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jaOTIOE 1 Cnme into the eticïosure of thn pnbsrriber. on or boot tliu au of July last, a RgD 8TBBR n tu be twu ;.v:irs oíd. Has lort ear cropped od tliu uthii.t :]('. Thootvnei U rcinestcd to prove Drop nny, pay charges, nd take ntd animal i lill.Es W. TÍCENOS. Piltílield.Nov. tOth, 1STO. ,v ." MOTICB ! T" Thn ORRMAÏ PABMERS' FIRÏÏ IN'SURANC'K COMPANF of Washtciiaw Uourty will bold tlicrr Aunnal Mootloe In the Oerman ■ i, near :'. "ii the: flrsl Uonday r Decomber, lv7ii, atlOo eotnew ofllcer snil i" traaiuiel am-h other bustnea na íaaj bo úeemad necessary, LBWIS FIUTZ, . Ditfrt XoTomlicr ttk, l'-IO. iüs EsUtc of Luoj A. Allen. OTATE QPMICinOAN.CountyWWaehlenair,. kj At a jossion of the l'robate Court for the I of Washtenuw, Office, In tbc Citj of Ano Ariior, on Ttiaraday, the lentb day u Kornqher, In tbo yeat one thouaand eighl hun ared anQ eoventy. Pteaeut, [(ram : Probate. I" tho matter of the ottatc of Lucv A. Allen ■ On ri-a,iii!:aiidfliiigllie petiti-m v.r Leinucl K. Al tuat be and Oejrge H. ■ appolutëd ArimiuUiraio of he es■.t''l- Thesupoii ii ík Ordersd, that Monday, theflfHi lay oí December, uext, at ten oclock In thi ned tor the of nu'.: petition, and that i iii.l all i . , otate, ircrequlrec to appear at :i sesslon ol saldCoar iiMi i., bc holden at W canse, il my therc ba. whj the pruyor o( the petj lAnoi '.) granted: Auditisfurtb.! icetothi lency of uald pelltlon, and liearlnf Iherepf, bj muelijga copy ofOhieOrder to besobliabed Intlie ,a newspaperprinted 8nd clrcnlatlof n s:ikl coanty, threeaacceMlve wekt previoottg ;ucl day o! lioVlng. CA trae copy ) . HIRAM J. BBAKE8. lM of l'roliate. E ita te of Thomas T. O'c u. OTATBOP V.irüi,; ..c .,.-,;., , ,".V:is!i:cniw, m 0 At a esston of th ■ PUrt for the Cnnnt] 01 Waghtenaw, holden M Ofllce In th i'Hv of A ii i; Arbor. on Saturday, tbs u t'i il-iv o November. In ne tliousnncl elght hnndred ■■ i I y . I HframJ. Benke?, Jndge of p In Cha matter of 1"" late ui Thomas J. Olcott dO{Vfl-1'i! . John D. Okott, Ailminlrttr.itor of said i -■ (hal h in now veparedtor mier hs flnii! ncoonut rs t?nch AdntinUtüitor. óndy, thcUventyr nsst t ces o'cl k iu tlmfure oon, i I forexamniD(; andullowli ccoant,and Chat Iheheiraatlcw of aid dcceawd ud all other persona iDtereoced i ice, are i (o apnear al a session of s.ní i.'onrt, tl an to e holden at che Probate Ofijcc, In the Clö ot ini i BiM Coant, and show canse, fan; tbere i'.Xvliy tbe Bald aoooDnt slo-iiil ■!■: houftowod: ml t tutl ! tbat 6aid A('.inhiistr;it'r Ive notlco tothapcruonB lntorcRted In Bald f the p ii i-;iv .ii satd acooitnt, and the hearing ïereof. bycaulncopy of ttala order Co ')■ pubhed In t ne Michigan Argüí, a newspapr pflnted ml ccBlatl ■- in sald Conntj, tbxee suo - tu uit! day f hearing. Crueoopy.) IKMM.i. BEAKKÜ, Jodseof Pto i-Jsf ;il o of Lydia OLiirch. iTATKOF M ! 1 loont] f U':;lih'n:tv, holden at choPri ■.uihü Ity of Aun Arbor, ou Friil:iy. the fburlh ovrmber, In Ihe ; i ';í:iih1 rilit iiunrcfl and seventy. Present, Bttam J.Beftke,Jud of Probate. in ch.e ir.:ii.u-r o cl)e ot' J,il;:i Oborch, ■■d. ■ -i Ition, loly TOrified,of i práj iug chai !-■ d ■ ■ son nriy be appofnl hliatratoi u fhereupon u s ordered Cbat Monday, ibe fifth iy of Dec mner, next, ai ten otocfe n cbe d inr ilic h petí ■ i i ira r1 law ui - :ind all nfi Intereeted in satd. i-.n'-. ri-d 'p apneu at a Besgloti o Chen u bi holden :f I i iiy of Aim Ai Imr, ir.,( s!m ailSO, Mr v 1 wr I .