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bustes Uimtwfi. W'.T. M. SINCLAIR, OOMMISSIONMEBCHANT IN GRAIN AND FLOTTR, „n(1M 16 134 LaSAL'.E STREET, CHICAGO. MACK 4 Sf'Ü.MÍD, cd'RS in Irv Omvls, Qroceries, Crockery, j, ! j4SiU!h.M:il Bl fl A LKITF.U & 00., nrUFlïS IN DRUGS nml Medicines Parí' Wine ,ir Mediciaal Parpoees.Cléaté C. lOfgoT Biocfc. A. WIDKNMANN, ,of[,' 8xchangi Bror Real Bátate nndFire iÜítwM Agent. No. ■-'■.S'iiuh Itain Street. "TPACY V.""ÜOOT, COXDEÜSEI1 R.'conis Of Washtenaw Connt.v, and BMlbtate Rxl!-u:kc. Ko. i Gn-ftory Block. MOlílílS HALE, M. D. id OlVicf? No 13, coriífcr Williams and s Recalar office honrs 1 to 3 p )i AJviccanii Precrptioiis frum (i to 7 P. M. eittidaj. fteegratla to the poor. lttt íiÜ W'. ELLIS & CO., rtÓflOISTS. and dealer Id Palntai OMs, etc No. 2 jjalh Hin Stri'Ct, Anu Arbor. JrxSOHNSSCH & CO., DZALERS in FarnltnW "I -' HSuds, No.52Sonth )Íid Sirect, and 4 West LiScrty, Street, Arm irbur. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, 1TT0HNEY aqd Counsellor at, Rea! Estáte and Insurance At,ront. ConvevanclDg and Collection oí - Dfioinptbr attpní ed to on liberal ofLn DonnnlvN Biúck, up stars, Uurou Stroct, íwa Arbor l l;h. W. H. JACKSON, 8SSTÏST, i.neces.rt C. B. Portcr. Öfflce.corne. Vjin ini Hurou Streets, over the store of R. WElIiiiCo ,Ann Arbor, llich. Aua;?theticsadmin bwrcdif rcqatred W F. BUEAKEY, M. D. fHTSlCIAN .N1)SUKCF,()N'. Office at reridence, Hnroo snd oi.i-icm Stteeti, first door Eutol Presbylerian Choreta Aun Arbor, Midi. E. J. JOHNSON, DlilERlX 1IATS and Cnps l'ure, Rtraw Ooode hiii Goode, &c , Ne T South Main Sui, Kïiu AiVior. SütffËULA NI & WIIRDON, LIPEaadFire Insurance Agente and fiealers in Real Etíáit. Office m tluruu Street. Al9u eell flrati 'lunes. w. dTiTolmes, UKHT tor the Florence Sewing Machine and rlcnlor ii Piolares, Frames, &c No.8i Sul Haron8lrop) Lew is c KTBöom, (SALER in Bardware. Stove, Honse PaixUhlng (Soote.Tir. Ware &c Vo. 31 South Uoin Street. BACB & AH KL, BUSRSln Drjr flóodi 8roeerlm, &c, &c. No. 2C Sonlh Maiu Strciel, Ann Arbor. 8LAW8OH fe BON, JHOCEBS, ProvUlon and Commis-ion Mercliants wii(iealcrfin Wuler Li ne, Land Piaster, and Piaslet Puris, N.i. 14 Il.-.nin Slri-t. B. SO.NDlIlilM, H01ESALE and retall dealer in Ready Made Clothi"2.Cin!tis, Cftsftimerrf, Vestinijre. and Genis' FurifhlngGoodv No. 9 Sóalh Haln Sireet. W.M. WAGNKiJ, fSHERin RcHdy Made Clothin?. Cloths. Cassi'wi1 Vi--t :n ■■. Hutu Caps, Truiiks, (Jarpet 21 s utli MalnStrct. G I LMORB & PISKE, ÏOOKSKU.BltS and Statloners, Medical, Lawand College Test Bookn Schooi and Hiscelléfaéaus Kook. Nu. 3Noith M:iin Street, Grej?ory Block, Ann Arbor. F IïaiiY&LEWI&. IBALF.RS in Itootf , Shoee, Oaiters, Slippers &c, So.iEaít Harón Street. R. TA H KA NT, UDIES' Faehionable Shoe Houfe, N"o. 2i South ïiio Btreet. QB 0 C K JS R Y , 5L4SSWARE & GPOCERIES. J.