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_f- aMB- - DB Hortgage Salo. DEPATTLT haring been swdc in [he condltloasof ■ ■■ mado bj Adam P"inkbluder, ■ ire Uiti purebase price ofliuoe therelu and ftcr tl.-n rïttu!; to ■ ■ her, bearing date the Hú doy of Anguat, A, l). 1868, and recorder ln the office eftlieltcginterol Dcctlu I ■■■ of WáfehteOftw, anáStnte i ■ ■ 13 ■!, i;,,' üit.Ti.Lii Ö6J dayof ■ . i'. 1860, and on whtch -nut mortgage i cluimea U be dne a1 the cíate f thls notice, the eura ■ m ;nlri-ii .-nul uljae dollars and i)iuetysix evntSj (4 9.fl6j and uo utt orproceedfng. eilher at law or in eyuity, □ LoBtUated to reeover toe sume, or my pan thereol Now, thcrefore, ü o tice La bereden thttt by virtiiv M tho power ofsafelntald mortgage contained, 1 will tel] al ruWIc auction,to ihe blgheet bidder, on Wednejday, the twenty thlrd day cii November ue lockin thefbrenooo )f Bflitl ra the City of Anti Arbor. and Connty of Waante onw aforeeaid, (airi i oort Home benig the p holding the Circuit. Courl iu satd Co lowlng premisea descrlbed iu vaAá mortgave. to-wïl i All tho land described aa followe. vèb s lots nnmbar fonrtcen fl4). flfteen (ir.v and (I6)talsoona and onehalf (IK) roda offthesontn Iota naniberoue ft;, two (2), and tbree fj ín block nurober eight C8), ín the Hliage of Sylvan, County aud State aforesald, or ao muefc or Buch purt thercQf ni hall be aeceasary to satlafr theanionut on eaid iini i-.;..[._'r at the date of thïs nol gether with the fariher interest which snall have accrued thereoo, am Lwenty-ftvt dollars Attomey ree ;(. in sald roonp .■_■■ provtded, and the coste. ■ ffnnexi ■ ■ law aud providedfol in $aid tnoi Da teil. Auyiiel -.'M 1170. M. THATCHKR, Mortgagee. A. J. Sawvkb, Att'y tor Blortj Mortgago Sale. WHBHCAfl AlUH BlakesDM, of theTotvnwnipofYork, County of Washtenaw and btate of Mtchl on t 'ii-lli f'ji v of.ïulv . A T). 1866 ex cute 1 i rageto JfinesHlubardof fchs same place, Co secure ofcertain pr uclpal and Ln therein mentfoned, which morjgage was rocorded ín the office (: ; : of iiWds ln aald couaty,on tV firstdayofAuguat A.O Ift45,atlOocl ckft.m.of Hid day. in llber xt of mort; ajG-,on page 53 wbich úd'amesUlbbardlo :. the 14th day of D e ln tho Registert office, in eaid County of WjisVenaw, on th ■ ioth da? of .nly, a. ]). (i locte m. , in llber 40 of mortffajsea, uu paa . pied bj ynid ili QQackenbj8h to B. Aoeaata Hlbbard on th14thdayul December, A. I' IH1 aud recorcU-d in the office of the Register ofj)ceda of aaid Connty , nn Üm lOth day nr.iu.v. A.Iï I 9. at l o i-'.u",k m . i :'.n and 291 ; mul E. Ajugnsta Gubbard to Levitxis 0, ilatch, u.i the 27th day of Jftnuary, A i). tdÜ9, and ■ fu tiií nicií of the Register of Daedfl in aafd Countj of Waehtenaw, theSOth day of Maruh A. I). i-i; . :it io o'c'uk-u a. iu of Aid day. in Uber -10 of oiortffflge?, on 0, Hatillo David Barber. of Manilos, in the ï. State of New York, on day ÓÍ Ftbrarfry, A. 0. 