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C="WM. M. SINCLAÏrT C03ÍMISSION MERCHANT ' in ORAIN AND FLOtJR, jOOM 1. W LaSALJ.K STREKT, CUICAGO. - - ÓTm. martin, ■a'lH FtWSITURK of all kind. Parlorand "ld Boon Solí, Mirrors, Ac. 33 South Malu "ÜTÁCK & SCIIMID, f H sus In "T Oivd. Qrocuriea, Crockery, "jïsoutb Main Streel. ■ cTaTleiteií & co., ntnFRS 18 DRÏ-'GS "d Medicine, Pure Wlnes ïnilUl1 for Mclliclüal Purpose, ClgarBic.. jjlVtJ ulock A,WipENWA.NH, niTNKxdnns(! Broker. Real Estáte and Fire laSnn Asent. N'o. S5 South Maiu Street. ■ acïmvTkoüt, mmraglDBMorda of Hr'ashteuaw, Cpnnty, and lüinteEschnnce. Ko. 1 Grrgory Bijck. "TÏÏ. KELLOGG, MtcnCINOPhyMdsn.aní L B.Kellocs Proprl,'i,r ofitr K-liogg's CeU-bratidKemedies, Ann (iMrSl-ch. s. M0R1MS HALE, M. b. BSIDINCB nd Office No 1S, corner Williams and flnanr" " Regular o(Bc hnr8 1 to 3 ? 31 s'i'l Preiicriptions from 6 to 7 P. M. bd),lftiawïitothepKr. 1264 TeTrüthingham, m. d., miCIASï AND SUROEON. Offlco over Drug Han, No. T Hurón street. B#ance, No. 35 ncapwn treet. Oflice houfs, 8 to 11 A. M ,and IMiP R. W. ELLIS &, GO., S and dealer i u PainU, Oils, etc No . 2 ikMaio Street, Ann Arbor. JOBlf; KEGK & CO., . Pfftrnitgre of all kiDtls, No. 52 South la Street, and 4 Wtii iitecVy, ïlrctt, Aun . 9. A. SESSIONS, TTOBSSï ui (V5#nwWw t Lajr, Iieal Kstate and "'.yioii ;hk] (ik.iUui of (llnni promiitlT alteneed to on liberal torms. OfUjck, upalsirii, Humu Street, u ■■&. w. h'jackson, . EITffit, "icemnr to C.H. Poi Ier. Office, corneBsntt Streetö, over the store of R. W. Ann Albor, Mich. Auwsthetieaadmln !!redlf rcqnired. W. F. BREAKEY, M. D. BTSICIA!T AKDSÜROEON. Ofilce ai resideuce, wnicrof Hnron ji.i.i i,..:. on Street, 4l"st ÖOOt iitoi Presbyterian Chnrcu ■ a tui Arior, Mich. E. J. JOHNSÓÑT" üülïfi IN HATS and Cap. Furs, Straw Goode 3ou' Purnifhlng Goode, &c-, No. 7 South Main Sim, Adï Arbor. 8UTHERLAND "WHEDON, Had Flre Insnrancc Agtts asd deelers tu Real ïiuie. Offlceon Huron Street. Alao ell firsttiMSewÍQj; Machines. W. D. HOLMES, ijESTfortbePi&t&Ece Sev.inp Machine. amd dealer kfktiree, Frames, &c. No. 32 Ëait fiurou Street LEWÏS "C. RiSDON, lÜlEH In Hardware, Stoves, House Furr.luhlng od,TinSTro. Ac, No. 31 South Main Street. BAEH TaöËL IIUBSb Dry Good's, Groccries, Ac, &c. No. 26 . WiUiin Street, Anu Arbor. 8LAWS0N & SOJÍ, iOCBRS, Provibion ind iom"mlsion Merohants idalereln Water Urne, Land Piaster, and PlasePini.No. UEastlInron Street. S. SONDHËÏM, 'MÉSALE and retai 1 dealer in Ready Made ClothClotts, Casiimeres, Vestirn. and Gents' Fur■HjOooJ. No. 9 South Main Street. WÑL WAGNÊrT I iUll in Bedy Made Clothing. Cloths, cásrtIMMudVeitlDgs, Hats Caps, Trunks, Carpet jy.4c.21 S..nth Main StreH. GILMORE & FI8Jpï7 ÖKSEUERg sod utioners, Ijleaïettl. Láwand Ten Bftks. School ad Miscellaneous . No. 3 North Main Strest, Gregory Block, & LEWIS, V in Boou, 8hoes, Qters, SUnpert 4c., ■ t tut Hnron Street. R. TARRANT, e' Tuhionable Shoe Houh, No. 44 South -'■-'rttt. 5USSWARE & GFOCERIES. DONNELLY, ' tlrïtock of Crocliery.