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DETROIT AUVEKTiSËMEMS. rards in Ibis eit"mn arr all Qf ItgUhim (■ Ur] AyJi ff a t':íliniab'e chara Ier OCOrfttd, riOB ai.l'tH) ACÍÍliS o Vuluablc PINE AND FARMING LANDS, ON TIME, Ai Priesa RaBflug '■." $2.00 TG $10 00 PER ACRE. WBGRK WCATBDi fi.SSS CTfB Pine I.:m.U on t ho V.'iioiiii River. icrKon the Cb'" Hít, Mich., loailinc : i ir'ujjB-.ílr cr Inn-in. 3,009 BGr un Tliunder Hay Miri-: ., ]■ i' to Alafia, 1 Sttfr afa th Iüv.t. 8ÍW norfra fn tlic TilPiawaaacfl Rher. .ÜW :cre3 D ttladorln '.lintv, Midi , for f rm anl tñnWftr. 1,-72 thoicí mineral aixl hrrt tlnber lauda bmi OnlAnsgon, 1 ,(0.i ni-rrs pralrlf la tul in RcbtMt, mar Uo0n l'actlic R.R; 4' (I acres ni the Ai s.iwl'l". r-i 'ú1 d'.-.iorip(i'u. pricos tnd urine, nond foroireulmr. lAVii) PRR8TOH & (O.. Bmiktri, Dítrolt, M. " vKTKorr UlOONO'l'IVU umius, U MACHINE SHOP ANnFOUKDRY. KtNUFACTDREKa ov Hih & Low Pressure Engines For Hoala, Propellers, Srv Milu n4 MinitiK t'ur pOKCft. nOIT.KRS.of all klnrls tidhcl for I.m in:ri-.. Steauiers and 9v Jíxll lleatern, !tidiipec,lireK-l:ing, í:c.. fcc . I--ÜI1 nud Brass CftUngll rvcrj1 de acrlptlon Cearini for Saw Mills, Urlnl Mili Ax. DdloD t'l.'tucr Atiil Wood.Wftpklng MacliiniTy. OrpAl Niittii AnBvrlcftD (íjinflf, fnarit votlrdj jf lron( ftod the "mal atylcof HlGaog 1" ItoHai.-a fall Hada ilons on ihort n iticc, Diglitor cay Work ■ on I.arned K4ti Congre, fiara Tlnrd to Fiiurthstn., OfíVco cor. I.Kinci ai d tbli-d Stracta. C, II. Ul'ili.rPrps't. ] I!. PEIRCK.SfO. hiulTrna. J. W. DARl'LKtT. Hoclinnirai Sitp't. KTBOIT STÏÏAM KANCV Ul'BiAli ESTA1!1.IS1MKN, 42 Conress Street, East. Fitncy Dyrlnp dono on Si Ík , Won leu anl M Ixod (Joods uf a lt Kinü n . :i ;i ctan . Krvri dvflcrlptlon of Iih w 1 cluaiK 3 , dyed nirá repaiyiV Gaflti (muinmit.s clirr.fior Uy.ed ia t lie rery htsus m.uner. ioodri sent b v tíx ureB prumutiy Btt'iidéJ lo ARCHD. GRANT. KsCAKIalSHKI) lï-.M. JAMKS JKNKS, Uealer Ín all l;iiiN t.fAND SUUPLiES) DETROIT, . - - MIC. 29 Atwater 3t., &ttwcen iftto wi' Haii(irlph Sto. MACHI'.S SHOP nurt Uros J NmiiuIi -y. Ikj you u.! :h-t rls BRASS W0R5 OS. BRAS3 CASTINGIrou Pipennd Kittin for SMi Sien;ian'l Water. Hígli and Lo PreB8tfr StaMn SoflaM n! BoIMi Brewhuufo and uHtilkry .Machim iv f ftc SejuJ foi Circular and Mee .-t. JAS. FL0WER & BROS-. 89 DruOi bt., Detroit N. 11. - Alt kinds ul Sumid Efoftllog dune. XpBUIT THEKS- Applrs, Peni, Jl mis, ('lierries, Peaclifs, Urn pe uncu , Cr.r .mi 1 Gooflcburrii'9, Ra(iborrit-n, íílacHerie, St:awberru'Sj &c. 11 ii fth fthivu ni lo#r ratbj i!te thousanl. 