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Mortgago Salo. Dbecn ma do io the condttiunsof i made by Adum Flnkbli re lliu [.ur. : : i anti rtereliiafi date the -2d day of Angust, A. IJ. 1803 and re ■ ftce of the Rtsguter ol Deeds forth ot Mlchigau, in líber 41 of ■ 12 mi the ftft flej day of Muy, A, k i-..: and o whl I er ia cl al m f cl lobe ai Che date fr tin noti' o fuur liudred and n , ud uu altor pro ■ al Uw. ir in i institnted in recover the same, d thatby virtne'l the power of sale in sairi Ainedtlwlll ell ut pnbllc auctïon . to Ider. on (i.iy. the twentythird Novi mix r iit't. (tt ten o'cltfck In tbc forenoou i luii-c. in the 4 Arbor. and County "f w daw al i mm Howef Iwinp the p lowlng preroise All pareéis of Polio wb, viz: Iota Dumber lo (16i, ale i ■iHi .,i iota noml - i ' :■- '. ibree C-tJ ín block Domber eljthi f8), In the vflfage of Sylvan, GoMity andS , oí so muoh or fluch puri . hr icrc-i-.i y to stitj theflmoaot dnc un Bald mortgage at Cbfl dato of iliis aotlco, lowlth the fanner interest wblcb ehall ha erned theTeon, and twonty-ftv dollars Atton ili 'li'i norl :'-i;-f prOVideH, ïtlld th1 Cos!s. C insu allowod by Uw and provldedfor in Hld mortgHge. Dated, Aumwt 22d i;Tft. ORRIN THATCHER, Mortgagoe. A. J. Sawykb, Att'y Por Murtj BlortgiBgfl Sale. WimtrA.M: oftbeTownblpoTork, Connty cr Wïi.-h (Hl '-litli (!ny uf.Jiily - A 1 ■ gage to Jamee Illbbara of ttïe same plucc, to secure the payraeni of certa! n principal and Interest moneya med . which ;■_■ ded in r ol thu lï'"-''!1 . of Dffda In wiïd conutj ,on thpflrBtdnyofAuput Á. 1 1866,atl0o'ct'ck a.m. of ■ f un lig"-, on page 53 ; ffhich Bftïd was I ' uifi in Jeremlah Quackeiibpftb on the 14th day ol i " cember i i'.t me! recordé c tn the Regls(ers offli in: ■ ij r Wnsb'enaw, u thf iótfa dav of -luly, A. 1803. at IS oclocft in. In llbvr 40 ofmoi ; on pafre ' i"1 and 291 ; and -Ieifmi:ili Cn:irkfiil.i-li tú ! a Ilüilcud on mher A. 1 l-iT and i ■ in office of the Rpariöter of D( Connty, on the loih day of July, a. T i -: ck m . In iiher 4fl of tl I ; and ■I by B. Ausuetn Ilibba i .i ■ ■ tikten, uit the 27th day ofJanuarv, 1). 186"). and ■ ■:i In tii' office of thje Regiater óf Deede In ■i.nty of WHShteaafr, tbc 2Öth aj of A. i i -'i ■. al 10 ' lock n of Kftid i 40 of mort'jn'i-, on paite 688; ai ■it-i'-l by Leyitna O. Uatcli to David Bafber, uf v miii:; . in itio Connty ofOnondaga, Stata of Ñew v: k. on tbe lat davo' Febrnary, A. I. '810, and recorded in the ■ Aususl ..t t% ocloi in líber oneof Assienmonts f Hortsages. m page VPbertas defanlt baa been made or more thas eirty daya In te pyment of an Instálmunt ! sald Interest monev wblcb beo i day of . n . .'i i'V reason wtuTcui, uiiti pumianE t the tei nou ofi il tt 90 mach oi'c-.iii principa] as ntoiaioij nnpaid wiiíi all arrearagt-a 01 ínter '.