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"jACOB UALLEK, " 22 HUHON STREET, CEAST OF COOK'S ÜOTEL.C LADIES' FINE GOLD WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER American and Swiss Watches, GOLD AND SILVER CHAIXS, JEWELRY, CLOOKS, &c i. gold Picisrs, The Torfoctod Lnzarus & Morris' SPKCTAOLra. Sllver sp. mi., &c. ] Jj.'m'i A NOTHEE ARR1VAL OF WINTER COODS, AT TTÖEFUL AND ELEGANT GOOnS JPOR Ohristmas and New Tear's Gifts. AT C. KT. MILLEN'S, JVÏORE OF THOSE Paisley Shawls ! ! HANDSOMER T1IAN EVER AND LOW IN PRICE! AT C. H. TÜY ONE For a Christmas Gift. THJY ONE For Your Wife. JDUY ONE For Your Daughter. BTTY A New Dress for a Christmas Oift. DUT A New Sack for a Gift. nUY AN Elegant Sash for a Gift. BUY A llandsonie Embroidered Collar. T)UY NICE Warm Gloves for a Gift. 15 U Y A Dress Patteru of our New TmERICAN Black Silk- Cheap. BUY A Picce of Sbeeting or Sliirting for Torn Wifo. "IJUY SomotLiog Useful as well as QRNAIvFeNTAL for Your ÏXIFE, Children or Friend, and TUY Them at H. MILLEN'S1290v4 Commissioners' Notice. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyol Washtciiaw.. JTlie utiderpipned bAving been appointed by the VobateCourt for anid Conilty.i.'omnilspioiierpto rr ceive, examine, and iuüiit!iH:laims and demande ol 'l iicrsi'iis nsninst. tbe estáte of Ellu J. Oagood, lnteó' oaid County, deceased, hereby jtve notico that f!x moniNs from date are allowed by or. aerof8ldProbUConrtfororedltorrtooreMnttheir cIliBaBaliittheest8teofaiiaeoeaed.anatbaUhCT wlll meel al the reetdence "f OaiMiw M Ogtood lu the town of Aim Arbor. m saitl County, "" gatnrdjy, the fourlh day of February and Fndny, the -cond day of June ", ut ten o'cjock AM., of each ol said day, to recelve, examine snfl adjusi snia claims. Jlnlcil. Dicemlier 2d, n. IStO. jOEOPLE'S DRUG STOriiii R. W. ELLIS & CO. JELIABLE INSÜKANCB, AT TUK OIjÜ AOKNCY OF1 C. H. MILLEN. Who lias Tor nearly twcuty y e ars, and who stllreprescms the Home, of New York, CAPITAL AND SURPM S. NEARLY FIVE MILLIONS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, IN"early 2 5OO OOO This Company participatw in itt-PolicieB with the in su red. City Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, SÖOO,OOO. ALL LOSSES FAIRLY ADJUSTED and PROMPTLY PAID. C. H. MILLEN, Agent. 1299m3 "MOTICE ! Mr wife, FANNIE O., hav-inglett my home withom cause or provocatinn. I shall pay no debm of her contractiug alter this date. Limft.Dcc Tth, 18T0. HWw EUGENE B. FREEI?. Comtnissioners' Notioe. STATE OF MICHIOAN, Connty orWashtenaw, ts. The nndenSgaaa', haring been appointed' by the Probate Court for said Coontj, Commlsslouers to re ceive, examine, urn! adjuet all claim and demanda of ■II persons agalntf the estáte of Lydia Cburch, Jute if unid County leceaied, iiereby give notice that six monthi from date are átlowed dj oraer of said Probate Conrt, lor creditors to present their claims apiinst the enlato of --.tiil decoaaed, and iliat they will meet at the office of the Washiennw Mutual Fire Iiisiii'Hiice Company n the ciiy of Aun Arlwr, in eaid Cpnnty, od Batnxdaj tho elcv'entli day "f Feb. rmiry.and Mondny, the flftn day of June. ne.n. at ten o'clock A M oPcach of au days, to receive, examiue, and mljuet s;iid claims Uatcd, Decmher 6th. A. D. 1870. 1290 WARREN HAMILTON, Conml'8liiii8. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County The undorsinefl, havlog beon appointcd bv the Probate Coart for eald County, Cominlonera toraceive, examine and adjust ;i!l clalmg and demande of i all peraona "aaalnst eatate of 8amu] Örtt, late I of said County. deoased, herebj jly notioe thai i. month? from ilale are allowed, DJ order of aid l'robate Court, for creditors to present their claims agalnstthe estáte of said deceased, nnd thurthry wlll meet at the store of B. F. Whitakor, in Augusta, in said County, on Saturdaw the eleventh day of February, and Tncsday, thé ilxth day of June next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of ench of said days, to receive, exaraine, and atljupt snid claims. Dated, December lith, A. D. 18711. 