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to pinmiMs ! Nkvv Yokk, Aueust Ifith, 18GÍ-. Allow tno to cali your nftontion t" my l'UKPARATLON OF CO.MPOÜND EXTRACT IWCHTJ. Tbc component paris are, lJfJCHU, Jiva Lkak, CuBÈBê, JUNii'Kit i;f.i;BIK3. Moi)E OF PllKPAKATION'.- Une' U, in vacuo. Juniper Berries, by tillmien, to f'rni n fine pin CurwriH (xt.rnrt.lf' liv iii-rl "'e!"1'"' ■ 'vi'h sniri's oh'iiiii'"' from Junipor Berries ; very littlug'r is uaod aA n smsll pr prutioii fil sipirit. ft is more palatablo than anv now in u'-e. llncílm H9 prry:irert ny Prneiis'M. i. of n lrk oolnr. ft 's a p'ant thnt fitiiitf i's frasrnnrp ; the aotion of n fl:ime destrovs Ü:s (its nctive principie). Vavinp a Hark and glutinouft decoc'ii'n. Mine is lie colnr of 'ingrvawntê. 'I li" Buetiu in my prepnratinn predominatn j the smallost qu'inti'y of the otlier incrPíiiciitB are nddeH, to prevent fcriiiPiitation ; upon ingppctinn ih wil I re ftl)(id not to he ;i TkiP'nre, os mado in P!;irtnaopfen, nor is it a SYniríind tferpfore fan le used in cncs where 'fever or inflammatinn exi". Tn thif, you have tho knowlfdse 'f tli ingrediënt, and the mode of propftration. llopinr that yon will favor it witli n trinl, and that upon inspcction it will meet wilh ymir apprnbation. V ith a feoling of profonnd nonfidence I am, very rpsppiitfullv W. T." HELMHOLP. Chemist and Iruggist of 19 Years' ExperieDoe. (From tho larppst Marnfactnring Chem 3ts in the World). NovBMBBR 4, 1854. " I am aoquainted with Mr. II. T. Hehnbold ; re oocupied tlie Drug Store ipposito my residcnce, and was successful in sonáuoting the business where others had not heen eqnally so beforc him. I have lieen, favornbly impressed with bis chsractfr and enterprine." WILLÏAM VVETGHTMAN, Firm of Power and Weightmnn Miinufacturing Cticmifts, Nimh aud Browu Streets, PbiladelpLia. HMBOLI'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHTJ! For weaknefld HrisinR from DdiKcretion. Theexhauyted powersof Na tu ni whicti are accorapanied hy ao many aUrinlnp syraloms, among wliieh will befound, ladlupositinn to exertion,LoRB of Memory, Vakffulnenfl, Horror of Diseas, or Foreb"lingR of Evtl ; inract,Uni vorsal Laseitnde Prostraiion, and Inabllity toeutcr intotbe enjoyments of society. THE CONTITÜTION once affeeted with Ognoic Wealinpse, requinjs tlie aid of Medicine to íi'.otlH-n and tovigorate tbe system.which URI'MBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHi: i'iviiilaM y di-i h. 1 f m t rea t ment in submitted tt, Con sumption or Insaniíy ensues. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT J3XJC3EXXJ iu affections peculiar to KeHilee, ifl untqualled by anyotïier preparation.a in (liloroii. or Re tent ion, Faititumrn.. __a _ --iMTinfouBtomarrEvacuations, Ulceratíd or Pciiirrus iat of tbe I ,-r"-. m".h,i complaintí incidental to the sex, or decline o change of lifo . II ELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU HPROVEl) ROfE W SII Wil! Dtiln-ally extermínate from the syateni dieease urising fw habite of dUsjpation, at little expenses Üttle r ri" cliHii'f in iiet, no iDnonvenience or ex poen re ; completely upcrseding thon uopleaoan and dantceroua rvmedivh , Coptlva and Mercury , in allthese dieases. TJ8E HELMBOLD'S FLUÍD EXTRACT BUCHU In all iligeaees of these nratm, wliether exiptlug ! malear témale, from wh&terer cause origlnating and no matter t.f how lonir tandlng. H ia pleatiaD in taste and