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3 i f ■ ï 8 ■ I ir ■ ■ a 5 3 8 H i & . 3 L SS H g h UJ i h j 5 s US hi P ■ r f. o a 0 a S í . jai QÍ8O P 1 3 1 i ■ n o 9 S 8 1 1 ■ i " Mas 5 o tu b gUY YOUR Looking Glasses Oï W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOR RBASGJIS. Firtt, becaue heketpsthe bent of lm port ed Glass, nl a guod aiNurtmeniof square and arch top t'r ames, audue lis Seoondl? becaunthev belong to his bufftneNt. He mak es them a pecially, does b i ownwork, and can afïord t itell Thirdly, BeQKucf he imnufHctwre them, and can and will sell the CHBAPEST 1 of y oneinthecltj. Healso U I PICTURE FRAMES! Thechpest o( nybody in tho State - frn heard f rom. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 6O CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FHK.VCII GI. ASS- öj tbe Iigl.t er box- ForPfcturef orfor HOU9E &IjA.ZIia-Gr ! 33 BAST HITRON STREET, ANN ARBOB, - - - MICH. f UMBER YARD! KRAFF1 Han a Ifinrc and w 1 11 tocked Lumbcr Yard, on Jef ferpnn tr#t,tD the outh part of tbe City, an.l 111 keepcnnntttntly on hand an e. cellen t ra riet ƒ of LUMHER. SHINGLES, IATFT, &C. which will be solil au low ai oan be atTorded intlijp. .naket. Qualitv aud pricessuch tbat do oDf need to go te Detroit. OONRAD KRAPF, Ann Arbor. Oct.Ist. 186. 986tf pOFFINS AND CASES ! AFULL STOCK AT MARTIN'S AIX CAIXS PROMPTLY ATTFNDED TO Sberiff's 8ae. BY VTRTTTE of nn rsecntion, Issuerf out of and nnrter the mn of thrrircuit Court for the ('ounty of W0htanw, and Stute of Michigan bcarinp date ;!]■' 7th flny of May A I). 1870, and to me directedand dfilverwl, npainst tb KOOdfl And chattels, tuul fo? want tlicreni'thcn at'Stiist tkelanda and tciifm.-r.r i of John O' 'onnor. tho d4-ícudiiut therein nauaed. I did on the 19th day of May. A. D 16T0, Uvy up" and p allthe rij:ht, tille nd tiitcrvst of tbe sairf.iohn O'OonntT.iDand to thr folio wíiíí; descibod lands and prciniscs. to-wit: The mulivtded ousixth part of thu vrost half of the soiitheadt qnnrtcr of MCttOO fiftet'ii, and the north half of the wcat half ■ f tht' northcast qunrter of Pection twenty.two. all In town one soulh of range ix t;at, in the County of Vfashtenaw, and Staie oi Mfrhian, lonnerly owni'd br Jnmt'i 0 oer, ftnd mfcreuev bfinp had to ñceé recordcd in Ltber &fi of Diied?, on pae ?0'. whfch premlsee. o? the dí'f'ndant Interest thirrin. I èht& i-xvurtc for sal, at public auctiou. nn the !.-uv directe, t the front door of rhü ourt Houre i-o the r%it of Ann Arbor. that beiug the place f r holding the circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, on Siiturday.the, third day of Oecember next, nt onc j'clack ín the afternoon oí said day. Uated, October 19th. 17' HYRON R. PORTKR. Sheriff. 1292 By Tuos. J. Hobkinb, Dcp'y Sheriff Ooto R. W. ELLIS & CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints,Oils, &c. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT hnving been made Ín the comHt.ion of J 11 r.t rtain mprtgagftOontaJnlllK tnrrehi a power of aalefor conditi broken. made by Ctiarlf ( dier and Bllsa Chaiidler, hl wiie, of the vUlageof } (Untoil, in the C uuty ofLenawee, and Bweof Miehïirnn, to Philinda 0. Chnndler o: the name " place, bearlQK flati' the fourteenth day of November. 1 aightêet) huudred nnd nixty-lhrce, pon certain . tands descrlbed in unid nr rtgnge, "rs balng thf [ Boutheaft qnartcr of Bectlou mimbT thfrty-tnroe fictj.iu Lowship number four (4; ■OQthofMBga r, nmiiber ionr '-,■ euet. containing one hom! red aud iixty scret Of land, more or sê lf and ' as b fcnfl ( Mtuated ín the townsbtp of Biidsemter. in ttu ' County of Wfiphttimw and fit Me of Michigan' to w ' euro the payment of the gum of elfEDt huudred dollar.s in f or ytuir fntm date, wilh iutereft payahlc ' nnnunlly on the Mme at veren per cent. per u-nntn , ! and [ro irliii;; in nf ii'ii ;i.