ülassware iu tler' .Grocerie, &c, c.,all tob ■""Ullylow pricn-I'S,, ''IHirtuStitet , A rbor . Cl" J . P . DGKKSL.LY . "N O. GALL, .. JDEALEK IXT m AND SALT MEATS, LARD, SAIS ACES, Etc. licited and promptly flllod with theoet "emarket. 31 Kast Washington treet -'Ü-Sept. ICth, 1669. 1286tf 'eey and sale stableT ï1 AXTKLL, ■'Süíl1'4 cthrine êtreets. Boreei boardriLüTjeternl Second hand biiKgles, cut- -í![iifnefor8a!e. 12;i2yl ( Manatacturer of Jages, Buggies, Wagons, ípri """■"ted. Repairing done pjomtly Í?. 'e onble. Detroit Street, nt-ar K. K. CwiArbor, Mich. 127Oyl IflARflÑ "'toüy nythne yon wnt in the NHNITURE LINE! --JÜ-JOT BE USllgnSOLD. OPLE'S DRUG STOxiifi! W. ELLIS & CO1 Tbc Michigan Central Kallroad. RBW TIME TABLK. TrnluF on the Michigan Central Kullruad no lcave stations nnnicil iis fulïows: ÚOIKU WKST. Mnil Fast Dextcr Eve'g. Pnciflc Train. Ex. Acc. Ex. Kx. Detroit, omi.m'.:ioa.m4 )np ji -.40 v 'J.OOm Yl)8il:mti, S.33 " 8-2S " S.M " 7.02 " l'..0S" AmiArlior, 8.6T " 8.43 " 6.00 " I.M " lO.-:, - Dexter, 9 er. - " c.ï.8 " T.ftB " Chflwa. 0 46" " ' 8.16 "- - jHckíon. 10 46 ' S.4S " 9.15 " 11.45 KalHinaioo, 2.06 pmII.ST a m 12.16 a m l.i)8. M Chicago, Í.I6 ' 400FM 0 30" T.1U ' iQOINfl RAUT. Atlnnilc NiKht Dexter Mil Fst S, Y. Kx. Ex. Acc. Tratn. Kx. ChiMeo. í.i:pSiiiipx 6.0OAM11 30am Killamaxoo, 10.35 2.05 A m 8.5ÏTK lackson. 1.05aii4.%" .Oí .r 5.45 Chelso, 6.2R ' .M. 3.02 l),.xtor "■■" " -lu 3.2" AmiArlior, 2.20" G.OO " 64S 3.50" 6.45" Yiwllaml, 8 40" .)' 7.10 4H5 ■ 7.02" Detroit, 8. i'. " 7.30" 8.40 6.40" 7.55" Dated.May20th.lS70. A. WiDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT. ANN ARJ50U, MICII. OFFEBS DFOI SALE : .13 acres of land.witliin one hlf mile from thecily, tobe wH in whole, or parcelf, as followa : 24 acres on itection 19, in the town of Ann Arbor borderio fc en lhe eat on tlie road leaoinK to Cornwell' paper mili, and on the sou ' "" 13K acreM situatedon the nortliwent corner of the Oorliam road aud tli a!d Cornwetl Faetory rod. fThit i oneof the handsonieiit niluationi in Ihe nflighborltood of Ann Arbor .) 13 i-í acres ;riproved lamí joining the above 15 acte and froolmg Gorham Ruad. Forty acre of First Cías" Farmlnfc I.and, with gnnd Orchard nd Bnrn. O'í railes íroni the Couit Houm , ou the upper Disbciro road. 1 acreofUnd wth a new twu story frame hounf on Tbompon, Spor & 'i'üuiupnou's addiliou to thv í'it ' of Aun Ai bor . 71ots of y, acreeach.ou Thompson, Spoor SThoinp scn'H Addilioli. 0 aerea of land, wiíli n ptea.lid grTe, joiuin the Kiremeu itirk ou the S ttt. 1 House and l)í lot of laúd, witb Bara, Waih. Kitcln n. Cnrunjít' 11'le, ud ü üujnber uf mudeiu iiuprovvnn-nls, n'n tlit nortiiwcttt corutr ot Fourtli and I'arkaru Stiefts. 1 Houfe auii Lol iu the id VVaril, oa SfiUth I.ibertv Street. 1 House and 3 Lota in the 2d Ward, Dar Sd Ward school ilouse. 1 Houseaed i I.oUi.Uiar the 11. C.R.B Depot. JO acre ollar.d in thosouth of the Slatn cf Miouri, near the lUuni:l flrSt.Joseph Uallruad. 