'STO, and recorded in the of the Register of Deeda, on (be " i ti üay of AiigH8t,A. )) L8?0,at %% omdoet i. iü. of eaid day, in líber one of Arafenmeuts of Mörtaagea, on pagd - : Wbvreaa default has been n ;k''' tor more than sixty dayain thepymentofao ina(átmnt ti aild monev wnlcb becamedneon i.t c -''tii day of ■i-.ily A.I) IKTu hy reaeon whereoG am the tcrnis of sm i ! moi Egftge1. eaid iiioii. i :i-ii. o taoch offjud piincrpal as remal paid ii ii all arrearagea oriuterj . . sall become iluc fliíd payablc immedlutoly . . A !( i-liiini'-fl "t bc fine ind aiipatd on paid m gtifze at the 4nte im of ttw tttoueand two hundred and fovy nine flollarcand eighty six cents fqr principal and interest, stao au Atnorney'ê fee of forty dollars, eboaWauj , be taken to forecloe fe.and oosait or proceed avjng been Instltated eitber ia Iaw or eqnlW over tbe same orany part therooft aotfcj ís thereforfl hereby glven, thal on thé Mtb day ra December nnr, at 8o-t1ock p. in. of said day. at the froni door oí tho ('ourt lïoaae, in the City of Ami Arbor Al . . bei ug the baüólng in Irolch thu Circuit Court foraald Uounty if hela, and by vin mc of the power ol sale contained in said morf. shall selJ at pubUo anctitfn, to the b , i be preral frea dewribed ■- salisfy the uraonni of principal and Interesi ii caed to be döe, wlth the charlea í uch eale. ln and au Attorney1 roe olforty dollars, the lollowitig ted land, to-wll i All thal .. -rt tin ti óf land eituated in the Connty of wasbteuaw andStaifl of Michiiin, kno lowa, towlt : TEb Qnarter of aectton ntnnber flve f5) in town roar aoatu, range bIx eaèt, containiag one hsndred and alxty acres of Uiud-iore or lt-8 DatedSept.eoth,18TOk DAVID BAKBER, Assigneu orsaid Mortgtie. JOIIN N.QOTT, AttQme,3 for. Aaskpiee of eaJóMortj i Coinmïs.sioners1 Nötice. nTATE OF MICHIGAN nThe undereïffjied baring been appofnted b the Probate Conrt foi,said Coppty, Commlsslonersto ro■.:vi' .examine, and odjoetaif cTalnia and domnnrls oí. uil persons ngalnat the estáte of Wiili un B lato of eaid County. de.ces.sed, hereby glv notico that éïx moiitlip from date are ftllowed by order of said Probate Courl forcreditorsto oresenitbeir againal theestateofiBaiddeceaMcl. andthatthey wlll meel at the residence of Jemima Roberto. In the towu of Superior, in taldConaty, onSatnrday, tlic tenth day ol diy of April ïu'xt, ïc ten oxfocl A .!.. ■ aafd dftjB, to receive, examine aud adjusc'eaid citiims. Dftted, October 10th. A Ti. IRTO. , BENJAMIN VOORHBIS, ln éJ cuB11„ im WILLIAH Í.A.M1UK. JCommiasIoners. GomtnÍB8ÍoD6rs' Noties. QTATBCH MICHIGAN, CoanbyolWaehlenaw, ss. 0 The anderaigued bavlng beeu apjointed by the Probate Courl [or eaid Con u tv, Commisatoners to receive, examine and adjusl all claims and demanda ofnll persons agalnst the eatate of Christopher Mahon, lat . cd, hereby L'ie notice thatslxmontbsfrondiiite are allovred by order of sald i'r bate Coarl for ereditors to present theJr da!m a.