-t tbereoo ahall become dae and payable Immödlataly : And, h b there is clalmed to be doe aud anpald on sald mort Lr.'iLM, atthe date ofthis no a of two tnoa Band two hondred aod forty olnE Ighty te for principo] and In fee f t1" .y ooilare, ehonldaoy procedlogebe cukn U foreclof e BaUmortffageaDdDOKtil ir p Inga hiivfng been lastHnted either i 1 ïaw ox to rei over the same oraoy part theteof, notie 1 is therefore hereby glven, thal on the ■.'■Hu tlav ■ 1 December üext, al Zo'clock p. m. of saïd day. at the front door of tin' Conrt Hoane, lu the City of Anu .:. i. Unit behig the buil dl u e In which the Cnt Oouutj i lulii. and by vlrtoe ot the ■ cuntalned in uld mort''cd in saW mortgaLT t ► ■.r. amonni &l ue, wlth ihe c ! 1 eale, in 1 and 111 Al i'n ey'B fee o t forty do] toto, Üu following d land, to-wit: 11 thnt certMii ttacl OP part 1 of land -ii nated In tl ■ and Si:it; of Michigan, koi 1 ibed s follows, to-wll : Thü spatheasl quarter of eection d amber Hve f-T In uvn foor Boutn, raoe si coutaJnla (Aio huiiürud undbixty ac&$& nflyuUuuiie or i'.'-s DutudScpt. 301h,1670. DAVID 6ARB1 R, Asrinee oí' Miid ilortgago. Jons K. Attoniej for A-m :i ■■■ ■ f saitl Mor!. Conmiissniieis' Nu tice. STA'; E OF MICHIGAN, CoiiBty of Washtenaw, sa 'i'lu' nadersigni il bivviug bei o appointed by itio Probate I lïrl Comity, Comimai I claifl - and aera ■ ■ ■ ■ . eix monthsfrom dale are allowea, by ord r ■ Probate Court . for credf tors to preseutthel ;iL'.iin.-i esta' e of sa i deceased, andth wlll meet at the ofSLt e ui N YjisilunU, iu eaid Conuty, on Saturday, tueuih i Mondo] . the wv#Di teenth day ol April n ex t, at teai oclock A. -M. of each of eaid ■ recelve, examine, i Jnst said et al ma. .".; -d, Oulolwr ITth A. D. 1870. I292w4 ScLTvANCLBVE. }co-nU.l.a,„. Coiiimiisioíiertí' Notioc. State f .uien; iw, w The ; be n appomted by the Uourt for said CouutyConim i ■ iv. . i . ji'.w. and adj i I all claimu and demaud of all persona agámsl 1 1 late bf b i Id Uounty, deceased hor ' tice that alx nu i date are allowed by order of uid 'rcbate Conrt r r credttors to present thelr ■K and that they win meet at the late rcftldence of said d r. and MoDday. the twenty lourth day oi Aprilt next, at ten o'clock A M. of each ol sald uays, to receive. exftmiae, ]..,..:, October t4th. M ■. Boa ■&:: }c.mmlMtoncW. Cuii a1 Noticie. SICHIU .N. CountyofWaehteawP8. The iindun '■ . -n appoiiteri by thc Probale Coui ti - to ru camine, and adjust atl clnlms an all pertioqe agalnst the enlate f Silas Whltraarvh, Inte of ■ d, hereby give aotice that Ehs from díitc are allowexl by order ! .- ï ■ l ro ia e Conrt, lor creditore to present their i agalnet tbe catate of said dffiffij'scl, n will meet a' the office r Hinoo & (.'r-.u.