odor, ' ' immediate" ín actio , and mor strepgthening than nny tf the preparatioufc of Hark or Jron. Thoite "nfTorÍDK Ttcm brf-kcn rwror delicate contituttona , yn-z-ji'. ■ te reped_v at once. The rt-n.liT miint to aw.tre tii-it, huwever liglit m y be the atUckof tlie above (HMat (t Jfl eer tain io affect thebotlily benlili and mental powers AM the aovf iIUwm'k requiie theaidof a Ditire tic. HELMÜOLDS EXTRACT BUCHU is a great Diuretic. Soïd by Drugglsta Everywhere. Prlce $1.25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $6,50. Delivered to any address. Describe Symptoms in all cc mm TiliatioDs ADDRESS, H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehouse, 594 BROADWAY, ISTew York. NONE ARE GENUINE nnless done up in steel engraved wrapper, H of m y Chtmicul Warelicuse and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by W WASHTENAWCOUNTYj nnnppno 'Sm öwj 2S!8 3p p PB? JS3 NOTARYPUBUC ANO ; . GENERAL 5 kU ÏJ L-Jfc-. Jü CONVEYAHCER t-JL- jL--j JL - jfc -rit, j A.NTD REAL ESTÁTE FXCHANGE ! ! The u tid'-r-íIirníMl liavinj; n pprlect Rettprd liMnry n i!i ■■(■ Ui" K.-;i! E'tato Tl tic in thi ;u v, and in tfe Couni? ol' V i-n; i n i w, Ijik1 plíai-irí in tinnoniicip to the public thfct C6 vill cxrninp titlcpive '■ ntfftetso1 Eal lMite ti'le. mako ncttln mortgwet ovntmct nd otLer 1'jji1 pa per 8 on tli shortw : Will ñu mak e naleol ( itv prftpei-tj nn :.i ti . i rnt hout a , and forocloM" roortffges. I'er gitins iiui'iL' --i Ijí-i.'m "f Real Etato titl, wtU t oqlle1 tlial Ul Btokj takcio Tux Titira nni i I! (. lntcrnl iiiAtteis wtilcli t'-.icli aaob parttouUirdttdorip tipn; 'iri'i all mortgaeii, anol9it (r mo.lfrn whicli aptar to be attllaubaliitlng of record atthftpn MM I illll'. I offer the ("Honing Roal for sale : Vo.lOO. Th Mtldiiy Iloune an-.i Lot uu División Stivet. iío. 101 . Hom o Lot in Efisoook'a arldition PllC8ftJfti N'o. 102. To Story Uur-k House OB Sprftig Strooi . ; No.103. Two sto.-v Wood HojiM "n Spring SlHpt. N'o. lül. i(e TÍDuee, I,ot and Earn just wct uf La'w Collfff Nro. 105. Hone, Otit-hotis, Bnrn and .r ncrn. of I anfl ,Water Fomit,.i:c.- vvry deairablc Vrnperty. No.106. Hnuse an'l 3 acres of Land insile corporation. iXo.107. Houm nn't Lot just south of tbeUriiTersït.v rnAthiig NTo. 108. 15á acres of í.antl oast of the Univcröitj' (ii ou mis. ío. 1P9. Cflty Loti npsrlv opposite Dr. ChaseV Printing Kstablishuinnt . NTo 110. One Two Stoiy Wood Dwelttig on State Ptrffít. N'o. 111. One eipnt Two 9tOVJ Brlck House noar University Square. NTo.112. 30 acres with buildini; just uottli f the City. No. 113. One Tmo fc'tory Hoiso jast aortb Cemetry Gronnls No. 114. Tivu lïrick House west idof ITniverity Q.apar, NTo. 115. fi aoresjuM wesi nf th City. N'o. 110. 5 Mcrefl with buiMingi just wet of the City. N'o. 1J7. lfi(tarr(!s wilh bullnina;!) and iaprorenientH 5 miles north- poo:l sitaatioOi ; NTo. 1T9. 3C0-cres- íyiü fam uUlaiK-iese. N'o, 119. 2,0i,(i aeren of Wild l,anN in thf Cwnties of Wayne, Ifonroe, RfejMtV and Shia flMti, hly Abstrüct Books arepostedto laU. N'o. 1Ö0. One Three Story Building on Iluron í?treet ( est. No. 121. 175 acres on Uirtdle Road to Ypsanti. N'o. 122. 40 aeres on South Road with Buildings and iinprort-meots. N'o. 123. 