-ïinst t'ie esiate of said deceased, and that UI meet l the office ol Joelin A Blodget,in the city of TpsilanÜ. In p:iil Connty, ov. Batnrday, the tepth day of December, and Monday, the thlrd day of April, oext at ten o'ctock A.M. of saiti days, to recetve, examine, as adjnst said claims. " Üfttj'd, Oktober. id. A. T 18T0. 1291 wd JAMES M.CHIDESTJBR0 FKANK JOSLIN, V Commissionci.. MAMi-;s AKNOU), ) Coinmissioners1 Notice. STATBOF MICHIGAN, Connty of VVashtonnw, ba The nnderslgned having bren appoimod by the Probate Co ri for p i era lo.refl (■:J;í f and demaadadf all persons aj al i Sophronla Bpe&r, late of said Connty, dec ■ eby gtve notlcfl taal eixmonthsfro nllowed, by ord-.r of said Probate Court. forcredHors to present ihelr claims a'jiinsi tl rf aM deceased, andtlnitthey win meet .nt the offl e of Ñlnde á Craneln the city of fpsilanl), In eaid i iounty, on Satorday, tbe veoreentb day of December, and Mondaj, the seren tt.nUi day oj AprU d o'clock A. M. of eacn óf satd days, to re .iu:nc, auü adinst eaid claims. D ,;■ d, Octoher ITth A. I). 1870. 12i)2w4 CHUHILLHVAKCLEVÊ, }oommlaslonèni. Coraaiissioücra1 Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty ol Waahtenatr, n O The anderslgned having beon appoiuted by the Probate Uoort for said County, Commfsslonerstó reo.ivr. ezamin), and adjo t all claims and demanda of all persons agaJnal the estáte o . itable late of s i Ld 'n:inr.y, de.ccasèd héreoy gire n tice that sla moncha from da te re allowed by onh 1 of iaid ■ mrl for ereditors to pnacnt the claim ■ agalnet the estáte of sald deceased, and thi ■ I 1 meet at the late renidence of sald deceasei in aaid Connty, on Batutday, tbs Llirty-flrët day o December, and Monday, the twenty lonrth day o A;;ii - next, al tes oclock A ï. of-each of eaKliíay to recela e, examine, and adjusl sald claims. Dated, October 2th. . 19B8 KUNST VíV.UínEK, Commistioncr Cointuifsioiu-rs1 Notice. STATE OF MICHRïAN, Connty of Wnhtennw, The traderprgned. buvlng been appolnted by th Probate Court for srtiil Oonntr. Connntesioners to rt w Rre, examine, and adjnsi all claims and den ?tll persona agalnet the estáte of ttflas Whitmurs] late "f sald County reby give notl sïx months from date are allowed by oroei t'roh.-üi ■ j tl.cir claim uLf Min -r the estáte of satd ftxrd that thov will meet at the office of Nimio : Crane, in the cli of VpMhiiit... in aaid t.'ount y, on SatanJay th ■ Lt'i-üth Muy ff Deeerabcr, and Prlday, the twtjaty-fiTs day of April. m-xt. at ten o'clock A. A of each of sai.l days, tü recunx', examine, ánd adjusl sal claims Datcd, Octobet ífist. A. D. W70. 1293 JOSSraKKPCHEN. Commlwioncïs. Estata of Mo,rgarefc Xauffiircb, S'KOF MICHIGAN.County of Waahtenaw.wNoticc ia hcrebygiTen, tbatby au order of the Pro balt; Oourt for [UeCoii.ny of.Waehtenaw, mude or Uit' ihlrteenth day of September, A. I). iïo. Mx montha from tho twenty ccond day of Dctobt r, a. D.I81 Howad lor creditora to pi t.hrir claims agallist the estat oi" Marcare" Taufklrcb. Inte of said County. deceasud, and that :ill ïrediton af s i are reqnired to prevent ihi-ir i-iainu to said Probate Conrt, ál the Probate Office in the city cf Ann Arbor, fiTr examination iwance, on or before the twenfy-aecond day f April naat, and thai sach clfllms wil] be heard tld probate i cliiityir-t (!:iy of Jtcii .i!'