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The Supervisors--financial Tables

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We appeml the Equalization Table, Heport of the Superintendent!) 01 the Poor, Settleinent wlth Cöunty Treasurer, and lable of taxes apportioned, whicli will glve our readers a clear idea of the couditiou ol tlio county linances : EQUAI.IZATIOK TAIH.K. Awj-fil K(ual!rf[l Vniiiritlon Vwnatlon Augusta 235,773 240.0UÜ Ann Arhor town 510,010 565.000 A. A. city, 1 &2 wards. 708,010 830,000 A. A. city, 3 & 4 vvaLcls.4i),:50 B80.000 A. A. city, 5 & tí waxds. 383,520 310,000 Brkl-e wutcr, 886,680 T.0,000 Dexter 294,570 310.000 Prcerlom 401,8:30 400,'KX) Lima 884,70 4:io,öO0 Loili 487,380 570,000 Lynclon 217,170 235,000 Mancliester 648,837 505,000 Northfleld ti(5,4(5 440,000 Pittsfleid 686,110 045,000 Balein 489,470 680,000 Scio 650.140 715,1101) Superior 447.280 Vt'won Saliue 584,545 680,000 Syivuii 40 vtói) 43",Um 8lia i-Dii 36.785 4:30,000 Webster 401.650 470,000 York 436,470 485,000 Ypsilanti 536,745 870,000 Ypsllantt city, lst 'list... 702,100 740,000 Ypsilauti city, 2d dlit.... 801,780 400,000 Total 12,500,000 SUPERJNTISNDENTS' RfcPORT. To the JJnn. Board of Supcmiiori of Wahtrhitw Vcuniy : We, the uudersigned. Superintendent oí thePoorol Mld county, íespectfUIly sulmit the followinK repon for the yearcuding October löth, 1870 : The whule anmunt expended during the year, o account of Poor and Building funda, Ís a follows, to-wit : For temporary relief f 6,807.28 " Supplies 6,614.21 " Repairs U7O.07 " TrasportaUon of Insane 36:188 " Medical service at Co. llonse, 65.00 " Keeper and assistente 1,09300 " indebtcdncss of Poor Fund as per report of last year, October 18lh, 1869 ... 2S8.59 " Indèbtedness of building fund, as per reporto! October 18th, 1869 2,!)2i;..-,T " Interest on loans 002 69 " t'ash, to date o: new building, (Insano) fi ,449.87 Total Expcndlture $25,181.16 en. By contingent and buildi'g fund.. % 16,000.00 " Cash (principal and interest) on the S-.ockfbrd note 328.08 " Cash of Barbel-, on account of iusaue brother 35.00 $16,300.08 Amount to be provicled for.. $8818.08 The Item of Temporary Relief lms been expended by tlie Supervisors and Siiperin■jeiidents of thelr respective townshlps aiul eitiea as lbllowa, to wit : Temporary SupérvlsTr.ins- Kulici". ors stTTpurtu- ic ö. tiini. Ann ArborClly.. '"'Tiii rA J ' rt Augusta .11 450 Brldgewater 54 75 2.00 Dexter l5 u Lodi 1"- Lvmlon 89 4.S0 Lima HM ■ ■ Manchester 452 5.00 Noitlifleld T9.53 5.50 2,60 Salem 27.W 50 2 40 Bclo lö. 375 80 Sylvan 255.54 9.50 Superior ÖW 4.60 Saline . . W 98 5-75 583 aimi-o.;::::.: 4.50 500 York 48.80 YpsüantiTown.... 6100 City 1597 39 02.75 7.45 $6391.00 f320.UO $89.38 Total temporatf relief $0,807.2 The farm consista of 120 acres, OÍ which 108 acres are improveil. Tlie produets of the farm are as fol60 pounds oí Woo!. 199 busliels Wüeat. 585 " Oats. 84 " Bariey. 1100 " EarsofCorn. 200 " Potatoe. 15 Tons of Hay. Tlie stock on the farra consists of 4 hors es, 1 colt, 6 cows, 3 head of youug cattle, 111 shMtn mil 30 Diirs. The whole number ol paupers receivcd iluring the year is twohumirecl aml ttveuty n'mc ('2'.)). Th ' num'jer of paupers i tí the County House, October löth, 1870, is ninety (90), twenty nlne (29) of hom are iusnnc. The avcr;;„e number of persons supportert during the year is one huiulreil ■:... tivo (102). Tlie average cost per week lor each person supporteil, is one dollar i ml slxty-Üve ceuts ($1.05). Tlie total oomber of deaths d uring the year is echteen (18). On eettlemeDt with County Treaaarer, we flud a balance to the credit of the county, October I8th, 1870, of tliree huudred aiid n'nety-nliie dollars and seYeuty flve cents, (f 390 75). The estimated expense for the coming year Is flfleen thousaud dollars. ($15,000). It will be seen thnt the cost of supportin the poor