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The Elections In The States

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Wc givo tha following as the latcs.t teVgraphic sumir.ary of tlicelections held ■i:i the t;vt:r il States on Tueaduy : NEW VORK. New York, Nov. 9. Returns frorn this Stato aud city como in s'.owiy. Enough have been reueived, hnwever, lo warrant tlie nssortion that llcllniaii's majiiiiv will reftoh 3(),000in tde State, and jhat it may run up to :') 000. Gov. Hofl'man estimates tliat th is ill lo hia msjnrity in tho State, caluulatinsj that the 10,000 given fr min iu'K'uigs' Conoty v.-ü! counierHnldo all thut may lose in the riirr.' dist. riuts. Tha Democratie guin over 1868 s steady throughout (lio State, tbopgh it vvill not equul the gnin of 18G9. Tlie Demócrata giia threo Congressioual Distriets, eloeting J. VV. Vrron in tlie Troy District, and olaisiog Marvia'i defeat in the Sara'oí'a St John, Republican, lias carriod Van Wyek's oíd district, and Kaichum, linpuhlican, lias becn roelocted by an Dnreased majoiitv 'n the Columbio district. Hotchk ss' district, wlrch thn Demócrata boped to carry on secount of lbo Bepnbüoan quarrel, has gnno Republioan. Bilis II. Roberts, Kcpublican, is clected in thc Utica District, wliile Ducll, the regular ReptiblicAD oaiidid&to has ilcfeated Me Carthy in the Oneida District. Sessions runs behiiid hts tickot in tlie Chantan que, thotigh he is in no danger. Win. Williams, Deiimcrat, is clected in the Eiie Ditrict. This makes a Detnocrat io íiain of three Th As'cmbly looks close The Republicana gain thren mu'nliors n Kings Countv iinil New York, if they are do coiiuted out, and lose two iu Monroe. - They gain one in the Oranje Dis' rio' The RepublioanH gain two in Albatr Couiitj, oi:e in Lwiu, ono in Queeas ono iu Wrsti'hcster, one in Ulsler, anc one in Fiilton and Hamillon conuties. - They loso ona iu Erie. Aitogetljer i look us if ttiey bad carried tho A süinbly. Tne fnllowing in a lisl of memborg o Conress lectud iu New York iu tb. auvural distncis : 1. Dwitjtit Towusend, Democrat. 2. TUomaa Kinsella, Dnmocrai. .",. Heorj W. Slocum, Democrat. 4. K. i. RposeveU, Democrat. 5. Win. Il Roberts, Demotrat. (J. Samuel S. Cox, Deraocrat. 7. Sinith Ely, jr., Democrat. 8. James B rook 8, Demoorat. 9. Feruaudo Wnod, Democrat. 10. C'larkson N. Polter, Democrat. 11. Chnrles St. John, Ilupublieau. 11!. J. II. Kctcham, licpubliciui. 13. Joseph II. Tuthill, Daiaocrat. H. Eli Pcrry, Democrat. 15. Joseph M. Warren, Demoerat. 10. A. Williams, Rspubliciin. 17. W. A. Whi-öler, Republíoan. 18. John M. Carroll, Democrat. 19. E. II. Prindle, 20. C. L Merri;;n), Repubücan. 2L K II Robertx, Republican. 22. W. E Lansinft R.-publicaa. 28. R. II. Daell, Republioa 24. J. E. Seoley, Republican. '25. W. II. Lam)rt, Republisan. 6. Milo Goodrich, Republioaa. 27. II. B. Smilh, Rrpubiicuu 28. F. Clnrke. Kepublican. 29. Seth VVaketnan, itepublican. iiÜ. William Williams, Democrat. 31. W. L. Sessious, Kepublicau. MISSOURI. Chicago, Nor. 8. A ppecial from St. L'Miissays Brow is cljclt:d Guveruoj" bv30,000 maiorit Unoffioial returns froin this county with ibe exoeptioü of tbree precinct give Brown I&v423 and MoClurg 4,14i The remaining preeiucts will probiibly iucreaso Brown's majority to 15,000 Wells' uiajonty for Congrois vrill be frum 800 to 1,000. The Qongreróona] aeieaucm wui pionably stand thus : lst- Era.itus VVells, Deioocrat. 2d- G. A. Finkülnburg, Liberal. lid - J. K. MoConnick, Iiemocrat. 4th - Wui. E. Gilmore, Liberal 5tli - Samuul S. Burdott, regular Republican. Oth - A. Comingo, Demncrat. 7tli- Isnac Parker, Regular Eepoblican. 8th- James G. Glair, Democrat. Otti - Anlrew Kirig, Demncrat. These tiro olaaaifiod : proiectinnists, 2 ; tariff reformen or fríe trade, 7. ■vviseoNTix, C'iiicago, Nov. 9. The Republ'caus carry Wíscjuhíii by 6,000 iiiHJonty. Eldredgt', Domocraiie, in lbo Fourth Difiiriet, re-el -cted by about tho same msjoritj iis formerljr, Ín tliq Mit-uaukee, Wiscormn, Congreninoal Diatriot, Mitohell. Qeqiocr&t, ia uuiloubledly elen'ed t') Üougre.