-. aad on Satorday, tbe tweutylecood day of Aprif next, at ten o'clock iu the forc'mmji oX each. ofthoas days Dated. Ann Arbor, Oelober 22, A. D.. WW. HIBAMJ BBAKXS, 1293 Judüof IVübate. Estáte of John Powoll. STATK OF HTCniOAN, fjonntyof Washtenaw,ssNuttce Is hereby giveD.tfeatoV an order of the Proüate Coort for tbe County of Washi mi the wsventeenttfday ofCrctober, A, fj. 870 eis mouihs from that date were allowed for cradtton to present thelr daimf agamst the eetate of John late of f-aid County, deceawfl, and thal ii1! 1 i tors of said deceased are reqoired t present ;r (!:iims to said Próbato Conrt. at the Probate : ;he Oity of Alm Arbor. for examlnaiinn an aUowanca on or before the seventeenth rlay o( April next, and that snch claims wil! be heard before s'tiil Pi obüte Uonrt, OH Sal arday, Dth day nber, nul on Mondar, thé geven teen th day of April, n.'t, at ten o'clook in the foreiioon OJ ]:iin. Anti Arbor. October lïth. 1S70. HIKAM J. BEAKKS, 129-w r Juüe uf Probate. rétate of An.on Whèelêr, Scn;or. CJTAJE OF MICHXQAN,Connty ol W&fmtenö, by an order o Proba tcCocrX for tbe Couuty ol vVttsbtenaw, made on théllth dayof October, a. ■. 1870, slx montha from thal date wewallowed foTcrcdttorstó present their claimn ag Anson Wheeler.Sen., late ■ 11 creditórí i ifeceased are reqnired to present their clftitoi to Hild Probate Ctmct, t the roiwrte Ofltee, in the City f Ann Arbor, för examlnotioi] aud alloy ui ot before thi; twolftli day of April, next, and : that soch claime will be heard beforesftfd Probóte ioitrt, "1; 9a(tirdfty, tlw irtii day of December, and lay, Iwelfth ay f April, neset, at ;en cVloek In the for b of those dai, Dated. Ann Aruor, October r.'ih A. ü. 1870, " Í1IKAM J. BBAKEBi tí '-:wi Jndge ufi'robatc. Estato ft Charla Btn-t TATB OP MICHIGAN. Cono&0' 5 At ■ aeuion ur che rrubat,.v rfflit- Cityoi Ann Arbot, on ln„,i . T'OÏkS day ol Ootober, ir, thc ycár On Vw4iS aundred aml stvenly. J one 'aoosají,'1' Fresent, Hlram J.Beake, .T,,,w „, „ ' - matter of the tVa"c of „f! deceae. " dHrWg, Hannah Stnck.praying iht KW '" '"■ t ,, hIer orí? ■ :"""eii ifc Thenmpon ltfaordercd Miat M andthal fi "aí(!PH other peí ed In taid l.5."le25l lo appear at ■ teraloa ot ttScü'' tS5 Arbor, and show canee, if „,, . ,Vr f 'lï UÍ prayer ol the petltioner rhw.u rot d „ ■ fc,L 'l"1,r"r: "Kld j.Hi "„"'"': aÏ to penon Interested In .ld tnV 'Mik '' ' " - ■"'" the 11,-?, 'bet? canslngacopyorthfe order to be p" bL&MÍ Michigan Árgut, ncwspnricr nrini,.,i Efitato of Lodorsoa A. SwlfuZ"""-"" QTATÏ OF MICHIGAN. Coantvof wr"10" ö At n sesslon of the Probate CoKrtfbVÍ?111 tv ..i Waa&tenaw, holden t the Proh..."0 the city of a uu Arbor, ou Wediiewl ,( ""Ti Ixth day of OWober i ,t ycar 'o' L eigbt hundred aad seventy. e 'boni Present, Hlram J. lieake, Jud of P,v Jfojihe matter of theestele of LáorlK'-, ■ ding and fllrn tlic settUnn ,,i L. Ellbet Swlli, oíardlaS? pViytogl, ■ edtogell certain roal ,-sUií i, bt" mr. urn! also a!l Iht riehi itt. , ï"'l ! lundtoUw personal estáte of Praulüi,' Thercnpon it is orncred, that wi the twepty.tMrd dtiy 01 November 1?"