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A Regiment Of Amazons

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íion Lady News expresses the belief that the t'ein ilö citizeus of Paris are apparöiitly wary of the inonotony of a be8icged existence. Tbey are enlisting in a body c;illcd tho "Amnzons cf the Seiue." ïheir costumes will oousist of a pair of black trouserg wiih uu orange color stripe, a blouse of woolen stuff, witli a csip, and a black kepi witli an orange band, together with a oarlridge box fastening to a shoulder-belt. Only W"inen of unexceptionable oliaracter will be porinitted to joio this corps, all candidatos not only to be accompanied by husbaud, fatber or brother. but to bring wilh thetn n certifícate lrorn the Ouminissary of Pólice, attesting their charactur, poBition, etó, Tho ofiicers wiil bc Indios, iaostiy wivos and daughtera ui officers in tho army, or at any rate possessiog come knowiedge of inilituiy utlaiis. A speciiil pulriotic Dd must pirit-stirring song luis been com poed for the corps, enliiled, "The Marscillaise of the Arniizons of the Seiue." In additinn to tending tbo wouoded ihey are expected to ijofend the ramparts and bariioades jonty witli the stutionary National Guard, and to render the combutants, in wbose runka they wou.J be distributed by compimie?, all such domestio and fiaterual services as are compatible .-vith nror'al ordor and military discipliue. Tbc young lödy who " refused" Grnnt, married a. Galena brioklayer, aod doesB-t rcgrot tbe faot.


Old News
Michigan Argus