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About Berlin

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To ehow tbe aecuracy of tbeir social stati.-tic we slato a few cuses: T-ere are 83,UO0 hou-eholds with none bui. the meaibera of ibair owo lumily ; 32,000 that emp!o servants, or have nubsordin:itre living wilh thtun ; uud 38,000 that reut rooms furiiisbed to oceupants, or liccommiida'.o loggers. Forty siz per cent. of the popuUihtn is unma'ried, and tíortx-fivi) mriied - the rest iu widowhcod or divorced. Seveuty eight per cent. have tixed rusidences, and twentytwo are muving about, as clcrks, ent vauts, Ijdger8, etc ; 344,000 are reportod as earnuig tboir living, aod 3ö5,000 us living ou, or duiemiants. Tii whole Diipulatiou is quoted hs Inving mué 'eligiou, aucordiDg to their toutinuation ; 630,271 Hif ProtestauU ; 49 922 uie Catholics; 27,565 ure Jew-, aud unly 197 uro murkud as of nther o'eeds The oivil authon'ies kiio# ever y 'Juihj ij the capital, a V on Moltke is I is said t have kuowu eveiy road, ruck, l eiuineiice, and tree n liis marcli through Fmnoe. Such ni'ter", and eyes, and ' patieuce are possessad only by ihe Gerinupa. In the matter of religión Berlin is noi inui-h to boast of; they are eurolled on ' cliurch regis ers, aud with iu"dt of theiii it ends there. The pmishes are emrinouslv largo ; ia snme inHtanocd 25,000 hüuIs to oue (asior. Abnut 12,000 of them, u an veratfe, po to cliuruh on Suuday, nnd sonie 4,000 uppear at comuiunion In a uinntli, aud slül the city tieaiB the esternal tippearauce on the Sabta'h cf paying a piiss ble degieo ol re-pi'ct to cliurch gerviies, fur during thb-e the publio lesoits aru cloacd, und all isquitt The C"urt i- orth d"X unl religious, and tbe Kmg Iiiuieif i' very fervont, hs muy le hücii ly hin dt-spatct-s to his Q icen aud naition. The Catholio- aud Jews are uaining on the Protis tuiits - a resul t ut' the liberal mensures uf tt) ProtestHiit froveinment to o' hor c.onfessious. ïhe Je'S { Berliu are veiy iniiuent:al and ir,telligeut,aud their BOCial poition is bigli. Their "salon;-" have 60iue 'i the choicost reunins of the ca iuil, aud their cliildrun visit the best schools in niuoh greatcr proportwü tnai) ibn other Coi fesnions Their synagogues are among the fiiieet nliuious .emplea of tbe city, and they oluster aii'Ud these wi'li their dwelliugg, so as lo fortu h "Juwish Q':arter " In ni'als tho Berliueis re just twice as wel behüved as ih ParUiatis, hiving ha f the nttmber of ill-giiiraute birtbx. Eight per tent of ohildren in Paris are st'U-born, in Berlín l.ut three por cent. Paris, without additioQ8 irom tbe proviooBH, would oon dia out. Berlín inreae fiom its oW bírtlií Ot the rate of G.oOO pr Biinnm. Of the entire population in Iierlin, one-bslf are bom within its wal'8. IU rapid inorease, however, is mniuly owing to the im mense mmigration from the furrouüdiog country. Tlioiisands and tliousand are yeiirly pouring in to fill up the great industrial establisumenis. Tbe looomotive works nf Bornig alone nearly fill and popúlate a suburb. And, what is very remxrkuble, of its en'ire population only one per cent. is nt Gorman. -


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