--B over JuHge i-y, Eepublicao. Tbis 3 a Democrntic pain. The Wi-eonsin deleeation ivill ataod : -t Republicana 'and 2 Deiuociuts, a Uejiocratio guiu of 1. N.KW JEH-EY. fíewnrk, N. J., Nov. 9. Tiie latest returns show the election of BWker, Domncrtt, for Congrcss in the Si'cind district hy 3T0 roajority Tlio llepulihcang i'lüet thrco Congn'ssiiieti - Hiudetoii, Hall and Haliey. The Democrats cleul two - Forker 8ii(J Bird. 'J'he Repiibücaus havo thrt'ö mHJo.ity io the tJenute and eisüt in the Houbü, in uring a Uúited States Senator. MI.VNKSf'TA. C'iicatiG, Xov, 9. Tho ïlepnblicans oí Miuncisuta elect Averil] to Cóagrex, i:j tho 8oond district over Donoelly, hy ibont 4,0üü mnjority, nd Dunnell in the First District over J5mk, Dumoorat, by u haudjomo uiajority. ILUN01S. Caiko, Nov. 9. Tho Republieans concede theeloction of Crebs to Congress. Tho Deinocrats laco bis majority at 1,700. Chicago, Nov. 9. Tiioro sooms to bo no doubt thnt Inersoll, fiepilblioan, is boatou in the -'ilth JJistriut of tliis State by Mr. Stevens, Independent Domoojat. ' 'IVo cars nio Ingersoll was oloctod by ",000 uujority. 'Thero was a fierco inornal fight in iho Bepublican party. Menriam, tho líppublican candidato Ór Oongrcss in i)w Eiplith l)istric, is irobably dei'eatod by Éobison, Demor:.f, Oy a small majority. ïhe Kcpubiaan majority in tlio district two years ago was 2,600. i lus u omng (o i nal disssnsioB iimong the Reptiblioans. I'arnsworth, in tlio BeOfKOa District, is elected only by a, smull majority. Tho district is the strongoa .Ucpulilifan in the CJnited Sta ■-. Hay, .Iíi-h:11 J--.IU, is olocfi .1 ii: Lc ih Diatriot, by l,.r)00 nuijoritj'. In tliis city and county tho retui-ns ro síiil i ' i looka as if Farwell'e in the city would bo 3,600 and in the ooiraty 1,5110, in all 5,000. Tho Republicana elect their throo Sonators and twonty tn sentativea and thuir enttre Connty tickot. Tho mujority lor the Eepublican Stao ticket is vory little Ies3 than Fanvell's. LaUrr - A report from Farnsworth'a district say.s hu ia bouten by StOUghton, temporalice. TENN'KSFEE. MiMPHiir, Nov. 9. - Sevetal dnys need eiapse before fuli returns can be rèceivcil in iliin Slaio Vnuuhan'a Democrat, mnjontv in this diStnct wil! probabiy reach 8,000. Caldwei!, Oemncrat. bas also been elected iu tho Huwboldt d.stri-t. Ilavwood Cou'ity givcsP'iuw, colored Ropublicau for Congress 500 m ■ over Vanghau, Demncra!, an over Smitb, Bepabli Nashvili.k, Nrnv. 1). - Tho election in Ihis State resultod iu the clioicc of a Domor-ratic gevernor, Legisluture, u.hI five Deinucratic CongrHHtren. ]5utler in the First and Mnynard in the econd Distric'.s nro probabiy oleetcd. Nüthing baa been lieard to determine the rcsult iu the Ibird District. XKVADA. San Francisco, Nov. 9. Nevada is s 11 doubtful. The election of Kradloy, Democrat, for Koreruor, is conceded. Fitcb, Repablioan, for C!ongress, has carried tbe Stato by a stnull mkjority. The Républicao State tioket, with tho exception ot Governor, is proba bly cleoted. AUKANSAS. Motuphis, Nor. 9. T!)o election returns from Arkanaag are stül meagre, owing to impjrföi'.t telegrepbio cotiiuiái'ation. The Demócrata slaim hevy g.-tins, and the electies of lt.mks, Demociat, over Root, in the First Distriot, Kdwarils over Roles in the Tliird District, and tiio eleclion of untéis in the Seoond. A gaQ of tw. i)ii:mber3. VIRGINIA. NoílFOLK, Nov. 8. Tlie eleotion pasaod off very quietly. A coniinny ff marines w:is luid in re ui neis duriug the day at the ensom house Three ward8 give Janirs II. i-lat t, Jr., Kepublioan Conc;ro8tional candidas 1 majority. There is uuo ward to fioui, in which tlie oegroes have a registeied mf jority of 383. Bichmohd, Va., Nov. 8. Tho Second Congresgioda; District reelecta Pia't, aiid th Reventh ia clo-u betweeu Reyuolds aud Harria, Coiiserfatire. Barrüddro, Va., Nov. 9. Harria. Qi nservative, i elected CongreBsmnu in (Ue Sis;h Dibtrict. vi. o ui da :S'iï!I.I.E, Nov. 9. Rep' rts to even o'i 1 ok tl, is ercuing indícate a reduced Rrpubliían majority in ihe State, ua añuoa'it of iatimidttttoa.


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