& P. DON'NEI.LY l"Mator(ilagtltock of Crocker . ilasmrare -iitüWre.iJutliT . Grocenen. c. . c.,al] te b Uununll}-Iow prirn. '.12KiBt HaronStiwi Ann Arbor nm J.& P. DONN'F.I.LY johñg.gall; _ IDEALER IIST RffiSH AND SALT MEATS, 1AKD. BAUSAOKS',, Z'íicitpdandpromptly ftllcd with the best ' in mnrktt. 81 Kat Washington Btr.-ct __ Arbor, Sq,t. Mh, 1869. 1835tf ríVBRY AND SALE STABLE7 J. fTaxtkll, woerMainsnilCathnriiHiftrctp. Horsehoardten.?f"?lleterm8 Secouil hand buKcic, cutKi!JíLiandJiarnee8f(i r ïïJSjl Jf AKK.SEY, aéTfi MannUcturer of Urriages. Buggies, Wagons, ir?-.?LE!i0HS of eT01"y 8t-vle mallc of the best 64 n I' d warranted. Repairin done pjonitly TS&J&ÏÏ.11 8treet ?Wyl ■ Smi1C. KRAPP f""Tií,,geai"' wellMocked Lamber Yard.on Jef'"ííonu Vi tho "outh l'art tl"1 City, and will T TT. y n handanexcilleDtvarietyof LÜMtíER. SH ING LES, %Me,wj... LATH.&C. uiket. M"MMlo aecan be allorded mtbis ittroit ""Pcesanch that cooBe needto g te AUGUST loth, 1870. NEW WKEAT FLOUR superior qualtiy, at the ARBOR CITY MILLS. P&Corn Me, Cor8eM,al.Orahnm ■'"-ktiWht Í 9',',"',lty Flollr at lw P'lco,ÍJ?.n? delito " k""1" "f Feed' at '"W1'8t U h. 0(="verea In an y part oí the city. Terms Pl!1Jy'ttèidedllt y Order Box at the Po" Office T. BWATBKi A. WÊDENfVSAWN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, AXN AKHOR, MK.'II. S'i ii e.ron i f lni il . ""tl in on hftlf 1.1 i le fr i) Ihe öitj tobt1 o hl in wlioU. ot pitrcelu, m followfl : K4ore id Rettna ltff it. tovn oi Aon Arbor ImiwmíH'TIIi''" OB tb IWlii ifHiil'p te Tinriwells' paper niilli,Rnfl on he una h on 15 i , -i ,m pv si; list f.1 on Ihe norlltwet corner M the mn rid au'd lïi naJ Cmlfvren Ptfclorj roid . fTüïji i op6 of tliï hnUil-vnieti situatioiií in ■ kiltI! nfti"('l "f A nu -Arl'or .} 1'j acre Improvwl loI JAfnloR tlie 1.' . acréf aod frcnting Sorham Rotd. IU-tv ;,, Cl0 Frmlng r.n-l, vtlh good nliucl inl tinin. SLH miltv f,-, n, the Coorl Hou-; . on opper Dlxboro rorl. 1 arre ofUnd wHi a nfl' two Rtorj framp Inusp on .■ tiivmbOQ'tt aóditiou io the Citj oC -4't' -vl ''"'■ ■ 7 t - . - o % itriobottTüompOB( Spoor á Tb títp siuV .-.a.iuiou. 9 acr' of hm 1. Ui a iilrininl grove , j.iiniug tbf .■ri'.s i'itrk on tlie ost. I and IX Iota of Uní, witll Barn, Vash. Kicl.'n. Cariiajr H'ne,Dd ;i n n n: i r ol mufle i ii tmprovemeBtSj "" lh ftortbwesi cunnr i ita and Puckari Sur, t■Hlul Lulu. Ihe 2d Wftlrd, ?0 South I.ibertJ Bi ree t. 1 llor.w -in! 3 I.n'.s in the M Ward, uear S1 Wrd schout House, 1 Botueand 4 Lota,nMrtha M.C. RH Pepot. 20ncres ot lm ■'. in !!. -iu:h of the flto u! MIsk(tuii . ntjir tlie flauniba l .yst. Jo'ph Kailroad. '.: ( 1 1 J i olí near gd War. i School Houm-, A. WIDENMANN, FGRESGN EXCHAKGE BROKER, ANrT AKBOR, MICH. SSLL5 AKD BUYS DRAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON' ALI. PRINCIPAL PLACES In rcilKAT KRJTAiX. (r.