■. ,vliv th' . notlcr ti' ' ; lM-tltlo:i.aitl the . - ui !. btiblul ' -i: ::i the ilatlnf :i satd Conuty. thfoe successive vlek prevlon ' mMdayofUcarlajl;, lllRA.M J. BEAKRS. AtnMoopy, JaiLi-of Probate. ■ What Johnson has lis ha a large stock of HATS & CAPS 1 Kor iheFHilaud Winter traair- kbit in town. lii' In- a ful t iu.e of L ADÍES' AND GENTS' FÜRS, New Styles anti bent quality MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. He has a fuil stock Of Gents' Furnishing Goods ! Glureí, llotler;, Collar, Tie, Cmrati, te. He has everythin in his line ! And he toont ht :indersold. That's What JOHNSON Has 7 South Main St , Anx Arbor. m 5?f w T Q f ''-■'& ' - FOK $7.00 PER YAHD. lEtj-ani, flik RfaLad $LaakLng FOR 68.50 PER YARD. JLfanó. èf'dk flfeLmel Laakinc FOR 812.00 PER YARD. _%Qzá 7n WeLuet gLaalúnP; FOR 18.00 PER YARD. Best Bl'k Velveteen Cloaking FOR S2.50 PEK YARÜ. Donnst ana Ribbon Velvet, TUK L.VRGKST STOCK IN THE CITY. nr Cali and zamint bciore pnrchssing cTscwhere 1292w8 H. COHSN. FÜRNITÜRE. J. KECK c CO. iraniifaclurerg. (rbolenlaand (fltatl dcalrr n FÜRNITÜRE AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS OP EVIillY DESCUIPTION. Wc Manufacture om goeds asid will not !r ITiMiereoId by anyHOÜSE BAST or WEsf. ÜNDERTAKING! We Keep Constant ïy on sjíttuí a fntl ossortment of WOOTD, MBTAX.IC, CLOTH COV:: ::ED CASE coypn wliich wilí be sold at prices so LOW as to dei y all Compefition. Sales Beem 52 South Main Sl„ and 4 Wéti Libsrty Sirco!. iVIANUFA CTORY ! Comer of Wiiliam and Went Fourth St. J. KSOK & OO. frt wfnmTmñu . ii in1, rtrnn ■ Oí r inau, Ij;is n-rel a nnedj II M ïi.f JulJii 1 e-;! -in.;. . WllJ cure ll i k,msp win? t lier of uut)'!, in ! v ,,r L.. ■;,[.!, ni m m ijvt f-rver. nni !'. .'.'■ i Mth to pi ) for vsnt of wol k ni"i i der-igneO t mAke o'ir sub irinry ipbi bfeh Ut :i v.-i, iie]l phall ■■■-)■.. r V .1 ■■! ipi, li 't tllHi Kiii'i ot' hu'nbiij?(Mirv. But wïihii [ toll rou tïiat ír. Fajjc'.1 ('atarrh ÜUunrdjr ■r.'y drr. t'" wowt oas8 of (.':Uarrl: in lh ir 1 " . I .. 1 f ,1 ■■■ ■■■■-.■ ,■■ ;. ;■■:, ■; usnd ean titffp D, I will piy $.iOH reward fur ■ om that I caum-t "ure. A p tmphlet Riyio [ ï DSpi [SJ :i"fi Othof iQfor mtiun ■ . 'i hli rcvSeéj 1 a SOLD ir MUST DR0QOBTf! IN ALh l'ARTd Of TUK WORI I) Prlcfl. 60 ornts. Pent bv mail, potpI& on receipt o nt, or fnurp ifk;iir-'a for ivra d'Mar. Beware ■'yfiirs andwotthUê tmUaftéM. B 1 Stamp, wJ "li - ■ of (ion ilnenetA upon the outWfl wrippvr ■ Remi mbet ■ !"uI''l s i"i; i . y prnw i v i'nr BtuiM Bndicins ■ii'i-t :i; i , name n mmí tóe word '. 8 CH ; ■ ; i f r of QamilneDtM," (-hl'íavp-I opon i' ni NtM'i] tol be ritMakan. Hont be windléd bt rjivrlpt-H ii'l ríluTs !-■■) ■'■ i) f in r Ihi Iftge : ! i tic DO n !■ ■:.:■■ .. - ; i ;■■..- 0 MN D'1 b Remedy. uní! I btvor lraTl ' "ti! oma. R v. rn i r , n. lSOSf-neca atrcet, Buffulo, N. V. I2Í-0 f XTSOIOUS CATAWIJA 0KAPE3 Exoêlfont Jrs$y Kweet Tot atoen. Larga Frêéh Oylers and neto Chesf: .y atrlviug at the i Come njito -■ . ' . Lhinfi ol 'i fon-vi r." 1SM CLARK .V CKOI AFULL STOCZ AT MARTIN'S ; . : Y ATTTVP ro - - J JOB PRINTING. AT THE ARGUS JOB OFFICE IS TUE PLACE TO QKT YOÜR POSTERS, PROURAMlli SMALL II! YüXJR LAW BR1EFS, RECORDS, ÁND BLANK& YOXJR i BILL-HEADS, # LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, YOUK CiïiCüLARS, BUSINESS CARDS WEDDÍN5 GAfil YOUR ORDERS, REQEIPT3 PLAIN AND IN COLOES, WJTH New mjloB Type, FUtST-CLASS PliESSES, AND GOOD WORK MEN, SATISFACTIE ÍS GCARiïïIi Córner Main and Hurón SÜ, ANN AKBOR, MIC'


Old News
Michigan Argus