o( the county is givater than the estímate oflast yea. Aside from the regular and gradnal incrcase of paup'-rism In onr county, the unpreccdented uinount of sickness doríog the past year has renderwl necessary a laigerexpenditure, as tem porary relief, than would othei-vvise have been called for. The asgregate cost ofour .supplies is also larger than usual. The re moval o( the Insane from Kalamazoo to onr own county, h:is of necessity, increased the amouiit expended lor suppius. we nave also included in our report the cost of hiel, both woort and coal, for the coming ye r. It is with the greatest satisfactioti z.r.t we report the condition of our vc , much improved since f..elr removal to the rooms which they now occupy. Ol the DOtaber returned trom the State Asvlum, three have been discharjrod, haring apparently rccovcred from tlieir ir.sCC.ty, and are now with their families cl triencls, ponülnff their oidinary avocalions. The new addition to the building for the Insane is narly completed, and wlll soon be In readlaess for their admisslon. All of whioh U respecti'uUy snbmitted. (Slaued) P. DA". ) Sllpt.s. „f SETTLEMEKT WITH TUKASUHKH, Waiutikaw Co. Thüasvkü' Opho. Aun Arbor, 18T0. f We, the underslgned, coinmittee to scttle with the couuty offlc-rs, report, that. wc have settlccl with Philip Mum, Cotmiy Treasurerof Washtemiw Count.y, snr Irtve compared and examined the booVs mi1 vouchers of hls offlci-, niid flnrl tliein Ssuc nud oorrect ; and we ulso flnd tTjfé balance due saiil county to be, pef statéttïèüt, a hereby siibmlttcd ; Philip Blunt accoum wUI Wiutmau Counly : DR, To Uulsnce on lt jrer's ettlement, October3Cth,16D9 3.STÍ T3 ' State Tx ÏS.iiB!) TG ■ County Tax ,6M 85 , DltchTax 10. g 43 i " Iïctocti)d Tais 3SI) 8') " Peor Pund, recclved Irom UupeilBteDde.ntsct aot 13,43 37 " Probate ttet reoelved Í.48H1 " Prin:ry School Fund 0."l '■ lineMouay j W " lelinqueutTaa 6TO ss Kademdtloo of Taxo 30 Ml".;1! W'J Rlpt ■ ■ ,m -IJ ' CR. ByCah paid SiateTax t?3,.'.74 17 ' " un {íen'l acc't to State, l-2'6 S5 ' 4l paid delinquent Tui.. 2,146 17 ■ h on Taxes and Kedíímpiiniis 2rti 48 " ' pnld Uoui:tv Orders.. 16,14.1 3 I i. u Oj glt ,sn 44 ■ l'oor Ortien.... 29,03 62 - " Orders n CoutingtatFund 1,14129 " patd Jururri, aud wit nea fee ... . 2,8.10 71 " V Pld Ditch Orders.... 9, ma 1& " " " Inane Aaylnm .. 1,333 OS ' ll MiBCtilhmenuá dlaburcmentH 6 Ö27 08 " " " TrimSch rund, 6,091 5 " " ' Fine Muik-t. .. 114 81 14 ' House of Correctiou T34 42 ' ' . ■ S101.M5 so hoi ík se Balance iu hands of Trasurer 4 '_'S7 u Total $105 532 41 Aahon CniLus, J Jou.v P. Draée, } API'OUTIUSMENT OK TAXES. Yonr ooniGiiuee to apportiou the State and Couuty 'l'ax for the ctmuty of Wast) tenaw, tor the year 1870, have upportioned eiM MKBS, M .p(T annexed statemeut, towit : Ttwnhipí. Equaüzed. State Tar. Co. Tx &ngiwta -4o,oo $ 4:t si S HO 48 A. A. Tuwn '■■!■;. '(ui 917 79 228113 ' Citj. lüw. . MO.000 1,465 78 8,321 6 " " 9 & 4 ■ AgO,lMK) 'JI7 82 2,03] 04 ' " t,A6" 310,00:) (141 46 1.Í40 2 Urldijewater 4M,nO0 7!i4 70 l,M0 90 Doxtur 3I0,'KH f,47 4K 1 24'l O" Freedom 4",oio 706 40 1 cijo sñ I-inia 43H,0UO 769 88 1,720 86 Lodi C70,0ii0 1006 62 ?,281 14 I-vncloii 23S,OCiO 413 01 Mi 47 M:lDClnt-r 60S,'OU 9117 79 L.26118 NorthlIrlU 44",00t( 777 l4 1 760 88 Pittftfleld 64,0(0 11 SU 07 1 Wl 29 Salem '.es M 2 121 ue "o 716 000 1Ü62 C9 2 S61 43 superior 54o,ico tig ál s,it os S:i:ie eéO,tOO 12(iii ís 2 721 S(i Sylvau 4BO,uoe Kf 83 17 03; S"" 430.UOO 73 08 1,720 86 Webster 40,000 8300-2 1 sso 94 lor --■ 4W..'OO 8.16 51 1.040 D7 Ipüihibti Town 67,OO0 l'0'l 6'J 8 281 14 "Utj,l,S4 3w., 740,000 IDOfi 84 2-961 48 " " 4 4 5' 400,4(0 In 40 1,000 80 TotilD $V2,Mu,000 $'J,075.00 ','!25 2ü Lcavini; an au overplus on State Tax of $12.44. Ou Couuty Tax, $2.31. Excess, $14.75. All of which Is rcspectfullv submlUed.


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