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A Parisian Romance

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Soma y ars ago tlie firm of X. & Y., was rejranied na one of tbe richest and nost honorable in the St. Denis quarter. fríe nenior partner had full contidcnce D Y , and frequently left liim in solé obarge of affuirs when he himself waa xbliged by delicate health to be abseut froin Paris. In his visiig to various watering-placeg X., was alwiiys aocotnpfinied by bis daughter, Amelio a charming li'tle girl of eight, in whom, since tlie dea b of hig wife, tbe fatber was conipletely wrapped up. Oue day, on his returo to Paris from Vichy, he wiif greatly surprisod to find tho offioee of the firra closed, and in t iew miuutetf discovered that his confidcn tinl partner had abflcouded with all tho availwble asscts of the fiim. M. X., possewscd, it g true, an independent fortune of bis own, but tOQ honest to victimize the cteditors of thu flrm by Buffering it to be declarad baQkrupt, ho himself paid nff all those whom his faitbleM pitrtner had left in the lurch. This honorable conduot left hira al most a beggar, and ho was so brok en down by ihe misfortunes, and by anxi ety tor the future welfare of his ohild, that a short illuesa carried him off. The orphan child met with a kind friend o a formur sorvatit of hor ïnothor's, a bravo and generous wornan who hearing of Aniulia's terriblo bereavcmer.t and distress, in&istod upon her bbaring hor own homo and ucli cotn forts as she oould offer, liut nfter a í years this kiud protoctress was liersclf taken away, aud Mlle. X. was onco more, wben pcarcely fif;ceu, thrown 0:1 the world. iShe had, bon-ever, a brvo nploytneat w:h a (frcat niillinery esablishincut, fupporting herself by her eedlo tor three ysars. At the expivaoq of this time f-he was astonisheJ l y L'ceiviug a lottc from a New York otary, rcquesting h r to come out iinsdiately tci take po?" aion of a líirge ortuuo loft to hor by M. Y., her f.itli r's former tuer, who, touchtd by repi ', luid made a wilt on his death bed n her favor. Aftor consulting with her employé:-, Amelio saied for New York, and fouud ïat ibe f'.ir'uno bi.quea'iea to her w eaily doublé that of wbich she hud t igimilly been iepnvcd, fortune havig smilid upon the absconding p .ner, ho had now made res:itution. R(turn■g to Paris, slie invitcd her kind cmiluyer, and all her oíd compunionH, and very oue who had befrionded her ui dversïiy, to a fete in honor of her hapiness. This took place at Clamurt niid general rejo cing from all tho-e who had known and respectad her fiithr's iuti-grity, and her own brave glrugrlo with the world.


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