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The War Goes On

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The effoitg of the Germana to obt'iin an armi-ticj have f likvi. It is one rif iba stningest featnrea "f 'htn strange war, that th 'iciors in it, alter htving destroycd all formidablo opposition to li ui iu tle field, captured ilio itrODgest f.rtre-.-es i f tbeir eneiny. and invested ii c. pit il, havo patieed in llu ir resist ies career of triumph t a! tbr a trice. Ttiey havo even nffered lnrfre ooncexgiooa in order 'o obtain it Weary of vibtorj it. lf, tliey sio wil ing to sacr fice mucli o! i ta ordiiiary iVuits lor a chuaoe of pea-e, It in tci'iiii thit il the Freocb wero atl" to eosiiier calmly their condition ai.rl pitspeciB, tb y woiild at oncn aoiiept -ny teriua tbat liurm iny is likely to Aenaaud, r thoji iiiit idDger, Uut Iho 'ii-'-') ia'le difficulty is that they e:i:i cons der noi hing ('allllly. Tbc chastiscmi'tn uf Franco goce on It eau ccüirce'y be callad war, wben there ík no army, ni a'overinneiit, no na-, tion ; only R riotl s icioty failinu into ut ter disoi'gs'iizaiion, a nio! in n ironsy wbich rni,'s fíi.r the tnomont ugainst the iiivuders, hut mitj at any lime be tu g'g -d iu oivü .stiifo. and fivo tr six par tioi Silieming lo get lbo leml of Ibe pop ui ir furv, ■■ to uíc il for politica' ends. It seems evident tbat tbc nrnrstice would have bevii aooepted at onoi' by tny governintnt wl'icb ooulri really cintrol the Datioa ; and tlist thu ('ommitteee ot the Public Döfsni-e hus only rejectod it, bcoau.'p tin; meeting of a na ticmal as?eml)ly w ulii be i t f nWD ovt-rtbrow. Piungecl into a ruinoun wur to save the empiic, Fraue is to ba ilesolated indenniiely, in ord r to navp the tempor ar; governmetit cl:o?en iu the Paris streets to mcoeed it. Tbo Germana have na menne loft of obtainirii.' peace, oxcej t bv rither dtstroying the provisional ofoverDtnent ;r compeUing itto let the Ffnch penple be lieard in in gsemblj (-Í' tbcir r ] re spntaiives. The jmb'io men wbp 8re;k for Fraiiee havo addcd Hoother to the most astonishiDK serie- of blundeis - iti wur and in statesmaoship - ever muic by a civilized naiion. Fiom tbe dufiant early in J 3tf$ &VS&J$Jïa38iEmk perinit a Gemían Piince tn rule in Snain down to tbe present rojection of the truct', a fatalitj of folly lias marked ail that I'.ms heen snid uul dono in the mum f the Froucb poplo And to crown al!, her 'nly yhailo of a goveniaoeiit now ebxDgei the. ia-u', by yeninuing Geiinany to fight for ihe rigbt of tbe French to form their viii guvcri-.tnent and decide their owd díwiiny, hilo the meo wh'j spoak in the iihiig of France


Old News
Michigan Argus