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TO PIIYSHMS ! Nbw Yokk, August 15th, 1868. Allow me to cali your attcntion to my PREPARATION OF COMPOÜND EXTRACT UUC11U. The component parts are, UUCHTJ, Lon [.kaf, CUBEBS, JüNIPER BERHIKS. Mode of Pjikparation. - Bachn, in vacuo. Juoiper Benies, by ditillstion, to form a fine gin. Cubbn oxtracted hy dippliicempnt with spirits obtoined from Junippr Borrico ; very little fmgfir i naad. and a emll proportion of spirit. It i more palstnble than aoy nnw in are. Bucfcu at preparcd hy DrnppisfR, is of a darï color. It is a p!ant thiit eroits ts fragrnnce; the action of flnme destroys tbis (its active principio), leaving a darle and gltitinons dccocMnn. Mino is the color of ingrediente. The Bnchu in my prepnration predomínate?; the mallest quflntity of the ofher ingredients are added, to prevent fermentfltion ; upon inspection it will bc foimd not to be a Tincture, as mado in Pharmacopa?a, nor ii it a Byrnp - nnd thercforc can be ned in case where fever or inflammation exist. Tn tbis, you hare the knowledge of the ingrediënt, and the mode of proparation. ITopinp: that you will fvor it with n trial, and that npon inspoction it will meet with your approbation, With a feeling of profound confidonoe I tn, very respeoffully. II. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist and Druggist of 19 Years' Experienoe. (From tho Iargest Manufacturing Chcm ists in the World). November 4, 1854'. " T am acquainted with Mr. II. T. Hehnbold ; he ocoupicd tho Brug Store opposito my residence, and was pucoegpful in conducting tbc business where otherfl had not been equally so before hitn. I have been favorably impressed with bis chïracter and eüterprise." WILLIAM. WEIGHTMAN, Firm of Powers and Weightman Manufacturing CheraiBt, Ninth and Browa Streete, Philadelphia. HUT W D0Ï l'ï Ij 13 ili Ë ü Jj II ü FLItiD EXTRACT BUCHU! For Wííikneífl nrldng fmm indicretion. Thexliaunted pow'Ts of Nature whieh are accorapanied bj o mftuy alarnilng BjmtomR, araong wlilch will bc found , Indi f politlón to ex? rtion , I.wm of Memory, Wakefulnes, Horror of Piseaso, ot Forebodiogsof ErlT; iofact.TJni yernal Lassitu'le Prostratlon, aud to enter intü the enjoyment of society. THE CONTITÜTION once afTofied wjth Organlc Weakne$s, requirts the ali of Medicine to strenefthen and inTigorato ibe 7ftem,vhicli IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU lovmíhI'I y AooSa I f no treatmetit ia submi tted to,Con Hunif tion ur iuianity en8U08. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ín afTection peculiar to FerQileg, ih unequalled by anyother in Chloroni. or Retention, Faiufulnes8 0r 3u[iprcsionof ciíatoQinry Kvacuations, Dloermtid or Sclürrut irtate of tlie Uterus, and al complainU iucidontal to the nex, or declino o chango of Ufo. II ELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPHOVED ROFE WASH Willradically etorminte from the syntera dinfnne ariaingfi'om habita of dissipation, at little oxpenses little ornocliange in diet, no innnnvenience or ex rofture ; completcly auporsedinf? thone unploaaant acd dangeroue remedies, Copa Iva andMercury, in al 1 these (lise&sei. TJSE HELMEOLD'S FLTJÍD EXTRACT BUCHU in nll (licnrs of thcRP organp, wljethor exUtlng in maleor leinnle, frirn wh:it-7er cause origlnatln, anfl no matter of how antt .