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WHAT TO READ. A Dialogue !; the Wayslde. lirovm. - How are jou, Jonee? What paper have you there reading f What is tu news this flue mornfngf Jones- Oh, this ís my Detroit Web kt. y Tkiiiune that I have jn?t takrn frora the postofüce, flnd as uum1 ü i t-o full of (rood rcading tbat 1 Ctm't watt till I et home to look it over; and theu there is alwnys such a rush for it the moment it c mes into the house that I can't get a chance at ihq markets, which have every ycar s.ived me mauy timen the coet of the p.iper, nnlctrs I glance them ovar on th# road, as ynu jast caught me doing. tirown - You dont mean lo eny that the children retd tht pi per - catch mine Ter tourhing onel J-'ttes - Because yon don't the right kind Mj childreu Devof did nntil I omm.Miced taking tho Triiune, and uow they cannot rond enough. My wift wmild n more think of leaving one pttragrapn uureadthan she wonld of omittingher weekly wash. Robert my oldest son, takes great interest in the progresa of ihe Kuropcnn War and in the general news of the day whicn Is about ns ably potten up a in aiij paper I have seen. üeorge, my next, does not iest untll hehas read cach week's story, which he pen e rail y pronounces jttrectiy splendid. Kanny learns nll the poetry by hoart, and as they copvafl the ncw pieces by Tennyson, Lowell, Loogfclïow, Wlmtior. and the other great poets of the day, and puMi-h do (rash, I don't mind her doiog so. Sarah does not care for stork-s or uews, or petry,but he alwave flnds a rich feast In the Rossip and midcellanX of which each pnper contane alarbe inetallmcnt, and in the Michigtinncws which they make a specialty of, and which is uot equaled by any paper in the conntry ThefTmBi me ha1 U own pata cor respondents ín every couuty, and their reporta are alwayi freeh, lnterestiug and rellable. jiromi- Sogood a paper ought to 1)0 highly succesful How ís it with the Tkiii-ne? jones- The Trihune ncver flouriahed a It does to. day. Within a yoar it ha purchase'l round for and bnilt, whatpriiiterp teil me is onc of the complctest piinttng mce8 in the conntry They have Bpeut laree eums for new machinery aud other appüances, and nre working harder and spendlng more money tu improvlng theïr paper and in increaslng its circulation tlian ever before. Within three yeara their Veeklt issue has increaeed fully one-half, and they are expecting teis vear to Btlll add largely to it. It i a lisitive fact that the circulation of the Wesxi.t Tbibunk uowexceeds that of ahy two papers in the State, When yon go to Detroit you should visit the Thihunb office. You will l)e corjiallj' wclcomed and will find it will repay you. Brown- I thïnk 111 cali ; but what other good polnts has tho Wbekly Tribuís besidee those you mentioned 7 Jones- Well, there in its Personal and Polltical column which ia eaid to be surpasm-d for vlvacity and humor by nothtng in the weet : then the Reliioas column ever we k is very full and readable. The Farmer's column is preparcd reqularly by an old and experienced agriculturist, and I have álready adopted many of hi mggetftioiu with advantacc. The CongreRsional and Eigffltathre roports, when those bodies are in session are vejy full and complete, the edItorials are alwnys eound, the markets particularly correct anrl reliable. and indeed every department of the paper is made up with great care, tasje and judgment. Brown - I think I must subscribe for It. How much do you say it. is year t Jones - Two dollars ; but the pftmaflter at the Corners is talking of getting up ft club of twenty, when it will f.ome at a dollar and a half a cot.y lf he does not I dhail get up a club mylf, Beslrtes the paper every subsrlher for a full year receives, gracip, a copy of the Mxcokia.v Ai.mahac, one of the handigst little things you have ever uecu. Brown- Ye. I aw a QOÜCQ of the Aimanac in onr county paper, and I resolved ut otice to send for lt.but if I can eet One with the paper as yon iay I will certainly tflke the Trïiice for a year. Here take my money at once If the paper is all you say it is they may contit me in regularly. Jones - Iknow you will be pleascd witli it. Good day. Brown - Good day. A Ci.KAn Case or Poisonino- When we feel languid, dupressed in spirit, with a dull eort of aching sensation in the boncs of the lcgs and in the small of the back - restlessness, anxietyt yon may rest assared that you are poisoned by the malaria or miasma, that infection which glves rlse to Chili Fover, and Pever and Aguc and Dumb Agne, Prompt relief warranted It yon nse the groat improrement in medicine- Swcet Quinine, for aalc by all druggists Sold by Eberbach & Co . If you feel dull. drowsy, dobiiitated, have frequent headache, mouth tistes badly, poor apptite and tong u e are sufTuring from Torpid Liver or ' Biliousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently as Dr. Pierce's Ext. or Golden Medical l'iacovery, It also cure the worst lingering Coughs, at the same time etrengthening and purifying the whole syBtem. Remt-mber ibat Dr, l'ierce's private TJ. 8. Government Revenue Stamp, bearing upou it hls portrait, name and addresB, ie upon ev ry bottle of the Gennine. Sold by druggtots. SconI Hand and !Vew Orans And Melodeons for sale vcry cheap at lrof. Mills inupic room, No.43 Main Street. (Over Huil A Rob inson'0.) ïmtf ALVIN WIL8EY. Bonnty (o Soltlicrs. Tinne vrho enlistedin 1S61 outhe flrst cali ofPresldoQt Lincoln, ud who were huuorably discharged befare the explration of the term ot their euliBtment} are ectitled to $100 each, au bomity. Andnoldier enlisllnf onder act of July 4th, 18CJ re to be allowed the uupaid lustalmuuts ofbouDty if they were dlacharged by explratiun of service The above classes should inakc application to the nndereigned. Mrch'24th,18T0, lïïtf JOHN N. GOTT, Buauty and Claim Agmit.


Old News
Michigan Argus