! o'clock Iu the lorenoon, be m-Mgnn for 1A1 Ing of said politlón. n„d tbst the i,,"1', mlner, and afl other i.erson, L. ' in said estnic, are rcqnired to aix-w ,, mt'K of uld Conrt, tbea to be' hSn ï! f."01! lee, iu the City of Ann Arto,,? f" cauae, U any tn,r.; be, why the praver n( Sf lkl tlom r ahoold i.ot he miitêd : Au.i i, . ,,1}' W dered th .1 sald petilfl r tivc not'Ce tuih I; nol ;ni] 1 „,.-:„u: all othiT person. in „,5!t; kkI catate, ai tlie pendency of saul „f"' rh hearing thvrnoi by cantlng a cóps , iS1 ■ to be pnblijhea in the Mickigcñ, ' ■ ..d cin ilatlng Ld said Countv iiirL""1" sivc #eeKa to kald day of hearing " (A .i.uc copy.) 1IIKAM J.11EÍKES ï88if toj-Pnir,;, Jétate of Thu!oelda Sajen! QTjftTB OF MICHIGAN, Coiinty of v,ht O At a tiCífiou uf the l'rubate Court for ihTT of Wasbtenaw, holden at the Prohat,. „n!,, . lt:! (Jity of An Arbor, oaTnusday, tüo eh-küJ! ■ In the year one thoasand ■■htZJ1' . and se Miitv . " ""K I Present, Hiram J. Beakcs, Judge of Protat In the matter f t!,e tstate of Thüeneldi ï sed. ; jffi, I Amelia M. Nordman, Kïcotrix of th 't m testament ol .iid dereaeed, come hito Coni enta thai Bhe jow preparad torenL'Ü ! !.? KuchEïec'.itrix:' '=wrk; Thereupon it is orderid, :.iat Mondjv ik.i. teenfnday of Novouaber, hwt, at ten g'cioShï forenoon, be aea'scfl tor emrainins and nL imnt, aiul that thelegatwS iluviim ' li. ir t la cf taid decea-cd, and allolhn , tona Inte .:U.-d in K;iid estáte aro rtquircdioir, sald Conrt then tobe IuiH-.!'? Probate ÖBlce, In the Cttj ol Aim ArïorhA . nutl slur.v rnliKK.lf anv therc bj 'k,T saldaccoant shonldnotbeallowed: And1 it t Uier i.rdered, that sald Kxecutiix girenoticetn-L persons iim-icstcd in eaid cítate, of theneu! and ilie hearing tlimolt canalAg h copy of thisorder to bc pulillched liti ■ par prlMedmi iW ■lü'.y, tliríe u%s8lvei pruvioaa to eaid daj 01 hcarlnir CA c,.,., ' HIEAM J BEAKES itOüM; Jmlia-oirrui I state of. William V. Gr7iH OTATE OF MICHIO.V.N'.OoHiityof W,hlent, . I O At n Bestión of the Probate Court for the Ccin t of Waebtenaw, holden at ihe i'ro!iie: Qiï ii Cityof Aan Arbor, on Vedneadav, the twentrthktl lay or bc'ijteml'er. ín the 'year one thoaund Sel bundred and seventy. . I Present, Hiram J. Bcak( s. Jndge ol Probitj In the matter of the eswte of WllliamV nu ! deeased' petltlon, duly vtrif(4t I C. l'aue, Exi-cutoi, praylug that be ut 1 be llcensed to sdl certain reai caíate wherrolulil Idledselzed for the' mrpose of (ijstribntw I ■ of the proceeds ut snch sale arnftii; tbe jurtong