-n ment of lh' l MC H tthonkl -ec-jmi: principiil aud draw interest f-t ' the riti aforcaid, tind providing ftbo for the paynii'ut of tbe 3nm of twenty five dollars as au ' iif-v slioulfl any prtHjet'dinf; be tnktn to forech-M the carne, wliich in rtgajie, with bücU power of unie, ' wns duly reOOrdud in the oilice of tbc Rtffltrof DüiiIh ut the Oooiity of Wanh enaiv and Btaté of Miohiirnn. on thi í'tlí day of December, A. lï. DW8 atliochck I. M , in Hfawf 31 of mortflOH. on ' m',''1 &59, hy thu nonpaynt' nt uf the whole amounr of the jriicipal klim , with the nuu'ial ' Interest ibereoo Ince the iï..-l d y of Stptcmher A l 8t0, and the amonnt cl limed to ' be cue thLreon ut the date of thlrt n ttloe b-jinj.' on; tiionsrtiid and ixty-flvo dolhtrR and flfteen ci'iu (f i,üti-.l&j for principal and lutrett, Uffrth r witli the ald eiim of tT(!iiiy-fivt; dollnrn a ench Attorney fee, and uu nnit r proCfletHsg huvintf been tmtitnted al law to rrCGTOf tin; uccured by uaid mortgaye or any part thercof ; Notict' Íh herehy girón that on Saturdny, the 25th day oi P bnniry, A. I. Iflli t ten o'clock In the ForenooD of thnt day, at the &outh door of ihe Court Hoase In tho Oity f Ann At Hor. whhln and for the Huid Oonniy of wuhteoftW Cthat beiag the plac. of holding the Circuit Court vuihii the Comity in whlch the prentjes to he soldare fiiufiu-}. Miid inortIfage will be furaelosed by a shIc of the moru;aged [remi es above drscrlbed, or Mime part of thetn. at pnhllc aUCtloD. to the htghest biitdcr, forensh, tosatf-ty the ainoiinldue on said notennd mortan at the date of tbis notlce, with the InUreet thereon, and the Qíintti fees, aad expenses providud for ineaidmortga, and thoac nliowed by law Uatcd, Ann Arbor, November, 21tt.l87o. PHILINDA C. CIIANDLER, Cqimá & Rooi, Mortngee. Alty'8 for Mortgagoc. 1'tVt Mortgnge Sale DEPAULT having ben made In the condltlon of a mortgaiíe executed by Patrick OKeeff and Mary O'KftííT hiswifcto Leuter Lutiraer dated Anpu-t . ITtli, A. D 1S08, and ree rded In the RejrisUfr's office for Washienaw I onot), Michigan on the lSth day of August. . I). 1808, in líber rtS of mort irngca on paye 4ïi. by which default the power of sule coTitained in euid mortgngt; beenme operative. and no proceedlnga in law or ctjuity hATlnfl bt-en in ■tllOted to recover the debt eccured Hy Raid mortffflge or anj part Ihercof, nd the ura of two hundred nnd forty-tlvu and 1--W dollars being duw cluímed tobe due upon nald morttffte ; Notie1 i therefor-i hereby jjlven thwt eaid mortpaííe will be foredowd by a nalc of the premiseB diücibed Ín aid mnrtgape, or tume part tbereof lo-wil. : All of the fbUowfalff deecribed lnnd Kituati d in the ■ ity oí Aun Arbor, Michigan on the uorth aide of Iluron Kiver vis : commenciug ou tho eait t-ide of Traver ctreet or futtle road as Tt ie nvirked in a a map o Ann Arbor made by D. A Peitiboue in 154. at the northeant corner of a piec of land formi-rly bflonina to Dwifht Keilnpfr, and known as the Cl.'irk lot : thence -aeteriy -t rlffht aneleB with sald streetor roadon the ïuirlh line of satd Clark lot iz rods ; thence northerly parallel with raid 8treet four rod : theoce wvsierly parallel with said firtt ilue slx rods, to fiid Rtreet ; thenco southerly nlong the eni line ff said ut reet four rods to the place of bezinning, bel 112 the saine premien conreyed to saSd i'atrink O'Kweff by Patrick Donovan and vU'. by deed. dated February 25 th, 14, t public vendue, at the Court Honse, in the City of Ann Arbor. in eatd County, on the lSth day of February next, at noou lïated, November 21et, 1STO LESTER LATTMKR, N. W. Ciifevfb, Att'y. 1217 Mortpaeee. MorfcfzKe iSile. DEFAUI.T hoving been made ín tho contlïtfon of a cerial't tnortgage exeented by Dorh&ka N. Grcgory and Elgar 1. Gregory of the city of Ann Arbor. Michigan, lo Kuoch James of ttu aune place, 011 the rtr-t day of Ocioher A. i', one IhoQMnd ciht han dred and yixty-three.and recorded Id tlie ofllcc of ihe Register of Dceda for the Connty of WaBhtenaw hiki State aforcsüid. on the flfth d:iy of OetoHer, A. D 1S03, ftt 7:-'" ocUxk I M. uf &k day iu líber Slof