1290' .'fwhÍtaKER, Commissioners. Estáte of John Gibnej. STATE OFMIOHIGAN, Conntyof Washiennw, es At a sentón of the Probate Conrt for the ConntJ of Wiahteoaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Priday the Becond day of De cember, in the year one thoitKand cight hundred and seTontj. Present , Ilirnm J. Bealces, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John Gibney, deoesMfla On reading and filini; the petkion. duly veriGed of Jnlia Gilney, pnjtng that a eertain instrument now on flle in this Conrt, purportim; to be the last will and testament of said rieceaped may be admitted to probate, and that i-ome suitable person ruay be appointed administrator with the wlll annexed of said deccaecd. Thereupon lt is ordered. that Mondar, the second day of January, next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, ined for the hearing of said petition, and that the Icsatecs. derüwee and helrs at law of said deceased, and all other persons intcrested in saidemate. are required to appear atasession of said Court. then to be holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any thero be, why the prayér of the petitiuiifr should not be granted: And i't i farther ordered. that said petltloner gtve ootlee to the persons lnterested in eaidestatt'. of t tic pendency of said petition, and the hearing thcreof. by cauniuc; a copy of this order to be published In the Michigan árgut% a newspaper priuted and circulatinp in naiil County, threcsuccesejve weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A truecopy.J IIIKAM .1. BEAKES, l-'-'J Jnde of Probate. Estáte of Samuel J. Freeman. QTATF. OF MICHIOAN , County of O At a session of the Probate C'ónrt for the County of Wnshtenaw, holden al the Probate Oftlce. in tho City of Ann Arbor, on Mondar, the flfth day of December, in the year one thoussud elghthundred and serenty. Present, Htrain .1. Beakep, Judge o( Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Samuel J. Freeman, deceasedOn readinfx and flling the petitlon. dulv verlfied. of H irrict Freeman, pravlnj;that her dower in the real estáte whereol' said deceased died eeized may be aseitriud to her Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondar, the second day of Jannary next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoou, be aeslgnedforthehearliiKofsald petition, and that the legatees, devisees and neirs at law of said deceaeed, añd all other persons Interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Conrt, thento be holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Ar Imr. and show cause, i f any therebe, whythe prayerof the petitinner t-hould not be granted : And it i further ordered, that said petitloner give notico to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency ol said petition , and the hearlnc thereof, by causiñg a copy of this order to be published in the Michiyar Arquf. a newpaper, priuted and drcrüattng in said County, threesucceseive weeks previous tosaid da of hearing. (Atrnecopr.) HIRAM .1. BEAKES, 1299 Judge of Pmbate. Mor tgn ge Sale. DKPAULT hfivlng been made in the conditton of a certaïn mortfia:e. exwcnted by Wiliiain Molknkamp imd ïlary the townehip of Sharou. Countyof WaFhtcnaw, and State of Michigan, on the twenty-fifth. day of September, A. D. 869 to Luther Jjnies, Of the Üity 01 Ann Arbor, Connty aforesaid, and recorded in the offleo of the Register of Deeds for aaid County of Washtenuw, on the Sth day of Kebruary, A. J. 1NÏ", at .1 A:lock i'. M. of said day, in Liber 42 of UortffSgflh n PL6 311. and that there Ís claimed to be duo at the dal; hereof Ou. som of eleven hundred and twenty-one dollars and eighly-cighi cents, alao au Attorney!a