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T ADÍES' FASHIÜNABLB SHOE HOUSE. 24 South Main Street, Dealetin LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEVVEST BTYLE8 IN Kidf Calí, and Cloth, Alwayaon band, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOU WABT A BOOT, " J ai.o--AIte:k, jK BTTSKIIT, OB A. 8L1PPKR, CALL AND EXAMINE HI8 STOCK BKFORE PUB CUASINO. PRICES LOWER thn the LOWEST K. TARRANT. . Ano Arbor,My W7P. Q.OOD NEWS! m AMARB0RW1LDWITH EMTIMENT! HIGH PRICES EXTERMINATED! S. SONDHEIM HA3 JUST RETURXïD FROM TUE EASTj Wlra THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING CElfT'S ITIlMSIinu COOD8,C TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHEL8, &c, &c, &c, ITHAT nAS EVER BEFN BROUGHT TO THIS CITY, WUICil HE WILL (8B1L jheaper than the Cheapest for Cash, ALSO A FINE (ASSORTMENT O? CASS1MERES, COATMGS, and YESTINGS, WHICnpiE WILL MAKE ÜP TO ORDER IlNTHE BEST-STYLE, [AND WARRAXTED A FIT ORgKO SALB. What Johnson has II han a Urge stock of HATS & CAPS ! For the Fall and Winter tr&de- the bot iu town Ue has a fullline of LADIES' AND GENTS' FURS New Sty les and best quality MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. Helias afull stock Of Gents' Furniehing Goods Glores, Houery, Collsrs, Ties, Cravatt &o le has everything in his line And he wont le andtrtold. That's What JOHNSON Has 7 Sodtii Main 8t., Ann Arbob. VjONEÏ CAN NOT BUY IT. POK SIOHT ISPBIOELESS ■$&&&' THE DIAMOND CLASSES, Manufactiupil !■ J. E. Spencer Co. , N. Y.,whlch are imw offeren t- ' public, are pronounce'! y all tbe celebrated Optiannf tbc World to be the Mnst Perfect. Natural, Artificial ht'Ip to the hiimtin ey evirkiiown. 'l'bey are ground unaer tbeir own Buperviion. from minutCr7tal Pebble, melted loppthfl, rd delire theirname, " Diamcijd ," cu fteeoaBl of tht'ir liardoess nd brillinnoy The Sienliflc Principie OB wtiicli thov are cotiRlrui-tcd bi inpf the core or cpn tre uf he 'len dirfctlv is front f tlie eye, produc[nfí a clear and dihtinct vihinn, as In the natural, bealtliy nírIi t, and prnttng Jtll imrileiiaapt fenationB, such as (rlinr.nerinjr and wavering of 8ghtt diiílne, c, peculiar to all othiri lu nThey arcmounted In tho PINB9T MANNKR, ín fiami of tho bost quality, of all ntHterials osi'd for ihat purpose. Their finiah aml durability cannot o nurpaeu. CAUTION.- None genuino unlen bearing tbeir trademark stainped on erery frnnie. J C. WATTii & BRO., Jewelemand O]tio!ar,r olea:ent for AN'M AKBOR, MUIL, from bom thy can only be obtained. Th goodi are not supplted to red!?" tanj price. liflTjl TOTICE ! r.imf tnto hc enclosnro of the Pühscrlbcr, on or bont tho lth of .Ttily laat, o RKD STKKK mppooed lo be twu years oíd. Has loft ('fir cropped on tho under side. The owner i reqneatpd to provo iroperty, pay charges, and tnke sal'l anlmn] wnv. O1LESW. TICKNOR. Plttífleld.Nov. lOth, 13T0. ïaoiwi Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's for ohoice Wines and Liquorf for Medical Purposes .


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