üMANV.FRAXCF, 5WITZERLANU.oto. Mjudlreot conDcctiuus Ui Europo eaable moto offer fi nitp i ny Ni'' Vuib li u f. K n'finl er. I aru nit n ak't'Qt of tny heuse :i Mi i - e-útil r , bnc I mn lis vinK ilirectcümmuiiicalion wllh tlie bet houges in Euroi e COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE ÜY POWER OF ATTOUXFY OR OTHERWISE, W1LL itü riiOMl'TLV AITB ND1 V ÏO PAiSAU TICKETS ppr StíTner to nn! from Xfw York to til] principal portfi oi Europe 1 wíj! eemJ ai-joïlows: Frdin Kw Yur'i to Southampton, Ilavrc, London, Biemèo, or BamVurg, lñt Clase. SdClftRR. Sfeer?;?, $120. 912 tífi in üold. Return tickets. 2U5. Uö Cl " " From above place to New York, lst Class. ïd CJhps. 31 "]n Ffl. $10 $72. MOin Gold ■i, SSO t" SlOOCurrcncy. gtt-eragè,'S3ü ju CurrtDCy. From Liverpool tol?w Yurk.Catfo, $100. Stoerage,37. WIDEÑÍM[Ü N Ñ FIRE INSURANCE AÜLNT .ISTISJ" AKBOB, Forti-n IIcw:ird lnnnne Cf . in New Yr-rk one cl 1 oldi-'Ht litt'i i st C'onijiaDieu II the country. The Tentonia Insuranoo Onmpïtny in (HtlTeland ni-rul Ui i!t n::m;i u mint of t Iiím iliMti tut ini i,n. niiiilf it one of tlie'inott reliable Fire lQiiurauce Codij ] ' ui tt't' Went. 12S7J-1 CHAS A. LEITEU & CO., CHAS. A. LBITBR & CO., CUAS. A. LEITKR & CO., CHAS. A. LE1TER & CO., No. 1 Giegory Bleek. No. 1 JSregory Block Na 1 (3-regory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Bleek. LW Sign of the Gilt Mortar tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar I L3" Sign of the Gilt Mortar t& Sign of the Gilt Mortar 3 HAVl: .IU.SÏ OI'KNF.D BAVE irsi oi'i.NKp IIAVM JU8T OI'KSKI) IAYE JCSI 0PKN1D a-he linef-t S=took oí ThO Jl-inest Stock ol The Fineet Stook oí The Kinest Stck ol DRI'GS kW HEI)ICI.ES DRLT.S AÜ'D MEDICINES mm akd ytDiciKES DRUGS AD HEBICIEAS TN THE CITY. ÍN TUK CITY. rif THE CITY. IN THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIÖUORS Kor Kedleioft] Purposer. Tho Popular Patent tfedtelnea o( the dy , and everything kept in a firstclaRK Drug Store. An EXCELLENT BRAND OP CIGARS. TBY THKM. Sole Agent in the City tur Otlo S Heyndfr's cel ebratpd 8URGICAL AND _DENTAL INSTRUMENTS W KBPBCIAI ATTKNTION OIVFN TO TUK COMI'OUNIiINGOF I'HVSICIANS' rRKSRIPTIuS and FAMII.Y MEDICINE8. 128B JJR. C. B. POtiTEIl, DEIsTTIST. Office in the NEW BANK BLOCK, AHN AEBOI 411 Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED H'ITH CARE. UNSTJRPASSED FACIXITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTÍFÍCIAL TEETH, TO 0i?E EACB iNDivinrAL, DenturtB of tke prtpzr ér, tkape, color, firmnc$and na al ezpre$$itms 1244 JACOB H ALLER, 22 HTJRON STREET, CBAST OP COOK'S UOTE L.( LADIES1 FINE GOLD WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER American and Swiss Watches, GOLD AND SILVER CI1AINS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &c }. GOLD PENS, Th.' IV'vfcctcd L.'izarus & Morris' SPECT-iS. L.KS. Uver Spoon, &c ü90m3 I IVE GEESE FEATHERS FIKST QTJA.LXT-5T, OonBtantlyon hand and lorealt by BACnSr ABEL.


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Michigan Argus