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gusta IJivcrtom j : W?.l. M. SINCLAIR, BOMMISSION MEROHANT IN GKAIN AND FLOUR, ov 10 UM LaSAM.S ST8EET, rllICAOO. EOO 'i líTOyl MACK & SCHMID, ,tiiFRS i" D'v Oood, CJruci-ries, Crockery, j! isaiiibMaiu gtreet. " c7 A LEITEU & CO., nirits ín DBrOS md Medicine, Pnre Wlnos Jifujaon fa' : "-poses, CIjtars 4c., I So.lGP'g'Ty Iíluck ' ■Á.WIDEÑMANN, Bxcliang Iiroker. R.vil Estufo andFIre TRACY W. ROOT, Aïtmvsftn Records of Wubtenaw Conníy.aud Cl - ■ No. 1 Grgory Block. (ÓBRIHALE, M. D. shtmrCB! Offlco No 18, córner Wllllamíand 'Siiíwis Keular offlco honrs. 1 to 3 Til A'i"' nl Prencriptlon frum 0 lo T 1'. M. ifi) daj. frce gratis to the i-nur. 1V04 ííTw. ELLTS & CO., .-nyQjs;-. in Paiius, OIls etc ío.2 jftMílotreet, Aun ■ ' 1 JÖHN KECK & CO., lo Furulturc of nll klnds, No.62Sbni1) jinu Slrctt, .:id 4 Wesf Liberty, Sireet, Aun ' J. Q. A. SESSIONS, f Ml Counsellor al fjiw, Real Katateamd iMiirauce Agent. Conveyai i íds and Coileóüoo ol (Un promptly attent ed !■ ■" liberal terms. OfMbDoouclyMBlocfe, np taire, HuroD Street, ■ft.H. JACKSON, DKTIST, üccosüor to CU. Porter. Office, corni ann Huroa Strects, imt the Btore of R. W(Bi4 Co , Ann Arbor, MI '. Auiesthetlce admln I' rcquircd. W. F. BHEAKEY, M. D. PTSICIAN AND 8URUI5ON. OIBci mnof Hurón anl División Rtreets, ttríl door luid PresbyterlanChurch. Aun Arbor, E. J. JOHNSON, OüWlUN" ll.yrs na C rawGoodi , N . 1 South Main Sttt,AliliAr!)jr. KtUKttLAND & WHËDO N' , ItFf aiFInlwarancc Agente aud dealcrsin Real &[ale. Vitre on tlurou Streut. Aliu ell Srgtriag Machines. W.D. HOLW lUEXTforthe Florence Sewlng Machina, nd il.-r.lcr n l'Kiiires. Frames, Ac. N0.8J Easl Uuron Street LEWIS 0. RISDON, ÍÜAI.ER I Uardwara, Stovcs, ECouse Fatnlablng GcxkIs.Tiu WarOt .t '.. Nu. 31 South Mi,in : ■ BACH & ABEL, DULÏRSInDryGoodi Or rlu,&c, &c. No. 20 SobMi liain Strout, Ann Aruor. "iï AWSON & SON, SROCERS, Provlidon and CommlBsion tCetcbanta iijiiealcrsin Water Urne, Land Plaater, and PIalaFiru, No. 14 Sast llüron Street. S. SONDHEIM, fcHOLKSAU" :: ir in Beady Mnile ClothkbClotlu, Ca :::. uu l Qents'Pnrtishlnj; (Jood. No. Il Soutli M:ii:i Snvi :. WM. WAONBIl, JülLER In Beady Made Clothlng, Cloths, Cnssi■ntaodVwtlngs, n-itn Caps, Truiiks, Uarpet Bji,4c..2l Bonth Main 8trei t. GILMORE & FISKE, VWKSELLEits mul Stftüonera, Medical, Lawand College Test Books. School aml Miscellaneotu Books. No. 3 MortU Maiu Struet, Qregorj Block, Aan Arbor. FINLEY & LE WIS, ÍBALF.RS in Boots. Shoce, Gaitera, Slp)Cia &c. No. ÍEast liaron Street. R. TARRANT, LIDIES' Fníhionablo Slioe Honse, No. 24 South . Mún B'.rcot. LR O C K E U Y , BLISSWARE & GROCERIES. ..'T. & P. DONNELLY favetn stort' a largo stoek r Crockery . . iassware ?tJWare,CuUery , Qrocerie, ie. .Sc, all U b J MUltunuaually ]ow prieta N'o.l2Eit HuriuStK'i' .ni Arbor1128tf J.fcP. ÜONXKLLY. ' JOHN G. QALL, IDEALEU