-. [o l of Y.m1;iiii . i ii fcaid Connty, ou Satardny the - l' Lt-n ocIockA.M of each of camine, and idjtut said claima Dated, ctobrí I IÏO. 1161 'i;:' ;ií:N. Commtalonei.. Eritate of Márgsret TaufïircL. OP MICHIGAN, Coonty of VFftshtónaw. ebreby íiveo, tbal by an order of ! bate Ooart for the Comify of Washtenrfi, made ot Che ihirWfiith day of Öeptemoer, A. D. 1870, Bil moncha front the iwenty eecond cay cf Uctober, A. l. [870, wi-n: allowed for creditors to ; their claims agalnsl the estata of Margare Taufklrch late of iwld Connty, decea#ed, anti tbat all . requlred to present the Probi te Office in ih( city ".t" Ann Arbor, for emmlnation :l;,i1 'Hiiw.iiü'i', on or before Lhe tweuty-second day of April next, and thai sach claims ill bobeare before hW probate Conrt, on Snturday, the thirlyflr t'i j ■ ■■ and on Satnrday,the ;. next, ai ten oclock in the foreDonn of each ofthose fluya Dutt-tl. Áu Arbor, October -J.', A. !.. 1870. EURAM J BEAK 1C08 Judeof frobato. Estáte of John Powell. STATKOÏ MICBIGAK, ■ i Nui i. .-ivcn . that by ;tn order of iiiü : for the County ol ■ . made on the sci entei ntli day ol niunilis trom that date were allo i present their claims aráiaet lhe e-;;. re oi John . ntf of haid Connty, deceascd, and thal all creditors ofsald eceased utre requíred lo present their claims n saïd Probate Cottrt, at thePrtibate . ü the City oi Aun Arbor, for exaraiofttton and allowaitce on "' hcfoea tUe qpventeenth day f A;irii i ■ ■ tefpï$ fiiirt Probate Court, rnj Satiirday, the Bevenie nth cfay of Deceinbar, and on Möjwiay, the seventeenth dy of April nextt at ten ocloos ín Uic foratoon ofeaota Drfted , Aun Arbor, Octolor37th, 1S70. H1IEAM J. BBAKB8, 1292w4 ■ o Róbate. Estáte oí Anson Whecícr, Senior. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washteaaw.M ív'or;' i!. thnr l)y fin order of the Probate Cimrt for theCoootyol Waahtetiaw, made on tholitli dayof October, a, d.1870, Blxmont that dftte ere allowed for credlti i theii claims ;i:iiiit ih réstate f Anpon Wheeler s. b.. 1;iïc off.iii! lonpty. dccea'd and khatallcredlutorsid I ;■..■ reQuired l luna to at the Probate Odlcp. ui the City ftf Arm AfbOf, for f-x;Mnliuiiion fttld ftlloi On or before tbe twelfth day f April, next, itöd that snob n-iims will bti he&rd beloresald Probate Court, on' Saiiiril.iy, tl-.f 17 Ih do ','iv. the twellth day of k : ■ :. ofeaeb "f Ikose lujs. Un.ed, Auu Arbor, Octolier M A. Í) 18 0. HIRAM .1. BE VKES, : _9vi Jadee oí l'i Comaiissioncrs' Notice. ÓTATEOS VJCHH! A N.l-ou ii IvolWanhti'i. IJThe iittderalBÚed Ivavüiü been appolnted bj the Probate Oonrl sionersto n - ri iw . cx-uniiii-. mui adjust --i!l clainMaod ddmanda - i Wade( late of sald üounty, deceased, hereby ;ve liotloe that flx moiiths from date are sllowedby order of srtid Probate Coort forcredltorêto orweouheir claims agalual theeatateofuld lei aased, andthuitiu-y ■ offlee of [■;. W. Moru ia. in the city of A nu Arbor. ui sni'l Oonntyi on Satnrday, the thlrtvrirst rt;iy 01 and Kond; ■ dayof May n.xr, .".i M.,o( caci ol aaid days, (e retelve cxuuiiuc a'-1 aJjui aiJ claims. Dated. Cotober Biet, . 