mortgagee. page iflO, which aaid mortgae was duiy" awilgnea by sald Enoch James to James of Wllliamsburch, Maspachut'ttp, on the fourteenth dnyof larch, A.D.iSdS, aad recorded in the ofllce of' he Ri'giBtcr of Deert for fwid ' ounty of Waehtenaw, on the tid day of November A. I) 170, at 9% o'clock A M in ïber 4:1 of raortgagei', page S96.OU which eaid moTtgagc aud bond aeouinpHiijmg the name. tliere Is claiméd to bc due at the date of thiB notice the sum of nineteen hundred and flve dollars, alïo an AttonifyN fee of flfty dollars should auy procet dings be taken to foreclo-e the Bflme and 110 snit or procecdinc i" lw OT eqnity having been instituted to recover the debt or any part thereof: Nutice Í hereby iriven that by virtue of the power of sale in said morlffage conuiined, I Miall wfl at public auction. to the higheet bidder, on the Uthdayul Febraary. nrxt, at 1 wo oMock P. M of eaid day. at the frontdoor of tlu: C vjrt House iu the City of Ann Arbor, in said County Ol Washtenaw. the pr-m leen dtscribed Iu said mortgage. as: AU that certain piece or parc-l of land sitúate aud b ing in the City oT Ann Arbor, in the Coanty of WttHteasw, and State of Michigan known and describid aa follows, to-wit: Lot number one ín block No. onc north of Harón street, in range two. accerding to the recorded plat of the village (now city) of Ann Arbor being all those premlses known as the Monitor Hotel pro per ty. November d, IS70. HENRY L JAMES. Aesigme of aaid Mortgage. Joun N. Gott. 106 Attoruey for Assignce of sairt Mortgage. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havire been made in the coudttion of a ccrtaln mortgage executed by Ellen Ruel of the Oily of Ann irhor Couuly of Washtenaw uud State of "ichtgan to Martinus u Shutts and llorace K. Dickinsou of Washteuaw 'onnty and State of Michigan, i) the thlril day of May. in the yearof our Lord ine thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven and recorded tn the oflice of the Regi ter of I )Oeds lor -nul 'ounty of Washtenaw . on the 4th day of May, A. I). lsc;, at '."., o'cock A. M.. In líber 30 of nio" tgages, page 4fi0. which said mortca-. ewas ass gned by Horace K. Dickiunuu o Martina L. Shutts nu the fl'rst di.y of Jone A. D. 187. anJ recordití In liber 'l of asslgutneuts of mortgages, on the lTtli day of November, A . U. 1S70, at 9 o'clock A M., on page 051 .and againaseigned hy Martinus L. Shuttsto barius Douglaïs. on the üth day of S-ptember A. Ü. li-CT. and recordcd in the ofllce of the Register of Ivcls lTsh day of Norembcr, AD. 870, t 9 o'clock a.M. , In líber 2 of assignment of mortffageg, ou page KM, and that there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the som of flve huudred and dollars, alo au Altorney fee of twenty flve dollars shotild any procvlings be had to roieclose this mortgage. and no stilt or proceediugs at law or in cquitv having been had to recover th debt seenred hy said mortg pe or any part thereof : Notice ie hereby giviu. that by virtne of the power of aale in said nV'rtgage contained, I slull wil at public aiU'tion. to the highest bidder, on the tweny-üft .lay of P.bruary A. D. 87 .at two o'clock in the afternoon of that dav, at the front door of the Conrt House, In the Citv of Anu Arbor. in the County of Washtenmv and fttate of Michigan . the premides de scrihed in sald mortgage , as: Al! thit certain piece or parcel of land eituat1 in the vity of Ann Arbor, ïn the Connty audStat-aforeaid, and known and described as fullows to-wrt : Lot number thlrteen in block mimber two (2) north of rause No. fourteen eal in the naatsrn ddition to tbeCity ol Ana Arbor rfonneriyvtllfige ) Dated, November 18th 1S7I1. LOUISA J TIOKNOR, Execnlrix of the Lat Will and Testament of Darius Douglaes Dec. John N. Gott. Attornij for the Executrii. Mortiínpe Sale. DEFAl'LT havlng been made In the condition of a certaiu mortgage executed hy Jopcph W. Wiiit, ol the City oí An Arbor, Coiiniy of Washtenaw añd State of .Michigan to Treadwell. of the low nsbip of Ann rbor. Connty and state aforesaid. ou the nevenlh day of July A ü. l02. and recorded in the Regiti-r'ti offlee of the CooütT of vr.