fee of flfty dollars Btioctld any proccedinps be had to foreclose this mortglge ; and no snit er proceedinps at law or In equity havinj; been had to recover the debtsecured by said mortgage or any part thereof : Notiee is herehy piven that. by virtue. of the power of sale in paid mortgaoe contained, I ghall yv] at public Hiiction to the htghest bidder, on the fourth day of March next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, ut the front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in the Countj of Washteimw. and State of Michigan, the premlaes described in said mortgae ae. all thofecortain plecet or pareéis of land described rtt follows, to-wit : Bei ii t the west half of the sontheant qnarter of section nurnber twnnty five, Cexceptin five acres in the sootheast corner heretofore coid to c. M. Polinw. and the ast third of the cast half of tho southwest quarter of Hectioo No. twenty flve (25) in township mimber three goiifh of range number three east; also the southoafit qoarter ofthe ?omhwontiinflrterof secÜOD number ihirty-one f31; in titns!iip nam her three pouth of range number four enst, (exepting one acre heretofbre sold to Jacob Soheblej in the CoHnty of Wahtenaw and State of Hlchtgftn, OOCOrcUng tü the l'uited States eurvey, COntalnilM oue hundred and forty four acre of land, more or les?. Datedi Nov. 18, 1870. LUTIIER JAMES, Mort-rapoe. Johx X. Gott. Attorney for Mortacee. 19M Real Estáte for Sale. CTATr OF MICHIGAN. Coutj of Washtenaw, m. O In the matter of the estáte ojf John Oeorge Volz, decrssed. Notie11 i hereby given, that in pnrímance f au orde paoted to the underatgaed Adminiatrator of the enlate of Raid deceaeed, by the Hou Judge of I'ioböte for the Couiuv Of Washtenaw, on the twenty-eecond day of September, A. I). is?o, there wlli be sold al public vendae, to the h)rlif8t bidder, at the soptb door of the Oourt Houfe. iu the ( ity Oí Ano Arbor, in the County of Wanhtenaw, iu :ii("ï State, on Saturday, the twenty first day of January, A I). Wl. at len o'clock ín the foruñoon of that day. (subject to all encumbrance bymortgage (ir otherwue existlnjE st the ttme of the dèath of saïd deceAfledi and aUo sat))ecl to the riht of dowerof his widow thereinj . the folio winy described real eetate to wit : A purcel of land described aa ocmmentdng at i polnl in the center of the Bber White road on the weel Hne of seetlon thirty, In the townihlpof Ann Arbor, and thirt.-en chalnssorth from tho aouth-wert corner of saidsection, rnvnlng theoce ponth two and a half degrees west thirteen chaina to the Bonth-weat corner of a&id wctton thirty, thence Dorth eiuhty seven and a qiiarterdeffreea east twentytwo clinins and elevt-n links, thencs nortfa two and a half deeieet weBi elchteen chainfl and sixty three links to the center of said Rber tVhite rnad, thence noulh fevpjity three and a half deffreefl wBt alone the center iiii road to the place of beginnlnff. thiriy-fonr nd 06-OU acres. Also a píoee of tand begiñning at the north-west corner of eectfon thirty(mr. i ii thetown of Aun Ajbor, ronnuu; t henee eatt alonsi the Bectlon H forty foor ch.-iins and fortythree links to a etnke. theme aonth Peren chaine and , thirty oiih links, thenpe wet forty fonr rhalnK anrl forty-threo links, thence north neren chaina and forty-flve. links to the place of befiinninjr. containinp ■trer-two net 7s 1W acres. aIpo the eat haifof the a't'hir of the onth west qnarter or section tpn, intowii-hip three sottth of raue five ent t,coi:tin in" forty acres more or Icsh. Also twent.v eres of . land lylng Dorth f the Ughwar, and off of the west nid' of the eatt oalf of the ratheaat qnarter of secttiTi twenty ftte, in township two outh of range flve tast ■ itll beUiR iït aaJd State of Michigan. Dated, DccembTth. A. D. tTrt. lag JOHN A. TOLK, Admlnintrator. ' The Eest Family Magazine in America. SCR1B1É MONTBLÏ, Conducted by J. O. HOLLAND. STearly 50,000 COPIES of First Number Sold FOÜR MAGAZINES ÍN ONS FOR $3 A YE AR ! 