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■the cadet-sellcr and pension 1 blank forger - has been re-elccted to Congress frora Tennogaso. This nevr radical endorsemant will prnbablj be tuteen as evidenoe that he is pure and virtuous, and bo will bo reecived nto f uil conamnnion. - The nnfnrtuuato Whittemoke, of 8. O., didn't fare so wMl t tho h.n,lu of hia constituents, and will be succeedad by a negro. I IM I - Jaokson onunty gavo 53 mujority for "Our Blair," and 1,073 miijority againtl "iuipartial guiïrage." Ingham county gave. 313 mnjorityor the saine Blair, aud 59C majority againtt 'iinpartial suffrage." Washtenaw county gavo 109 majoiity againtt Blair, but 1,144 Bgainat "irapartiul BuSrage." And so it goe all through the State. Wliat say tbs colorad liepublioana to that ? Cox bas kept a lot of rebüla and copperbeads fattening ia the Interior Uopartment, and Del ano prop osos to turu tbem all out upon tho oold charity of the world. Bo saya a Radical itemizer. Cox, you know, was io activo servio cduring tb war and won a commission as Brigadier-General. Dëlano was a high private in tho "Home Guarda." - Tbat accounts for his special loilty. Thk sever&l county canvasc took place on Tuesday laat, aud uext weck wo ehall bo ab!u to givo the dcSnile resuit in the Btnte. Waldkon's majoiity in the First district is offioially annoanced aa 922 ; - Blair's 1,021; Conokk's close ; nnd Sdtuerland's (üem.) over 2,000. Ferïa'd and Sïouohton's not named. A recouxt in ono of the election precincts iu tho Fourth Indiana (Jistrict- the returns from whioh had boen quostioned - changes tho rusult, and electa Judge GooniNfi, Democrat, by 11 niajority, over Gen. Wilson nho had been roported clectcd by 4 majoiily. This makus a Democratie güiu of two memberri. Fortv persons hiive been indicted at Meiuphis, Teun., for holding office contrary to tho XI7. amendineiit. Wlint nuniber i!l be indietcd iu Missouri for prcsuniing to be eleoted to office contra ry to the pronunciamento of President QbaktÏ Thbrh comes a report from Wíishiiigton that Cahl Scudrz 8 to iveeivo tlia cold Bhouldcr on liii return to tliu Ohpilal, Ihat Le ia to be rcfiísad ti K-[iubliuan oaucu-ios, and U to bi; ilcpo.iod froin liis positio:i on import, ml committoBB. "J3y order uf iho Presi dunt," we Puppcso. Is Gkant such a Bourbon tbat he wiü learu DOtbiog bj expcrii-nco. - V'ü Suppooé Ü-..-U Strioklasd, ot tho Sixtli Micliigan district, will prob:b!y fh;iri; tb e imi! sd fute. iJoltiiit; - under military ruïc - ia the mi jc criüie as docertion, ;in(i i not to bo tolarated MAKVLAXDhaving comnsitted an 'orrid 1 erimo agsinst "tbe ($■ orerumont,'11 that is having gene Democratie despi'.e the negro roto and military supervisión Washington gossip now has it that Postraastor-Generul C&SSWBL1 iê to walk tho plank, and that his plaóe in the Cabinct is to be given to nomo as yc. lamelesa Pennsylvania politici;m, that Btato bein;; now coun'ed the only reüab!e HopublicLiu State nut now represented ia tha Cabiiiet. Aa thü Kadical majority at the late cloction waa nothing to brag of, liow loug can her poliliciaus calcúlate on being in favor. Tlio New Yokk Evening Post claims WalDRON, just eleoted to Congress from thü First Michigan distriot aa a "rovenue rcformcr." Such ia nol bis ruputation ut Lome, and witli tuchfriends rcvenuc rcfurui migl)t aa w.ll bu in the han'ls of Dennis Moöabthy, Moubill, Kklley, Wii;u & Co. The DoiH'cratio party in Micliigan ouglit to indulge in a littlo special thaiikiiving. lluasnn : John F. Diugos bas publisLed card duchiriug bis determiiiatijn to reajaiu au 'umble laborar in the Repullioan ranks. That's itometbing fur tbe Duuiocrucy to bo thankfiw for. t And now comes a (litipatch f rom Florida . claimiog the oleotiou of NlBLACK, Dein., Lie oteo n-GoveDOf, and Bloxham, Dein., tu C nrr.-.. AIso tbat llie Demócrata ill har tour majority in the Scua'u, aiii! dyiu tiio to lea ia the HoufO.


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