t l tereated in Baid estatê. Therenpon ítf8ordeied}thatMpnday, the fonrti6 ! day of November Dext, al ten o'clock in ti:tfornoi ! beaw.ignedforthehewinpofsaidpetitlon'iiiJtteSI . devle 1 p, and heira at law of said drfwH, l and al] other peraona intrrrsted in said eilttMre l gnjred to appear ju :i Besalon of saidCourtheritcli'I holden, :.t the Probate Office, in the City nf Aun 1 bor, and ' - ■■■ ; v theprtjfri ■luir.Ti! notbe KfallWd: "Aflullürfc. j ther 01 id petltioner givè notice totiti peraonB interested In viii! estáte, of the pcnóeDcri:! ■iid petition,énd tbo hearing Lhercof, by caHglinl copy of thla order to be pablished in t'heJiwiij .1 .'■:.';. ■ newspaper, prluted and cirailatine hw.1 Cnnnty, three succeaMiyo weeks previous tdíaidúj I nf bearinj;. (Atrnecopy.) yiRA'i .1. I'.KAKES, I l'.".'l .üidjieof Prtti I , - _ - . Ë4tat of Aaa Williains. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Coontyof ahtin,a ! O At a sessioii of the Probate ' ou rt for the Cuob:t j of Waahtouaw, holden al the Probate Office, li tli I City of Ann Arbor. on Monday, the tenth ir I 1 th? ycar one ihousijfd ciglit 1 (ir rl and seventy, l ■ i:i;-;.ni 't. Beake?, Judge of Probatr In the matter of lio Bátate of Asa Wlffium I deceaaed I'tiiüp Ilinh. Excctitor of jiid estáte, cona bk I Court ïinct representa that he is now prepiredwl r.ender hip final account as such Kxucutor. TherèQDon II Is ordered. tbatMonday, tlie revenu, (i:.y i,l' November, nctt. al tel I clOCk bllkel noon, i'i.' íií.-:-!K'í1 fir exjiniiniiiK and allovlBsna ace' nnt, and that tlie legatees, oevisecs andteiriB iawofaald deceased, and nll other per60fl I ested in said estáte, are required to appear t iKtaton of sald Court, then tobe holden attheProtw Oülce, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said : y there be. u-hv the said tfi I 'siioti'ld not boallowad 1 And it isfurtherorderidtfa: I i:::i Kxecntor give notice to the perions intfr I ested in said estáte, of ihe pendency of sid acoootL I and the hearini: thercuf, by cansing a cop) oftüil order to be pablished in the Michigan rpK#,tMi I paper printed iand ciirilatin;.' i'i said CoQBty.tkl re weeks previous ttí sid (Ihv of hearing. , tAtruecopy.) HIBAM J. BKAKB, ISO] Judse of Frobite. I K.?!tl Kslatu tbr Salo. S;.TATK OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wnthteiaw, 1 in the matter of the Kstatc or John thrlft. Notlee i? lu-ri'! given, that in paietumi :ui order granted 'o the tindcrslgiied.Ottardlasoiti Estáte ol' a&td spendthrift, by the ll"ii. Judgeoff 1 the Coanty of Waehtenaw, ou tbcfifft ! of October.A i. 1879, there wlll 1h: nokt alp . tu the hisheat liiriiler, at the dwdliDSWi tireinises hereinafter described In theCootJ of H asbti'i.uw. in aiil Siate. on "cduesdsj. Iliirlietli day of November, A. D. l70, at 1 o'e'oek in the Ibrenoou c.r that dsy, fsiibject U rncumbraiKis by monnjro or otherwlse exiafW1' the time ofthesalcj the fiillowlnr decrlbl n (flatf, to