240 acres on Nortb rextei Road %% rnilo oif, , ;:,tí inaproemriit s. So. 124. And much olher Keal state ootherein included. Thrro are many old mortaerps in Washtenaw Conn. Ijl nndtacharaed of Kt-crd, and tb Iftwj of Limita linngaa to Mortgr.ges is different frnm thtt appllca ble to Kefil Enlata. Tarini h' i.'oiAinJ,sion en bh1b of Real Estáte, one ' pr cfiit. il' Ntile inadft. Ratea for seftrch of Keal Fulate Ti tl e cVntfi per vnr foT Deedn nd si x cents a yenrf'r Mortjjafs "ntil chanift of notie1. No charges will be made for examinatirn of litle, mnkiiiir paperï or recQrding, t partiei K-h J'yf ni?;]rj througb in e, M ti"v wantod to loan on unincum bereii Real Etate from oom to five jears,at 10 jjer cent. Interest n't to the tender. Aun Arbor , March 20,18.70, TRACY TV. KOOT. A COMPLETE STOCK OS1 1W AND SEASÜABLE GOODS, NOW BEING RECE1VED FIHLEY & LEWIS. WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTI0N OF BUYER8 TO OÜR LARGE STOCK OF Kip &Calf Boots, MADM BT HAND unnu for otiB TBung. &yéet Quíbita f Xia a hecent imtrovejienV Repaces the uso of tho Bittf.r SrV.PHATS (■i.mne, wi:h wliich all nrc familar. Dosu för dosu, it is FULLY JQUflL IN EVERï Wï TO BITTEfqUININE. I AND I.IKK IT IS TUK O.NkJ GKiÁt, POSITIVE mul l Vil H.KVM { CURE FOEku DISEASES of MALAEI0U8 (KIQIN. una Ague, UutersuitCtMit Fcver, CW11 Fcvcr, líi mil ti nl Tex-rrJ 1 Itllluus 1'iJr, an.l 11 loriK train of disorders ftl.owing tneso bcn iicfiliMicd. ƒ STVEET QITÜVIIVE I is mido solrly liv,m 1', ri.vinli BfJ'fc, (8O Is tpr Quinín.) tberefore is of V$otablo orifili. and nota Mineral poison, lmlon tho ooiul-iu-y la inivc(i t be oneoi the ifoincuts rounU in tiie blood of all In nll hy pejEoÖh 8W15ET QrnïIÏE I acts ik nn antidote to, (as woll ni a curo for,) áiiiluri! or miasmntlc pollnu, tlio al)3orion of whieh by the hnifl i-anaes Iiüi-riiliitiMit Fnverg, etc. ïlie oiilvladvantage cliiiiied for I SWEET QT'IÏVIA'K ovor tfjp uso of old Bitter QuinineJls tbo enürrf absence (.ftinu. btteam, .rlii,.lt Mi((i.. ss, whic-b in tlie latter la imlinsurmotuuable obetuele is dm wltb iuit porBonsjaad Blwaya vi,n i-hil.lruji. I SWEET QmnHB (Li iiltwo forins- In Powder for tlioliso of hyii''ii)H'. ftnd priigglgtt, :uid 1 inil. for UTSJ' 1' fumily undTor the Kcm'nilVibUJfc. Sedns, Farr &&(& j IWUFCTURING CHEMISfR, j I . VliW TOIIK. jf ForSalcb.v Khcrhacl, f Co., iiriiesists. 1WI GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'e for 9trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints,Oils,&c. 8 3 i U B í . A -. . 5 B H n z B O i " fitw M il ■ b ZZ n H 8 t H b á i H W h H s fcía S.L na S H H w í Ei i rñ ü j u w Hgw ce B n8o P 'Oí! 7 1 . 5;. H Q 5 pOR CASH YOL' CAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C SÜTHERLAND &ECO. Ana Arbor.Ianuary ,1870. 1252 Cointiiii-sioii'Ts' Notice. STAT ' OP M 1CHNJAN, Cpunty of Wushtenaw, ks. Thi nndéreliiedi havfn'g beéb ftphotattflby thfl Probate 'onrt lor ml ' otinty. OmmilniiFi to re ceive, S'wnlne, mid adjnst all claims nnd demands of all p-noaa agalnat the catate of Lvdia Cnurch, lat o sald i onity deconped, hnrehy givc noticc th:it six m nths from diït' ari' allowecl üy orrter of eaid Proba ■ Conrt. lor credltors to picpent their .Juin)anlnt 'he estáte of &aid deconfed, and th(-y wlll m"it at the office ot the Wíishteimw Mutua' Fire Innnrancc Company in the city of Ann Arbor in sakl C'ounty, on Sntnrdav !he eleventh day f Pebnmry,:i ui Moiidiy, the üfih ilav of.Inne. next at t-n "o'cluck A M of mch of uld day, tö remvi examine, and adjafit saïd claims Dafd Ivcmher Mh, A. I) 18 ". Commissioners' Notice. ST VTR OP MICHIGAN County of T 16 andersjgnedi havins