I3ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, I. Mtty, SAVSAGES, , , Orders solkiti'rl and promptly fllh-d with tlieboet ■ U 'm the market. BI Eaat Washington bu .inn Arbor, Sopi. Hth, 1 1236tf Ti v i : ryTñFsale stablëT J.B1. AXTFXL, Cotncr Main aud Cathariuc atreets. Horsen buurdtöoa reasonable terms. Second&and binrgies, cul" and hand harucps for sa'.e . Ijtjv 1 M ARKSËY, qLPLSL Maninacturerof Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, _ANpsLRl(IISof L-wry Btyle, of the best ■li:riul, aud warrjinted. Iïe[:iiriiiLr done piomptlï I'nces rimsonnlik'. Delroit Street, neiir K. 1Í. Pi'.AnuAtbor, Micli. WUyl VMBER YARDÏ „ C. KRAPF iV' lari;e and t!l tookod Lamber Yard, on Jf. !''nS;ri(-t.iü the noutli pari t.f theClty', ana wlll ltatiy on hand an excellent Ta riety of WJMBER, SHINGLES, .. LAÏH, 4C. 2rtitW""e8Ola"'owain be afforl5e1 '"nii8 foet ■ Taal1 primes sticli that uo one need to go te COXKA1) KBAVFi 0Arljor.0et.Ut.ie69. !li! I ÜGÜ8T 1 oth, 187Ö. NEWWHEATFLOÜR enporior qualtiy, at tlic ■ ASNABBOR CITY MILLS. fe nI lilt"d Uorn Mcal, coarK Mul. Grnham ÓrïïvT? :.)iid qnallty i'loir ai li.w prUe,- nrir, hot,and all kinds of Peed, at lowesl Ja-h "lttlld1livured luany puri of the city. Terma rS"iÍÍÍSñdei"0J Otáet " at the r""1 mCC lftï J. T. 3WATIIEI, A. WIDENRfïAWN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT , ANN ARBOK, MICIf. ODPrFEKS FOB S-A.XE = 53 cros of land, wïtliin on half mll fr'm tiu'citv tobe boW in v-tafje, parcela, as follona : 24 acrf na f.prli"M 1Ü, tit tlio town of Ann Arbor borloriii v: r tlie nT n tho rond lemlinr t CornwilN7 i; in i U. s, a ii il on llit' mc u li od 15 aores'attaatedon the northwot ooror of th (Mi liiun marl and tlie nai'ï Comwl I Kru-i or; ro1 . f Tii ís is cue of tliO budflomftst ituatiuD id the neiflihorhond of Ann Arbor. J 13-Aorea imjproTed hisd JoIoHig ihe &b&vel5t acres aud frunting Guriiam Ko&d. Porty ioresOi Pfr1 Clus Faririnj; I.aiul, with rooi O roha rl nl Bam . í ; in i fel f vt i m tbc Cou r t BOUM i on rlif o]i"T Dixboro roail. 1 arp of liiii'l witli a oe' two story frame bouno on ThofDpsAOf Bjioor ft rbowpw nf ddttion if the City OÍ Aun Al Uor . 7 lot s of % acre eacii,ou Thuuijison, Spoor iïThomp scn's A'i'iiii'iü. Í) acros of liipd, wtth a sjiïeinliil grove, jnin: ui; Uul'iit!iion:s ark on the West. 1 il L'-ift and l% luts of lanil, wlth Barn, Vaeh. Kitchen, Carrinse House, and a numbur 0 f modern Imprtivviuctiis, oo i )ie nurtbwest uu uut oi Fourth .ni'. i':i eh i mí 81 reets, l House and liOt in the 2dWard, on South I.ibertj Street. i Hoase isd 3 Lots in theW Ward, nerrSd Ward tchuol House, 1 House auU 4 Lots. ucar the U.C.R.U. Depot. 20 iteren 0flao4 In tbesoath of tbe .Iste of Missouri. mnr the llannibal $-St. Jiseph Kailroüd. 