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How Bother Did It

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If wo were to suggest one tl ing wbioh, ubove all other things oombiued, wuld most coutribute to Ihe happiness of Lhe young housekeeper, it would be to earn hciv to co&k as a hu-band's uiitber oiikcd. Motber used to wake coffee o-aud-so ; aud motber used to have sucb wuffles; and motber kuows just how biok, or bow tbin, to makc a sijuash pie ; iid, oh ! if I could only taste of moibr'it biseuit. S'Juh are the opuoents of ho husbaad tnd of too many meal tailes. It would ouly be a little more ruel for the husband to throw his fork across the table, or to dsh tbe contenta of Lis tea cup in bi wifo'a face. Tbe experience of a contrito huxband, who mblisbes bis couleseion d tbe Ut ca (N. Y) Herald, is good readiog for tbose nrn whoae duily sauce is "how motber diil it." He says : I fcund fault aorrve time ago wilb Vlari Ann's oustard pi, aud tried to ell her how my motber made custard )ie Maria made the pie after niy r.vipe. Iilaötd longer tuau uy other jie wo cv,er bad. Maria set it on the able every day for dinner, and jou see [ could uot eat it becausc 1 forgot to teil hor to .put ia aoy figgn, or "sliortning" It was eeonotuical, but ín a fit of generomty I fttole it from the pantrj aud gave it to a puor litilu boy ia tbe' aeighborbood. The boy's funeral wai urgely attondcd by bis former playmates. I did uot go mytself. Thcn there were the buckwheat cakes [ tokl Maria Ann aoy fooi could beal ;ior makiug tbose cakes, and she eaid I bad better try it. So I did. I emptied the bat ter all out of the pitcher one eveniug and set tho cakes mysulf. I got the flour and tbe salt and tbe water, and, warued by the past, put iu a liberal quantity of eggs, and ehortening. I shortened with tallow from roast beef because I could not find any lard. The batter did not look right, and I lit my pipe and poDdered - yeast, yeaft to be sure. I bad forgotten tbe yeast. I went and woke up the baker and gt six cents wortb of yeast. I set the pitoher bebind the sitting room stove and went to bed. In tbe morning I got up early and prepared to enjoy my triumph ; but I didn't. That yeast was strong enough to raise the ded, and the batter was running uil over the carpet. I scraped it up aud put it into another dioh. Tbeu I got a tiro in tbe kitnbeu, and put on tbe griddle. The firgt lot of cukes stuck to tho griddle. Tbe second dittoed, ouly more. Maria oame down and ask ed what was buruing. She advined rne to grease ihe griddle. I did it. One eud of the griddlt) got too hot and 1 dropped the thing on my tenderest corn while tryiog to turn it arouud. Finally the oukos were reudy for breakfast anc Maria got tho otber things ready. Wo sat dowu, My cakes did not have exactly tbe right flavor. I look oue mouthiul and il atisfied me. I lost my appetito at ouee. Maria would not let mo i put one on her píate. I think those cakes may be reckoned a dead loss. Tho cat would not oat thera. The dng rau off and sUyed away three davs after one was offereil htm. Tlio hena won't go witiiiii ten fect of them. I throw thein iuto the back yard, and tbere bus not been a pig on tbe premiaos aince. I eat what is put before me now, and do no nllude to my inother's systeai of oooking.


Old News
Michigan Argus