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A Spunky Woman Victorious

A Spunky Woman Victorious image
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The following BOinewhat reuiarkablo narrativo is relíted bv a Western lady. Slie ia hersolf a character. Sho hai ciossed the plaius twice, first in 1841), iluriDg whioh her huband [enshed, aud is the firat American ladjr wlio returoed to the Eat by tlio Isthmus of Pauuum. 8he is a geuuino heroïne, - a fiuo specimen of gtouthearted Western womati'hood, - and hor advcntureH iu the vildd of the uuoccupiod Weat havo beau uumerous aiid exoiting. Well, while tbe traiu of which this lady vvu8 a member was eucamped at a poiut on tho Humboldt, where ihe Lesseu trail interseots the Curson track ol travel, ho visited the tent of a fuuaily conristiujj of an ulderly oouple and oue cliild, a daugbter of 14 or 15. The old lady was nitting on a pilo of bluukets under lbo canvas, eBccuraifinc; a must determinad attack of tlm "aulks," wbile the mascu iue head of affuirs bad plantod himself on ibu woudcu tuugue, und was suukiug big pipe au though hu cxpectud to remain there forevor. A siuglo glauca döveJoped the diiliculty in tluit littlo train of oue wagou aud tbree persom, aud tbat it had attuined a poiut ol quiot desperatiou boyond the reacu of peuoeful udjustmeut. Tbree dajs before, they had pitobed tbeir teuts ut tbc i'orks of tbo road, and na they oould uot ugree upoo the route by wbiflb to' enter California, thero they had reujuiued. Tbe basband liad exprossed a preferenceior tbe Curson road, aud thö'wifa tor the Lesseu, aud üeitlier would yiold Tbe vvile deelarcd she would reiuaiu uil wiuter ; tbe busbaud naid bo would be pleasud to prolung the üojouru tbrougb tbe Êuminur followiug. On the moraiog ot ihö fourtb day tbe propei ty, wuicb cousmted of two yoko of oxeu, one wagon, camp fornitura, n smal) quaotity of pruvuious, aud twolve dollar ;n süvcr. The proposal wai acccpted, and forthwitii tb e ' piuuder" was üivided, leaviug tii.j v.ii-.ou to the o ld uiau, and the to the mot her. Tlielattor ezcliui'ged v.'iili a ueighboriug truiu the oaltlo bülouging to her for a pony ud par.k-sitddlo, au 1 piliuR her daughier ind lier j uit. on of Lcr dividcdspoili up uu tLu unimal, ahü resolutely turLod uoross tLe deseit by tha Leiöu trail, whilu tlie old mau siluntly yukvd hiacftttle anti took lliu other route. Singular a.- tliis r.iay xeeiu, it ig novcrthuli'ss truo. It ia auioug tlie many occurreucies of life siruugur tban fiotion. Of course both parties reauhed Cali fon:ia u salety. Wo say "of eourse," lur it is BCtiroely pnssible tbat any ubslaole, dtiath includod, could bava iutorfured with Btubbornness so sublime. Arriving io iSaorataonto with herdaughtur, the old lady readily fouud eraploymenl - for women wero leH8 pleulitul than now - and subsequently opened a boardiug-bouso, aud in a few jears, amassod a baudsome fortune. Twoycars ago sbe weut to 8au Franoisco, aud the daughter, whoac educatiou hud uot beeu ueglected, was nianied to ouo of the uiost eubütautial citizcus. Aod what had 'beuonio of the old man? Tlie wife had not een or heard of hioi siuce ihey parted on the Ilumboldt. They bad lived happüy togother as man and wife foryears, and sho sametimes reproached htraelf for the willfuluess that sepurated them alter so long Q pilgrimage Uigether througli thisrougli lifo. Uut hu was nut duad. Wo eau not trace bis course in California, how ever. All wc itiiow ui iniii is, mat rortuue bad uot umiled upop hiin, and thut lor yoars be liad toiled without hope. Finally, feeling scurco able to longer wield tho piek and shovel, hu visited Sau Franciaeo, in tho hope of obiaining euiployinent better adaptod to lus wutted Btreogth. For three months ho remained idle nftcr arriving here, und Uien, for want of oocupatioD, bei-araa tho humblo retailer of pca:iuts and oranges, with his entire truffio upon bia urin. Tbis was six uioDths ago. A few weeks sinoe, in passing the open door of a cottage in tho southem part of the city, hu observed a lady in the hall, aud stopped to off.r his mcrchaudiso. Ah he stepped upuu the threshold the lady nppiouchcd aud the old ïnsti raised his eyis and drupped the the basket; and uo wouder either, - lor she was his wife, bis "old womnn !" - Sbe rccognized hiin, and throwiug up h;r anus in amtzemeot exclaimed : "Greut Uod ! John, ia that ynii ?" "All that is left of me," replied the old man. With extended arms they pproaehud. öuddenly the old lady's counteuanco ehauged, aud uhe Btepped bauk. "Johu,"said she, with a look which might havo been ooostrued icto earnestB6M, "how did you find tbo CarBOU road ?" "Miserablo, Suky, miserable ," ropliec the ld man ; 'full of sand and alkali. "ïhen 1 was rigbt, John," t.ho oou tinned, iliijuiringly. 'You wera, Suky." "Thiit's onough I" said ehfi, throwing her arms around the old mau'a neok ;- "that'e enough, John ;" aud the oK couple, strangely sundered, wro ugai unitod. Both nre living with iheir duuglite


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Michigan Argus