0na.DR9al T . II tlie varietit-K nittftbla for "■'■f olíuwt wfl I loond ín tfr ■,( t abunda n ce. llollnnd Rul(s. just ini[or' pd, üf ln'st ciüi'it'T. í it:iiil."i-'' I'lun' ís. Vfjfttable mul FIoWM etls., te. AdJiifis, WU. AÜAIH, Detroit, Mich. pAUWAGK !l VIVft'ACTÍrl.KUS y JOHtí PATTON & SON, A11 otTering tle KiiftfBt und bi'S' asfortmaiitiof CARRIAGES AND BUGOIE5, IN T41F. WK3T, At Greatiy Redueed Prices, All vork, wa undtr our own fiipt-rvision, and Pti.1. VVabaktki. l':ictojv aqd WHteruouifj cuibi-r Woi.tibiidije and Brufh StrU. Detroit. SHtOE FINDINGS. Tanner's Oils Sc., tíeo. E. Cmlis & Co, No. 11S J-(rron Avcnm-, Detroit. Micbijan. K WKTMÖBK A E.. X1 Wbuleaaln !)eulers In Crockery, (Jlassware China, GAS ÏISTVKSS, 1 AMPS, FKUIT J.R.S, ScC!. ÍMTOIÍT A8SOBTKD CUATES FOR THE TRAME 100 Wojdvr.-.ra Avuu, Eetrí'it. J-A.3yTES OJL,SS 5cBHOlmpoiter and Dcalerw iu LEATHIÍR AND FINDIKGS, 11 Graud Ki . ■ StrcetWest, DETROIT, MICHIGAN MARBLE-üKO. K. MKHMNÓ, "8 Cvngrens ■tret, Kakí, Detroit, mnouffceturer ol Blue ■Stonw ."httf Mii r blo Munt lia, mita Hou of nll the raro eolo wd Marbles sucta m KgyptlA n . Sjjatiihh , DKTKO1T BILUIAItD TAál&E ManufHftury- Cíeokck Ssiith . F Va Ut i n Frencb (aroi:i aiiil Fonr Pock1 Hilliard 'l';ihle, R.ttíaiPlU1, Pigeon Hole. "Üevil Amougst Tailors" TableaFirst pri&es giren by Mííli. Stt-Fair '67, '08, C l '70 J Ü8T RECLHVEJD Wm. WAGNER'S, A I.arge and Choice Stock ol FALL AND WINTER aooüs, ÍSCLUDING CLOTHS, CASSIMERE8, VEST1NG8, &C. LATEST STYLES AND ISBT QÜAL1TJB8 WH1CH 1IK WILI. MANUFACTURE o terms to sutl, and in the Inte of READY-MADE 0L.OTHING Air Gents' FURNISHING Goods. DB3E3S=aP STTLE Also LADlE3'andGENTS MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21 South Mala Street- Eatil4i. CALL AND SKL THEM. Z& ! WILUAM WAfiNER Ann rbor, Sípt. l70. TF YOU WANT A " TIP TOP " HAT QR CAP. 1F yOU WANT A WINTER II AT. TF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOÜ WANT A "Hat as isa Hat," TF YOU WANT Hats Glieap - for Cash. O-Q TO A.. J. TEREY'S, XS Bou til Muía Sxret you will alio fl"d & fu 11 Une uf Gent's FurnUliing Good. Ann Arbor, Octobor 1S79. 1240vl GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'b ! for strictly Pure Drugs and ; Medicines ,Paints , Oils , &c. To ■ puras ! New 1'okk. August lóth, ]Mr. Allow m! to cnlt yoiir at'enrion tn my KREPA&ATION O COM POUN.O EXTRACT BHGHU. The omponeot parta ave, BÜUHü, Lm; Lkaf, cuiiÉBS, jünipeh ];;:ü- RIK6. Moda. oí Pkki-A)íation.