2 City I.ols net 1 Wiinï SobootBooM. A. WIDENMANN, FOBEÍGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANxi AEDOK, MICH. SELL5 AKD SUYS BEAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON' ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES l,i GEET BtUTAlN, GEKJÍANYFKANCEWITZBRLANlt.eto. Mydio1 counections wjth b'arope ouable mei o (Ter a fiír rule1 apy N Y(rK ] lm; m . llttiM'inber. I uin notan Hift-ut of nny heuse in thi-i ciuntr ( bul I nu baring direct oommuulca iiin v.tih iho bent houaCüin Eurofie. 00LLECTI01TS IK EUEOPE i'.Y POWER OF ATTORHEYOB OTHKRWUE, W1I.L 1)E 1'KUMriI.V 4TTÍ M)KU TO PAS8A ii i Ti CK ETS psr Steatner to aud front ïï#w Tork to all princi■ - I i'llll e Vfit] tl I.ii i:_i; . From Ne York ta Southampton, Huvro, I.oudou, Bittueu , ur BaDlburg] 1-t Clags. EdClaiB. Steirafre, Return ticket-. -J'-ü. 125 .01 " " UtClsss. idClass. :il Clara. Í1.0 $72. ÍÍOinUold. fahin, SO tn $100 Currency. tteprge, iu in Canmtfl'...:n Liverpool toKew Yurk.iVI in . Í 100. SU'cr6';,a7. WIDENMANN, FIBE INSTJBANCE AGENT -A-DMiN" ASBOB, Kortl'o IIvard ïii.-urflnce 0 . i" Ni1' Vork Olie i iIjt-L-uiest aiij beat Cpmpanles ín thecnuiitij". The Tentonïn Insuranco CompaDJ i.) Cleveland Tli e honorable and mnaj[einn1 tt ihiv i ipti" tutiua nadeH one ol the naost rt-liubk' í'ire InsuraiiceC(-ii'! anll-a i the V f.-t. cuas. ÁTleít eü & co., CHAS. A. LEITÊB& CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & ÜO., CHAS. A. LEITEK & CO., No. 1 Giegory Bleek, Ne. 1 Öregory Block No. 1 Oregory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, 1" Sign of the Gilt Mortar E Sign of the Gilt Mortar SW Sign of the Gilt Mortar CW Sign of the Gilt Mortar '1 i'IAVK Jl'ST OI'KNKD IIAVK JU.ST OPENKD HAVE JUST Ol'KNED HAVE JUST OPEXEI) 'J'he Fiiiest Stoelt of The Kineet Stoelt of rJL'lie Finest Stock oí The Finest Stoelt oí DRUGS AND MEDICINES DRUGS AP MEDICINES DRUGS AND MEDICINES DRUGS AND MEDIC-1EKS IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. m PURE WIJÍE3 AND LÍQUOKS K-r Medicina] Pnrppoer. Tlie Popular Pat en 1 MciiefiioK oit' eptfp ft fitsti-l;i Dmg Siii ,.. .'-. :i EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGAÏIS. ÏBY THBM. Solo Ageut-. ii. l City fur Otto dL Ucjoder's celebratf tl SURf.ICAL AND _DKNTAL INSTltUMKNT8. F8HBCUI, ATTKNTION GIVFK ÏO THE OOMVOUNPINROF I'HVSICIANS' PRE81HIPTIUNS un.l KAMIl.Y MEDICINES. 128 rR. (J. B. YOÏÏYËJ DEDSTTIST. Office in the NEW BARK ELOCK, AHN AEBOR ÉLll Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMEV IVITU CARE. ÜNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERI3NCE SETT1KG ARTIFMAL TEETil, TC) (ÜVK KACH ïNMYIH:AL, Dcnturcs of int proper sixe, fhapecoloT, Jirimteesand na al exprctuion. 1244 JACOB HALLEH, 32 HT7RON STREET, (EAST OF COOK'S HOTEL. C LADIES' FINE GOLD WATCHES, GOLl ANO SILVEK American and Swiss Watches, GOL AND SILVEU CIIAIKS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &c c. GOLD PKNS, Thfl Porfoctad Umin Muriis' B&VlpfVAtflXB. hüvur Spups, &c. [i : pEOPLE'S DRUG STüi.r.i R. W. ELLIS & CO. AiMISr ABÏCK


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