beon appoluMd l)y the Probate Conrt for raid Couiilv. Comiisioners toreCAiivt;, cxamiue imd adjuat all ciaimi? and demands of all pe -sons "mraiimt the estáte of Samiu 1 Urlt. late of sai i Countv. deceaaelvhcr?iby glve notice thut six montiis from "date are sllowed, by order of paiii lribate Conrt, for creditors to present their claims agninstthe estáte of said deceastd, and that they will meet at the store of B. F. Whituker, in Au ■ !i-!'i in said County. on Saturday. (he elevenlh day of February, and Tue-day, the sirth ilav of .Tune next, at 10 o'clock A M. of each of aaid day. to receive, examln, and adjnat sald claims. Dated, December 6th . A. D. 1870. 129'J' .F.wmWKKR, Commi86loner8. OommissianeTs' Notice, QTATEOF MICHIGAN Couutyol ÖTheundersignnd haring boon appointed by the Probate Conrt forsaid Connty.G'ommÍ88ouer8to receive examine, and adjimt all claims and detnand of al) persons agninal llie estáte of EUz J. Oagood, late of said County. deceosed, heréby pive notiw tlat Ix monthK f rom date are allowed by order of said ProbaieCourl forcredttorstoDresentiheir cHimsagainst tiH'est.ateofaid(1eceased. imdthatthey will meet at the re-sidence of Oassius M Oiood in the town of Aim Arbor. in aaid County, on Saturday, the fourthday of Pebruary and Priday, the aecond day of Jnne next, at tin o'clork A M.,of each of said daye, tu receire, examine and tuljusi uaid claims. Dated, Di-cemnerïd, A T. 1S70. Wil. MAM P HROW.V. ifnmmlBBlnner 1299 JOIISc:. MKAI, i unnmissloners Mortgnge Sale DEFAULT bavlng been mndc in the conditlon of a mortjja.'c cxenited ly Patrlck O'Keefl' aud Mary O'Koeff, his wifc, to I.ester L:itimer, dated Auj_'Urt 17tht A. I. 1SGS, and recorded in the Kefiister's oftlce lor Washtenaw Countj, Michlrnn. on the Mli flaj of Ancnut. A. D. 1S08, in Mber 33 of mortttgee onpare4TS by wliich default the power of sale coníamed in sairl mortiipe bernme operatiye. and nn proceediDKI in luw or equlty haring boen n ftltuted to recover the di'bt secnred by sald mortga;c ormjy part thereof, and the snm of twn hundred and forty-flve and ?2-tOO dollars belni: now claimed to be due npon said mortage : Notice is therefore hereby glven thtit Raid mortprage will le forecloscd by 1 of the premmes described in said mortgape, or come part thereof, to-wit : AH of the followiae described land situaud in tin1 i ity of Aim Arbor, Michigan on the north sirte of Ilnron River, vU : cnnimenciiiK on the sart Mac of Traver street or J'nttlc road as it is markcd in a a map o Ann Arbor made by D. A. IVtMbom: in 1M at the northeast corner of a picce of innd formerly belonuiiis.' to Dwijrht Kelloirn, and known as the Cliirk lot ; Iheuee -asterly it rfghl ancle with iiiicl street or road on the north line of airi Clark lot slz r'iflK : theoce norlherly jjnrallfl witli lald Btrcet four rodo ; thence westèrly pnrnllel with aaU flrst line rix rods, to said straat; theoco onlherly along the piihI line of unid Btreet fonr md.s tu the place óf beginning. bstnK the same urumoes conveyeHtoïaTd Patrlok o'Kt'efi by Patrlck Donovan and wiiv. liy deed Anu-A Fcbruary S6th, lsiit, at public vendue, al the Cmirt Honae, in the City of Ann Arbor. In eni.l County, on the ltU duy uf February next, al uutm. Dated, November 21st, 1S"fl LESTEIi I.ATIMEE, N. W. Ciiüitvii, Att'y. J2!I7 Mortgnaee. IJKOPLE'8 DRUG STOxviil R. W. ELLIS & CO. A.N"N" ABBOR


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Michigan Argus