--BucIiu, in vacuo. Junipor Uerries, by ili-liil n:en, to form a fine gin Cubt'ï extractad by displacemeut wiih spirits obiained from Junipor Berrics ; very httle sug'ir ia "jsoJ, and h smult prnportion of spirit. II i; more ■.aiiblo than OJ now iu um!. Uuchu w prapared; ny T)nijirists, i of iliirk color. It is :t plant that its frataucs ; the ftOtion of il fliimc dustrovs tliis (its notive principlu), Icnving a dark and glutinous (iecoc'i 11. Mine the celo? of iftgredieutn. The liuchu in ny preparation predominatoa ; the smallcst quantity of the otber ingrediënt are added, to prevent furnientation ,' upon inspoction it will be fmind 1 uot to bo Tincture, as made in I'bar[ macopnea, Dor is a Syrur - and therefore can be ueed in oape wherc fever or iiiflamrnation exist. In tliis, you buve the knowledge of the ingredients,. and the mode of proparation. lloping Ihat you will fAvor itwitJin trial, and tli.-it apon inspïction it will meet wilh your frpprobatiou, WiU) a. ft-eling of profouud'confidenoe I am, very respectfully. II. T. HELMBOLD, CIicr.iit aad of Ï9 Years' Ex■ perifiiice,. (Froratlio l.wgcst Manufw?tnring Chem v ists in the Wcrïd). Novkmber 4, 1854. " I ara acijuainted w.ith Mr. H. T' ilelinbold ; ho oeeupied the Drug Store opposito my residence, and vras puccessful in conducting the business whero otheiá had ïot been equally so before hiin. I have been fayosably. iinpressod . with his character aud enterprise." i WILLIAM WEIÍ3HTMAN, Firm of Powers and WeigiiJman Jlgnufacturing Cliemists, Nintli aud Brovvn StreeU, Philadelphia. ÏÏFÏIHflf H 'K A L 11 Jll BU It JJ u 0? FLUID EXTRACT BÏÏ'CHÜ! j For weakncKii HriRinfj frorti indicretioii. The hftudti'd p"wern of wbicli are accoup&nted . 'hy bo xnnoy alariiiinp Kjmtoms, auiong wliich will i befoun&iladtapositioa to eiertion,Lo8 of Memorj, WakefulneuB, llnrror oí liseae, or forebodlngsof Etü; ï fact, Univt-rsHl Laegitude l'rostratioo, and iDubllitv toentcr iEito tbc enjoyojents of ocit-ty. T1C01TITBTM once affecteil with Organic Wt-aknesp, requlKl tbe ai! of Medicinii to Btrentltn and invigorate tlie system, whlcï) IltKI.MBOLT)1 EXTRACT BUCHU lav.iriably !oea , I in,, trim miil1 aí is submitted to, Cun HELMBOLD'S FLülD EXTRACT BUCHU naiïections peculiar to Kenwles, is uneqmltod by anyotlier irtiiaratton, as In CblorovU. Or Ittention, I'ain ful tK'sfi or Siiiiptiis-ii-ii mí c u glom ary KvacuatioiiR Ulceratsd or Scblrrufl Ftate of the Uterus, and al , complainU iocidcDtal to V-,% scx or decline o chatiu oí lif., 1 HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT iBÜCHU IMPROVED ROFË WASH Willradicalij extormirjtp froin the sy.tiein diseane arisiog from hnbits of disnipation, at little oxpeDRos Httle or no chango in dïet, no ÏDcotiTPiiiouce or e [OMiic ; complftt ely supcrscding unpleaean and dangeroiiB reinod)B, Copaiva and Mercurjj i allthedlMU9% T O HE B TJSE HELMBOLD'S FLUÍS EXTRACT