-whtenaw. on the seventh i!ay of Jnly A. D. iMW at % o'clock P. M. 'ui Iüht '2' of niortgagef, on pagi 4''4 and tha' there is claimed to be due at the date of ttiin noticc the Mim of foui hui dred aud slxtr-nine dollars and twenty-twocun s, also au Attoruey'i fee of fll'teen dolíate should any proceedins be tak n to forecloío aid ro' rtjrapc, and no procecdings at law or iu eqnit havlng been had to recover said sums ot money. or auy part thereof : Now, therefore, aotice is hereby gire, thai by of a power of sale in sald morrgage contafned, I shall Heil at public auctton to the h ghesl bMder. ou the 18lh day of Pebrnary, A I) 1871. nt i o'clock I'. M. of said day at the Iront door o1 the Court Houae, (being the place where the Circuit Court for the Connty of Washtenaw aforenald is held) the following deseribed pi ces oroarcefc of land ilu.-ited in the City of Ann Arbor. aud described as follows to-wli : Bciig lots No one two and three in block ix. In Brown k Fuller's ddition to the Village of Ann Ar bor : also cight rod square of land lying north and adjolninjr said block six, and fronting on Pontiac treet nlo a pieee of land adjoiniusc said lot eafterlv, and being nlnc rod and eix links iu length and four r ds in width, and u!.oiuiiig the aorlh line of said hlock six. 1 atcd, November 23d, 1S7". JAMKS T1ÏEADWELL. Mortgagee. John Gott, 1.U7 Attorncy for Mortgagee. Mortgiigi) Sale. DBFAV.T h ivïg be it made ïn the condition of a certatu morlgage moe and exeruted by Dorliska N. GregTy ann Edgar M. Gregofy. of th city of Ann Arbor, Iu the Connty ol W'ashtcnaw, and State of Michigan, to Lyman D. James on the twen Iy third diy of August I8(V, and recorded the same day at .' o'clock I'. H In llber '■' ot mortgages page 1í, and tbat iIht' is ntw ilue and un[aid on said mortgage and obllgatlon accompauying the sume, the smn of one huudred &ud uu 00 10U dollars, aud J tu become due. two thousaud dollars and luteresl at the rate of ten per ccut. per annum, seml-annually, from the 23d day of August 1 itt. on tha twenty. third day of Auiiiist. 1S71J, aiso a reasonable Attorney's fee shold auy proceediugs be taken to foreclosc th" snroe. and m' proeeeding" at law or iu eqtiily havrng been had to recover the sanie, orany partthereo'i Now. therefore, noticc is bereby giv en, that by virtue of a power of sale in iald mort gage contained, I shall ueil at pnblic auction. to the highest bidder, on the twenty-flrst day of January next, at ' o'clock 1. M of said day, at tne ir -nt door of the Court lionse, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aid i'ouuty, all that certoiu tract or parcel of litnd known and descrlbed as follows, to-wit : Lot No. oue, bl'Ck niiiuoer one north, In rauge two east, In the city of Ann Arbor, In the Couuty of Washtenaw, and S.ate of Michigan. Dated, October 23d. 1S70. LYMAN D. JAMES, Mortgragee. Jou N. Gott, Atl"y. for Morlgagee. 193 (Jommitisimiers' N"tice. STATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtensw, ík The underKignrd baring been appointed by the Prob-ite Coui tfor faid County. Commieeioners to recive examine aud ad)ut ul clftta'S and cwmandei.f all persons against the estáte of Samuel B. Wolcott, late of sald Connty, deceaaed, lureby glve uotlce that six monthsrrom date are allowcd, by ordirofsaid i Probate Court forcreditors to present their claims i agalnst tha estaie of said deceased, and that they I uli nitjci. at the reside ce of suid deceased in Shar un. in saW County, ou Saturday, the tvrenty-eighth day of Janaary, aud Tuosdiiy, the sixteenth day I ol May, next, at ten o'clock A. M of each of sald i lÍHyB, tu recelve, examine, and adjust aaid claims, e Dated, November lfith A. D. 1870. 1WÏW4' JAMES C. MoGEE, ) commiasioner. 16 8AMIELCUSUMAN, j Commi.sioner..


Old News
Michigan Argus