1). l;78. Estaío of John Hoffman. STA ÓF MK'HTGAX, Connty (.f Wnshrcnaw, nfi. Notl Probate ("i:irt lor thi ,'ounty of H iwhti :■:-, mnlc on tho twenty-aevenlh dny of Octobw 11 tbs from thaUowéd for ov tft pnAoiil tli'-ir claj jiilm iioiim.'iit. Inte of sai tl Ooonty, dccöastd, and that all crc(Ht0ra "' U doceatcü arc present lhe!r claltps to ftaid Probate Coort, at the . in City of A mi Arbor ri:iüütloii mul ::1Iiv:umc OD o:1 beforo t'"1 tWOq enth day oí' A?ñ) m such chijma hr.-it'ï beforé ald Pr 17. the tiiiny-iirui d:iy of December, and ■■ tweii ty-svvf Dtb 1 h oclock Ln tho forenooD óf ea h 6f thope Dated, nn Arbor. OctoberSTth, JXIUAM -r TÏKAKKS, 12Mw4 ' "i Probate. ito of Charles Stuck QÍATEOf MICHIGAN. Connty of w-ï O At a sesión t.r the 1 'ri.inti f :,urt r, .''' piu ..';'. ui. .. rhor. on Monriaj tWi day pi October, ü the yeat uue th ': 'ii itPakf's, .TurW of d In the matter cr the -lm u"of i-t f". doceased. fcwi Mnfr and flling the petttton dul. I HDiiah Siuck praylug thnl Cimrlc Shi.ï"Ii I ther ; muy be anuo!, ," 2l ■■: the enlate of Duid aeceaiïd Ö Therenpon t Imgtdéred. thst Mmd n. BrKl33 ■ :.-ci",V.' "!,, ttbizned for the hearin I iïC otoet pi mturested in suld enlata a "0 tu appear al h -eeilün at Duid Coilr. ,,"(L Office, ii, . h.V 'etH Arbor, and show causo. If any therp i"10'! ju yer of Ihe pelitloi ol . , - lij7 talhitl : iitioiiSí0i '" lh" l' '"' i-Hid Mtae íí.r suid iiciition. and Ule hearin'o i . of thls order to he ,,,,T .'"i, n .!.'.. A ln.-wsmlMT,rii,,;, ,.;■; Connty. three juath.ive week „ "Njf ring. eKa P'evic? tAí TV-81. Estáte ni Jodoríca A. SwifuZS OTATBOPMICHiaAM.CoontyofWa.hw fAti ki-uii "f ihe Probate Conrt r,„ l".t ty ofWashtenaw, hoJden al ih Probii. Coi t De city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesdai ["''■■■■ glxtii (hiy uf Octoher in , r.lfc eieht huodrrd and seventy. '"Uii Present, Hiram J. Beakcs, Jndse of P Iu tlic matter of tiiu i-sUie or 1-udurí i ' On reiHlin muí Bilng tbe petil!. n.dnlvv.rfi 1 . Rlltboth8wirt, Guardián, l.r.iyin th 1 '"' Deeni . real i state iJi ■ '''M ur andalsoailher righl hh l ,?"?.' in and to tbe personal catate of Fmuklin -"""í Thermpon 1t in onu-red, ihat w.i 1 twentJ-tMrd day of NoYeraber Jr% p'clock in tbeJorenoon, 1 lor ikiJfl of said peiitlon, nnd that the VÍ ,' or Kii.l minor, and all other persona ! S n 8nil etwie, are required to auuear t "il of sald Conrt. tben to e holdm „ fk!e!li, cuy of Ann Arlini „ïf h j the pranr 'otn! l lloner shonld not he Kratited: AntlHi,, H: I dered xaid peUtioner ve notice toih. 