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A UGUST lOth, 1870. ' NEWWHEATFLOUR superior qnaltly, at the ANN AKBOR OITY MILLS. Vcry nlce bolted Corn Meal, coarse Meal, Grnham Flour- Rood recond quality Flour at low price,- Cracked Wheat.and all kinds of Feed, at lowest price, and delivered In any part of the city. Terms Oa-h. tr Orders left In my Order Box at the Poet Offlce promptly attended tö. 12üï J. T. 8WATHEL OOR SALE CHEAP FOK READY PAY. The wet balf of tneaoathwent qnarter of poctlon two (i), tówn of Saline, twenty acres underlmprovemi-nt, thfi balance good tlmber. Inqulre at L. C. lüsilun's Hardware Store, SI South Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mlch. L. C. niSDON. Ann Arbor, May 18, 1870. lï70mtf AUCTIONEEIt I The nndcruijfned offer hls iervice to the public- cRpccially tu farmers- as au auctlonoer. Will attend to uil cali on hort noticc and wlth promptnos, and sbnll endeavor to ffive eatlsfacticu. Orders mar bc left at the ARGOS OFFiCK, or at my residence iii l'lltsfleld. T , S. L. GODPREY. Datcd, Oct. IS, 18T0 1292w4 ■pAllMERS Wanting to Exchange GOOD BUTTER, FRESH EGQS, Driert Applcs, ötvcet Lard, Woolen Yarn, Clean Rags, warm Socks and Mittens, ForStaple orFancy Dry Goods, AND CnoiCK OROCKHIIW, Al! marked in plaln fljjore at thctr cash Talne,hou!d wc the MAYNAHD8. We take them atllbetal price. JPORSALE O R RENT. A briokhonso, barn. and 8tx acrei of land wlthln Bi tbree minutes wnlt of the Poe! Offlee. There Ibi a Üue orchard. good well , cistert, &c. Kor particularti enquire of S. tVEIL, topt, ittt, i8roAt the mw f J' e" %%''- Finest Assortmont of Toilet j Goeds in the City, hy r ADÍES' FASHIONAliLE SHOE HOUSE. ■H Booth Main Rtre.t,DWrln LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEWEST ;8TYLB8 ITT Kid, Oalf, and Cloth, Alwayion bim.l,n4 Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOÜ WANT A. BOOT. -A. GAITER, A BUSKIN, OR A 8UPPKB, CALL AD KSAMWE HT8 STOCK BEFOKE TV CHA8IKO. PEICES LOWEB than the LOWEST. __ " ■ B. TARRANT. Ann Arhor.Mj 1810. qömb'again jsl. 3vt-a.rtiit, l'ITH A FÜI.L STOCK OF CABINE WAR E , TO BE SOI.D CQEAFER THAV ANYWHERE BLflElMTHeSTÁTl. AT U1S OLD STORE, MaIN STRh ET, ANN AHBOR. rpíñíGíÁi? ' pMcRipfiSTTI ACCURATELY AFü ' n i R. W. E LUS & GO.yDRCTOOlSJS.


Old News
Michigan Argus