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The Position Of Prussia

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LoNüON, Nov. 30. I azi onabïed to statu upnn unques liiMutiile authoiitv the position tiikon by Prus:a on the Jïuiiiii queatioo, and wlucli will proSablj be ooimnunicated to the firitilD. Uab.iict lo-duy : Pmxsia maintaii;8 thu', like Italy, havir.g íi-d die iraiity l the 80ih of Marob, 1856, A'hioli was ooncluded as muuiioned in iho iutroduetion prcfacing 'li Ircalj for the purpo-e ofgurtDt6eing ifae imk-pin douoe Biid nti'gnty of tlio Turkish liuipirc, she, iiko llujilaii"!, Frantss, od AuMrti, wtiO concluded uu iidditionul treuty du the J7th of Apii!, lböG, iy nrhich tlioy b"uid tl'omstlves ló eooidl;r u.iy iiifraotion uf any of the tipnlntinDM nf (he trflitty of tliu 3U II ofMarch ' as a casus lelli, Mid obliged ihcmselvos to I liht Ier the miiiuleii mee ut a to hich ii gre:it power ctinnot subinit forever, hho wbich l"i!s not in duy wajbiufVuii' ilie prinoiple of the first. treaty so farasPrUBiia is oniiornt-d, tlierci'ore, alie doei uut rogtird Kustia'n poaiiou bs (Win ibrcalCDÍDg war, bceaase the tt. Petersburg c.ibim-t unes uot iinci;J to euijangtr ili u'leppndt'iice or in egrity of The htatesiuen of liussia dei:lared ibal any idditiona] tunito'y was uudösirtble, and iilso relinquislied llie idea of creuting a Gr eek Eiupira ut Cid iiniinoj'le uiiíier a iii:.-.-ia!i protector ate. NVither lio th-y iatend to estabii-h au extensive navai arsenal on the c-a'-t of tbo IJluek Sua. Uuder iheíe oiroaaastanoev t C'ctidvnLly bxüuvee that by dii!oinat;ü uicasures ao underntanding w;ll be anived at by vrbioh the power hIiuiIi signcd the treaty of Paris will accede to tlio iíussiiin fecjutíst, reeurdicg tbo noutiulizition of the Black S a To tbis end Prussi offara uiediatioa.


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