2 1 ots near 2J WarJ ScboolHouse. A. WIDENMANN, F OREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANxí ARBOR, MICH. SELIS AND BUYS DRAFTS, -A-nsrX) SSÜES LETTERS OF CREDIT OX AJ4' PRINCIPA I. 1'I.ACrS n GREAT BKITAÏN.GEKMANV.FlïAi.TK, 5ï"ITZíRLASD,etc. Mydiri-ot poDOMtiooa with Europe lablemeto offer a fair rates asany New YurK uu.-e. Reaielnbr, I aro not an tipt-nt of nj' house n thift country , bu 1 1 ain haviiiR áirect cümro única - '.n "ilh the best houeesin Euro] e. COLLEOÏIONS IN EUROPE Y POWER OK AÏ-TuXNKy OB OTHERWISE, WII.L BI I'KUMPTl.Y A1THNDID Tü PAS8AG., TICKETS pcrSteamer tn nnd frora NVyr Vork to al! princial porlsol Europe 1 wil] KBii ajollo ■: From New V.-rk to outbampton, Havre, Loudon, teuien, or Bambargi Jut Clans. ïdClafs. Stecrage, t-0. V2. í'ilinGold. eturn ticket. V5. 126 61 ' " Trom abore placel to Kev York, li:t.O;[&is. S.Claj). adClat. HSO $V2. $40 in Gold Cahin, $60 to $1QO Currenoy. gtterago, S3U tu Currejft'sj'rom Liverpool to New York, Ca tin, $100. Sterrage, $87. FIKE INSURANCE AGENT .A.3SJTT AKBOR, or the Howard Insurance Co . in New York one of the oideüt and beet Couipauii-ti in the country. lid Xeno,nia Insuja-ncn Company in Cleveland The hunorableand safe management of 1 lii% iuRti tulion hná made it one of the munt rqiiable ire i lnsuruuce Compa niets in the Wet. 1257yl CHAS. A. L&LTER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LJ5ITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEÍTER & CO., No. 1 Giegory Block, BTc. 1 Giegory Block tito. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, Sígn eTtbe Gilt Kortar "L3 tW Siga of the Gilt Kortar "3 t& Sign of the Gilt Mortar "L3 E" Sign of the Gilt Mortar "3 HAVE JUST Ol'KNKD HAVE JUST WBNtt HAVE JCSï OPENED HAVE JUSJ OPENEU ■lio Fineet Stoolc ot The JTineat Stoolc oí The Finest Stoofa ot The Flnest Stook oí fiBCGS ASO MEDICINES DRUGS ASD MEDICINES ÜRCtiS AND MEDICINES i)RI GS AND MEDIC1ENS IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Kor Medicinal Purposei. Th Popular Patent tledlcinefi of the ij , and everything kept ín & firstcIhbs Drug Store. Au EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS TRY THKM. Solo Agent in the City fur Otlo t Rnyndr' celébrate SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. iy ESPECIAL ATTKNTION GIVFN TO THE COMI'OUNDING OF PHY.SICIANS' PRKSRIPTIONS a ml FAMII.Y BEDI0INE8 1266 . AJ" AD AM E CÓTÉ Wonld resppctifiilly Inlorm thepnbllcof Ann Arlio and vicinity that the is now open to enjr ftfrements for private lesons, for inntnution in Krench, Tema reaertnable. Apj)]y at No. 83, corner of Willinm amlFourth Street. SXrXRKlfCIS.-Plot Tyler, Rov. N. R. Burton, Rcv. H. L. Hnbbcll, Prof. liaur. Prof. Ttnlirouk. Prof. Adams, Prof. üluey, l'rof Harrington. mS-1'287. IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full line of Choice Furniture, Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, &o. Cali aud geehim. 1266


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Michigan Argus