BUCHU In all diflc-nso oí theM ornaiis, wUeiher xlrting ip male or tómale, from wliat'nr cause of i!natnt and n nift tier t how lir tandinf. It ie pleaant in taete and odor ' immfdiate" in actioi, a-nd mo r strergtbcniuif thaa &}■ of toe proparations of Hark or lrn. Thosc BulTennst from broken tíown or dolioate constituí ons , procuie the reinedy at nce. The reader mut be airare that, howerer flhght m;iy b'i the a, of the abovo difteattes, it is eertain to affect thebodilj health aud mtotal powerff. AH tba abovedUeas reqnice Mieatdot a Diurr tic. HEUIÖÜLD'S KXTHAOT DCHt ia a great Diuretic. Sold by Drugsrista Everywhere. Prtce $1.25 pei Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any address. Desciibe Symptoms in all comnniations ADDRKSS, H. T. HELMBOLD, Dm? & Cherftieal, 594 BKOADWAI, New Y"ork. WO1VB ARE GEiSUiJNE uiiess doiieup in steel engruved wrapper, With fac-simUe of y Chemieal AVurclionsc, and sifíiied É:.J.Z')IT íii "3S3 H. T. HELMBOLD, WASHTE]ÍAWCOUNTY. Jj Üj te_j ggj jg-jji ffñMtrBiiiii Si xSñ ifflBs 5ïïïE 55ffl 11331 B IflÉoM mubiv Qaalii VUH Sfj raS?i oÉB5ifeiáB4VtVATu ijj thni ka S5b Sp i i Lft" E 335 i ; i; .i"3 ' ÑQTAfiY PUBLICI ," ■ Ï- I generas, í _, Ljj L-Jw-JÜCONVEYANCER JL-L- I -. . ."" """" 7.Zj: . hi.Jhil REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! The 11 mi T-iifriiod haYinu' j-vrtfet líecord bíiilory of ilot the H.'.'l Ectnte Titlé id ii 'Aty, and in tho Coiint of Wavioaw, twkci jilcns-ire, in announc int: lo the public thiti na jii mtniilllle.Kliipat traets ol Eal I -t te tMle . un ueeOfl m ooiUraotK :. ri'i other legal ptperl "n Ibe shoriesi notloai Will al."o rivüf sale nf City pTOpertj in1 í'arifi, rpiit bOUMB, nii'l HnnclOH iiMrt:gei Vp.y■ooi vaoUss ■ Uwtoty of Kin i Ehtal i litto( will r:lollecl thai bla lii-ofci tak e in 'lux Ti tien anti al! t(„In ti r.ii irblcli tuiafih eacli prtlolT de'crip tioo] and 11 inorii i;'cs , aDctcnt r mo'i'Tn. vrhtcl] a PI .ir to be rit il) ttubüiütiug ui" rtreurd at t ht present time. I oIïiT thfi.toitowing Hel KsinH for sal : NTo,IOO. TE Malony House And Lot 011 PWision Stiw't. Mo.101. Hoihp Rt!l hot in Ilicock'n addltiun. li ict'$-2.ÜOtï. N'o. 102. TwoStorj Brteli House on Sprios-ftreet. 'No.108. Two Stort Wood House on3prng Stieet. Nu. lüi. Nice House. I.ot and Dam just west uf Uw College. No. 105, Fine Hou e. Out -bouw. Ba rn and 6 a erfttt f tand, Water Fouat, Atc- varj' dentrablt' Propsrty. No. 106. House and '.'