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Clod Hopper's Opinion Of Thoroughbred

Clod Hopper's Opinion Of Thoroughbred image
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Disgustad with the continua! twatiillabout thoroughbred hnrses and fat h' ree, I lak the lP'èrty ns a fnrmor to gay we do nt. ncoil thom. Tho bnfioece of the farm is not riding about; aud largar and beavier borsoa do the work to li-lu-r iidvan'age. Now thcre in not, on mi avtri'g', one out of twenty-fife ihousiiid of uur people t f ' a t know tlie me.ming of the tcrn) ; neithër do the contribuorc to the ncvvp:icra know, or they would not ehow thiir tupidity hy mnk ii g tlio foo! g'i rt inarks tbey tlo on the subj et. The c'ass of borse imineil range Irnm fourtcen to fiftren h.'ind in inig'it an I trom ninü liundrud bik! fifi y to one thouaand pounds in wcight; and to produce this class of horseB, every good point bas beeu f-aorificed to obtain ■peed. It i truc c-ndurance Iiss been sought, but not at gncrifioe ofBpeed. Enduranue Í8 good, but not thu kind wc need, and would be of no a eount at the toogue of a wa;on over a rougli rc-id. We need teams tliat cpniiot bu pufhed about with every jerk of a wagon over n rough road, bntoan control lle wagon - a team tlnit only needg to go once tor a lond - that can plow, pod or no sod, dvep orshallow; nd thnt oaiü bml Mr. 8tickin-tbe-Mad, liis tliorouj;libieds nnd tiieir load out of the iniie every time wo find him in trouble, without feeling that wc ure doing ap injury to old Slow-andSteady, who will scarci'ly imtit-e the diifereuce iu the draft. We wimt a team that can hau! a load of hy in the 8(iing for their own use, witlioul having to cali on the nfighbor who l;oois the little of Canada ponies to hanl it home (or U8 ; and :an tko thirty or forty of our friends wheo we go to the berry palch without btipg afruid that the lo:id will ruin the team ; one that, if we érll out present borne, can tako wii'e and cliildreu and hdusehold gtuff, onn be turned loone on the prrnirie and wiil oonre wjien called wiliout fear of bun over drnwn and oveijrivcn. We do not object to thoso kecping fant ljors'B and otl'er ex trui wlio wi.-li to do no and can sfford ii, as it is not our busineu: but we do not intond to take other peoplp'a tdvioe or deas about wh'it o v.ri:i without biltiT rensons llian tliose inven, bsving Icnir been 11


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