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Advice To Workingmen

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L have no nt;ht to oller ciuniel to eitber side, nnd may pogsibly be even regurded witti Boapieiut) by cmplojers of Ultor over her, au I have betn till lutely hy thosa f England. Jiut as I have helped the workiugmcn at home to Bghl their battles, umi have liad the hnppiuesa of ewaiiig their cnnfideuce, I trust their brethren iere will take the few worda I havo to gay to thora in good part, aud those at ny rata, of a friend. Is it thon the ract that you, tho workniiig simply on tho old Iraokd, and ure furuishiog up the old weapo;iaof tradesuiiiotiism, which have so oltmi run iuto the hund of those whn wieldud them v Are jou rcally trying by your oiganizationa to control the free will ot Umm of vour body w!o aro imt uuioui.-ts to put restrictions and limitatioDl on the hours of labor, tlio admiasioa of apí)r-"irís (faii 'o carry out viur idea.s byllifiold mothod oi strike? ïhese ttiiuirs have beei) done ol'teo eunugh in língLiid. If not wisc ovgn thorf, ar least they bad a justiücation which hero is wholly wantii.g. Wliere the labor raarket is overstocked, and tbere are nften two men wailin (or one mnn's pofitian, I can uudurstand, and have ofieu ympathizod with and defended rules and practiecs intepded to npread work evenly, and requiring soil'-sacrifio frora the alilest workmau tiiat uil of fair capacity might earn a livelibood. Wliere ii II tho nitural wealth of tho oountry, í if I muy use tho pliraso; is already raonopolized, where lands, mine, wiiters - all the raw material out of wtiich wealth is oreat d, are in private hands, umi thure is the keenest competition for thiubc of ihem, as there ig with us, onei must imt ba too crilical ag to the uiothO'ls bj which tho great body of producers hnve ondeiivdied to s.cnre their ghare of the produota. 13ut hefs jou huve we'l paítl employm#ut wriit!D{{ for every tiian who i roudy to do á day's wurk. Hrre the natural waslih óf the oountry is lor all practical purposes un appropriated mío lyi'ig around you in luiMgi uubouüded p;ofusion. You have DOthiog to do büt to exercise a ííttle thrift and foresight for a few short moaths, to epend for tbat time less t!mn you earn, and thcre are the meaus o the hands of every one of jou of otitaining huustf, land, whiitever foiin of ftealih you are most eager for, with only too graut facility. CAUTIO TO TRADE8-CNIOM8T8. On wimt possible plea of reaHOn, or justice, or neceaöiiy or even f hund-tomouth p'licy can yon uudertuke to con trol or limit the right to work od Wb own teiniB, in his own way, of auy m;in, when there is ampie room fer twenty time your presout ntimber-', snd your land is cryiug out for all thu wotk thut cv.-ry man among tou cun put iiito il? When iho f;rcat trados-uuions of F.ufilaiid nre bcoominj; every day more peacalilo and reasonubifl as they bticome tuoro poworfiil, and are j"alous of the r Qxp'Miditure wliich is t;ot for rome ident r benevolcut purpoce, are the un ious and wurkingaieu of America jioiiií; to piek op llie old aimor instend of leuving it to rust whera it, lies, nnd to spend the eariiings wliich belong to the wivaa oud childre as much us to thom, in a cru-ade f"'" preftcbing thu gospel of iJleiiéss? I o.nnot buiiove il, lor if there ie one truth which thix nation has hi h erto preached fuithlully to the rest of the world it is the gospel of wnrk. The wo: tli and uoblfciiesa of gooil hard work s t b o b st oulcorae of jour hiitory, go fur as I can read if, and tha gpu tliat the old bnlief is nat dèid ar among the mott oheeriog. cbèmoriet which I shall ctirfj bck it'u ine. I have tbe pleas uro ol kiiowing a senior dauman at vard College, who h;red hiujelf nut ns h labo1 er tliis InaC vacaúm, in order to kaïn tlic bu-inès of furmiug fnn i julciniiiiiK, uiid earneiJ teu dlíarn a wei-k besidtüi lid kiep. At the Corn-ll Univ.-r.'-iijr the sudetiís ho live by ttieir ,iwn laSor, in tbè pfiuting houas nr ou tbe farm, are preciscly on the mime footiiig as all iho rest, sud one rejoioeo to tind tha' do or.e 11 loo ouslc iliero by ihe perfurinaucf of bonet werk Bïit if you liave BOLnething to !ea' n Iiqi ]ng land hs to tlio iptt nietbod of settliug i!ït cid disputa bftweon labor and (japit al, bo as 10 scoure the highest resulta, I am b'o'u'id t aduiit tliat wheu these rohulU aru att.ii i j _ ■ I we bavo more tu ),-..n ot you as to tba wy íd bieb w-altb rbnu'd be spoiit, for yim seui to me to have realizad more than any other peopío among whona I have been, that the produce of labor- the wealth whicti flows ia upoo your citizens in such full mensuro- sbould be hald nnd used 8 a trust and benefit, notof theraselves and their families oölj, but of the whole coramonwealth, and in time of the wholo tiunian race. I have lately beeD staving with my friend, Mr. Gold win Smith, at Ithaoa ; he, as you ui! probably well know, is a professor iu the Cornell Univerwity, and, let me add, that England ooulci sund you no belter man to help on the work which s dcing ther.


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