-tiiniling. It ia plcavant tn tato and odor, ' inimeiate" in actioT, and nmr itrcpgthcning tlian of the jrci)aratioDB of Jïark or Iron. Tliofle iutTcrins: from lrclf v. ' wb or flclicatc contitutions , procuie the remerty at once. Tho read&r muat ba aware tlmt, liowcver liglit muy be tlie atUc of the above illneniGn, it ia oer tilinto afTect thebodily hoalth and monta] powerfl. Alltlio abovediBcase require theaidof a Diure tic. HELMBÜLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ! a great Diuretic. Sold by Drugglsts Everywhero. Prlce $1.25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any address. Describe Sylnptoms in all comm"Tiloations AÜDRESS, H. T. HELSV9BOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehouse, 594 BROADWAÏ, ISTew York. JVO1YE ARE GENUilVE unless done np in steel eitffraved vvrnpper, With fac-simlle of my Chemical Warehouse, nnd signed H. T. HELMBOLD. éWPÍNíBí V WASHTEWAWX0UlTYiz3 [öSMRHBI{ ANN ARBOR V TVÍFt!! Büc nido bonaiëi Sfiiáro BS3 L _ ■ - . 1 REAL ESTÁTE FXCHANGE ! TtaeoDdbntffOtd baYintr a perfect itacord blrtnrj til of Real Ratatc TItie in tbiR ;ity, and Ín ti County of Waahttnwt takea pleaanrcin annonn nff to tho pi:blic tliat ho wfíl examine titlc.ive ' itrftOts of Eel tétate tiHu, matee neoda mortgtflfl centractx and othn lejía I paper on th aborte notlmi Wili nNo makt nulo of City roperty an. farm, rmt boniea, and fnrwloM mortfrge. l'e lona vaoüng ■ hlêtory f Kaal Ett title, will r oolltettbttolA Bookft taketn TáxTitlea and II co lateral mattaii whtofa tovofa cach partíbanr AbaotI] ttoB} and all tnortgagft, anolent or modara wtalc appear t be 6tiHubtug of record at the presen timo. I offer the (tloirlng Real Estáte for sale : Xo,100. Thft Malony House and Lot n Dirinio Stroet. Mo.101. Hottfe anl Lol in Hiscock:a addition l'i ce $2.000. No. 102. Two Story Brjck House on Spring ítraftt. NTo. 103. Two Story Wood House on Spring Stieot. No. 104. Xice House, Lot and Barn just west of Colloge. 'No. 105. Fine Houae, Ont-house, Barn nndöacro of Lan3fWat;r Fount, &c.- very destral) l'roperty. No.lOfi. ITouae and Sacres of Land inside corpora tion. No.107. ITonflp and Lot just gouth of thcUnlTerBlt building No. 108. 15 hi acres of Land east of the Unlrersit (iroundM. No. 109. City Lotl noarly opposite Pr. Chase I'rinting EstabliHtioient. N'o.110. One Two Stoiy Wood Dwellinff on Ptat Street. No. 111. One elegant Two tory Brlck Hotirte ni'a Dnlrarnty Square. No. 112. 30 acres wlth buildings jnat north of th City. No.113. One Two ytory Hoitfie jast north Cemetir Qroan bi No. 114. Two lïriok Houie& west sideof Unirerfit Bqoare, No. 15. 6 acre juit wet of the City. No. 116. 5 acres with building jut wet of th Oity. No. 1 J7. 1ÍÍ0 acres with bnlMInzn and inproTemeni 6 miles nortli - good situatiim. No. 118. 320 acres - fine farm In Shiawaasee. No. 119. 2.000 acres of Wild Lnads in the Countie of Wayne, iïonroe, B&glnav and flhia wapflce, Aly Abstract Buoke arepoatedt date. No. 120. ■ One t'lrjrant Three Story Huilding on Hun.' Street, went. No. 121. 175 acra on f iddle Road to Ypsilanti. No. 122; 40 acres on Ekmth Road with BolUlngi au improvements. No.123. 210 ncres on North TlCxter Uoad. 2i miles out , w iili impi'ovement h. No, 1Q4. Anrï much other Kesl Kvate not herein included. Thcrf re mny oíd morttraïen in Vaht(naw Cnun. tv ndiscNHTKed of Kt-corrt, and the lavrn of Limita_ ti'UiB as to Mortgcgea is differeitt from thci appUca bleto Real Estáte. IVrmp of Commiasion on nales of Rflal Eotate, one pir cent. if tale made. RatR for arch of Kenl Etatu Titlc 0 cent- per .vet r for Deods and six ceuts a yearfor Mortgafte uittil chnnge of notie. No charges will be made for oxanñnation of litle, makinf; papore or recording, to partlu lundiníí money through me. ilonoy wantod to Iojiu on unincumberedKeal Etate from ooe to five years, at 10 per cont. intereat net to the lender. Ann Arbor , March 20. 