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Queer Marriages

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The ''most uiarri.d" w.inmn of which tiierii any record, was undoubtedly the Harlem womau poken ot by Evo ly ii iu bid diary, wbose propeusity for marrying had fiually lo bu cheoked by law. "Sbe married lo bei' twenty-fiftb busband, aud beiug dow a widow, wus prohibited 10 nrirry in iha futuro." Many years ago, a uian n Hartsville, N. Y , beoame altaehed to a young and Seautiful damsel, who riicd before their iuteudfd marriage could be cniisuminated. He then married tbe motber of tbe deceased, wbo was some 20 yea-8 bis ! senior, but with wbora be lived quite ! happily uuiil she was 80 and be wag GO yeais of age. As the wife bad by tbis time become quita decrepid, tbey adopted a maid of some 30 summors, who had lived with tbein a ye r und a balf when tbe old lady died. Before tbe time appointcd for tbe funeral, tbe tnau biinself wus lakeu sick, on which account tbe fuueral services were postponed four wui'ks. But in lus.i thau tn weeks be sent for a Justice of tbe l'eace aud was married to ihe oiaid he bad udopied. The nest day tbe oouple applied to tbe town for support, and a week latur tbe niau hiniself died, bis funeral being attuoded before that of his tirst wife, and the woman be had so recently married buing tbe ooly inournc-r. Ilwiaaa foily is rast and inimitable. Wben tíoerate.s was asked whetber it were better for a mun to gt married or i lire single, hu replied : "Let him do eiilicr and be will repeut it " With due respect to Sócrates, we must object to the above. We once kuew a tortune buntintr yonng man who inanied a maiden on the wiutiy i-ide of j fil'ty. She was worth about $100,000, iiud died in lesa thau a mouth alter the cuiebratimi of tbe nuptual ceremouics. He iuheried her propcity aud he neter repoiited tiis tuarriago. Among the ancieut GermuDg it wub deutb for any wouiau to marry before he was 20 ycars of age. iy the laws of Lycurgus tbe most speci.'il atteution was paid lo the [hy?ical eduoHiijo, and uu delicae or eiokly womau were allo.vcd to marry. In tbe Koyal Lidrary of Puris 3 a wriiteu ooutract, drawn up in 1297, betneeu two persons of uobiu liirtb io Armaguas, 'l'be document bouud tho hjbaud and wife to to fiithful wedlock fur 7 years. It stipuluted thnt tbu parties should have the right to reoew the tic at tbe end of tbat time if they mutually agreed ; but if uot, the cliildreu were to be equally divided ; if the numbor should chauce nut to be even, tbey were to draw Iota for tbe odd oue. In Borneo, marriages which general ly Biicceed a lengtbened routine of eoigmatical courtship peculiar to these people, is celdbrated with great pomp and originslity. Tbe bride and bridegroom ure couducted from oppoeite on Js of the village to the spot whert the oeremouy is performed. They are seated on two buis of iron, Bymbolical of the vigorous and lasting blessinga ia store f r them. A cigar and betel leaf, carefully prepared with reca nut, are put into tbe hands of each. One of tbe officiating [irieits advnnces, waves two fuwla over tbe heada of tbe betrothed, ind in long address to tho Suprcme Heing and .a short une to the couple, oallo down eternal blessings on thetn, implores that pttace tbat peace nnd happiness may attend tho uuion, and gin s some temp nl adrice, gometiinas of a cbaracter more medical than xaintly Tbc spiritual j art being tbtis conoluded, tbe material euceecds. Tbe IikuU cf iho ffirmed are kuocked togcther threo or fiur times ; then tbe liii.lcgroom puts his botol leat and cigar into the inoutb of the brido, and thus they are ackuvwloded a w-d ded couple, with tha sanstion of ihei.r religión. At a Kte period on tbe nuptiul evt-ning, fowls 'ird killed, tbc bl'iod ouught in two cups, aud from its col' r tbo priemt foretells the hiippii.e-s or miserv of tbo newly rnarricd. Tbe o: remuny is closed by a f;ist, much dauciug, aud Douy uiusio. Tbe following romantic ftory is told of Lord Ma rch, (randson of Charles II. wbo alterward became the second Diikn of Kelimond, und who, wbile yet young was engügud, without being cououlted as to the choice, to a lady i-till youger The brido was Lady , the daughter of tho Erl of Cardi'gui, Mirlbor"Uh' favorito General. Tlieir uiiion, (nccording to Nvipir's ai'o ■ 11 t 1 1 , ) was u Itargtin to oanoúl a dht betwom the pments, and ihe young Lord M.ircb was brought from collepe, and tho lady from tho tiutrery, for the oerumocy. Tbu bride was amuBvd and ilcut, but the bridegroom fxelaimed : liSurely you are not going to marry me to that dowdy ?" Marrid he was, however, and bis tu'or instimtly carried him off to tho Continent. A few years after thit eveut Lord March returin;d home from h's travel. a mot aocornpli-hed geotiumao, but bsvingaaoh a d.S'greeuble recollucti u of bis wife , that he avoided home aud repaired to the tbeatre. There he saw a Udy of so iii.i! au apiie.'ir.inoo tht be teked wbo ' ho as, aod ou being i.nsAereJ thit she whs the "reigniug toast, the beautiful ' ' Lady Marcb," ba basteued to claim hor ' ) aud they lived so affcotiouate'y logetber tbat one year only after his deccase, in 1 150, aliu died of grief.


Old News
Michigan Argus