wit : Twrnty flvc acres off thejontk1 ntiarter of the souti'-eaat quaiter of sectioD tinn Bve, In townsh'n one fnulji of range f''" la saiii Stnie. "commencing at MOtn corner thereofand rnnninu' thence north one iw h hK.lf degroea wast oiijhteen ehaiiu aml mt :.nkí, thence nortb eighty-níne anri a hilí8'tJ oast thlrte chulos a-jil forty-lbnr links. thcreJ" añil a ha f ilerecs east eiíhleenclininsBiwí111? links, thence son th eightynlnc nnd a lialfOW degrees west thirteeu chainsand forty-fonr lic'' u) begiao'nt;, Cercoptll t "'"' Kn. , , nortWcs't' corner th'ereJ, leini [xtrun roo' i west and ten roLs wide'Viurth and M sold'by Hd John Peatt to Itebcrca K.Tatt!e,OtK Ttb. A 1) I8W.J Uated, Octobcrlst, A. I) 1ST0. 0RGE g-cgt Keul Estáte for Sale. C T ATE OP MICHIGAN , Coiinly of Wnshteii.- O In the matter of the estatê of Lucas BJ deceased. Notice Is herebygivan, that in iun" of au order grnnted to tbc undcreigncd, Aonatitrator of thé Bátate of said deifed. by tne uw .ná i Probal omtf oTWanti5 the si Tfenrocnü day ofOctober, A. 1). is;o, therew be sold al publit veudne, to the soiith door of the Conrt House, in the rityof'Arbor, In the Connty of Vashtenaw, iu said BMKJ ,v, theseveqthday of üijcembar," 'clock in the r.renooii of that aay.(nWj all oncambraoce by mortgagc o] otherwlae fIl";; time 01' ihe dcath ofsaid deceasfd, aJ „nbjeel nf dowerof n widuw tlwrW ibi d real catate, to wit: ! e A111 .-.bBr, andFoti" . 1 .rial road crosses niiilr1' road. o" the aoiuhwest qnorter of section '"'',5 townahip one fouth nf range scven enit, In "ie.lLJ n Uonnty and Stati aiiHif3il,runi)in(!in"S sterlj in the of said r"":?5 forty-ono rods. tnence. northwestcrly to thecowj sald Territorial road I ïhence eaiteni thi nter ofeaid Territorial rond th'rty.-fourroL ■ of beginning, cmtaiqiug tnret aeree " Datefl, Ootober ïwb, A. V. :sv. . H5J EMASüEL MANN, AdmlauU lieal éstate for Saje. o TA-E OF MICHIGAN, Connty of WashMMj ! In the matter of the estáte of ■'"' -S, Notie is herebv siven. that W P" " of nu order granted te tne mui, rslgued, '". tratrix 0 the estáte of sald deéë tl ie , Jndge ot Probate for the CofStj ol V -.s iim" t# the fffteenth day of Ai Kírttfi soldat public '"'■ ■', L,W dwelling li. 6e ( Üie undersigced, iu tbeto ita, in the Connty of Wanhteysw. ■" 8tate,on Tonraday, the tt-nth day ol Ko""!?' D. 18T0, at ten o'ploclf i.l thef.rcnoon o"1'1",. (sabject to all encombrAnces by niortgaee ' itlng at the time ol ihe deathol "JJJj, ■caaed. ai ■■ I to Ihe richt "f ''""' ,%i widow thereinj.tne h)lowin descrlbeo ■l'0( o wit! Th.' enst half of Ihe aouthwwMaaw section eieven. In townahip fonr foutli of r"Dinla ■11 ,-:,st, cöntainlng Hkt acres more or less, ■ september ". ViÍKiíifkBLSBt. 12SS AdmlnUtrjggJ OFFINS AND CASES ! AFULL STOCK AT MAKTlU'S AM. OAI.1.S 1-TtOMrn.Y ATThVPl''' T0__ PIÏYSICÏAIVS9 PIBSCBIPTIOli ACCURATKI.Y AND CAREFULLY FJREFAHED r. w. KLL18 ao.,DBiroe?w


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