1IAVING PURCHASED PUTNAM'8 MAGAZINE. HOURS AT HOME and the RIVERSIDE MAGAZINE. Andsecured their eombincd circuiation, as well as the bot contributors to al] theae old farorites, in addition to the ablc corps of wiiters, ia botbthis country and Etirope,pn;vuuily enjad i.,t S.iitiiiNiB's Monthlt, we are Dow enabled to offar THE BE8TFAMILY MAGAZINE IN AMERICA .At the Vei-y Low Prlce „r $3 a Year-No Club Ilates. The new magazine ia coLducted by Dr. J. G. IIollanil (Tlmothj TitcomftJ, aM-i-tcl by ab!e men in all the departmenlt, aftd every nnmber is PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED ! The Editor and Publishers aro daily adillng to their mcana for rendcring the magazine attractive. and thelr alm wlll be to make each unmber au inil provcment on it prudeceasor. THE GRAND SERIAL STORY Of the year Is by GEOHQE MAC DOJIALD, the rising star amoug Knglish rriten. The November Nrcmber containa an original poem of great beauty by WII.UAM MORHIS, nd the beginning of a brilllaut story by REUECCA HARDING DAVI.S; a Hnmornus Poem, Jcremy Train- Hls Drive; aud a nuruber of othur etrlkini; contrlbntious. The December number is especially rlch in plctorial and popular attractions. A Charroing Tnankgiving Story au article of especial Interest to Englneera and all inierested in great public improve ments, on the Hooaac Tnnml t Choicc I'oem, Essay, Stories, Sketches of Street Scènes in New York, Jilll-r.irdaandtheirniglite: Ou to Berliu ; Articles on timely topics, by Dr. Holland, &c , &c. Al.SO AN Il-LCSTBATED Hl'MOEOÜS DltPAETMKNT. The Grand ïïoliday Number, Of which we print 100,000 oomeïs IVitl, citrapictures, eitra pnge, Christma storics, Christnias poeins, Chrialtna illuitrationa, CHRISTMAS MUSIC AND A CHRISTMaS CAROL BY THE EDITOR, &c, will beone of the most beautiful numbers of a magazine ever issned to the public. It wilUoutaiu tho beginuing of a story, in nis most brilliant vein, by Hans Chris tian Ander sen, In advance of lts pnblication in Denmark. Also.a aplendidly lllustratcd OHRISTSIAS STORY nique in icene and plot, by a celebrated writer. Alsu an article containiug one of the finest series of Landscape illugtrations ever prepared iu this couutry, from original drawings by ODe of the flrst of American artista. Other striking featnres will be duly acnounced. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. MAKE HOYE ÜAPPT BY A HOLIDAY PRESENT OF A YKAIíS SfBSCRIPriON TO SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY. SPECIMEN COPY, 30 CENTS. Canvassers wanted eyerywhere. Scribner & Co. 129w4 6S4 BROADWAY, N. Y. FÜRNÏTÜËË. J. KECK CO. Man u facturera, wbol egale and reta il dealen in FUENITUEE AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. We Manufacture om grooils and will not Ie Undersolrt by any HOUSE KAST orVVEsT. ÜNDERTAKING! We Keep Constantly on Hand a fnM assorlinent of "VOOID, METALIC, CLOTH COVEBED cases fü.3srr comías which will be sold at prices so LOW as to defy all Compctition. Sales Room 52 Sonth Main St., aod 4 West Liberty Strret. WSANUFA CTORY ! Corner of William and 'WestPourtli St. ' J. KECK & CO. TF YOU WANT A "TIP TOP " HAT OR. CAP, TF YOU WANT A WINTER HAT. TF YOU WANT A STYLiSH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A "Hat as is a Hat," TF YOU WANT Hats Cheap- for Cash. C3-O TO l. .A. TERRY'S' 15 South Main Street. Where yon will alsa flnd a full Iin of Oent'i Furni-liinu Goo'f. Ann Arbor.October 1870. lS49jrl pARMEKS Wanting to Excüange GOOD BUTTER, FRESH EGGS, Drled Apples, Sn-cct Lard, Woolen Yarn, Clean Itags, warm Socksand Mittens, ForStaple orFancy Dry Goods, AND CnOICE OROCKHIKS, Ml mnrkiMl in plaln fic'irt"'flHli;rrft: vl"p. flliould - irethoMAYNAUDS. We(k them nllibcru! prlcc;


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Michigan Argus