3S1 2' Clark Crop.ey, " 100 00 i. Collins & C%, " los 10 Tho Kurincr's Store, Ypsilanti, !4T 40 C. Stuck, " 8 N Parsons i Bro., " 187 70 Bickfbrd & Camp, Yps., tlo roof and repair , 220 7" V. Bilby, Dextr iron bcdeteads,. Ü31 01) The item of coal has beeu purch.iscd in Detroit, at $9.00 per ton. Your committee having examined and passed opon a number of smaller accounts dcenicd it proper to ouly report the forejjoinr, wliich embrace the largér amounts. Your conmiittee vvould also report, that from vouchers and estímales examined by Cheto, as well as from infonnation recetvéd from the Superintendent, that the supplies in every case, have beeu purchased wliere they could be had at the lowestratès, without regard to locality, party or politics. And lurther, that the Superintendent have placed in the hands of your cominit tee vouchers and recèlpts from each nd every mechanic and laborer employed on the new Insane Huildinss, for the betterin formation ol this Board. And your coni mlttce would further say, that they are highly pleased with the new addition to the Iusanc Balldkig3, now neurly corapleted. All of which is rcspectfully submitted. R. P. Leo.nakd, Emekson Anxabil, Cora. John P. Drake, ) No quorum, and of course no business transactód. Monday, Oct. 24, 1870. Committee reported 16 claims which were allowed, that ol Sheriff, for board Ing prlsoncrs, ?3,410.94 alone, exciting any discussion. Committee on Equalization re ported, and report tabl(i No other business done. Tuesday, Oct. 35, 1870. One claim was reported and allowd, and rest of forenoon session taken up in consideiing the report oí Coinmltteoon Equalization. We havo the first Duinbcrof Scribner' Monthly, thesuccessor of, or iuto which han been mergeel, Putnanï Magazine aud Uour al Home. U is harulsomely priuted, on large, clear, leaded type, aud beuutifully and profasery iilustrated. It is cor.ducted by that well-known and popular writer, botli in prose and poetry, novel and essay, Dr. J. G. Holland, aud iu .youth gives proniise oí a vijjorous career. The number opeus wlth, "Jeremy Train- His Drive," an illu8trated poem by Holland; which is iollowed by "The Bottom of the Sea," by T. Edwards Clart, also lllustraterl ; "A Day wlth Dr. Brooks," at the New York Juvenile- Asj'Iujqd, instruoilve as ivull as eoterI tainlng, by Mary E. Dodge, also , ted ; the opening chapters of "Natasqua," by Rebecca Harding Davis ; "The Bomhiiiu of the Pulpit," bv W. C. Williams ; Twice Alom;- a tale of the Labrador, by Dr. Ilayes ; "Sonnet"; "The Writlngs or Geo. Mac Donald," by Samuel W. Dnffleld ; "Fair Weather and Foul," byWm. Morris; Chaps. i.-v. of Wilfrid Cumbermede - ai) autrobiographical Story," by öeo. Mac Donald; Topics ol the Time, Books and A.i)tliors Abroad, Books and Authors ut Home. Au uttractive number the reader inay well say. $:í :i yi .ir, and no club rates. Addresa Scribheu A: t'"., NeW York.


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