■ ncros üf Land incido corpura tien. :Ko.107. Housp and Lot jut soutïi oí tneUnivcrsity ■ui'.'i:.. I - 'V' ftw N'o. 10P. 15 '-Í acreMof Land.eaat of the Uiiiveriity (ïi oundR, No. 100, City Lol nosrlv npponU' Chas e's Printing E;taLlisl)ui(iit. .Xo. 110. OacTwo Sier Woo0-Dwllitig on Sute 1 Strfet. No. 111. One t'leant Two ?tory Brlck Houite near University Square. Ho. 11S. 3Oorwiih buUdiAgl just northofthe City. Ho. 118. Oac'jVo fc'tory üoitso jast BOfth Cemetcry Oronndn. No. 114; Tffi) lïrick Hnuacñ wot itíf of Univereity Bquartj. N'o. 115. 6 acros jast west of the City,. N'o. 116. 5 HCja.s with buil-linM west of tbe City. Ko, 1J7. 160 cros wtth builfiinar and inprjvinenls 5 miles Qorth - and ituation. N"o. 113. 320 acres - fine f:irm in Sliiawassee. No. 119, 2,000 acres of Wild Land ia. tlw Gounlie of Vay, Muafup, ftagtnaw and Shia wasKOo. iiy IVü.tract iiookê are iiottod to date. NV 120. Otio eipgant libree Story Epüding oq Huron Streat, trut, No. 12L, 175 acres on Widdle Road to,YpiUnti. N'o. l$fy, 4n ar.ros r,n Uoad)with Iiuildiuü and iitijjiüVi qKOtSi No. lía. 240 acres on North neiei Road. ïyt miles ■ t , wit h impT(vtinutn. N'o. 124. And much otv'r Hesl Ssvate aot lireiu incUul-i. TiierP are iiimy olilaortjaiies in Vslitpnaw Coud. tv uiidiscbargH of Record, and tho law of Limita Mout s to UnrtLLgefl is dffTereni It-in tlift applica' ble t" Real Estáte. Terunf Commfufon o:i uilfs of.Koal EaJste. ohp ir c'iit. í- ule roíi'-. RMei for B6a reh of tieal Ea t.itt; 'l'ttlf 0 conta ner i me Lor í'-(mU and fix cent ;i ymrfoT MorlgajW un til chantre of not Ice, No charges wiU bt nimlc foj sxatDinsiton of T i tic, mak ine paporOT reeordio in partifts lending moucy thruagh me. Hoost waoted to loan on untoeaml'crfi ('il J'.slitlf froni ooe to tive c; 10 p61 cent. Interes) net t" tb i a ti r, Aan Arhir,March 0,10, T1ÏACY W. KOOT. t ' " - : A COMPLETE STOCK W Al SEASÜMBLK ; GOODS, NOW BEIÑG HKCEIYED F1NLEY & LEWiS. Vil ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTI0N OF BUYEE8 OUR LARGE STOCK OF Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BT HAND mum FOB OLR TRAPE, pÖR CASH YOüC-i BUY Lumber, Lath and Skingle AT A BAR6AIN, AT THE YARD OF ja C. SUTHERLAND & CO, AnnArl)or,.!linimrj-,lS70. 1252 T ÜMBER YARD! C. KRAPF U lnr(rolï'l w)lntocki-it fcumher Yhií , on .Tof. IrMa SIwü. iv il." s'juth part of the City, anrt will wtt] -..inKcantly 'n haianexoilkDt variety of LUMBER. SHINGLES, LATH. &O. wliicli will bc sold nnlow ne can be alTurilod uilliis matkat. QiuiHty urt pilesöHc'u tliat Boonuneedto go te )ctroit. CONKAD KJÍAPF Aon Arbor.Oct.lst.i808. 6li A NN AEE0U AGAIKSI ÏEE STATEIN THE FURNITUKE ÏRADE, And O. M. Martin against Anu Arbor Don 't Foiget hls Olct Stand. GatpR.W.ELLlS & CO's for choice Wines and Liqunri? for Medical Purposes. ._-_i"77tT-.rrr - - - "': ■7: 7'y '


Old News
Michigan Argus