1870, TU AC Y W. KOOT. A COMPLETE STOCK m 1W AND iiWABIl GOODS, NOW BEING RECErVED F!MLËY k LEWiS. WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF BUYEE8 TO OÜR LARGE STOCK OF Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BY HAND EXPRESSLY FOR PUR TRAPE, pÖFfCASH YOUCAN I1UY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARSAIN, AT THE YARD OF CSUTHERLAND&GO. AnDArlor,.7anuary,1870. 1252 XUGÜ8T10tb, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOUR superior qunltly at the ANN AEBOR OITY MILLS. Very ninc bolted Corn Motil, conrse Mea], Floñr- kooiI Becond quallty Flour at Unr pricc,- Ornckciï Whcnt, and all kindn of Peía, t loweêi priccd, and dcllvcred in any part of the city. Torms Ordi'rs loft In my Order Box at the Post Office promptlyattendcdto. j.T. SWATIIEL T IVE GE ESE FEATHERS Constan tly ou hand and foi'Balrby B ACH Sr ABEL. DEOPLE'S DRUG STOxïjÏi R, W. ELL1S & CO1 __ _- - - - - - - - - - Ij , 3 ë j B o s W Ui :;h s o jH H-h Oí d - 1 Ml &!? n w il n S i Q o x ' s M B S! bol h a u s en a I O y fLj Oí &L■ A r-. Q e ï 1 3 H Q ñ lx o fi 3 fsit_o ft Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN. Countyof Washtenaw, t ín ihe matter of the Mtate of Lodorskn A. Swift minor : Notlce l herebj Iflven, that in pursuance o an order prantedto the undtrnsned. Guardian o the cstnti f sirt minor, lv the Hou. Jude or l'roliatefortheCounty of Wasntenaw, on the twentvthird dny of November, A. ]) 1BT0. there will lic pold at public vencUit' to tht: hiheet bidder, at the pouth door of ihe Court Houee, in the City of Ann Arbur, in the (Jounty of Wiinhtenaw, in said State, on Wodnesdiiv. the eleventb day of Janttary, A. ]). 18Ï1, at ten o'clóck in the lorenoon of that day (enbjecl to all eiicumbrrtncee hy mortgage 01 otherwlse existIng at the tiuie of tule, and also subject to the richt of rtowcrol tlic ïmderslgoed, as widow of Frniikliii Swift, ileceaetd, therein,) tte mdtdded oncfowrth cf. i ieH ' the followlDg dewríbed parcolpof rea] estáte, to-wit : Commenein in the cast line of eection twesty-nlne, in townshlp two sonth of range six eaet, In fald State, at a poiut tlilrty-one rodf nortli of thu intcrsectlon of the center Une oi Hnron Ktrcet.ln the City of Ann Arbor.if eztesdai easterly as in tbc original plet, thence weet parall] to lluron Street ten roda, tlicnce north ftv( roda, thence east parallel to Hnron street Umi rods, thencc south to the place of beginnlnE puliject to State stret-t jit beinff th east iart of the land cor.veyed hy (i. W.Jewitt to M:ryJ.Maynard, March,16th A. D. J8SI. AIbo of the nndivided half of a piece of land lying and belng east ol Sinclair1 Mill-Pond, und on the outheast quarter of section twenty, eamc townahlp and ranffe, commencinL ut the sontneafct corner of a piece of landsold by Norman Chapin and wife to Frederick Myers, and at thewe-tern terminue of a Ptrcet that commencefl on Pontiac etreet, and rune wt'Stt'rly betweeD blocks fournnd five Of Brown & Fnller's Addltion to the villace (now cityj of Ann Arbor, thenco wcstorly on euid Mvi'r'K ïouth lino twenty or moro to the aaU mili pond. theuce down paid mill-pond to land eold by lid Chapín and wifo in 1ï59 to Clement R. Thompeou, thence easterly alonj; the north line of finid Thotnppon's land to laim eold liy R. V. Morgan aud wife to aid Thompson , thence northeriy on the weplerly line of said Thompsou's land to the place of beglnning, coutJiinin abont five acres of land more or lees - together with the ])rivili'pe of enterin.,' on juni apon tile sontheast