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An Alabama Stanton "stick"-ing

An Alabama Stanton "stick"-ing image
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MoNTOoMEitr, Nov. 17. The city is full of excitetnent and thu wherl.t of tlie State governrnent are eritirely locked. Binitli and Jiiogham still claim to be Governor and Treasurer re gpeutively, uud eacb retain po.oscssion of tlieir officus. Smith hasobtained a iiuui bt-r of troops fiom the coinmaudioj! oilioer here, and tUy me posted in front of the Executie room uud Treasurer' office. The Senate nwt and adjouroed. l'hc House passcd tb fullowiog resoluliim : Jlttolvtd, Tlie Senate concurring, that a couituitteo of eix, cootistiug of thfee fioin the Sonate aod tbre from the lluufe, be a)poiii;d to ascorlaia without Jiilay ujH'ii wLidge applicatioD, by wlioio order and for wliat pm'pose ttuid uiilitary e wan quurtered in th8 onpitol, aud that tbe General Aesemblj deUt froto fin liitr procuedings until the rtport of saii foiuuiittee be roceived and acted upoi. Oaly two Kepubüaans voted against ! tliiu ri-Ho] utioii . An indignatioa meeting, cnmpoied of all partieti oppoied to tiov. Smitb'i proceediugx, ill be ticld touight, and wili be addceiHcd by manj peakere who supno tv ! Go. Puiüii al the late eleetion.


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Michigan Argus