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The Tuesday Election

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The electkm is over, tho sraoko has not jet eutirely oloared away from tbo battlo field, but looking through it wo aro cnablecl to indicato tho rosult in thia county. Tho fullowing table will give approxLmatoly tlio mnjoritica oa Governor and Representativo in Congresa in tho several feowns and citioB, and vrhich will bo varied but littlo by tho official canvnss to bo mado onTuoanest : Baldetuck. win. IIugheB, Blair. .Vnn Arbor City, 107 löl " Town, 64 4 Augusta, - - t Bi-ldjtewater, 100 100 Dcxeter, 60 t frcedom, 167 1C7 Lima, 30 30 Lodl, 89 01 Lyü'loi!. 4:i 43 Manchester, 118 101 XorihlioM, 92 92 Pillsfielti, 74 77 Salem, 6ö 65 Salino, 2C 2 Sclo, 22 22 Slis ron, 7 3 Superior. 13 15 Bylran, 21 21 ÏVebster, 37 37 Yoi-k, 17 17Ypsllantl City, 3t SI Town, 86 88 Majorlty for Comstock, Dëmocrat, 194. The vote of tho coimty falls about 1,500 short of a full poll, but looking at the figures in the sevoral towns we aro convincod that the Eepublicans maj' bo the losors to aVery small munber beoauae of tho absentóos. ... uui , ii. hgu uit'lü va3 DO fair and square politieal contest, and tho tablos when made out in full will afford a very wido field for the politieal statistieian to work. It was a guerilla warfare, locality againd locality, man ayainxt raan, nationality for nationality, "e very man for himself, and th d - 1 tako tho hindermost." Politieal issues Troro forgotten, and imaginary old sore wero the woapons of warfare. The result is the oloctioa of tho following candidatos by majorities about as indicated : ■ Shiriff-lÜYHOji Webb, Dem., 75. Vlerk - Ioh.v .Í. Rohison, Dcm., 2Ö0. Beffiitor-CBi.. II. Marlt, Dem., 150. Treas-urcr- Stjzííijcn W. FAiucnii.n, Ref 40. Prosecuting Allorney - Edwin F UuiJ; Dem., 50. Circuit Cuitrl Commisswntm - Richard Bkahan nml .!. WlXDABD )!rrT, Dem., Surveyer - Geo. S, Cai-wkli,, Dem. Coronen - JkBKWUB PkbK anrt Piiilemon C. MunHAT, Dcm. Threo alómente contributod to the dofoat of Blcm. Ilis opponent -was a disablöd soldier ; somo of liis Gorman frimdt wero jealous, thouglit ho liad lio had held office long cnough, and that he was not a full-bloodod Ptusi and other Germán friendt turned tho cold shouldor becau&e he rofaeed lo join in dofeating tho Domocratio candidato for Senator. On tho Legislativo ticket thi Republicans elect Senator and two Itepresentatives, b}' majorities about ft followsi Senator- Emamcsl Makr, 250. ïsl Dist. - S.Mi::;y, Post, 240. 2,1 " - O. B. (Jlt.VNT, 211. Tlio Demoernts eloct two members of the House, as follows : 3fí - Aai'.on Ciiii. ds, 373 4t'i " -J. M. Comodón, 400. Tin? Senatorial coutost did not turn on tliu poliüciil Issues, the pereonal clnivactnr nseptltatiau of eithor candidato, oí iheir comparativo fitness for tbo position. Mr. Maxn-, the Re]ml)lioan nominee, was a Gonnan, whilo his opponent - unfortunately for tlii.s ciimpaigB - was a nativo born citizen. He was litorally slaughtore'l in tho Democratie towns of Lodi, Freedom, Manchostor, Scio, Sylvan, and in ovory'tovxi where thoro was a Gorman settlomont (hoy "went for liim." A few Germans, hero and Üiere, stood Ly hjjn, bui the mass of them either forgot their politioal principies and fi-iends - or that tliej' should be Americana - and voted for Mank- becausc he wan a Genuw mul for 110 ether reason. ïhig strictuxe does not apply to the tried and truo Qennan Demootftoj of Bridgovator, Sharou, and a part of Freedom. In this citv Mr. Pond was etit about 150 votos, but it was made up to him hy Itnpublicaa ñionds who dusirod to sec fair play or thought him tho fittest man. In the out towns tliis personal infltienco did not reneh, and tite Am hom) stood by thoir principies and party candidatos, whilo tho Germana slashod ■' away "without a whjr or whorofuru' That b vrliy Mr. Boieö IMfl baeWa. Further comments aro rèsorved unti' we rim givo tlicm wifcli tho official tablo.


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