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Our Coal Fields And Manufactures

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Among tbo latest discover. ts of coal in Litis country is a wonderful d ;poak in the Torritory of Wyoming, lying itn'meliately wst of Ncbraska, and coffipri pinga port ion of the Kocky mi uutains. Tuin oogl bod extendí along ih? TJailnimi. a distance of three In ndiei mil"?. The qualit; is siid to ful!j e ual Lehigh eoul, yisTding {o thonsand feel of gas to the ton. The workings at various plaes-(4u)W the vein to bo ilürty tyfortv ttü;t Joep. A cotnpaiiy is takirij out ü,0 lO'tons per laootli, aud the arti!e ÍHS(íiliní t the lmv rate of sevcnty iivo ééfitü lii ue dollar per ton. The Central I'ci2o are using it on the eastern end i thsir road. I'rof Iiayden, l'iitu.l St,:'es Geolojñt, %vhc fus lately returned fiom Wyoniing, where he has been piosecuting his g'ological investi iraiiuns, tpeaks in high terms of that Tet r tiJiy. Not only ducs t cofitaiü itn(jepso cuál fiultii, but iron ore exista it great abuud.inco, wiiiic a oareful test of the bou on tlic MIN aud vslleys sUows that ihcre is uu part of iba Territorj tb at would not yiold, by rriijalio:), fort btisheta of per acre. The vast and oexhansuMe coi] íiell (if ilio United tita tes uto smong the uio.-t important of all forma of our Ik'enl wc.:l!li. These fields linyereoeutly been eptimated ut two hundred thouaand square miles, nnd lbongh stupendous. it is evident, f rooi the frequent develupitent oí new eoureop, thut thu cstiuiato s a moderate one. Tlie importauce of this incomparable store of unnoenlrated meoHftüioal force k il I lic realized only wlien taken in connecjjon wiib the immense cxtent ol fer tile landa wiihin our nalional limits whicli are oapable oí pUstaitimp ati im uien.e tnanüfac turing, s igrioul'ural anpulation. It atlds grcatly to the tigüiticüics cf tlie faot, thut th; i-'ch lam! and the rich mioes aro to sj largo uteit in du-e proiimity. In tha proat coalfiüKis of Illinois, Iüdi ma, Keuluoky, scores of tliousinda of sijarii mil 's f esuberaiitly productivo lau1 evéile :i weight of coal oxoeeding, hy many i'old, all Lhat of the liritisli islcs, ofezeelleDt (Miality, aud casüy procircd. llere, auii.i ahnost boundlets coro and wheal üolds, a gys'.eui of mnoufaoturii j ijS'ire to arise, tucli is the worid lias nevel1 yet sein). In th Missouri ui:d Ai kansas biisin, as well as in Pennsylvaoia, Marylaod and Virginia, ii;im''i;.i quttntities of oo-.i 1 are assooiated with lauda oí reat fortility. The period when agre! mffnuftcturing enterprtse Bhall Ie rstabli-ihtd i these Biutcs, Jepeiuis iiiain'y upon the Btátea ilieíiisoives. 0.::c etablishfd in such p-oüüo regiuns, uianulacturii g itulusiries w;li not, like those of utber mauufacturiiig countiies, ba iu a state of depauduuce upon diskant and foreigu codnti fa for food, bv Engtand uow being obliged tu suj píement her natural deneifneies the rropirtation oí food for hor worters, to tlte aoiount o! four hjindred milliui.s of éoll rs per ;:uimin. Haviog ia abundamee t'ie power, food, nou, c 'gper, lead, cottnii th abil ity to pr. üu: an adiquatu of ïvool, and an uulmtited sco;e fur populatioM, ihi'ii there is uotbiog to prevent the Uuiti d States from becomin, in due time, the tope!!! st nai ufuc'.ttring uation ou the faae o.' ihe (lofee ü hér cnu.t.ries, 1) iviiig the (-lïri ttt ts, we fhal! have to make muny kacr:tices bsfi ra e can take our proper rank; !ui, wiih steady advances iu tavor ol' tbose le.-s eleiceutary ciecu alíciii thut tit unce uhar acterize and lurgcly constitute civilizaiou, vill anou briug umijlo reoonippn-e. i In thesa Ialtt-r das if fpeculation, plunder and dvgebcr.itcd moralí, a ' olleetioii of th ordi ol tl high ini:id(-d founder' cf our govertment it to me lika the goshiug of ihc :i,o! spring to the didday trareler in tho beated dese;t A friend relates the fi)lowttg anecdote of bis bynli daja : Having occas-ioM to write, he tiiought to supply himsulf witli h sheet, of letter pjoper from the desk of his grandfather who at that time had an c-fllco under the Federal Govtrnujeiif. " N"hat ;ro yr)u doiog thcre P" said the o!d peütleican. " Getütig a eet of paper, sir.'' ' Put it back sir, int it hack ; thnt paper belongs to the (jovcruujeut of the Uuited States." This old geutleman had the courage to affix his name to a certain document, pledgtng " his honor and his fortune" for its snppnrt, bat he laoked the courage to appropriate to his priva'euss the property of the Qnveïnment. How droll lie would appear were Le ameng us uow.


Old News
Michigan Argus