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Cancer Remedy

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I have discovered, in an oíd ccriip hook whioh iny wife keep-", and everythiníj of interest ttiere, a cure for a cáncer, wliich etery person ougbt to know. Il bas been tried in our íamily, and proveí! a suoeess I will gire you the wbole story, and yon can use it a you see fit; it ib tbis : "Not long sinoa an artiolo appeared íd the Milwaukee Freo Demourut, wfaicli th Providonce Post thiuktt iif suffio'ent ímpnrttnoe to recehe central uotice TIn; statement of the Deinncrat is thut aoine eight month ag Mr. T B. Mason who keepw a musió store on W ir-cocain strec, axcertuiued that hu bad a cáncer on his fnoe the size of a pea. I wu cut out by Dr. Wulcott nnd ihe wud(I piirtilly hu:ilod ; bubsequenllv, it g'ew again, and whiie he as at C'ti inuati on busiuesH, it Httained the t-ize of a bickory uut. He bui remuincd the; e einue Chrutoaa, under treatuieut, aud ín irow perfectly cured. Tbe procesa is Üiis : "A piece of stioking planter was put over the osuottr ( littla hrgpt than the eaucer,) bo tbat tbb eanwr aud a small circular rim of healtby kiu next to it whr ezposed ; then a piaster made of chluride ot zino, bloodrüot, and wheat flour and water, was spread on a piece "f raus) i the site of this circular opening, aud appüed to the-canctr for tweutyfour hours. On rmuovini; it, the cáncer will be found to be borr.rd imo, and spper of the color aud hnrdne-s of an old stioe nol-, and the circular rim ontside of it will louk vbite snd pnrbiiled, u if scaMed ly bot steain ; the wout d in mow dressed, and the outs de rim s on firparates, and the cáncer cuniex out io a hird luiup, and the place boals up The piaster kills the cuticur, and it slouhiout lik.3 dead iltsh, aud never giows ugain. "The remedy was disenvered by Dr Feil, of Iioudou and hng been usod by h in for sis or eight years witk Qnfui)ou siiccess, and not a case ha been known of' the reappearance of tbe cnncer wheu tbis remedy ba. bwu appl:ed." The ubove remedy haa been ued on a sore in our fumily which had -every appearance of a cáncer. It had attained the size of a large ohestnut, and it carne out ezactly as representad above, in about ten days, aud healed p iu ten dayN more. Saratoga Sprlngs, N. Y. 8. S. Wescott. The numbor of inhabitaots of Berlín beloQgiDK to tbe reserve of Ltndwrhr, whn have been called on fur service, is ?5,000, or nearly 5 per c-nt of the populatiom Tbts, however, is coniIer ily above the avrrape of the whole country. More than 13,000 of tbeir wivet, having no meann of support, havo to b# maintained by the city.


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Michigan Argus