corner of gaid Mver's land with a team or stock ut all times, so that .John T. Swathei or hiy repreaentatlTes may have free BO as lo the ticcc of lnd iibovedeacribedaii belonging to paid minor for all necepsary parpoaea. Also of the umlividcd half of the Sinclair Mili property, in paid cïty of Ann Arbor, and of the landa, riiihtp, titles,intcret, water power and privilices conveyed by a certain deed ext'cutcd May lat, Á. D186T,bj William 1. Sinclair and wife to Pranklin Swift and Willlam Dcubel. iccorded n über eixty-one tWj of deeds, in the office o( the liecister of Deede of sald County, on paLt: four hnndred and flfty (4fio. Algo of slip No onehundnd and threi f!03) in the Slethodist jEpiecopal huroh of Ann Arbor. And alaoali the ripht tille and interest of eald minor in nnrt lo the personal etate of said Franklin Swift, deccafied. Datcd, November 23d, A D. 1STOh. KLIZABETII SWIFT, 1207 Guardian. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of W"srttenaw,s. In tlie matter of the Kstate of John Peatt, spcml thrift. Nolifeis liereln plven, that in pursuauceof an order granted to the ondenlgood, Guardian of th Kutate of said spendtlirift, by the Hon. Judge of Pro bate for tlie ConntJ of Waihtenaw, 'on the llrst day of üctober, A. O. 1S70, thcre will DO sold at public venduc, to the hisrlient bidder, at the dwellins house on rli' premlaea hepeinafter described in the County uf w.-isiiti -naw. in ":iil state, on Wednéaday, the tliirtletn day et November, A. D. 1S70, nt ten o'cloclc In the forénoon of that day, Csnbject to all encumliranc. ■ by mortgage or otherwlae exisüng at the time of the H;tlc; the foHOWinfl (ÍifítiIkmí real itati', to wit : Twenty-flvc acres off the sonth-east quarter of the eontbJBaet qnnrter ofaecdon thlrtytive, in townshlp one pouth of range fonr eaat in eaid State, commencin at thv ftonth-wes corner thereof and running thence north one and a hclf degn M weet aiehteen chainB and Btxty links, thence north elghly-nlne and a halfdcgrcc castthirti-eneliainsaiul torty-fonrllnki, thence sonth oiic and a haif degreefl east elfhfeen ohaina and pixty links, thence soa tb eiphty-nine and halfdeereea legreee wi-ft tliirteen ohalnsand forty-four link-, to the place ol beginning, texceptlng one arre In the northweateorner thereof, bclns slsteen roda long eoat and weel and ten rods wilc north nndsouth, sold by Faid John Peatt toRebcccaK.ïatt)e,(ictoliir Ith, A.D. 1RW.J Doted,. Octobcr lst, A. I) 1 s70. GEOKGE O. ARMS, Guardian. The above sn!e Is postponed to the thlrtloth day or December next, at ooeo'clock P.M., to take place n the atepa of Allport's Uexter Bzchange, in the viHaoüKKter. OK0. c. ARMS, aaar(llani Datcd, November BOth.lSTO. VOTIC E ! N"tice is hereby given that I forbid the payment of the followlng notea lo any pAnon besldea myaelf, he same hnvini! been lost by me or stolen from my losícgsion: One note of elght dollars, ngned by l'homas Dennison one note oi Bcyenty-fle dollars, ateó Feb'v. and algned by William Potterton ne noto of geventytive dollara, ilateii .lan. lst.1SS, ril stand bj Wiliiam Kogen; one note oi two nndrèa dollars, van b Richard Sheridan, on vhich there is pnid Hfty dollars; one note of one uudred dollars, dated Feb . 1860, and slgned hy ff. Dole , and one note of forty di.ll.irs, da-.1 Hay 18, 1869,and aignad by Jacob D. (jale. All f aald notea ware (jlven to me and Have not boen IgallT tiansferrcd to any ono. bated, Bambnig, Nov. ■■28UVÏ'-T,,. Tnvnrp, Finost ABSorttnent of Toilet Goods in the City, by


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Michigan Argus