'I k nol aid minor and all uilu-r persond ' ti', ol the pendency of eaiil net; """'l theheariiiKth'-nof, hycaufina couy ',, , iblWd In the Michiwm Arm1, ., prlntedandcia-MlntlnirlnKald C'ouuty ■ il weeks to. tald day of nearlng 'urMicn Estáte ot Thuenelda titeen.. STATE 0P MICHIGAN, CooDty orwafht.'n. 1 lePro .ate CourtfuruW . holden at the Propale oflic . ■ 'un Arbor.on.Tueeday, tlu; cichi'! andueventy ' '"N ent, Uicam J. Iíenkcs. Saég, ni Probii, I the mallor of the iutu o.' 'i iiCïtiti j. Ï deceai " w Amella M. Nordman, Kx-cutrii ot ■ .il nald i.. .!■.■. .-.■ii, cume dio Cmrt n t thai alie b non prcpaied lo tnl? . Bs ei m 1 1'. Thereupon ii. s ordered, tbal Mondar th,t tcinlhday ol ■ ■■'tiorkiï forenuon, !,- assined lor eiarnlulng n,i ,]iT aud that the lggateet. ik-viwo ' I, ka nu I)1u71'" - úil .'' ar ataaee then to !i I, id,., ■y'1 ol A..,, kriufSi ■ ü any therc bouldnotbeallowed: Aud' h i I iiu.r rdcred, that suid E.xwiitiii giveooiiceu a said estáte, ol t!ie nd hcarinc rrter to te publl a newi ,, anii j latina in suid Cunuty, ttiree nurees-iï. id day oí he CA i. H1KAM ,t ikakf e of Williuni V. Graat." CTATKO!'' .MIClIIi:AN,O(j3ntvor Washlemt, O Ajt a HetttíJoB of I 'lüieLuroí Washtenuw, holden :it ihe Probate I City oí Aun uixir, on w ■■ day ol1 September huiiürt'd un. I seveut. ': Pri-x nt, Hiram J. Beakeg, ni Probiíí In Un: matter of the eululü ui ■ ■ ed adtnü uní! lünLr petltlon, íuty veriL(,' ..■ lícenHed : .-.-i! certuiu rral i í U.x the pui :■ . ..u amoa; the ptrjou .7 terCBK il ii eatd i---t:ii.'. , redi thfltMomlay. the foomoa ;ned for the ho iictitiunandtbnili ■ -nid dut4 and :ii ■ sted in saidestAtCiinÑ. qniredi 10 saidCoarMhaM holden, ni the Probate Office, in theCitj ■■ y therehe, vhi I II loner gíve p.Tsu,.! tétate, of tfae píBdeiiqu ■ e hearing Ibereof, li; cimiiji copy ot thfs order to he publisheft in tlieiíHijtr :! oewBpaper, prini..') a'jtl cirrulatiug iiid Couuty, tlnc fteeka 'teviuustouUlu Ol' il( 1' UIKAM .1. KEAKES, Jndgeof Pwiait. Estáte ct' Isauu M. Wade. GAN.Conntj ofWaaktan ■ Probate Court fur theCoai;; . holden at the Probate Office, in;i( CUy oí Am Arl)or, olí Thureday, tbe thirddijií November, Ld che yearone thou&auJ eighthuuínd and ■' Present, Jlirnm J. Be:ikc8,Juc1.;cof Probite. Jn tbe matter ui the Estáte ui isacH.ffi, sed. . iiíjL' and :üí.l' th; petition, dniy xt riftrdy i ■ ni ira ppolíW Admtn.strutor of tfa - '"i deceawd. lered, that Momia;, thelwotji yof November, mutant, at ten u'clockiBiht forenoo i leheajringofsaiapeflfci and that the belw at law if gal 1 deceased, ai il !;uu.-í ijiturufíVfd in :iid esUte, are riiiit - 'in offtttid t'Diirt, líieD tek a. ilii,-, i al the Probate Office, In the City ofAmiib aul show canse, If anj r.y thcjra;eroto petiÜonerditonld uot beranied: Aud itiífuruieroí. . ií. snld petitiouer u'ivo nolice to thc pendí interestedln eald estáte, of the puudcscyofnidpi' ■ .. ,:. : . caí iñgMfj" lliahed In the MickiyanArfU,) Dewspaper priutedand rirciilaiiiig iu galdCoatj. . , e week pre iuii.s to süiddajolknIns. tAtruecopT.