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Why Secretary Cox Resigned

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The following "copy" of the letter of resignation of Socretary Cox clearly refutes the statement that ha resigncd for personal reasons alonn, nnd that the mauagement of his departmeut had nolhing to do with it : fcorv.] Staten Isi.and, üct. 3d, 1870. Mï Dkar Snt - Wlieii Congres adjourbed in the Bummer, ] was credibly Informeel tlmt ii somewhat systematlc elfort would be made befo re the reaasembllng in the winter to forcea CbaBge in the policy we havo pursued i" the Interior Departinent. The reinoval of the lncliiin service lVom the sphere oihe ordluary .polltical patronage has qeen speclally diiitasteftil to many iuj Sueoiial gentteinén in botli housen, and .iu order to enable yon to curry your pnrpose out succeasiully, 1 im satlfled that yoM uaght hot to lic embarrasiiad by any other causes ol Irrltatlon In the saine ftepartmeut. My views of the neceailty o.' reform In the civil service ave broagbt me more r LeifS into collisiou witli the plans ol pur active politica! managers, and my geose of (tuty bos obllged uw. to oppose soine of the iiictlHMls of action throu;li the ilepartinent. I have uo doubt wliattver that the public .scutiinent wiil gooner or luier fuily sustain these effort nblch I regard a needed rèfornj. JJut X ought pot to overlo ik tlui'act for the present that they involve opposlUon which it may not be for the intens: of the administiation to provoke, and as my personal tendency is to be ratüer more tliüii !ess persistent in the course to which I in coininitteil, I deed) itmy duty to place in your hands in v resi'Miation ot' the office of Sccretary of the Interior, to take effect assoon as you can conveniently determine apon niy successor. The annual report of the department will be made out at in eurly day, and for tljis a'Kl other reusous 1 believe the interval prior to tlie adjourned session of Congress tlie flttest time for such a change. 1 trust you will perm'.t me to adil that, as tke original acceptance of tlie position was nu inurferenoe witli the plans of my lifc, fornieü, i ttiink, witli prudence, a return to iiiv private busliuss, so tUrfroni beiiifiRii noonvenieuce or a ilisappointinent, will onl? be carrylug out wliat X have most (1 esl red tp. do assoon as lt could be done without einbarrassment to you or sacrlflce to the public iluty. Ludlcatloas that you tulght bc already tronblcd by suggestions on the subject have iiiduced meto write at OOCL, without waiting my return to WasliIngton. Wilh sincere assurances of my strong desire fir the complete success or yonr admmislratioii, I revain truly your obedieut Rcrvant. To tlie President. (Signed.) J. D. COX. Presidential euibarassment, and politio:il interfereuce ; opposition to the "Id■ i i in Hing, and a rcfusal to allow bis subordinateij to be taxed for partiaan purpoges, or to pay tbüdi for electioaeering touri. That's the keroel of the nut cracked by the Secretary. - w-44 i am - itlm We advocóte a 'evenue tarití and op. pose protection, uot boaauso we have any autiputhy against nianufacturers,biH becausc we believe that tho iulerests of munufactururs and consumera are aliko opposed to the protectivc System. Proteotion raay stimulate nauufucluriu$, but is contrary to the laws of trade, and a wronging the consunler who is taxed to make manufacturing profitable. If the systoui is right the Legislatura oí Michigan should protect our mill-owaors and wool-growers against the pauper labor of New Englaut). But. perhaps, if that were attenipted the growurs might fiud the manufacturera had tho big eüd of the loaf: which provea thu rotteuness of thb system. Knock off the sbucklos and subsidies, prótect no man or class at tho expeose of another, plaoe the producer and consumer on an equality, and the ltnvs of trade, the laws of gemand and consumption, will protect every mau aliko. D. Darivin Huoiies is opposed to jrotection anti in favor of adjusting the firiff on a revenue basis. Austix Blaih t ti and in glove with the over-grown manufacturing monopolists of the east, with whom Mictiigan farmers, artisnn.", or even small manufacturers, havo uo iu,erest in comaiOQ. For whioh jvül you vote on Tuesday nest '! Sai.t is ono of tila neccssories of life ; rot Oongress, acting in tho interest of, aud controlled by, tho satt boilers of Syracise, bas more tkan doubled itscost to the consumer, by levyiug nu import duty of 139 per cent. Ou iho 27 th of June last, Mr. Rkevks, of N. Y., not laving the feai' of the galt monopolist n view, offered a raolution iostructiiig tbe Committeo on Wnys and Means to 'orthwith report a bilí reduoing tbo duies on all claEses of Balt 50 per cent. - Kennis McGartiiy being the erubodiment of the Syracuso salt interest, or, lorhaps, being owned, soul, body and )reeches, by the salt compatiy of lliat city, moved to lay tho resolution on the ,ablo, aud of the 40 miuiibcrs votiog [ea, fivo itere tho mis Itopresentatires of Michigan distriuts, viz : Betunan, lllair, Congtr, ïtrry, aud Strickland. Three of hese aro caudidates for rc-election, while two of the sama monopoly proteoon stripe aro iu tho field as suocessors if Bkaman and Stiuckland. If tbr eleotors of Michigan are miodful of heir own intsresls, they wijl forget the load and gone issues of the pa.t, nnd alt these tools or protectors of the Fait manufacturers. A vote for Blaiu is a ote for dear salt, a vote to tax the peo)lo of yashtenaw county to onrinh tbe alt lords of Syracnse. Who will give it? I


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