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T,c scvcral Wsnl Boards of llcgislra,viil incct cu Baturday, November ötli, -tibe 6AlO#lag places : „I At K. .1. Jolinson'.s Store. j' H _At the store of Eberbach & Co. .1 _At t tío SherlfFs oülce, Coiiri House. . .t FIremen'8 Hall. ,1, " - At G. II. Rbodea' shop. l! - At McDonald's store, fvery "lct"r l"u'(1 examine the priutecl i nosted lists, nuil ill'.is líame is not :il níly reglMwli P&y 'n Pi"on to the jjoirJ -lhc Ward n whloli lie reside, j )lteeu tbt: hours of8 o'c.lock A. M., and t lf not on tti" lists wlicii tbe session H closoi.1 vou ill lose your vote on tlic 8th li; Xovcraber. _ jhe ppllcnt for reeistration niust be m3ccitiüen. twentyone yeara oíd, a resi, Bt0( ihe m.ite for three montbs, and of ti,e ffard le" ihivs, or ten davs precetlitff tfie of electlon. 1_ Youtiir roen temporatlly resldlug here ,.rft!u. purposu of attendlfig upon citlier iñent oí' Pnlverslty, or cf tlie [llybScbool.can iKt pain the residence jgafj to constitute theJD electora 10 THE l'Ql.T.S ! Thcscveral Wan! polls wil] bc ofjened on Xucsííay n'!. t tllt' followlng placéis : 1,( At Sorg's Paliii Shop, U'ash lugton sin-i-t. il ttrd- At Paui's Store, 52 llalu Street. ;W H'iirrf- Attílicriff's Ofllce, Court House 4iA ll'tfrrf- At Ftreiae&'t Hall. ,VA Ward- At Geo. H. Hliode's Bhop. li(A H'nrrf- At McDonald's Gioccry. The polls will open at S c'clock a. m., and ;cse at 5 o'elock V. 'jf. _ Thé Board of Inspectoi's will be cömMsedof the ttvö Aldenueu 6f the Ward - 'jf present, witli a tf:ird one to ie clectcd by the lectors piosent at the opening of the pulls. If au Alderniau is absent an Inspector (L elec'.M in hl place. Two Clcrks nill be appointtd by the Board. _-You must röie beforc 5 o'clock p. m., 'irlteyourrd . The Cnura.s of Votes. Inspector of iU".t!)ii will mnemfcer that jl,y miist complete the counl of tile votes 'j.irt dteün Üie rcsult u soon w llie lolli elotel'jdtr the law as lt runo stands, there musí iwlbidti adjuurnment vntil llie nexl day, and the Board have no right to re-couut ajtiran ournment. The ballots, ns sooi; as the foapt i i verlfled, shoula not hi '' hito the balloJC box, but {bould bc itiikii up in t apper,'subjt on! to aa 'uiviKction ty the proper oiScer when t.ix'."v.l i.y a Gotfrt In case of contetcd eli.i.,]t. We resson to jappose that Jji some tovvns and ward? tliis hiibeeu ncglected, and tliat unauthorlzed 'pirties have had access to ballets contrary ItlM. tbc Conslitudonal inic)i(!Birn(8, Wengain repeat what we f-ald last treek : jour dislinct eoDsUtattonal amendHints are pendil) for wliich fowt diëtirtct tallot bo.xcs are necessary. These boxea ítould be labeled : 1. Public Buildings, iilghwaysBridges 2. Suffrage. ''. Salaries. 4. Raltroads. the tickets shónld, propsriy, be printilwith ii correspondln headljog to fold out, so tliat the Board may know iniu ivliicli box H is to ge without examb i.'!ot. Srnd n Ibr Itrtiirn.v T'e hope tliat s messenger will Jbe s?nt in from every town in tbe counton tlicn: ftie election. If not, the Clerk or buperv.jgrwül confer a fuv.or.l, ,' peniliug ns the íill rote tor eachcandidate tor Governor, nemberofCoogress, ïg&lajtlve Mid Gou ij OOecn iy uil next drj. ' Ju that case 'can duüüiuily pMot cand-ioatcs out oithp Tooili at hour, besidee glve :; pur nert jssyo.. 'ihursday evening of last weck a iciberof brave aud i,:vüaÈit Fresbmen set il on a raid throngli the Fift.h Ward. cn{,'.i;;ed in the noble and laudable tífprlse of removí ng gates, bliiids, etc., Makonky charged on the gqoad, cjpturcti two of tliem, hikI lodged (hcni at Porter'b Hotel, foot of Main strect. Frifrytliey werabdougW; before Justice McKebsan, pitad guilty to the charge pre'trrcd isiuiust them, and were Ooed 20 ch. Their conirades " chlpped in," the Ims wcre ].:tiil, anU they departed, Badder tf not wiscr raiders. We withhold nanas ;Í time, but tbe pleadings to "spare the 'eelings of parents " may ot be so eOectnal exttime. Students have only to conduct gentlemen to giiin ttie pteem of all our cittas, and, what Is bettcy, to preserve Wlrown self respect. Eo far tbis term, ft are sorry to say, thbi e lieve been toó frcqnent departures frora a (tratgbt ü:ic. Our DeigUbqr of the Ourier ís fapetious ' othing. Witness thu iqUowiug .paa'raPi from the last'lsgnc : By the way, neighbor, rumor has it that JJtro Duvis (the Only Democratie negro in Jicitj), wasueiit as a delégate to the Piwentative ConverftlOh at youV sagSMIon, aud from a short article 'in the "jv oflast week, itioóks as though you er maklng a strong bid' Tor the negro P!'M'ag"r'l "'"y of the Irish Deinoï.,k P0T nke ll-e moveyoü are making ■othatdirectio,, Howevcr, as we dpn't live in the Third .'"fl-whicli ü.vvis represents- and a "Sl't smart spriukllng" of thóse " Roerat" do, the facelün is not quite as apotasitmightbe. And as Dwis apf{atobea' sharp thorn in the Kadical Js wc have no doubt the "Irish DcmoM ' whoso trouble our neighbor's dreams "Idhini in hls preeent wo'rk, Instead of fusting him out in the cold where hls ' 'ored BepgbiloM brothers are trying to ■J: taX"payers "'etiog was held on Coa esday nndcr the direction of the Hm ouacl1' to vote UP" a proposcd Prlation oj two milis on the dollar of essed váluatl.n cf the city,,in aid of tree!"68'0 We" belns bored on Main jjmjoining the Court House square. MúuT VteS WCre 1ollecl1 313 fr alKl 79 eino7 "PPropnation. Now let the mentbethoronghlytried. fect brC 'laS UW reache(l a dePth of of Jnd" P' LWRENCEi of tllif) city, eon 'oifc eVjAWKEXCE' has 'ocated himself wTi' "S Manaing Clerk i the Kt) n Collectlon olBce of Messrs. UlÍ Bi RED & VltKEr'AND. " whieh firm B. in,, r?1 a grádate of the University, "nrcitl and favoral)1y known to many of Joiik. 'S Ule law Success t0 erilc8tbP of tbis diocese, held 'ni il" St' Th0111as" Churcb , Friday last, N abo 't'?tire(t tlle Rite of Conflrmation Bl'lopbi,K,rty e hesr the p "'Shly spoken of.


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