ï IIHAM J.BEAKÏ6, . : . -eofProbW. IL ti to of L'da Slocum. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Cmmty of Washteniw, 11 ';f the Probate Court fur the Cotí!) , holden at the Probate oOce a u riiyuf Aun Arbor, 011 Thuraday, ibu twcnly-MöJ diiy f September, in the yuav one thousaodt?' bujidred ao i seventy. i rescut, Ulram J. Bealf es, Jodge ?t EcoMfc In thi) matter of die estat. nf Lydia s.oc"'iï' cea-ed. , Urzillii U.SIoctim, Administrator o; iu "" comea iniu Court and rèpreseou that he il d to rencer bis Anal uccoapt as sudiAfflP' istrtitor. , apon it is Ordered, O.;', Monday.'nem'J eighth d ■ , al ;c" l)Vl. "Ja examlnlng and """r; ncii aocouul. and llmt tbu licii-nnilawo Mi5 ceased and al] other peraong Intereated Id M"S Ired toappeatata8ésionorldCoiBfc"J e IntheCW''" Arbor Id aldCounty,nd ■ '■'? 'IJJJJ i ni ■. beaUoeoj"E fUíther ordci jw iewj . "■ lD rj, I aald account, and thu lit-aniifr thew", i pu ■'"'""ïï i : .■,,-■"-. ;i newspaperprintednooJ15 iu aald Oouuty, tlireu sucteesive weeks pre""1 . of hearing. „„,rri I gstatü for Sale. STATE OF MlCH10AS,CountTofWjíto In the matter ol the Estáte of John "''Ei thrlft. Notice U berebj glven, in P1!, ar. order mantel 10 ïimlfivi-m-il.Ouarau" l.riit. Ir. Ibe "'■"■'"'j; the i ottaty of Wafhtenaw, on 'J'-'rJjï ufOctober.A L). i8T0,thcre will bo '"'."C .: r. .11 the iw'K r ilescribed i" u":"- of tt auhtuuaw, in said State, on Wcdni ii y of Ncvember, A. 1). 1.',„, ii the roronoon of that (fcy. '3Ullüjiii . niurtgage or utherwtoe H í oí the salo) the followiiiB "Lai o H : Twenly-flw acrcn ir th-'"' m quanr tiuartr "f'il""5 il tivi-, In tl' "f r"fie „,ïrf in ?aitl Statu, conimeoclni; ar ' ■ (Dj corui r thcrïof and ruunlnï tb. i i n helf desreee west cljhti-eu r'f " "'i ,Pj anrtb ulahty-nioe añil a baat thirieeu chaina and fort y-fourllofa,t nne and a ha I derrees biiw t-i ,-liu-i-n chaiuaawij, link, tViliK toáth eiKhty niiio nud a "a''., Inning, (e "fi norihwcit ccirnor thi-iv.if, licinsr tixtcen . weel and ten rode de orto " Bokl ny tal I John Peatt to Kcbccca lu.t.J,"D.,ectoberl8t,A.Bmonkass Heui Estáte forÍN !" ín ,er. bj glveii ofan order Krsnted to tlt. ,1 l'nilwte for Míe C:int)' nceinth day o '■ ' l)e pold i sun." lnii-, utlOounty o f Vi'.' - n !!,■ róreiionn "I I pnbjecttotfceriikt of dowwi I m ■)'■■ V.u: followiue described al estáte toj „ tho center of the Ann Arto road where tï rcrrilliri:il ". ihit'í road. on m.uiI.uo j.iartcr o ty.ind Stat.i rafm-eiid. run ' '■' "' "i„wVh r..d. inn.viioni.Mterl) ' Mid Terricorial twrniy roda t ;' ; . rofsaid Territorial road tnW-a ing, coutamUig il"13 au STÑ-Ad FinestAssortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by


Old News
Michigan Argus