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Keeping Dahlias Through The Winter

Keeping Dahlias Through The Winter image
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ateuis of dahlia, the tubers should bo dug up and put in some placo whero ihey will cl i y for a few days, or even a week or two will do no barm. The stalke ithou'.d te cut off to within sis or eight inches of the roota, bul in uo caso divide or remove any BÏngle tuber, becauso the ejes or ïuds from wliich flowering sterns ■will be produccd next seaaon are situated ou or Díiir the point of junction betweon the old stem and tubera, and uot elserrhere, ss on the potato. Wben tho obers are suffioiently dry to allow tbe soil to be easily briuhed off, thcy should be packed lonsely in barrels or boxcp nd vtry dry sand pourcd among thern nntil all the open spaces between the roots are filled. It is usually necessnry il prepare the sand exprei-sly for this purpo.e, aud thotse who have daliüas bat they intend to keep throuh the winter wiH do well to get a few bushels of eand ready for use. After the root re rroperly packed, the vessels cocit:iining ihea msy be plaoed in a dry, warm oellar or room, where no front is likely to eDter. NuiceryaioD and florists who grow d'ililias in larg quantities usuallv keep them in a place speciully prepared ior that purpone ; but amateurs will (nd thst the melhod we havegiven is a gafe on, a-od, at thft same time, inexpensive. - Êearth and Home. An eocentrio though very excellent elerpymau of Is'ow Eogkud gave notice nt tbe the close of services nue Sundaj, that he expected to go on a tuission to the Ltatheu during the ensuing weck Alarmed and sorrow si rieken at the prospect of loting tLeir helov( ] pastor, the enembers of tbe church pathered itround him, and one of the deacons, in great egitation, exclaimed : " What shallwo do ?"'"0b, Brother C ," iiid the mi: ster, uith great appaiQul ase, " 1 dotCt escpect logo vul of toten. Tho annually report of Treasurer Spinncr will show for 1870, as oom pared witli 18G9, ii'orcr.scd reteipts of 3-18,263.S2l.00 ; (Inereaspd expèn'dïuirei, $27,169,080.98 ; total 75,482,40 49 ; decrentcd teeelpts, 4,84,889,41 ; inorenfd pxpcndituies, $2,342,92 70; total, 86,68 092.20 ; being a clear gsin ly a larger coüeetion and rcduced exyenditureB of $Ü8,734,020 20. Ürders havo been reeeived üt the BoHton byj yard for tho difierent depsrttBOutK to estima te inmediato! y upon tha unie and exponse of btting for gen, with dipiiteb, the inonitors Wuhsik-, Sbawncc, and Miantouomoh, und the Ticouderopa, Worceetor, Walianh, Nigara, Sabiue, Califoruia aud thrce tbr vesiwla.


Old News
Michigan Argus